The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1338 The Sorrow of Li

Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan went to the "City in the Sky" the next day. The entire framework of their "City in the Sky" has been completed. The construction of roads, parks, lakes and squares has been completed. It is now being built block by block. The house, like a puzzle piece, puts together the entire city in the sky.

As the car drove into the "City in the Sky", the two of them became excited. They saw many cars parked on both sides of the street and many people on the street. When they drove to the park and the lake, there were even more people playing here. , and when we arrived at the European-style square in the city center, there were more young men and women taking pictures here.

It seems that their "City in the Sky" has become famous, and everyone regards it as a free tourist attraction and comes to visit during the holidays.

This not only shows that their project is eye-catching, but it also puts pressure on them. In the first month alone, they have arranged more than 30 security guards and cleaners to work overtime. The place is too big and there are not so many people. Just too busy.

Whether it is a park or a square, you must prevent many tourists from man-made damage and pay attention to protect their safety. Even if you are free, as long as someone has an accident here, they will still be responsible, not to mention those who discarded randomly. It’s full of garbage. If no one takes care of it, within three days, this “City in the Sky” will become a city of garbage.

In any case, it always makes Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan happy to see so many people coming to play.

They then went to the sales office next to the square, but they couldn't be happier. They saw that the sales office was deserted, which was in sharp contrast to the canteen and fast food restaurant next door. Those two places were crowded. When the place is full, it looks like it can bring them some income and reduce costs.

The two people walked into the sales department. When the people inside saw them, they shouted excitedly, but then their faces turned gray again.

The manager came over to greet them.

Tan Shuzhen asked the manager: "How is it?"

The manager shook his head and said to them: "There is no one. The few who came in were still eating noodles on the side. They had nothing to do while waiting for the noodles, so they came in to take a look."

After the manager finished speaking, the three people smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

In their "Sky City" project, three communities have been opened for sale. There are a total of 2,182 houses in these three communities. After several housing fairs, all the houses have been booked long ago, but by the time the market is opened, At that time, only 133 houses actually came to sign a house purchase agreement and pay a down payment. This ratio was shockingly different.

Their sales staff called those who had already reserved a house to inform them that they could come and sign the purchase agreement.

All those home buyers are pushing, either because they don’t have time, or because they are on a business trip, but they refuse to tell them whether they want the house or not. They are obviously waiting and seeing. Anyway, it was stated in the original agreement. After receiving a notice after the opening of the market, if you do not come to sign the house purchase agreement for three months, you will be deemed to have automatically given up your qualifications to purchase a house.

Isn't there still more than one month left before the three-month deadline? Wait.

Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan know in their hearts that if this trend is followed, the next properties built here will have this fate. If so, what worries Tan Shuzhen is that the entire "city in the sky" will die and will become Ghost town.

The "Sky City" project is different from other projects. They were originally planned and developed as a residential town. The number of residents in the town will directly affect the progress of the supporting facilities in the future.

It is far from the main city. Without a corresponding number of passengers, the bus company will not open bus lines. In the same way, hospitals, schools and kindergartens cannot be opened, and even police stations cannot be established. Unless all of these are done by the company itself invest.

Even if you have money to invest, you don't have this authority. Who would allow you, a real estate company, to open hospitals, schools and police stations by yourself?

The population base is not enough, and the business climate here cannot be formed. If you give the stalls at the farmer's market to others for free, they will not come, let alone department stores and large supermarkets. These are necessary for a small town to live in. What they have, they will have nothing.

The little property fee collected every month is not enough to pay the electricity bill to ensure that the street lights are bright every day, let alone such a large property team to maintain the operation of this town.

This place will become a black hole, and they need to invest a large amount of money into it every day, silently, not even a "ding-dong" sound can be heard.

At the same time, the lack of these supporting facilities will turn this place into a vicious cycle. The fewer people there are, the worse the supporting facilities will be. The worse the supporting facilities will be, the less attractive they will be. Even though they are all tourists now, these are just short-lived flowers. Superficial glitz.

Tan Shuzhen thought about the scene when they first decided to build this project. Now it seems that the ideal at that time was indeed beautiful, but the reality now is very cruel. Why did they not expect such an ending at the time?

When people paint a beautiful picture for themselves, they will probably continue to use this beautiful scenery to hint and convince themselves, and finally make themselves believe that all this is true, and they will not even have the slightest thought of possibility or possibility. Allow them to appear.

Tan Shuzhen sighed softly. Lao Tan seemed to understand what she was thinking and said to her:

"Maybe it's not that bad. After a while, everything will get better. I don't believe it. Didn't you say that real estate is a pillar industry? It's only been said for half a year. Will you allow this pillar to collapse like this?"

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "I hope, but brother, this pillar has fallen, and our companies have also fallen. This place is still here, and it will not lose an inch, let alone disappear with us. Today we belong to Jinxiu, and in a few years, we may also belong to Xiujin, are you right?"

"If that were the case, wouldn't it chill the hearts of a large number of people?" Lao Tan said.

"What are you afraid of? I'm worried that I won't be able to win over someone who is determined." Tan Shuzhen said with a bitter smile, "Brother, you have experienced the Hainan real estate bubble. So many people are desperate and want to cry without tears, so what? This society is not Quickly dump them and move on?"

The two of them got into the car and walked back. They sat in the car without saying a word. They both felt as if their hearts were being pressed by a huge boulder, which was very heavy.

When we were almost driving to the city, Lao Tan said, "Come to my place for lunch. Tianlin has already prepared it."

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

When Zhang Chen and He Hongmei came back from Anhui, Liu Bang and Wang Minsheng, the founders of the Han Dynasty, also rushed back from Taiwan because of troubles on the mainland.

Everyone was back, so they had to get together again, at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel. It was the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, and He Hongmei went back to Beijing the next day.

Three days after He Hongmei returned to Beijing, Zhang Chen also came to Beijing. This time, he was not here for He Hongmei, but Xiaoli called him and said it was the Wangfujing Street Neighborhood Committee, informing him to go to the district for a meeting, and explained that he could not Ask for leave and be sure to attend.

Xiaoli said that even the people from the street who came to notify her refused to tell what the specific matter was.

Zhang Chen had just arrived in Beijing. He Hongmei came to pick him up at the airport. She was also very confused. What would happen if Zhang Chen was named in this district?

They did not go back to He Hongmei's studio today, but stayed at the Wangfu Hotel so that it would be more convenient when they went to the district the next day.

After settling in, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei went to the store. Xiao Li felt sad for a while when she saw him coming. In the past, Xiao Zhao would come to Beijing and stay in Beijing for a few days before going back.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Li said, I will also treat you to dinner tonight.

Xiaoli scolded: "What's the use of that."

Zhang Chen said yes, then he wouldn't invite him.

Xiao Li quickly said: "You still have to treat me to a meal, you can't be so stingy."

He Hongmei said: "Please, please, it's up to him whether he goes or not. Let's go. Anyway, if he doesn't pay for the meal, we won't let him go back to Hangzhou."

Xiaoli and the others said yes.

While eating, Zhang Chen asked again what would happen when he went to the district tomorrow. Xiaoli said she didn’t know, it seemed quite mysterious, but she just refused to say, oh, we’ll know it tomorrow anyway.

The next morning, He Hongmei accompanied Zhang Chen to Dongcheng District. Someone was registering at the door. After verifying Zhang Chen's identity information, he was asked to go to the district town hall. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei were shocked when they arrived at the venue. They saw There are already more than a hundred people here.

They found a seat and sat down. Everyone in front of them and behind them were asking about what kind of meeting they were here for today, but no one knew.

They sat for more than ten minutes, and the meeting began. The first thing was leadership mobilization. Only then did the two people know that in order to prepare for the Beijing Olympics in 2008, the Wangfujing area was going to undergo large-scale transformation. I hope everyone would support this country and the city of Beijing. big event.

No wonder the boss of each unit must attend, no wonder no one is allowed to ask for leave.

Then the content and method of renovation were announced. A large part of the old houses would be demolished. Zhang Chen heard that his Half Acre Field store was within the scope of demolition.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei sat there and looked at each other, feeling sorry but helpless. They also knew that this was a big event that no one could stop. Once they decided, they had to do it.

What's more, their house is still rented. They don't have the right to decide whether they want to demolish it or not. As for relocation compensation and decoration compensation, there are unified standards. There is no way to bargain. Zhang Chen feels that there is no point in bargaining.

Zhang Chen still felt sad just thinking that his store would disappear from now on.

At the end of the meeting, everyone in attendance was asked to sign a commitment letter to relocate on time within three months.

Zhang Chen signed the commitment letter without even looking at the content. There was a voice in his heart saying, so our Half Acre Field Beijing store still has three months left in this world.

Zhang Chen held He Hongmei's hand tightly, and the two of them walked outside. He Hongmei looked at Zhang Chen. She saw that Zhang Chen was silent and said nothing, but she knew that he must be very sad in his heart. The wheel of the times rolled over him. When the car came over, I didn't even have a mantis arm to block the car.

They returned to the specialty store. When Xiaoli saw them coming back, she hurriedly came over to ask what happened. Zhang Chen didn't answer, but He Hongmei told her. Xiaoli started to cry when she heard it.

Zhang Chen comforted her in turn and said: "It's okay, it's okay, whatever is supposed to come will always come."

After saying that, he himself felt that these words were too frivolous. It is true that he is the owner of this store, but this is just one of his several specialty stores. For Xiaoli, this is her day and night, her Far away from relatives, days and nights after arriving in Beijing alone.

Zhang Chen felt like an irresponsible father. He ignored the child after it was born, but it was Xiaoli who raised him every day. Xiaoli was the one who really fulfilled all the responsibilities of a mother.

Zhang Chen reached out and hugged Xiaoli, patting her gently on the back.

Thank you to user 01376159840 for the reward! Thank you Huaxin Yongshao, Ba Liang, Big-Eyed Dragonfly, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, pcm600812, Sun Boxheng, and Shuyou20181126154046892 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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