The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1341 A different kind of real estate fair

This year's real estate fair was held with great anticipation by all real estate developers. Everyone was holding back their energy and preparing to make a turnaround at the real estate fair. Several companies were actually gritting their teeth and taking advantage of the opportunity. I have to pay the stall fee with a loan shark, but I have to find a way to squeeze in. If I don't squeeze in, I won't have a chance.

Although these people take out their business cards, they are still the chairman or general manager of a real estate company, they still live in luxury houses, they still travel in luxury cars, and they still walk around with a belly, but when they calm down and think about it, they will sweat. Of the one hundred phone calls, ninety were from debtors, and one was from a loan shark, reminding him that he would have to pay interest tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, isn't the housing fair going to be held tomorrow? Once the housing fair starts, everything will be fine.

Over the past few years, everyone has become accustomed to the fact that the housing fair is a good solution to their financial difficulties. Without the housing fair, who would have the money to auction land in the following land auctions? It is not unreasonable for this land auction to be held one week after the Spring and Autumn Housing Fairs.

There are many capable people in the local government. You can calculate the accounts, and they can calculate things more clearly than you.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen said that the more difficult this time is, the more we must make a loud noise so that others can see our strength.

Tan Shuzhen agrees with Liu Ligan's statement. She also thinks that as long as you are fat, who knows whether your face is fat because of eating it or by getting fat yourself. The real estate industry is also a winner-takes-all industry. The status of the boss really comes with a lot of conveniences. Both the government and the media favor you.

This is especially true for home buyers. Their houses in Jinxiu, Zhejiang, are always the most expensive in Hangzhou. Not just because they are the boss, everyone thinks the price is reasonable.

As a result, they secured a larger booth than before, covering more than 120 square meters. They also asked Zhang Chen to design it and decorate it carefully. Among the many exhibitors, visitors could tell at a glance that this company The company is different.

Tan Shuzhen proposed that two-thirds of the booth be used to display several of their projects in Hangzhou, and one-third of the booth was used to display their projects across the country. This way, everyone can see our company. It is no longer a company limited to Hangzhou, but a national company.

Secondly, what if someone really wants to buy a house in Suzhou, Nanjing, Xiamen, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wuhan, and Hefei? Isn’t this just a quick grab? Those real estate speculators from Wenzhou, Taizhou and Yiwu are traveling all over the country, buying houses anywhere.

Both Liu Ligan and Lao Tan thought Tan Shuzhen's proposal was very good. They also assigned one person from each of these places so that when someone asked about local projects, they would know best and could give answers.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the curtain to rise and the real estate show to take place.

On the morning of the opening of the real estate fair, Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Lao Tan all went to the company first, and then took a car to go there together.

When they arrived at the World Trade Center, they saw it from a distance and felt happy. The opening ceremony hadn't even started yet, but they saw a sea of ​​people in the square in front of the World Trade Center. The event was no less grand than before. It looked like this house fair was going to happen. The iron rule, no exceptions, came into effect again today.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Lao Tan went to park the car. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen got off the car and walked towards the gate. Along the way, they met many colleagues and media reporters they knew. Everyone greeted them warmly, and everyone had a smile on their face. above, all shining with joy.

It seems that everyone has reached a consensus on today's grand occasion and results.

These media reporters who have been covering real estate news for a long time have almost become integrated with the entire real estate industry. Relying on their familiarity, the bosses of every real estate company will use their face advantage. When others cannot get the house number, they can You see, while they are working as reporters, almost without exception, they are also real estate speculators.

Everyone has a house number waiting to be sold, and the depression in the real estate industry is directly related to their wealth and life. This is why the media will immediately take notice of the slightest bit of good news in the real estate industry and make a big noise. They are not objective. Bystanders are also vested interests involved.

Seeing that there will be another housing fair with promising results this year, the house number in their hands will no longer worry them from today on. How can their faces not shine with the light of happiness?

Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan did not stay outside, but went directly into the exhibition hall with their exhibition badges on their chests and walked to their booths.

Their sales director, Xiao Lu, saw them coming and came over to greet them. His face was burning with excitement and he asked excitedly:

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Tan, have you seen that there are people outside?"

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "I saw it. It looks like today won't be too bad. You should all be prepared."

Xiao Lu nodded and said okay, I understand, Mr. Tan.

The two people walked to the booth next door. The boss of that company laughed when he saw Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen. It was obvious to everyone that the female vice president of another company came over when she saw Tan Shuzhen and said to her , oh my god, I was so nervous that I didn’t fall asleep all night, just because I was worried that the whole exhibition would be deserted today, but it was okay.

Liu Ligan teased her: "Then what will you do if it becomes deserted? Go to the street to pick up people?"

The female vice president rolled her eyes at him and said, "Mr. Tan should go there as well. She has good looks and can attract people. I am as short as a winter melon, so don't scare people away."

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed.

Before the event, the two people walked around the exhibition hall. They were in an infinitely good mood. Not only were they in a good mood, but everyone in the entire exhibition hall was in a good mood, and a good mood is contagious.

When they walked back to their booth, the Western band outside suddenly played the magnificent Radesky March, indicating that this housing fair would make great strides forward.

The opening ceremony began. They listened to Li Yong's voice faintly coming from outside. Liu Ligan looked at Tan Shuzhen and said with a smile, not bad. This guy has enough tonnage and enough energy to perform in such a big scene. , can hold it down.

This housing fair is Li Yong's debut. At the end of last year, Li Yong was just appointed as the executive deputy mayor of Hangzhou City, so it was up to him to make the speech as the leader of the housing fair.

As soon as Li Yong stopped speaking, everyone in the exhibition hall fell silent in unison. Everyone stood there, staring in the direction of the door, with their hearts beating wildly.

As soon as the door opened, crowds of people rushed in, and the people inside suddenly became lively.

As usual, the crowds of people who came in were immediately divided into various booths, looking at models, getting books and information, and asking questions. Every booth was crowded and everyone was busy.

But gradually, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen felt something strange. These people this year either spoke Mandarin or Hangcheng dialect. It seemed that they were basically locals. Those in Wenzhou dialect, Taizhou dialect, Shaoxing dialect and Yiwu dialect seems to have disappeared from this exhibition hall and can no longer be heard. This is something that has never happened before.

In the past, real estate speculators in these places accounted for half of the country. Where have they gone today?

Then, the expressions on the faces of Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen became solemn. They found that the locals who poured into the booth basically saw a lot, asked a lot, and took a lot of information. There were very few people who were really willing to buy and book a house. .

Liu Ligan quietly retreated. He went to look at other booths and found the same situation. When the female vice president saw Liu Ligan, she smiled bitterly at him and shook her head. She came over and whispered to him:

"It's bloated, they're all here to mess around (Oh no, they're all here to play.)"

Liu Ligan nodded. He understood that so many people came to Ling Market to see the market, not to buy or book a house. The only thing that was busy was the head count.

Surrounded by a large group of people, Li Yong came into the exhibition hall for inspection. He walked into Liu Ligan's booth and stopped. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen greeted him. Li Yong asked Liu Ligan, how was it?

With so many people here, Liu Ligan couldn't say anything. He could only say, thank you for the leader's concern, it's okay, it's okay.

But my heart felt like crying without tears.

On the second day, compared with the previous day, the entire exhibition had almost half fewer people. Those who were familiar with the market had already been here yesterday and would not come again today. Unless they were willing to buy a house, they would hesitate. Look twice, look three.

Liu Ligan stayed in the exhibition hall for less than an hour and then went back. From then on, until the end, he did not appear at the real estate fair again.

The real estate fair that all real estate developers had been looking forward to had now turned into a torment for everyone. On the third day, almost all the bosses of the companies were absent, leaving only the sales staff, who were still here to calmly receive those who wanted to buy houses. By.

Among the visitors, there began to be more and more old men and old ladies. The purpose of their coming was to get free books and information. Every company spent a lot of money on this and used thick coated paper as waste paper. When it's on sale, it's a good deal and the portion is generous.

On the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day... there were fewer and fewer people day by day.

Amidst loneliness and collective loss, this housing fair finally came to an end. According to statistics from the organizing committee, the number of visitors, commercial housing transaction area and transaction volume of this housing fair all dropped by 32.4% and 281% compared to the previous session. and 201%.

Looking at this set of data, Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said that the situation is not that bad. The transaction area and transaction volume both dropped by more than 200, but the number of visitors is not that terrible, which shows that everyone’s desire and impulse to buy a house are still there. , they are just frightened by the big situation and dare not take action. Once the situation improves, they will take action immediately.

"When the time comes, there may be a surge of retaliatory purchases." Tan Shuzhen said.

"I hope so." Liu Ligan slumped on the sofa and said weakly.

"Furthermore, you have to understand that the decrease in the number of visitors, according to what we saw on site, is the lack of foreigners. In this way, the number of locals is actually increasing." Tan Shuzhen said.

"What's the use of adding people without sales?" Lao Tan asked.

Liu Ligan sat up slightly and regained his energy. He said: "The proportion of steel demand among locals is higher than that of outsiders. The increase in locals means that although sales have not increased, steel demand is increasing. If it is If steel is needed, they won’t be able to hold on for long.”

"Yes, that's what I mean." Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan and smiled.

Lao Tan understood, he said, that is to say, as long as there is a disturbance, they will move first?

"Moreover, this wave of 'macro-control' has squeezed out the bubble in Hangzhou real estate, which may not necessarily be a bad thing for us." Tan Shuzhen continued.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you xiezhiwww and Zhongkai727 for your monthly tickets! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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