The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1381 The world is both physical and chemical

Things are not getting better, and they are not getting worse.

Zhang Chen stayed in Hengdian for two days and returned to Hangzhou. He Hongmei and Wenwen needed to stay in Hengdian. They discussed many projects in Hengdian. Anyway, for film and television people, traveling to and from Hengdian is a common occurrence.

Xiang Nan Xiang Bei also stayed in Hengdian. Xiang Nan needed to make a film, so Zhang Xiang Bei followed him randomly and acted as various extras. One day he was the son of a landlord, the next he was a little beggar, and the day after that he was selling cigarettes, match, osmanthus candy on the street. , Xiaofang follows them and takes time to give them tutoring every day.

Two days after Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou from Hengdian, Huijuan returned from Sanya. Cao Minfang called Zhang Chen and asked him to send a car to pick her up. Zhang Chen thought about it and went by himself.

On the way back to Tuxiangyuan Hotel from the airport, Zhang Chen and Huijuan kept chatting about work matters, as if nothing had ever happened between them.

When they arrived at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel and turned across the bridge from Yingbin Avenue, Zhang Chen did not drive the car forward to the entrance of the hotel. Instead, he stopped under the shade of the trees beside the bridge. The two of them stopped. eyes, all looking straight ahead.

Zhang Chen asked: "How are you?"

Huijuan smiled reluctantly and said, "Okay."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Chen said, "I'm sorry."

Huijuan turned her head, looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "What are you sorry for? Everything I do is what I want to do. You didn't force me to do anything. On the contrary, I... I'm very happy."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "But, I think I still have to say, leaving Sanya so suddenly, I feel like..."

"Stop talking, Brother Zhang. If you don't leave Sanya, will you say sorry to Sister Hongmei?" Huijuan asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned by the question, and Huijuan smiled miserably: "Didn't I tell you a long time ago, Brother Zhang, then I can listen to my parents and go on a blind date, you wish Let me be happy."

Zhang Chen's mouth moved, but he couldn't say the words of blessing.

"Let's go. If you park here for too long, it won't be good for people in the hotel to see you. They all know your car." Huijuan said.

Zhang Chen said yes, started the car, and drove to the hotel entrance. The greeters and security guards at the door, including the manager on duty in the lobby, saw Huijuan coming back and ran over to help her get out. Get something in the car.

Zhang Chen didn't get out of the car. After Huijuan got off the car, she turned around and said to Zhang Chen with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Chen waved his hand, started the car and left.

Everything seemed to have returned to calm. When Zhang Chen saw Huijuan again, Huijuan was just like before. She didn't say more words to Zhang Chen, nor did she deliberately avoid him. When there was someone around, Huijuan would call him Mr. Zhang. , she would call him Brother Zhang when there was no one around, and Zhang Chen couldn’t ask, how was her blind date going?

When Xiang Nan's filming in Hengdian was over, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen took the minibus that Liu Ligan's company used to shuttle home buyers to Hengdian, and drove He Hongmei, Xiaofang, Wenwen and Xiang Nan to the north. They all came back together.

He Hongmei and Wenwen stayed in Hangzhou for three days and returned to Beijing together. During this period, Zhang Chen accompanied them to Keqiao to purchase a batch of fabrics needed for "Red Plum Blossoms". Zhang Chen also took He Hongmei with him I went to Boss Cai of Sijiqing Fabric Market and selected a lot of fabrics.

He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said that the fabrics produced by Boss Cai are really suitable for selling online. Online customers buy them one by one, so there is no demand for large quantities. Once a fabric is used up, it will be sold out. , and then change to other styles.

Zhang Chen thinks it makes sense.

Xiaofang will not return to China during the Spring Festival this year. Xiaofang and Xiaoshu accompanied their parents on a trip back to Chongqing, and also went south and north. Xiaofang and the others went back to see their grandmother and uncle and aunt. The uncle is now the deputy county magistrate of their hometown. He sent a car to Chongqing to pick them up and not only returned to the county, but also went to the countryside.

It turns out that Xiaofang and Xiaoshu attended the township elementary school. When they found out that they were back, the principal came to invite them to give lectures. Xiaofang was the only one in the entire county who could get into Zhejiang University, let alone Yale University. Currently studying for a Ph.D., Xiaofang is the pride of their rural primary school. Her photo is always posted in the school window.

Posted in the window with Xiaofang, there is also a photo of Xiaoshu. Who would have thought that this naughty and mischievous guy has now become a nationally renowned painter. The price of his paintings is said to be worth one. A building has been built, which is a topic that people talk about in their hometown.

The two siblings were invited to the school in such a grand manner and given a grand farewell. Not many people in the rural primary school knew what kind of oil paintings Xiaoshu did. They prepared rice paper and brushes. Since Xiaoshu was back, they were going to invite Xiaoshu. Tree paints pictures for school.

Xiaoshu had never done Chinese painting before, but fortunately he had the skills and knowledge to handle it. He looked at it for himself and thought it was pretty good. However, there was no seal, and the Chinese painting did not have a signature seal, so it always looked incomplete. , the little tree painted one with red paint.

By the time Xiaofang Xiaoshu and the others return to Hangzhou from Chongqing, the day will not be far before Xiaofang will return to the United States.

On this day, they had dinner together at Zhang Chen's parents' place. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said, brother-in-law, after dinner, I have something to tell you.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"Xiaoshu, you are coming too." Xiaofang said to Xiaoshu again, and Xiaoshu nodded.

After dinner, Zhang Chen’s mother and Xiao Zhao’s mother were cleaning up. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said, brother-in-law, let’s go over there.

When Zhang Chen saw Xiaofang being so solemn, he knew there was something important. He stood up and said to Xiaoshu, "Let's go."

Xiaoshu also stood up. Zhang Xiangbei wanted to follow them, but Yao Fen stopped him. She told Xiang Nan Xiangbei, "How about I take you to buy milk tea?" Take them to Wang Minsheng's store.

Zhang Chen and the other three entered the room and sat down on the sofa. Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said:

"My parents have a lot of things. Even if I tell them, they don't understand. Brother-in-law, you are the head of our family. If I have something to do, I can only tell you, okay?"

Zhang Chen said yes, you just say so.

"I may be able to graduate early and get my degree next summer," Xiaofang said.

"It's so fast, doesn't it take three years?" Zhang Chen asked.

"With the credit system, if you get all the credits in advance, you can defend your thesis in advance. I have communicated with my supervisor, and he also believes that according to my current progress, I can graduate early." Xiaofang said.

"That's great!" Zhang Chen looked at Xiaoshu and laughed. Xiaoshu also laughed. Zhang Chen said, "If your sister knows, she will be very happy."

"She knows, and I have already told her." Xiaofang said, "Brother-in-law, there is another thing I want to tell you today. After graduating next year, I plan not to come back for the time being and work in the United States for a few years. "

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and asked: "Do you like America, or..."

"No, the main thing is that people like us who study basic chemistry will basically teach in schools when we come back. Zhejiang University actually wants me to come back to Zhejiang University." Xiaofang said.

"It would be great to teach at Zhejiang University," Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang said with a bitter face: "But, I don't like teaching."

"Then what are you going to do in the United States?" Zhang Chen asked.

"When I went to Wall Street, two companies have already invited me."

"Wall Street?" Zhang Chen was confused. "Isn't Wall Street all banks and financial institutions? Are there any technology companies or chemical companies there?"

Xiaofang smiled and said: "The one who came to invite me is the financial company."

Zhang Chen didn't understand even more. He asked: "As a chemistry major, what can you do in a financial company? Isn't this inappropriate for your major?"

"There is no problem of mismatched majors." Xiaofang smiled, "Brother-in-law, Wall Street is not what you think. Banks like these in China have everyone there. Not only do we study chemistry, but we also study archeology and sociology. There are all kinds of mathematics, psychology, etc., and basically all the mathematical elites in American universities are recruited by them.

"If you think about it, what is finance? The essence of finance is not about the coming and going of money, but the study of the laws that drive the operation of the world and the changes in human nature. The design of a financial model must take into account all aspects. There is no How about experts in various industries?”

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly and said: "But, from what I heard, it seems that it has nothing to do with your chemistry."

"Of course it does matter." Xiaofang said, "Brother-in-law, you underestimate our chemistry. From a large perspective, this earth, including the entire universe, is the result of physical and chemical movements. From a small perspective, our human beings Isn’t evolution the result of chemical changes?”

"Isn't it biological evolution?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaofang said: "Strictly speaking, biology and medicine are branches of chemistry. Physics and chemistry are the basis of everything. Mathematics is the tool used by physics and chemistry to explain and reveal the world. Without physics, Chemistry and mathematics will become meaningless subjects.

"Having said that, these Wall Street companies are not looking for professional talents across the United States, but the most powerful brains. Only the most powerful brains can design models that are more confusing. To put it harshly, it is more confusing. Deceptive, a person with an IQ of 150 will deceive a person with an IQ of 120, a person with an IQ of 120, or a person with an IQ of 90, that's why they will find me."

"Okay, I don't understand what you are saying." Zhang Chen said, "But I know that no matter what, this person is better off staying still than moving. If I hadn't moved, I would still be in that small theater troupe. , if your sister doesn’t move, it’s very likely that even the two of you haven’t walked out of those mountains yet.

"Xiaofang, including Xiaoshu, as long as you do what you like, no matter where you go or what you do, my brother-in-law will support you."

"Thank you, brother-in-law!" Xiaofang said, and Xiaoshu also said, "Thank you, brother-in-law!"

"I knew that my brother-in-law would definitely support me." Xiaofang smiled and added.

Zhang Chen also laughed and said, "I haven't become an old antique yet."

"No, no, you are still young." Xiaofang shouted, and the three of them laughed.

Xiaofang clapped her hands and said, "Okay, I've finished my business, brother-in-law, let's talk about Beibei's business next."

"Zhang Xiangbei? What's going on with Zhang Xiangbei?" Zhang Chen asked doubtfully.

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