In June, as the temperature rose, the entire epidemic disappeared as suddenly as it had occurred. The vast number of medical staff, after paying a heavy price and gaining experience in treating SARS patients, The SARS virus has begun its full retreat.

Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital was launched on April 22 and the last 18 patients were discharged on June 20. In less than two months, this largest designated hospital for SARS treatment in the country was completed. From establishment, operation to closure, a total of 672 SARS patients were treated here, with a cure rate of over 98.8%.

When Zhang Chen saw the news that Xiaotangshan Hospital was closed on June 20 and that the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on June 24 that mainland China would be removed from the epidemic area, he sat on the edge of the bed blankly. On the bed, looking at Xiao Zhao’s urn, I felt like I was in a dream.

He feels that the entire epidemic is like a joke played by nature and humans, but this joke is too big for him.

Tears flowed down Zhang Chen's cheeks. He told Xiao Zhao that as long as you stayed in Beijing for two more months, you would be fine now. If you didn't take that flight and took another flight, you would be fine. , or as Lao Ni said sadly to him later, why are you so careless? You can call my plane to fly to Beijing specifically.

Even if He Hongmei's car broke down on the road that day and she missed the plane, or the Parkson Shopping Center informed them one day later, delaying the entry time.

Yes, there were too many possibilities to avoid this disaster, but it was not avoided. Zhang Chen felt that something must have gone wrong here, but he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

After the epidemic passed, people seemed to have quickly forgotten what had just happened. Everyone began to flock to the streets again, venting their suppressed emotions for months on the streets, and retaliatory consumption appeared in the market.

Those returns that were returned to the factory and piled up in packages were sent back to various general agents before the packages could even be opened. Moreover, the distribution center has begun to replenish their original goods. Inventory has also been reduced a lot.

When Zhao Zhigang came to tell Zhang Chen about this matter, he couldn't laugh or cry, but Zhang Chen felt that his enthusiasm was waning. He felt that he was already a little numb to these numbers. He couldn't even remember how long he had not delivered the goods. The center has read the report.

The whole society seems to have paused for a while, and now it is still moving forward.

Liu Ligan's heart seemed to start to retract. From that night, when he received Li Yong's call, it was like a slap in the face. When Zhang Chen slowly came out of the pain of losing Xiao Zhao, he began to accept that he had lost Xiao Zhao. In this reality, when he could open his eyes and look at the world around him, he felt a little strange. Why was Liu Ligan so quiet and responsible now?

It seemed like it had been a long time since I had seen him bring a woman back. Every night, he was the only one who came to ask Zhang Chen to eat.

Liu Ligan sat slumped on the sofa in Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen asked him, are you relieved now?

"I feel bored." Liu Ligan said, "Zhang Chen, don't blame me for being cruel. I envy you. At least you can treat one person from beginning to end. There is also someone who can treat you from beginning to end. I want to have such a person. , but I just can’t find it.

"I'm telling the truth, Zhang Chen. When I go out now, all the women seem to be nice to me. How could it be that I'm not bad? I'm not bad looking either. I'm a real estate tycoon and a typical diamond king. Who would be nice to me?" I'm not good, but when you first see these women, they seem to have different postures, but after a little contact, you will find that except for their different faces, they are actually the same on the inside.

"I really can't tell who's really nice to me and who's the fuck, just because I'm a royal or a diamond-encrusted person, especially those self-proclaimed socialites who still pretend to be reserved. , it’s really not as good as the chicken. At least the price of the chicken is clearly marked, the service is professional, and there are not so many frivolous things.”

Zhang Chen looked at him and asked, "What stimulated you?"

"I'm being stimulated by you and Xiao Zhao. I'm serious, Zhang Chen, you have to admit that without Xiao Zhao, your career wouldn't be so big, right?"

Zhang Chen nodded, he was right, and there would not be so much happiness.

"That's right." Liu Ligan shouted, "So a promising king in ancient times must have a reliable wife. Look, Liu Bang had Empress Lu, but without Empress Lu, how could he kill Han Xin? , secure his seat, Zhu Yuanzhang has his Queen Ma, and Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty has his eldest grandson, the Empress. Without her, that old thief Wei Zheng would have been beheaded by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, leaving him with an eternal infamy."

"Find one carefully, you still have time." Zhang Chen said.

"It's too late. I can't pretend to be a beggar and go find my married couple, right?" Liu Ligan said, "Or, I can go work in your factory and see if any of the working girls are suitable for me."

Zhang Chen said: "I don't have a problem here. I'm afraid it's you. Even if you're working now, you have to drive an Aston Martin to fight, right?"

"Yes, that's the truth. After that stage, I can no longer adapt to such a life. If you throw me into Haicheng now, I don't think I will even sweep the building." Liu Ligan sighed.

"Then what will you do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There is a high probability that I will go under the South Bridge and lie down every day, remembering my past glory. Occasionally, I will do something deceiving and abducting." Liu Ligan said, "So thinking about it, I'd better go to work honestly every day."

2003 was also an eventful and even somewhat dramatic year for Liu Ligan and his entire real estate industry. The epidemic that began at the beginning of the year brought the sales of the entire real estate industry to a freezing point, and everyone was struggling. , in June, seeing that the epidemic was improving and the market had just improved a little, the People's Bank of China came out to give them another sap.

On June 13, the People's Bank of China issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Management of Real Estate Credit Business," known historically as "Document No. 121," which imposed strict restrictions on high-end housing and personal commercial housing loans, and strictly controlled the development of real estate loans. Regarding corporate loans, it is reiterated that no loans are allowed without the "four certificates", and it is strictly prohibited to use loans in other places and advance funds for construction units, etc.

This decision of the central bank was based on the rising land and housing prices in various places in the previous year. Everyone began to formulate countermeasures against various bubble tendencies in the entire real estate market. However, in June, just after the epidemic, the entire real estate market It is obviously inappropriate to release it during a period of depression.

The implementation of the central bank's new policy has challenged developers' original single financing method. This policy has aroused opposition from the real estate industry. Many economists and industry insiders have publicly declared that the real estate industry will enter a cold winter.

Sure enough, with the issuance of "Document No. 121", the little flame that had just started in the entire real estate market was extinguished. Even Liu Ligan and his company, the activities to pay tribute to the medical staff fighting on the front line of the epidemic have been It's not very attractive, and families of medical staff who can afford to buy a house have already done so.

But they are relieved that the epidemic is about to pass, and other home buyers have begun to increase. However, with the introduction of "No. 121 Document", they immediately fell into trouble, especially the projects they developed were all "No. 121 Document" "High-end housing as defined in "China's Housing and Urban-Rural Development Plan" falls within the scope of strict control. This blow is even more severe than the epidemic.

Although the epidemic has passed, there is no better response strategy for economic activities as a whole, especially investment activities, to return to the original high-speed development. At this time, the central government officials began to re-examine the impact of the real estate industry on the entire nation. economic stimulus.

This is what Mr. Han told Liu Chengcheng and the others that time. The real estate industry is very important and covers a wide range of areas. It can affect the whole body.

On August 12, less than two months after the "No. 121 Document" issued by the central bank, the State Council issued the "Notice on Promoting the Sustained and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market", also known as the "State Council Document No. 18", positioning the real estate industry. In order to promote one of the pillar industries of national economic development, it is clearly proposed to maintain the sustained and healthy development of the real estate industry.

"State Council Document No. 18" is tantamount to a clear denial of the central bank's "Document No. 121". Bank credit support for the real estate industry can be resumed. This makes Liu Ligan and others relieved again. How do they feel about this year? It was like riding a roller coaster, up and down, and the "urinal theory" about the real estate industry became popular from this time on.

Sales in every sales department began to recover. House prices in various places, especially in Hangzhou, were pushed up rapidly again. Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan breathed a sigh of relief, but the huge public resentment that followed also The leaders of the Hangzhou City Government realized the dangers of high housing prices and decided to declare war on high housing prices, targeting developers.

On August 16, the mayor of Hangzhou City released an email to the public through the city government's "Citizen Mailbox" titled "Let Hangzhou City Residents Have Homes," acknowledging that there is indeed a certain amount of hype in the Hangzhou City real estate market. Behavior.

The email said: "The reason why houses are so tight now is that the houses are taken away by 'scalpers' as soon as they come out, and even real estate developers directly send them to employees to create a tense atmosphere for promotion. There are very few houses directly listed for sale, just like the Spring Festival." The situation with reselling train tickets during this period is the same.”

Subsequently, eight measures, known as the "Hangcheng Real Estate New Deal" in the industry, were introduced. The core contents include: the land supply area for affordable housing shall not be less than 50% of the total; the 20% income tax on second-hand housing transactions will be resumed; developers must Disclose all property information to the public, etc.

The eight major measures were launched together with such ferocity that the real estate industry exclaimed: "I never expected it."

At the same time, various real estate companies are also required to self-examine and correct themselves to see if they have violated relevant regulations.

Thank you for your monthly votes from Shouwang, Book Friends 20180620224028804, Yuanxi, Zhan Jingjing, and Zhenwu Longyi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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