The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1339 It’s cold in spring, it’s cold in summer

Zhang Chen stayed in Beijing for a few more days. At first, he wanted to find a suitable place to reopen a specialty store, but after searching for a few days, he decided to give up. First of all, the rent of houses in Beijing is now terrifyingly high. Everyone feels that The 8th Olympic Games is an opportunity, and this opportunity should first be reflected in the rent of your own house.

In addition, Beijing is undergoing large-scale demolition. Wherever you go, you can see a big circle drawn with red paint on the wall, with the word "Demolish" written inside. More and more people are looking for houses, which can be used for There are fewer and fewer houses for rent.

Zhang Chen saw a store in Dashilar. The location was not as good as theirs in Wangfujing. The area was only two-thirds the size, but the rent was twice as high.

I looked for two more houses in Sanlitun and Zhongguancun, and it was the same situation.

With such a high rent, Xiaoli was worried. She said that if I said this, I would be under too much pressure.

Zhang Chen even looked around the zoo and Dahongmen. What he was thinking was that since there were no suitable houses in the commercial district, he might as well go and squeeze in with the clothing market. There should be a lot of individual tourists there every day, and he could also move around Beijing. Second- and third-level agents have developed, but the results are not ideal.

The merchants here are panic-stricken, and they are beating the drum in their hearts. News of demolition has spread one after another. How could Zhang Chen dare to step in rashly.

Not only the zoo and the Dahongmen area, but also other places. What makes Zhang Chen hesitate the most is that there are still more than three years between now and the 8th Beijing Olympics. No landlord can guarantee that his house will be here. It will not be demolished for three years.

For Zhang Chen and the others, it would take a year or two to open a specialty store just to cultivate a regular customer base, not to mention the amount of energy spent on decoration. The feeling of demolition is too painful.

Zhang Chen, Xiao Li, and He Hongmei discussed together and finally decided to rent a warehouse and office in Beijing to focus on shopping malls and no longer open specialty stores.

Xiaoli said, I will try to open three more counters in shopping malls, so that the sales volume can be almost equal to that of a specialty store. The salespersons in the store are also ready-made and can be sent there for use.

The matter was thus settled.

After deciding not to open a specialty store, Zhang Chen and Xiaoli felt even more distressed when they looked at the current store. Xiaoli raised her right hand, spread her five fingers and said to Zhang Chen, "Only one can count, Mr. Zhang, I'm here" The days in this store are numbered. Why do I feel worse than breaking up with my boyfriend?

Xiaoli said she was about to cry again.

Zhang Chen quickly teased her: "Why, you broke up with your boyfriend again?"

"Go!" Xiaoli scolded, "I don't want him this time."

Zhang Chen smiled and nodded: "Yeah, I guess it will be the same this time, and they will be reconciled after a week."

"Impossible, I will definitely ignore him before this store closes. I have to stay with this store and have no time to care about him." Xiaoli said.

Zhang Chen laughed.

He Hongmei sent Zhang Chen to the airport. Seeing that Zhang Chen looked gloomy and a little distressed, she reached out and grabbed Zhang Chen's ears, kept shaking his head, and said to him, don't be sad, okay, no The specialty store is no longer available, don’t be sad.

Zhang Chen shouted: "You are not Xiangnan, and I am not Zhang Xiangbei, why are you holding your ears?"

"Don't you know that Xiang Nan no longer picks up Xiang Bei's ears or calls him a fool?"

He Hongmei asked. Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. Thinking about it, it was true. Zhang Chen asked: "Why?"

He Hongmei did not answer, but smiled: "But Zhang Xiangbei's father, these ears can be lifted, so just let me try, okay?"

Zhang Chen smiled and said yes.

"Say good again and say you're not sad anymore." He Hongmei said.

"Okay, okay, okay..." Zhang Chen said a lot.

But when the plane took off, Zhang Chen looked at Beijing getting smaller and smaller below, and felt sad. Without the specialty store, he felt as if a branch had been cut off from his roots, and he couldn't help but feel a little unsteady.

This winter has passed, and it has not snowed yet, but Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen felt that it was adding insult to injury.

After the Spring Festival, two words appeared frequently in the media, namely "macro-control" and "soft landing." From top to bottom, "macro-control" began, striving to bring down the overheated economy and realize the "soft landing" of the Chinese economy. Soft landing."

Coal, electricity, and oil transportation are already under overall stress, investment remains high, GDP has entered double-digit growth, prices are rising rapidly, coupled with increasingly serious foreign exchange speculation, and soaring housing prices, etc., according to experts, these are It is a manifestation of an overheated economy, and the one that is most eye-catching and has the greatest opinions among the people is housing prices.

"Macro-control" has the most immediate effect. The fastest way to achieve the goal is to tighten money. Capital-intensive industries like real estate are of course the first to bear the brunt. The first blow of "macro-control" is originally aimed at real estate. of.

This "urinal" is so eye-catching. They put themselves on the table. How can they not be hidden?

Since the beginning of 2004, various real estate credit control policies have been introduced in waves:

On February 26, the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued the "Guidelines for Real Estate Loan Risk Management of Commercial Banks (Draft for Comment)". The "Guidelines" stipulate that the ratio of real estate loan balances to total loan balances shall not exceed 30%.

Although this "Guidelines" has no direct impact on Liu Ligan's company, it sends a strong signal to the whole society, that is, the good days of real estate developers are not only over, but they will prepare to live in hard times. , the tightening of money is tantamount to draining cash flow from the market, which will directly lead to the closure of real estate companies that rely on bank loans for survival.

Not only real estate developers understand the policy, but ordinary people also know that the term "macro-control" is very simple in layman's terms, that is, the central government believes that everything is too expensive and needs to be reduced in price. Since it is necessary to reduce prices, Those buyers who originally held cash to buy houses have tightened their grip on their pockets, while those who are real estate speculators have to seize the opportunity to flee.

Whether you run fast or slowly, whether you run away or not, depends on how much you lower the price of the house in your hand. Even if the price is lowered, there may not be anyone who will buy it. Don’t they all say that you should buy when it goes up and not when it goes down? Then continue to watch and it depends on you. How much further can it fall?

Next, on April 11, the central bank announced that starting from April 25, 2004, financial institutions with capital adequacy ratios below a certain level will implement a deposit reserve ratio of 8%. Banks, foreign capital and other financial institutions will implement a deposit reserve ratio of 7.5%.

This is to further drain the cash flow from the market. Real estate developers who are already living a miserable life have to find ways to find even the coins in the corner of the drawer.

On April 27, a heavier blow came. The State Council issued a notice to increase the capital ratio of real estate development fixed asset investment projects (excluding affordable housing) from 20% to 35% and above.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were dumbfounded by this combination of punches. It was still a soft landing. It was like they were falling from upstairs and still landed head first.

Relying on the office buildings in the center of Hangzhou and the sporadic sales of various sales departments, especially the housing in school districts that have not cooled down in each city, Liu Ligan and the others can barely survive, but if this situation continues, how long can they survive? , Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen themselves are not sure. Whether it is Hangzhou center or school district housing, there will always be a time when it is sold out.

Liu Ligan called Mr. Han, and Mr. Han told him, don't worry, this is the way the economy is, isn't it a troika? When the carriage runs fast, of course you have to pull the reins and control the speed, otherwise the carriage will If the carriage falls apart and the carriage runs slowly, two more whips will be added. What you have to wait for now is the arrival of those whips.

Liu Ligan said: "It sounds like I just deserve a beating."

Mr. Han laughed and said, "As long as the whipping makes you happy and makes you happy, it doesn't matter if you get two whippings."

"It's really painful and happy at the same time." Liu Ligan said.

"Yes, that's what I mean." Mr. Han said, "Pole, these are painful days for the entire industry. The bubble is being squeezed, but have you ever thought about it. When the bubble is squeezed away, your Competitors have been squeezed out. This process is also a time of endurance and strength. Whoever survives will be able to taste the sweetness behind."

Liu Ligan thought about it. Mr. Han's words really made sense. At this time, he was indeed squeezing his competitors. Liu Ligan felt a little relieved.

So-called leading companies in the industry like Liu Ligan and others are having such a difficult time. It is easy to imagine that other commercial real estate developers are having such a difficult time.

Many real estate developers cannot get loans from banks and are unwilling to die. They can only turn their attention to the private sector. The interest rates on private loans in Hangzhou have soared, reaching the level of 10 cents per month.

In fact, it's more than that, because the interest is paid at the beginning of each month. When you borrow one million, you actually get only 900,000, and the cost is higher than 10 cents.

Liu Ligan looked at them and felt that they were drinking poison to quench their thirst, embarking on the same path that Song Chunming walked. This was destined to be a road of no return, unless a miracle happened, the general environment turned overnight, and real estate returned to shortage. However, Liu Ligan felt that he could not see any sign of this.

They had to start laying off employees, starting with each sales department. Since there were no more sales, there were not as many people viewing the houses as there were people selling the houses, so so many people were redundant.

Every employee who received the notice to leave showed reluctance, and many shed tears at the time. Liu Ligan hated this kind of scene, especially the girls crying. He in turn begged Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan, Stay as much as you can.

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and said calmly, "This is a choice between everyone dying together or sacrificing some people and surviving for others. I don't want to, but I have to make this choice."

The next step is to stop some projects, like "City in the Sky", they stopped all the projects in it. If they continue, they will only create more empty houses that no one wants, but they will lose all the projects on their books. Funds are squeezed away little by little. Only when life is hard can you realize what "cash is king".

As the central government tightens its control over the scale of credit for real estate development, major banks have taken corresponding measures to raise the threshold for personal housing mortgage loans around May Day. Gone are the days of lending housing loans with eyes closed. The main body's review has been stricter and the time has been extended. For the loan applications Liu Ligan and others submitted to the bank, one or two of the ten applications would always be returned.

It is said that this is not bad. For some companies, more than half of them have been rejected.

On this basis, each bank also acted in unison and introduced more stringent measures. The core content is to restrict individuals from purchasing two or more houses, especially high-end villas. For those like Qian Fang and others who specialize in villa projects, the situation It is conceivable that Tan Shuzhen did not dare to call her to ask.

This punch was aimed at controlling real estate speculation and stabilizing housing prices, but every punch actually ended up falling on Liu Ligan and other real estate companies.

Seeing that first the peach blossoms and then the rapeseed flowers have bloomed and faded, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen felt that winter was not over yet.

If Liu Ligan and other real estate developers can still see some light in this winter, something worth looking forward to, it is that the real estate fair is coming soon.

Based on past experience, as soon as the real estate fair starts, their hard days will come to an end.

Therefore, they started to count the days with their fingers crossed. Liu Ligan felt that he would sing like Ai Jing singing "1997 will come soon...", the sex party will come soon.

Thank you, Tin Soldier, for reading the book every day and ranking third from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you to the nagging old man, the quiet room, the little Hushuasa, the humorous tribe, and the playboy Yong Shao for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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