The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1386 A beautiful bowl of pork liver noodles (Thank you, the everlasting Emperor Yan!)

Liu Ligan got up at around six o'clock. He went downstairs and walked to the gate of Huancheng North Road in the dynamic zone. The rolling shutters here were open and many merchants were still unloading goods. Liu Ligan spoke to the security guard standing at the door. I said hello, walked in, walked through the entire market, and walked to the gate of Stadium Road.

Liu Ligan stood at the gate and took a look, then walked down the steps, crossed the Stadium Road in front of the gate, walked to the opposite side, passed through an unknown alley next to the Hangcheng Department Store, and arrived at Jesus Hall Lane.

There is a White Deer Noodle House here. It was early in the morning and the noodle restaurant was already full of people. Fortunately, everyone was in a hurry for breakfast. Liu Ligan squatted at the door and smoked less than half a cigarette. There was a seat inside. Liu Ligan hurried in and put his cigarettes and lighter on the table. This was considered as grabbing the seat.

He walked to the counter, ordered a bowl of fried pork liver noodles, added one egg and spicy, and after finishing his order, he went back to the seat occupied by cigarettes and lighters and sat down.

"China, I almost picked it up and smoked it."

A middle-aged man sitting opposite, eating noodles, jokingly said to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan smiled and said, "Just smoke it, you're welcome."

As he said this, he took out a cigarette and handed it to the other party. The other party was embarrassed and quickly said it was just a joke.

Liu Ligan said, come on, it’s just a tube of cigarettes, you’re so polite.

The other person thanked him and took it. Liu Ligan took another one and handed it to another middle-aged man sitting next to the middle-aged man. The man was stunned. Liu Ligan said, the food was unevenly distributed. Better than killing.

The other party laughed, thanked him quickly, took it, and clamped it to his ear. Liu Lipole handed another one to the young man sitting on his right. The young man looked at him and asked, if the food is not shared evenly, is it worth killing? He then laughed and took the cigarette.

Just this one cigarette made the people at this table happy. They chatted enthusiastically while eating noodles. People who didn't know next to them would definitely think that they were here together.

Liu Ligan's pork liver noodles arrived, and he ate them while they were still hot. After two or three bites, he was sweating profusely. The noodles here were really good, and it was worth walking all the way.

The hot and spicy bowl of noodles made Liu Ligan feel like he had been in a sauna, but he felt really happy. When he stood up and walked back, his steps were much lighter.

Walking back to the gate of Stadium Road in the dynamic zone, Liu Ligan became excited. He saw some people coming on bicycles, parked their cars in the parking lot, looked around, and then asked the people standing in twos and threes in the parking lot. After receiving a satisfactory answer, they stopped. Others asked the security guard, who also gave them a satisfactory answer.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch. He hadn't arrived yet at eight o'clock. No need to ask, these people must have come for him, not to the M-Zone. The exhibition started at nine o'clock, and the M-Zone also opened at nine o'clock. The rolling shutters at the gate, It is only about one meter high now, and only people inside can bend down to get in and out.

From this door to the third floor, you must go through the gate. Go to the third floor and go all the way to the end. There is a door there. When you walk out of this door, you will see the gymnasium in front of you. At the entrance of the gymnasium, there is a banner for the exhibition. On both sides, flower baskets were arranged.

It's still early, the market's gate has not yet opened, and many people are sitting on the steps at the gate.

This time, Liu Ligan and the others were afraid of attracting their colleagues, so they didn’t even put up a guide board on the first floor, let alone put up a slogan. “Zhejiang Jinxiu” is four dazzling words. As long as their colleagues see it, they can’t say anything. I'll take a look upstairs to see what they're doing.

Anyway, everyone who came to participate this time was notified by phone one by one. At the end of the notification, they did not forget to say, when you arrive at the entrance of the dynamic zone, if you can't find it, ask the security guard. Hagen has deployed extra security guards in the parking lot before and after today. They also had a meeting in advance, so they were very busy today and knew what was going on on the third floor.

Liu Ligan walked up the steps, took out his cigarette, and gave it to the two security guards at the door. Then he bent down and entered the market through the half-open rolling shutter. He walked through the entire market and arrived at the gate of Huancheng North Road, where he found the parking lot. There were already a lot of people at the venue. Liu Ligan grinned, feeling confident.

Liu Li went upstairs and unexpectedly found that the door of Zhang Chen's office was open. Before he could get closer, he heard the voices of Tan Shuzhen, Ying Ying and Lao Tan talking inside, and together with the air-conditioning in the room, they came out of the door. , he walked in and saw four people, Tan Shuzhen, Lao Tan, Ying Ying and Zhang Chen, sitting at the conference table having breakfast.

Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen, why did you come so early?

"I was woken up by this bastard." Zhang Chen pointed at Tan Shuzhen opposite with his chopsticks, and Tan Shuzhen laughed.

Lao Tan asked Liu Ligan to sit down for breakfast. Liu Ligan said, I have already eaten, Bailu Noodle House, fried pork liver noodles, add one egg and spicy, it tastes great.

"It turns out you were eating alone. I thought you were still sleeping." Old Tan said with a smile.

"If he can still sleep today, he will be a saint." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Mr. Liu, have you seen that someone is already here?" Ying Ying called.

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Yes, there are a lot of people coming to the front and back doors. It seems that our house can be sold very well today. I will take a shower first. A bowl of noodles makes me feel like I am being steamed." sauna."

"This is what happens when you eat alone." Zhang Chen scolded.

Liu Ligan laughed and reached out to grab the fried dough sticks on the table. Tan Shuzhen hit his hand with a chopstick and cursed: "Aren't you already full? You even added an egg to make it spicy!"

It's almost nine o'clock, and hundreds of people have already arrived at the front and back doors. The business owners who come to work in the dynamic zone are all wondering, what day is it today, and why are there so many customers so early in the morning? This shocked them too.

When the door opened, they were surprised to find that these people entered the market and went straight to the third floor. What was going on on the third floor today?

Curious, they followed up to take a look. Some business owners couldn't come down after seeing it. It turned out that houses were being sold on the third floor today, and the houses were being sold with zero down payment. They also started to choose a house.

Tan Shuzhen looked at the huge crowds of people in the entire badminton hall, and she almost cried. How long had it been since she had seen such a lively house sales scene?

She walked to the row of tables to take a look, and saw that everyone in Mr. Qiao's company was busy. There were beads of sweat on their foreheads, and she had no time to wipe them. There was a queue in front of everyone. On the contrary, , they prepared it for home buyers, but there were not many people in the rows of chairs.

Tan Shuzhen understood that in the face of such a scene, whoever has the patience to sit there and wait will definitely end up in the queue.

Tan Shuzhen walked around and discovered a strange phenomenon. She found that several drivers from the company were sitting there smoking and chatting. She asked them, why didn't you bring the guests to the scene?

The drivers told her that no one was going to the scene, Mr. Tan, we couldn't just make a trip with an empty car.

No one is going to the scene? Tan Shuzhen felt strange. People nowadays don’t even need to see the house when buying a house? She couldn't help but walked to the queue and asked those in line, none of you want to see the house on site?

People queuing up talked about it. Some said, "You don't need to see your house in Jinxiu, Zhejiang, we can trust it." Some said, "You can go see it after you buy it." Others said, "I'll dig the foundation for your building." I'm sure it's too familiar. I couldn't afford it before, but now it's good. Now I can afford it. Just buy it. What else are you looking at?

Yes, someone continued what he said, I received a call from your sales lady two days ago, saying that the event will start today. Our whole family had already gone to see it the day before yesterday, and we were already optimistic about it.

Tan Shuzhen kept nodding, she understood.

After a busy day, the first battle was won. At the end of the night, Mr. Qiao and his company counted the corresponding contracts that needed to be signed with Liu Ligan and the others. There were 837 contracts in total. Mr. Qiao's assistant, who was leading the team, came to the meeting. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed, their hands were already sore from signing so many more.

"Sign the autographs. After the autographs are signed, wine and beauties will be served, and all your people will go."

Liu Ligan told them, and the other party cheered, knowing that it was dinner and KTV. A girl shouted, Mr. Liu, what should we do?

Everyone laughed.

Liu Ligan scratched his head and said, "Well, take a look and see if there is anyone you like among our young men. If you like him, take him with you. If not, if you don't dislike me for being old, I will accompany you."

Everyone yelled "Oh", which made the girl blush instantly.

The next day, more people came to buy houses. Many of them were people who had already bought houses the day before. They went back and told their relatives and friends. These relatives and friends originally went out to do business together to make a living, and they were all in similar situations. After hearing this, He said there was such a good thing, so he asked them to come here today.

There are still many people who don’t believe this is true. They came here yesterday with the intention of taking a look. After arriving, they found out that this is really what happened. Today they quickly brought the deposit and the first month’s payment. The mortgage payment has arrived.

In the last two days, the number of people buying houses began to decrease, but Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen found that many of their colleagues appeared among them, and they knew in their hearts that the news had spread, but it's okay, you haven't figured out how yet. Come on, we're ready to close up and call it a day.

Once you do this kind of thing, you can't do it a second time.

This exhibition was a great success. In Hangzhou alone, Liu Ligan and the others sold more than 5,300 houses, and a total of more than 11,500 houses nationwide.

As expected, just as Mr. Qiao expected, more than two weeks after Liu Ligan and his friends ended their activities, someone already understood what they were doing and followed their lead. They also started doing it at the housing fair and were arrested on the spot. stop.

Then, the Housing Authority, the People's Bank of China, and the Finance Office came to Liu Ligan's company to investigate. After the investigation, they could not come to a conclusion. It was unclear what their behavior was. Everyone felt that they shouldn't do this, but why not It should be done this way, but I can’t explain why.

Regardless of whether it was Liu Ligan's Zhejiang Jinxiu or Mr. Qiao's Anxin Trust, they did not violate relevant laws and regulations when they did this.

The result of the discussion was to write a report and submit it to the superior. More than a month later, the People's Bank of China and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a document strictly prohibiting "zero down payment" and various disguised "zero down payment" house sales in various places. Such activities are definitely against the rules.

As for Liu Ligan and Mr. Qiao, because the incident occurred before the two departments issued a joint document, the relevant departments seemed to have tacitly allowed them to fend for themselves, but they should pay attention to monitor the possible risks.

Who will monitor? have no idea.

Anyway, after the evaluation, everyone concluded that there is actually not much risk.

"The apes on both sides of the strait can't stop crying, and the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains."

Li Yong called Liu Ligan and told him, you slippery man, don't think that I don't know what you are doing.

Liu Ligan smiled proudly and recited the two lines above.

Li Yong scolded: "You kid, don't be so proud. Don't fall into my hands. If you fall into my hands, I will crush you to death."

Liu Ligan laughed and asked: "What, Li Yong, now you have changed your position. Instead of crushing me to death, you are going to trample me to death? Isn't your weight enough?"

"Go away!" Li Yong cursed three words in a row on the phone.

Thank you Feng Zhonglie? , Don’t be too serious, see the original intention without seeing the future, Daosheng 123, Zhenwu Longyi, old2old3, book friend 140719121308709’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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