The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1342 Snow, piece by piece...

The real estate fair was over, and the next step was the land auction a week later. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen had a disagreement about whether to sign up for this land auction. Liu Ligan advocated participating, but Tan Shuzhen thought they should give up.

Liu Ligan said, we can give up in other cities, but how can we do it in Hangzhou? We, Zhejiang Jinxiu, have never been absent from any Hangzhou land auction?

"Brother, now is the time to survive, not to fight for face. The land reserves we have now are enough. There is no need to buy more land at this time." Tan Shuzhen said, "Such a situation, we still don't know When will it end? If the funds in our accounts dry up, it will kill us."

"According to your logic, then we don't even need to participate in this housing fair, let alone get the biggest booth. Aren't we competing for face?"

Liu Ligan said that Tan Shuzhen was stunned for a moment, but she came back to her senses immediately and said:

"The one who spent small money is using small money to gain fame. We can still win. Can the land auction be the same? It will probably kill us. The environment is so bad. It is easy to turn money into land. Hold up the sign It's okay to make money, but it will be difficult to turn the land back into money. When that day comes, it can be said that the sky and the earth will not work, and there will be no way out except letting others slaughter us."

Tan Shuzhen insisted on her own opinion. When she was talking, she saw Liu Ligan shaking his head constantly, which made her upset. After she finished speaking, she shouted: "Stop shaking your head, talk!"

"I think our judgment that the market demand for steel is still there is correct. As long as the demand for steel is still there, no matter how strict the policy is, this demand will be released. It is just a matter of speed, not whether it is there or not. , and, judging from experience, all 'macro-control' is most effective and severe in the first three months.

"In the past three months, in order to achieve the goals and effects of regulation, the top management will intensively introduce policies, and the lower levels will increase their policies layer by layer, which will be transmitted to society and bring a chilling effect, but this effect will fade over time. As time goes by, people's psychology will also become fatigued, so I feel that the most difficult stage has passed.

"We can still persevere in the most difficult times, and things will not be worse than this. So I think we are not so pessimistic yet. We should not think about how to live, but how to live. The question of how to survive..."

"What's the difference?" Tan Shuzhen interrupted Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan said: "The essential difference is that thinking only about how to live is passive and negative, and struggling to cope, while thinking about how to live is proactive. Thinking about how to live is actually thinking about how to survive. Living a better life is a choice.

"If you think the land bank we have now is enough, that's just because you are at this point in time. But if the market picks up, will you still think our land bank is enough? It is definitely far from enough.

"I judge that because the outcome of this real estate fair is not ideal, the land bidding, auction and listing this time will be very deserted, and the price of land will not be high. It is just the time when we can enter. If we can get it at the lowest price at this time, By acquiring even a piece of land, we can reduce our land costs.

"When we have the land at the next land auction, we will dare to raise the price with others, because on average, our land cost will still be lower than most of their companies."

"This is an ideal situation you said." Tan Shuzhen said, "What if the next land auction price is lower than this time?"

"Impossible, I said, the worst situation is over." Liu Ligan said, "Also, you see, although the real estate sales are terrible now, the housing prices in Hangzhou have not dropped as everyone expected. Why, explain Every company is still reluctant to sell. The reason for the reluctance to sell is that the situation in the past two years has been so good that everything that can be sold has been sold in advance, and there is no land left in hand.

"Everyone is short of land, which will also create demand for steel in the land market. Land is only tendered and auctioned twice a year. They can miss this auction, and at most one more autumn auction, and they can still Even absent next year? Then he should pack up and leave, and don’t stay in this industry. When everyone comes back into the market, will the land price be cheaper?”

"Can you let me think about it?" Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan and said, "I admit that what you said makes sense, but I have to think about it carefully and settle the accounts."

"Okay." Liu Lizhan nodded.

Tan Shuzhen thought about it all night and spent a morning in the finance department. She walked into Liu Ligan's office and told him that we were going to Hong Kong. If this trip to Hong Kong can meet expectations, I will agree. There will be another move at this auction, otherwise, even if you fire me, the money in the account cannot be touched.

"Why go to Hong Kong?" Liu Ligan was confused.

"Let's cash in what we can cash now." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Ligan understood and asked, "Are you talking about the rent of the podium building in Hangcheng Center?"

"Yes, all we can realize now are land, houses and the leasehold rights of the podium building in the center of Hangzhou." Tan Shuzhen said, "You can't sell the land to buy land. It is not realistic to realize the house now. The only way is to realize it right away." What is realized is the leasehold right in Hangzhou Center.”

"But according to the original letter of intent, wouldn't the formal agreement be signed in the second half of this year?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, so we are going to Hong Kong and not only require them to sign the agreement now, but also require that the rent paid once every five years be changed to eight or ten years. In return, we can allow them to enter the site early and pay the rent in advance. If you go up, you can also give discounts." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Ligan said yes, I will contact him immediately. When will he go?

"The sooner the better. If we don't catch up with the land auction, it will be meaningless." Tan Shuzhen said.

In the evening of the same day, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen went to Hong Kong. This trip to Hong Kong went very smoothly. Five years was changed to ten years. This was what the other party needed. As a large shopping mall, there is no one that lasts for more than ten consecutive years. They can't make money by running the business. Although the rent is paid once every ten years, their cost of capital has increased.

But conversely, the rent paid in advance for these ten years is equivalent to locking in their operating costs for ten years.

The mainland is experiencing a slump in real estate, not that other industries are in slump. On the contrary, other industries are overheated, otherwise there would be no need for "macro-control". They are very optimistic about the mainland market, including the increase in the number of middle class every year, and their presence in Beijing. , and the revenue from shopping malls that have opened in Nanjing all prove that their choice is right.

In return, Liu Ligan and the others agreed that the other party would enter the site for renovations half a year in advance, and this half year was not included in the lease period. This was a great discount for the other party, which was enough to offset the cost of paying rent for five more years. .

For Liu Ligan and the others, there is not much difference between allowing the opponent to enter now or entering in the second half of the year as originally planned.

The two parties signed an agreement quickly. The other party's rent was also remitted from their company in the mainland, so there was no problem of cross-border remittance.

By the time Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen returned to Hangzhou, the money had already been credited to their accounts, and now they were preparing to attend the land auction.

Before attending the land auction, Tan Shuzhen drew a red line. She told Liu Ligan that the amount of funds used in this auction could not exceed 800 million.

This land auction is different from the real estate fair. It was held under a situation where everyone was generally not optimistic. Only two-thirds of the companies participating in the auction, and even these two-thirds of the companies, everyone was holding the hope of marrying the real estate. The visitors at the fair had the same feeling. They came to Ling market to see the market. They had no plans to acquire land and did not have the funds.

When everyone in the same group saw it, they smiled bitterly and shook their heads. There was a pessimistic atmosphere in the venue.

The organizer also knows that this auction may not be satisfactory, so this auction, even the usual scene of a long row of leaders sitting behind the auction table on the stage, No more. Director Chu just announced the auction and it started.

Before the auction, Director Chu saw Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen arriving, walked over in a square step, and whispered to Liu Ligan, "You guys, give me some face, you are not allowed to just watch a show today."

He knew in advance that many people came today just to watch the show.

Liu Ligan pretended to be in mourning. He said, "How can I get on stage if I can't even afford the clothes?"

"Get lost!" Director Chu ignored Liu Ligan, turned around and said to Tan Shuzhen: "Keep an eye on this kid and let me kick him on stage."

Tan Shuzhen could only smile.

The Land Acquisition and Storage Center itself was not optimistic about this auction, so they set a record by only putting up a total of four pieces of land for auction. These four pieces of land are all in the old city of Hangzhou and should be the most sought-after land. This time, in order to attract popularity, the price was raised all the way, knowing that it would never be the same as before. They had no choice but to bear the pain and take it out.

The auction started. The first piece of land was located on Wen 1st Road. The starting price was 380 million, with each increase of 500,000. Liu Ligan raised his sign, and Jindu Real Estate raised the price to 380 million. One thousand and five hundred thousand, Liu Ligan added again. The opponent did not continue to add, but smiled and made a "please" gesture to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan won with 381 million. .

The venue suddenly became commotion. Everyone expected that today's auction would be cold, but they didn't expect it to be so cold.

The second piece of land was in Huanglong, not far from Liu Ligan's "Splendid Home". The starting price was 438 million. After the auctioneer called out the price, no one raised a placard. Everyone was surprised again. Tan Shuzhen Quickly calculating in her mind, although the total price of this piece of land plus the previous one has exceeded her original expectation of 800 million, it is still within the affordable range.

The most important thing is that the location and price of this land are really attractive.

Tan Shuzhen said to Liu Ligan when the auctioneer paid 438 million for the second time.

Liu Ligan raised his sign and won the land at the starting price.

The next two pieces of land were rejected because no one responded. Everyone stared at Liu Ligan. As soon as Liu Ligan's hand moved, it was held tightly by Tan Shuzhen. He hadn't touched it for several years. Hands. Unexpectedly, the first time to shake hands was on this occasion. Liu Ligan could only smile bitterly in his heart.

The entire auction only lasted for twenty minutes and ended in a somewhat embarrassing manner. Tan Shuzhen held Liu Ligan's hand and only let go at this time.

The land in Hangzhou failed to be auctioned, and it was land in the core area. It quickly became news. You must know that this is the first time since Hangzhou implemented land bidding, auction and listing. In the past, this land auction was unprecedented. In places where the "King of Land" is legendary, some land is now unsold.

But this is just the beginning. Unsuccessful land auctions seem to have a resonance effect throughout Zhejiang.

Not long ago, at the bidding meeting for the use rights of eight government reserved land held in Jiashan, five of them failed to be auctioned.

On May 12, four real estate land parcels were auctioned in Keqiao, Shaoxing, and only one transaction was completed.

On May 13th, among the five plots of land for sale in Ningbo, two residential plots of land failed to be sold!

Winter is not over yet, snow is falling one by one...

Thank you, Tin Soldier, for reading the book every day and ranking third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Zeng Kee, Qingdao Laosun, Beifang, Super Large Smoke Ash, and Guandian Electrical and Mechanical! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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