The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1384 One A, one C, and B in the middle to cross the bridge

Ying Ying designed two questionnaires and recruited more than a dozen people from various sales departments in Hangzhou. Ying Ying divided everyone into four groups, and divided the entire Hangzhou into four areas, with each group corresponding to an area.

Before departure, Ying Ying held a meeting for everyone and emphasized the matters that should be paid attention to during the investigation.

After the meeting, Ying Ying took the dozen or so people and set off under the scorching summer sun.

The entire investigation lasted for five days, and a total of more than 90,000 questionnaires were collected. Every day during the day, Ying Ying and her people left early in the morning and returned home late. Table, statistics are calculated at the first time.

Nearly 20,000 questionnaires are submitted every day, and statistics are also a huge workload. During the day, they are busy with daily work, and the people in the finance department have to work overtime.

The results of the five-day survey came out, which surprised Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen. Among those who were preparing to buy a house, there were not many people who wanted to buy a house immediately, reaching 43.6%, which was higher than what they expected in the future. Thirty-eight and seven percent of those who bought it were even higher, and the rest were people who had not thought about it.

This ratio is already higher than they originally expected and took it for granted. Without investigation, they really have no right to speak.

Among those who wanted to buy a house right away but didn’t, the top two factors that affected them in not buying a house right away were lack of down payment and difficulty in handling bank mortgage procedures. The current house prices are too high. The last one, this was somewhat beyond their expectations, which is why discounts did not promote sales.

For those who really want to buy a house, as long as their conditions permit, they will not think that the current house price is too high.

From this point of view, everyone generally agrees that now is a good time to buy a house. Although house prices are rising every year, the rising house prices also oppress home buyers from two aspects. First, house prices keep rising anyway. Tomorrow The house prices will always be higher than today, but today’s house prices don’t feel that high.

Also, because house prices are rising every year, buy early and benefit early. If you don’t buy today, you may regret it tomorrow.

Looking at the people who want to buy a house immediately, the highest proportion are people who do business and work in Hangzhou from other places. It seems that these people who do business and work in Hangzhou from other places have also changed their minds in the past few years and returned to their hometowns to buy property. It is no longer their first choice. After staying in Hangzhou for a long time, they have become accustomed to the life in Hangzhou.

The rent of houses in Hangzhou, like house prices, is also rising every year. In this case, those who live in rented houses certainly hope to buy a house immediately.

People who do business often have small money but are short on big money. Even if they have hundreds of thousands in their hands, it would be enough to use all of it to pay the down payment, but after paying the down payment, they have no working capital for business. .

For this reason, people who want to buy a house immediately are the main reason why they don't buy a house without a down payment.

Liu Ligan had a meeting with Tan Shuzhen, Lao Tan and Ying Ying in the conference room. Liu Ligan said, "Did you see it? This is the real market we are facing. I believe that you can get a glimpse of the whole country by peeking at Hangzhou. If you go to every If cities do surveys, the results will be similar.

Tan Shuzhen said with a wry smile: "What does this result mean to us? Those who want to buy a house right away still have no money in the end."

"Wrong, it's not that they don't have money, they don't have big money. They still have small money, and they are still paying the monthly rent, otherwise they would have been driven back to their hometown long ago." Liu Ligan said.

"That's not the same thing," Lao Tan said. "When they save enough money to buy a house, they don't know it's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse."

Liu Ligan picked up a cigarette and smoked it on the conference table. Liu Ligan said: "Then let's turn this year of the monkey into a horse. Let's make these people who want to buy a house right away be able to buy a house right away." Woolen cloth?"

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "What do you mean? Let's lend them money first and then let them buy our house?"

"Why should we lend them money?" Liu Ligan asked, "They took the money and wanted to buy a house. Why don't they give the money to us? Do they need to go back and forth?"

Ying Ying's eyes lit up and she shouted: "Zero down payment!"

"That's right!" The cigarette in Liu Ligan's hand was broken. He slapped the table and said, "That's a good word, zero down payment. As long as we have zero down payment, won't these people be able to afford a house right away? They will start from now on. , as long as they pay a mortgage payment slightly higher than the rent every month, they can have their own house immediately. Do you think they will buy it right away?"

"Yes, if so, of course I will soon." Ying Ying said.

Liu Ligan said: "We emphasize two points with them, one is zero down payment, and the other is to convert the rent into mortgage payment. We use these two points to impress those who are still renting a house but want to own their own house immediately. people."

"But this way, our risks will increase. What if someone cuts off the payment?" Lao Tan said.

"It's just these two idiots talking about their dreams. The banks' requirements for mortgages are already very high. Even with zero down payment, no bank is willing to do it." Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan said.

"We don't need a bank. We will do it ourselves. Our house has been built and left there. It will remain empty and will not produce any benefits. If we have an income of several thousand yuan every month, we can put it together." Will the cash flow look better immediately?" Liu Ligan said.

"Moreover, the real estate certificate was not given to them. What risks do we have? According to the contract, if he fails to pay the payment for the building in any month, he will move out on his own." Ying Ying said.

"After all, we are not selling houses, but renting them," Lao Tan said.

"No, it's not renting a house." Liu Ligan said, "If we talk about renting a house, no one will come. What we are doing is selling a house. It's the same as buying a house normally. As long as you pay the house payment on time every month, the house is yours." , As for the real estate certificate, it’s not that there is no real estate certificate, but the application is delayed. If you buy a house now, won’t you be able to apply for the real estate certificate immediately?”

Liu Ligan became energetic and his eyes were bright. He thought and said:

"Although ours is called zero down payment, it is not actually zero down payment. It is called down payment mortgage, or mortgage down payment. The home buyer can choose three or five years. The money he pays every month is actually a down payment. , when the down payment is enough, we can switch them to normal banking business. By then, the bank should be very willing to do their business, right?

"If you switch to the bank's normal mortgage business, you can apply for a real estate certificate. Moreover, we also agreed that the home buyer can shorten this cycle at any time. That is to say, in these three to five years, as long as he has money, You can raise it at any time and ask for the down payment to be paid in advance, converted to the bank's normal mortgage business, and to get the real estate certificate as soon as possible."

Liu Ligan talked incessantly. The more others listened, the more they understood. Even Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan became excited and felt that this matter could be done, but——

"Zero down payment, have you ever thought about it? If the policy does not allow it, the policy does not allow zero down payment business." Tan Shuzhen reminded them.

"Policies are dead, but people are alive. Only dead people will be strangled to death by dead policies." Liu Ligan said confidently, "The straight road will not work, but you can go through the detour. The front is There is no road on the cliff. If you build a bridge, there will be a road."

"Explain clearly, what do you mean?" Lao Tan asked.

"Our company directly stated that it is a business with zero down payment. Of course it is illegal and will be punished, but it is not illegal to build a bridge. Is it illegal for us to borrow money and use the house as a loan for others? It must not be illegal, right?" Liu Li Rod asked.

Lao Tan looked at Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying and said, "I still don't understand. Do you two understand?"

Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying both shook their heads.

Liu Ligan smiled. He stood up and walked to the whiteboard hanging on the wall. He picked up the whiteboard marker and drew two circles on the whiteboard. As he drew, he said, "This is Party A, which is us." This is Party B.

Liu Ligan drew a line between the two circles A and B to connect them. Liu Ligan said:

"If this Party B is a home buyer, and we have direct contact like this, it is not only illegal, but also very risky, but if that's the case..."

Liu Li drew another circle on the whiteboard, wrote the word C in the circle, and then connected B and C with a line.

Liu Ligan pointed to the "C" and said to them: "If this is a house buyer, did you see that Party A only contacts Party B, and Party C only contacts Party B? The most important thing is that Party A and Party C , that is, there is no direct connection between us and the home buyers. As Party A, are we still violating the law?"

Liu Ligan looked at the other three people, still looking at him blankly. Liu Ligan smiled and said:

"Don't be impatient. Things will get simpler soon. Anyone can do tricks. The tricks vary, but to be honest, they are all very simple. If they are too complicated, the juggler will get in trouble on stage."

"You talk so much!" Tan Shuzhen scolded.

"Say it quickly, there's enough suspense!" Ying Ying urged.

Liu Ligan didn't take it seriously and continued to be there. He tapped the "B" on the whiteboard with the whiteboard pen in his hand and said to them slowly:

"So, who is this key B? This is the bridge, the bridge we want to build, the bridge we want to cross, and it is also Lao Qiao of Shenzhen Anxin Trust. Then, if we turn this whole thing upside down, it will be clearer Now, house buyer C signed a trust agreement with Lao Qiao and the others.

"The content of the agreement is what we said before, whether it is zero down payment or mortgage down payment, anyway, I pay several thousand yuan every month and you help me buy a house. Isn't this illegal? Is it reasonable? First of all step completed.

"The second step, Lao Qiao and the others signed a loan agreement with us A. They lent us the money. They just agreed that the loan would be paid in installments every month. As a guarantee for the loan, we would pay each loan The other items of the corresponding house are given to Lao Qiao and the others. Isn’t this illegal? Is it reasonable?”

Liu Ligan drew a big circle, including the three circles A, B, and C. Liu Ligan knocked on the whiteboard and said:

"This is a complete closed loop. It seems to be one thing, but when taken apart, it is two things that are incompatible with each other. Which of these three people broke the law? Which one is not doing his own normal business?"

The other three people suddenly realized. Tan Shuzhen said: "This really works. The most important thing is that Lao Qiao and the others are financial institutions. Those who buy a house can rest assured that they sign an agreement with them. They don't have to worry about paying for the house for several years. In the end, the house will be gone." After getting it, he put it in Lao Qiao's hands, corresponding to the contract.

"As for us, the other terms are for Lao Qiao and the others, not for the home buyers. We have no risk. Once the supply is cut off, the other terms for this house will be lifted and it will return to our hands."

"Genius, this design, Mr. Liu, I must flatter you, you will get us all out of trouble this time." Ying Ying said.

"It's useless to flatter me. It depends on whether the home buyers will accept it or not," Liu Ligan said.

"Accept it, I guarantee they will accept it. They have all left their phone numbers. I will make a call right away and ask those under investigation."

Ying Ying said, stood up and went out.

Thank you Daosheng 123. Fengzhonglie? , Wu Family Courtyard, Zhenwu Longyi’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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