The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1383 I know it but I don’t know it

In the afternoon, the chirping of cicadas rang out from the large camphor trees behind the office and the willow trees surrounding the pond in front.

The chirping of cicadas makes this old academy converted from a temple, now the office of Zhejiang Jinxiu Real Estate Group, seem even quieter. It is so quiet that it is almost out of the noisy city, so quiet that it makes people drowsy.

Liu Ligan sat blankly in his chair, staring at the computer screen in front of him. On the screen was yesterday's sales statistics table for various places. The numbers on it were half-dead, making their entire company feel like they were still dead, and they couldn't live happily. .

More than half a year has passed. This year, at the beginning of the year, they expected sales to be very light. They didn't even dare to set a sales target for the whole year. How could the plan keep up with the waves of macro-control policies? What about a company? are worthy of stringent measures at the national level.

They expected sales to be light, but they didn't expect that it would last for such a long time. Even if real estate is a urinal, you still have to use it, right?

If it has been almost a year since the central bank raised interest rates in October last year, and there is not even a sign of loosening of this entire wave of macro-control, no one knows when it will end.

Liu Ligan stared at the screen. He felt that this situation must change. He could not just surrender and be chopped alive with blunt knives.

You can't influence the policies of the central government, so you have to start from yourself and take some measures to make the numbers on the screen fatter. Now they are all skinny, like Kafka's The Hungry Artist.

It has been several days. Liu Ligan has been staring blankly at the computer screen every day. He feels that there must be some way to solve the current situation. He feels that the way is hidden somewhere, but he still can't. could not find it.

The sensuality of the past few years has really made things worse. Liu Ligan felt that he had become dull. In terms of thinking, he had become fat and not so agile. There should be a way, so why couldn't he think of it? Pull them out of this mess.

Liu Ligan picked up a cigarette, stood it up, with the filter end down, and pressed it on his desk, trying to thicken the tobacco inside. Even the Shanghai cigarette factory has become a profiteer. Now China The tobacco inside the cigarette was very fluffy. Liu Li puffed the cigarette a few times, and a section of cigarette paper was left on top.

Liu Ligang put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it with a lighter. A red flame appeared on the empty cigarette paper, and then it went out, and the cigarette was lit.

Liu Ligan fell in love with the fleeting flame, so when he smokes now, he likes to thicken the tobacco first.

Liu Ligan leaned back on the chair, tilted his head upward, and blew out smoke rings. Unfortunately, all he spit out were "0"s. You must know that 0 on the statistics table means nothing. Liu Ligan Not liking this number, he tried again and again to see if he could spit out other numbers, but failed.

Liu Ligan sat up straight, puffed out the cigarette at the computer screen, and looked at the report through the swirling smoke. The report seemed to be moving.

Liu Ligan stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside. He wanted to find a trace of a cicada among the thick branches and leaves of the willow tree outside, but failed. He stared at the roots of the willow tree. There were many cicadas there. Small holes.

When they were young, they would not take a nap at noon like this. They would either go swimming in the river, or they would dig holes like this under the trees with sticks, and they would always find cicada pupae half the size of a thumb in the middle. , they put the cicada pupae in the box and waited for them to turn into cicadas.

When Liu Ligan was a child, he never understood how the cicada pupae went underground. There was only a hole slightly larger than the eye of a needle. How did the female cicadas crawl in and out to reproduce the next generation? To this day, he still doesn't understand.

In fact, when Liu Ligan and his friends were growing up, they rarely called cicadas cicadas. They always called them cicadas because the sound of cicadas chirping seemed to say "cicadas, cicadas." But Liu Ligan felt that the cicadas outside These cicadas should now be called "I don't know, I don't know", which is more suitable for the situation and his current mood.

Liu Ligan returned to his desk and sat down, continuing to stare at the computer screen. As he watched, he reached for the phone on the table, called Ying Ying, and told her, "Go back to Hangzhou." I have something to talk to you about.

"When, Mr. Liu?" Ying Ying asked.

"The faster, the better." Liu Ligan said.

"Okay, I'll leave right away." After Ying Ying finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Liu Ligan stood up, found a chopstick from the cabinet, walked out, squatted under the willow tree outside, and started digging.

In the office, someone discovered Liu Ligan. Not knowing what he was doing, they stood at the window and looked at him. More people came to the window. Tan Shuzhen pushed the window open, stuck her head out and asked:

"What are you doing?"

"Dig cicadas." Liu Li said without looking back.

"Childish! Boring!" Tan Shuzhen cursed, then retracted her head and closed the window with a bang.

In the evening, Ying Ying returned to Hangzhou. She called Liu Ligan and told him that she had arrived in Hangzhou. Liu Ligan said, come here and go to Mr. Zhang in the dynamic zone to have dinner here.

After putting down the phone, Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen to ask the kitchen to add a few more dishes, and Ying Ying wanted to come over.

"Ying Ying? Is she coming back from Nanjing or Suzhou?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Nanjing." Liu Ligan said, "I asked her to come back."

"Why did you ask her to come back?"

"have no idea."

"You called her back without knowing it?" Zhang Chen scolded, "You are so crazy that you want her to be crazy too?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Liu Ligan said.

"Unreasonable." Zhang Chen cursed, picked up the phone and asked the canteen down below to bring them more dishes.

Cai and Ying Ying arrived at about the same time. The three of them sat down at the conference table and chatted while eating.

Ying Ying asked Liu Ligan, "Why did Huang Ama summon me back from Nanjing so urgently?"

"I don't know what's going on, Ying Ying." Liu Ligan said, "I just feel that I need to discuss an issue when I call you back."

"What's the problem?" Ying Ying asked.

Liu Ligan asked Ying Ying: "Do you think we have changed into cultivators?"

"What do you mean?" Ying Ying asked again.

Zhang Chen looked at the two of them from the side and almost laughed. He was really a master at answering questions with questions.

Liu Ligan thought for a moment and said:

"Ying Ying, do you still remember that when we first started doing real estate, whether it was 'Splendid Huating' or the 'Splendid Jiangnan' across the street, every time we did a project, we would continue to market it. According to the survey, at that time, the entire real estate market in Hangzhou had not yet risen, but we knew the market well, and we found our customers out of the wilderness.”

Ying Ying stopped her chopsticks and seemed to know what Liu Ligan wanted to say. She looked at Liu Ligan and nodded.

"Now, all fools know that the real estate market has risen, but how much do we still know about this market now?" Liu Ligan continued to ask, "How much do we still know about our customers? What kind of houses do they need? , when are they going to buy a house, why do they want to buy it, why don’t they buy it, and what are the factors that influence them to buy or not to buy?

"Ying Ying, do we still know about these problems now? The real estate market has been too hot in recent years, and the life of house builders has been too good. The result of it always being a seller's market is that we sellers are getting farther and farther away from the buyers. We no longer know where the buyers are and what they need.”

Ying Ying nodded slowly. She was right. Mr. Liu, what you said makes sense. We have indeed become simple and crude now. We rarely think of ways to sell the house. All we use is to throw money and throw money at it. Money is spent on advertising, money is spent on reports, money is spent on experts to brag, money is spent on hiring contractors, and money is spent on queuing up in the sales department to create a hot-selling scene. Other than that, it seems that no brains have been used.

"Yes, it seems that we spend a lot more money on sales than before, but not a penny is really spent on the cutting edge, on market research and direct marketing to customers." Liu Ligan said, " We are getting further and further away from real home buyers.

"In the past few years, the market has actually undergone earth-shaking changes. The market is beginning to be segmented. There are those who are speculative and those who have real steel demand. In the steel demand, there are also those who solve housing problems and improve housing. We are committed to them. We don't know all the needs, and our eyes are dark. In this way, we are actually destroying our martial arts.

"When the market is hot, even a fool can sell a house anyway, so we just follow suit. When the market is sluggish, others are dumbfounded, and we are dumbfounded too. Our sense of touch is dulled and our sense of smell is degraded. When the market changes, , we have no countermeasures at all, we can just put the blame on the bad environment and macro-control.

"What's so great about real estate developers and what's so great about people who sell houses? We think we're great. When we go on TV and in the media, we talk about things and point out the world. We get a little carried away and think we're so high-ranking. In fact, we and all companies are not. Just like Mr. Zhang and others who sell clothes, the three words are production, supply and sales.

"If Mr. Zhang and others don't know what kind of clothing customers need, problems will definitely arise. In fact, we are the same. The problems we encounter now are actually our own problems.

"We don't know what kind of houses to build. The problem of supply is not in our hands. We can only choose to buy and sell the land auctioned by the storage center. We don't know how to sell it or to whom to sell it. Production, supply, We have nothing to do with the word "sale", so how could there not be any problems?

"What we, the whole company, are doing right now, I think, is waiting for the policy to be loosened and the market to be hot again, and we will be fools again. But the problem is, if this continues, the entire market will remain like this. , the national macro-control policy will continue for another two, three years, or even longer, what should we do?"

"Mr. Liu, I understand. You are so anxious to ask me to come back. Do you want me to redo what I have done before and figure out the entire market again? I know why you asked me to come back." Ying Ying explain.

"Yes, now I know why I asked you to come back." Liu Ligan said, and both of them laughed.

"Come, eat food, eat food, Ying Ying, don't just talk." Zhang Chen and Ying Ying said.

Ying Ying took some chopsticks and tasted the dishes, and said to them:

"I have a direction, and I feel that my food is delicious. Mr. Liu, actually during this period, I have been worried about what happened to the market. What you just said is right. If we can't even feel the pulse, what's the point?" What kind of medicine can be prescribed? Even if it is prescribed, it will be prescribed randomly."

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Feng Zhonglie? , Green Pu Ecological Home-Ecological Wood Wood, FB578695, Book Friends 160318134157688, Why can’t I change my name, Blue Imagination monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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