The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1382 Thousands of Miles of Road

"During this period, I got in touch with Beibei. I think he is very smart, but he is unwilling to endure hardships in learning. This is a problem of learning attitude and habits. It is very difficult to change it all at once."

Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said: "According to Beibei's current grades, it is very difficult to get into a good high school. Time flies. It will be the second year of junior high school when school starts, and it will be the third year of junior high school next year. Brother-in-law, if Beibei can't get into a good high school, If you are in high school, the probability of going to a good university in the future will be very low. When the time comes, have you ever thought about what Beibei will do?"

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "At worst, let him go to the factory and work as a sewing worker."

"I'm not kidding, brother-in-law, I'm serious." Xiaofang said, "Beibei really wants to be a sewing worker. Are you willing to give up? How did you tell my sister?"

"Then what should I do? If not, just follow me and learn to be a boss." Zhang Chen said, "I haven't gone to college anyway."

"It's different, brother-in-law, times have changed. At that time, there were very few people who actually went to college. Everyone was on the same starting line. Only if you are smarter than the people around you and have special skills can you stand out. In the future, these college students will More and more people without knowledge or university education will be marginalized.

"Beibei is far behind others at this stage. How do you expect him to compete with others? Brother-in-law, I remember you also said that this society will develop and the industry will upgrade. The content of technology must be getting heavier and heavier. , in this process, people will fall behind faster. Not to mention Beibei, even my sister and Shuzhen, they already feel that they can't catch up, so they have to take the self-study exam.

"Sister Shuzhen, she told me a few days ago that she is going to study for an EMBA at Zhejiang University. Really, brother-in-law, the generation of Beibei will definitely not be able to do it without systematic study, training and knowledge reserves. He The opportunities we face will be much less than others.”

Zhang Chen also felt that what Xiaofang said made sense. He turned around and asked Xiaoshu, "Do you feel anything about Zhang Xiangbei's painting?" If not, let him take the art exam? At any time and in any era, there will still be a place for artists.

Xiaoshu shook his head: "He really has no interest at all. Letting him go to the art museum is like killing him. Brother-in-law, you also know that if this is the case, force his head and let him study. Is it possible to learn how to draw well?"

Zhang Chen scratched his head: "How come this guy didn't inherit any of my genes?"

"It's inherited. He looks so much like you, and his intelligence is also inherited." Xiaofang said with a smile, "It's just that the ability to draw is not inherited. You hid it, right?"

"Hide it wherever you want. If he needs it, I can dig out his heart and lungs." Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "Xiaofang, you are right. This is really a headache."

"So we have to prepare early." Xiaofang said, "Otherwise, it will be too late and no road will work."

Zhang Chen asked: "How to prepare early?"

"I have an idea." Xiaofang said, "Send him to the United States to attend high school."

Zhang Chen was startled and shouted: "Go to high school in the United States?"

"Yes, if Beibei's situation is compared to Americans in the United States, I think he will have an advantage. He has the ability to go to a good high school, and he will also have the possibility to go to a good university in the future. In our country, the high school entrance examination is almost determined Throughout life, if you lose the battle of high school entrance examination, you will basically lose all the way, which is why everyone pays so much attention to the high school entrance examination."

"Are you saying that Americans are all stupid pigs?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No, it's because the educational philosophy and learning methods are different. We are exam-oriented education, and rote memorization is the basic skill. This is exactly what Beibei lacks the most. I have seen some Chinese students in the United States who are not very good in China. But when I arrived in the United States, I became a top student, and I think Beibei is very promising."

Xiaofang looked at Zhang Chen and continued: "Besides, brother-in-law, I'm still in the United States. If Beibei goes, I can take care of him."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said yes, even if he didn't study well in the end, it would be good for him to go out and see the world. If he couldn't read thousands of books, let him walk thousands of miles.

"But how do I go to high school in the United States?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I understand. If Beibei wants to go to the United States, he needs to take two exams. One is SLEP, which is the middle school English proficiency test. For this, you can just let Beibei go to Sister Shuwan to study. I will also take it. Send the information and requirements of SLEP, as well as past test papers, to Sister Shuwan. She knows what to do.

"After studying with Sister Shuwan for two years, it shouldn't be a problem for Beibei to pass SLEP. There is also another test, the SSAT, the American high school entrance test, which is equivalent to our domestic high school entrance examination."

"Do you still have to take the high school entrance examination? Beibei couldn't do well in the domestic entrance examination, so he still has to go to the United States to take the high school entrance examination?" Zhang Chen shouted.

"It's different, brother-in-law. I took a look at his high school entrance examination paper. It consists of four parts: reading, Chinese, mathematics and writing. After learning the other three parts from Sister Shuwan, there is no big problem. , compared with SLEP, the level is a little lower. If you can pass SLEP, this problem is not big.

"As for the mathematics part, their third grade of junior high school is equivalent to our first grade of junior high school. That is to say, Beibei's current level. Think about it, when Beibei reaches the third grade of junior high school, go back and take the test of the first grade of junior high school. Isn’t it easy?”

Zhang Chen nodded. If this is the case, it seems that he is quite confident.

"Yes, brother-in-law, if Sister Shuwan can help Beibei improve her English, there will definitely be no problem."

Xiaoshu said on the side, and Zhang Chen remembered that Xiaoshu was the beneficiary back then. It was all because of Lin Shuwan's help in improving his English and art exam scores that he suddenly improved.

Xiaofang looked at her watch and said, "Brother-in-law, do you want me to call Sister Shuwan and see if she knows about SLEP?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xiaofang picked up her mobile phone and called Lin Shuwan. The call was connected. Xiaofang told Lin Shuwan about the matter. Then Zhang Chen and Xiaoshu saw Xiaofang smiling and kept saying, "Really?" ?" "That's great!" "Okay, I understand, Sister Shuwan!"

After hanging up the phone, Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said: "Sister Shuwan just told me that there are many parents of children in her place who also want to send their children out. They are planning to open a SLEP training class next semester. There is a SSAT tutoring class, and she originally wanted to tell you when she meets you and Sister Shuzhen in the next few days that Beibei and Nannan should also study."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Shu both laughed, what a coincidence.

Zhang Chen remembered and asked, "Xiaofang, do you think Xiangnan needs to go?"

"Sister Shuzhen will not agree." Xiaofang said, "Besides, Xiangnan doesn't have this need. Her foundation is not bad to begin with, and she will make great progress if she catches it. During this period, she has improved a lot. I believe that her grades next semester will be different from this semester, and she still has a high chance of being admitted to a key high school."

"I'll ask Tan Shuzhen tomorrow." Zhang Chen said.

"Basically no chance." Xiaofang said.

"Ask if you don't have a chance."

"What about Beibei?" Xiaofang asked, "Does it mean that if you don't go to the south, you won't go to Beibei?"

"I just won't go to the south, and Zhang Xiangbei will go too. Boy, it doesn't matter if you gain experience. Didn't I tell you that you can't read thousands of books, but you still have to travel thousands of miles." Zhang Chen said, "Zhang Xiangbei I’ll leave it to you and Awan.”

"Okay, then when I return to the United States, I will start looking for a school for Beibei. I'd better choose a high school in New York so that I can take care of him."

Zhang Chen said yes.

The next day, Zhang Chen drove to Qiushi Academy, went to Tan Shuzhen's office, and told her the matter. As Xiaofang expected, Tan Shuzhen refused immediately. Tan Shuzhen said:

"Going to high school in the United States? Zhang Chen, are you dizzy? Are you willing to do so?"

"What is there to be reluctant to do? Go to school, it's not what you're going to do. If a kid comes from Yongcheng to Hangcheng to study, isn't he leaving home? What's the difference between going to the United States?" Zhang Chen said, "You are a wooden fish brain. , how old were you when you went to the student class? You were so young, why would Mrs. Tan be willing to live in the regiment every day? "

"No, no, there's no need to talk about this matter. If I want to go to your home in the north, I will definitely not go to my home in the south. I will die to let her go to a key high school in China. Zhang Chen, you and I are different." Tan Shuzhen said .

"What's the difference?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Nannan is a girl and Beibei is a boy. The difference is huge." Tan Shuzhen said, "Also, for so many years, Nannan and I have been dependent on each other. She can't live without me as a mother and I as a Mom, I can’t live without her.”

Speaking of which, Zhang Chen had nothing to say.

More than a week later, it was time for Xiaofang to return to the United States. Zhang Chen still asked Liu Ligan to send a minibus. This time, everyone in their family, including Xiangnan and Xiangbei, went to Shanghai Pudong Airport to see Xiaofang off. Fang.

Xiaofang was not lonely on the way back to the United States this time. There was another person traveling with her, and that was Lin Shuwan. Lin Shuwan went to the United States this time to inspect and contact American universities and middle schools. Lin Shuwan believed that Chinese people are better at educating their children. They are very willing to invest. Taiwanese people have a saying of "read, read, read, go to NTU, go, go, go to the United States."

Sending children to study abroad in the United States and other countries was once an inevitable choice for Taiwan's middle class. Lin Shuwan believes that with the development of the mainland's economy, more and more people will study abroad at their own expense in the future, and training abroad will become more popular than ever. The market demand for general language training is greater.

Lin Shuwan went to the United States to inspect the SLEP and SSAT projects. She also hoped to establish contact with American schools, especially some middle schools, and use their LinkedIn Foreign Language School as an entrusted enrollment site for American middle and high schools.

Thank you to Age of Innocence 1122 and Daosheng 123 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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