The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1314: My son’s best friend (Thank you, Eternal Emperor Yan!)

Liu Ligan drove to "Splendid Home". Zhang Chen carried Xiao Zhao's urn upstairs, entered the room, walked to his bedroom, put it on the bedside table, and Zhang Chen wrapped it in the urn. He opened the red cloth outside, found a towel, gently wiped the urn, and muttered:

"Okay, Xiao Zhao, I'm back home. Don't worry. I won't leave you alone there among so many strangers. Xiao Zhao, just stay at home and don't Afraid."

Zhang Chen walked out of the bedroom and saw that there were already people standing outside. Zhang Chen saw Xiaofang from the crowd. Zhang Chen asked:

"Xiaofang, are you scared when your sister is at home?"

Xiaofang shook her head and said, "No."

"Then let's let my sister stay at home, okay?"

Xiaofang nodded and said, "Okay."

Only then did Zhang Chen tell everyone, okay, thank you all for sending Xiao Zhao home. Xiao Zhao will always be fine at home.

Everyone lowered their heads, no one knew what to say.

From then on, Xiao Zhao lived at home. In the morning, Zhang Chen would wipe the urn with a towel and tell him, "Get up, Xiao Zhao, don't sleep in, come and wash your face."

At night, Zhang Chen would still wipe the urn with a towel and tell it, "Okay, Xiao Zhao, let's wash our faces and go to bed."

Xiaofang walked out of her room and saw Zhang Chen's door tightly closed, with a light on under the door. She leaned on the wall next to the door and heard Zhang Chen murmuring inside. She knew that brother-in-law She was chatting with her sister, and Xiaofang couldn't help but burst into tears.

She walked to the bathroom, washed her face, returned to the door of Zhang Chen's room, knocked on the door twice, and said, "Brother-in-law, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Chen opened the door, and the two of them walked to the sofa and sat down. Zhang Chen asked, "What's the matter?"

Xiaofang lowered her head and said, "My acceptance letter from Yale is here."

"Really, that's great!" Zhang Chen shouted, "When did you come?"

"It's been here a long time ago. I received it on the day my sister came back from Beijing." Xiaofang choked up as she spoke.

"It's a good thing if you don't cry, why are you crying?" Zhang Chen said, "It means God is fair. He gives you bad things with one hand, and good things with the other hand. "

Xiaofang became anxious and said angrily: "Oh, brother-in-law, what are you talking about? If my sister can not get sick, I would be willing to become illiterate."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Okay, I didn't describe it properly. I wanted to say that if your sister knew this, she would definitely be very happy. By the way, have you told your sister the news?"

Xiaofang shook her head and said, "No, I don't want to go."

Zhang Chen was startled and asked quickly: "You don't want to go, why?"

"I want to help my brother-in-law's company after graduation. It's too hard for my brother-in-law to work alone." Xiaofang said.

"Don't say goodbye. If that happens, I will be scolded to death by your sister. Your sister's biggest wish is for you to go to the best university. I can still handle the things in the company." Zhang Chen said, "Besides, After going through this epidemic, I have a realization.”

"What insights?" Xiaofang said.

"I feel that our industry is similar to that of farmers. It depends entirely on the weather. It is too fragile. Is this industry too traditional and outdated? Why are there fewer and fewer clothing companies in developed countries in the West? Maybe there are still It makes sense, Xiaofang, when you go to the United States, you can take the opportunity to learn more and see if there are any new opportunities." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang nodded. Zhang Chen stood up and walked to the bedroom. After a while, he came out with a bank card from Citibank Hong Kong in his hand, handed it to Xiaofang, and said to her:

"This is what your sister has prepared for you a long time ago. The account is your sister's name, and the password is your birthday. There is one million US dollars in the account. Xiaofang, when you arrive in the United States, you are not familiar with the place, so don't be reluctant to part with it. Spend money, if the money is not enough, you call your brother-in-law, you know? Your sister is not here, but your brother-in-law is still here, everything is still the same, do you understand? "

Xiaofang's eyes were filled with tears. She nodded and said, "I understand, thank you, brother-in-law!"

"Go, now go tell your sister the good news." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang nodded "hmm", stood up, and walked into Zhang Chen's bedroom. Zhang Chen sat there, picked up a cigarette, lit it, and started smoking, saying in his heart, "It's great, Xiao Zhao." , you have fulfilled another wish, just be happy.

At noon, other students were playing in the corridor at the door or in the patio below. Parents reacted fiercely, saying that some students took advantage of the lunch break to go to the Internet cafe outside to play games. The school therefore stipulated that, During lunch break, students are not allowed to leave the school gate, and they are not even allowed to go to the small shop at the school gate to buy things.

This made Sun Xiangyang and the others extremely anxious. By noon, they felt itchy, but there was nothing they could do.

Sun Xiangyang walked out of the classroom and saw Zhang Xiangbei lying on the railing alone, staring blankly below. Sun Xiangyang walked over, said "Hey" and poked him in the waist, trying to scare him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiangbei Northward was not at all intimidated.

Sun Xiangyang asked: "Why don't you play "Legend" now?"

"It's not interesting. It's not as interesting as "Conan"."

"Is "Conan" good to watch?"

"It looks good." Zhang Xiangbei nodded.

"I haven't watched it," Sun Xiangyang said. "You can only watch it on the computer. I only have so much time when I go to an Internet cafe. How can I have time to watch "Conan"."

"That's because you haven't seen it. If you have seen it, you would rather watch "Conan"." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Sun Xiangyang looked at Zhang Xiangbei, and saw a trace of sadness on his face. Everyone in the class and even the whole school knew why, who let Xiang Nan Xiangbei, who was already very famous in the school, and Zhang Xiangbei My mother is one of the few people who died in this major epidemic.

When the school first received the news that a parent of a student had been diagnosed, it was nervous for a while. It called the anti-epidemic command center to ask if the school needed to take measures. The people at the command center told them no, saying that the student had no contact with the parent who was diagnosed. We will notify you if necessary.

The school was relieved.

Sun Xiangyang looked at Zhang Xiangbei and asked tentatively: "Are you thinking about your mother?"

Zhang Xiangbei didn't say anything, but still looked downstairs blankly. Sun Xiangyang said, "I miss my mother too. My mother died when I was in the second grade."

Zhang Xiangbei turned his head, looked at Sun Xiangyang and asked, "How did your mother die?"

"There was a car accident. I was hit by a car when I was riding my bicycle to work in the morning." Sun Xiangyang said, "You don't know, my mother was very kind to me when she was alive."

"My mother is also very good to me." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Sun Xiangyang sighed and said, "When my mother was here, my father had a very good temper and would never hit me. Now, look at it."

Sun Xiangyang looked around, turned his back towards Zhang Xiangbei, and said to him: "Put up my school uniform and take a look."

Zhang Xiangbei lifted up Sun Xiangyang's school uniform, took one look at it, and immediately put it down. He saw scarlet scars all over his back.

Sun Xiangyang and Zhang Xiangbei said: "My father now always makes me take off my clothes, bare my upper body, and use bamboo to beat him. Hum, I can't beat him now. One day, when I grow up, I will call back."

Zhang Xiangbei said sympathetically: "Even if my mother is gone, my father will not beat me. I feel better than before. That is, he has more time to accompany me. In the past, watching movies was all My mother took us to see it, and now my father takes us to see movies every week, go to bookstores to buy books, and eat KFC.”

Sun Xiangyang sighed and said enviously: "Then your father is so kind. It's so unlucky that I don't have such a father."

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Sun Xiangyang and said, "After school this afternoon, would you like to go to our house to watch "Conan"?"

Sun Xiangyang shouted: "Okay!"

From that day on, these two motherless little boys became besties. While Xiangnan was taking care of Zhang Xiangbei, she also had one more person to take care of. She had to keep an eye on Zhang Xiangbei, especially Sun Xiangyang. You are not allowed to play games, and you can only watch anime after completing your homework.

When Zhang Chen returned home, Zhang Xiangbei came over and said to Zhang Chen, "Dad, can you help me with something?"

"What's going on?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Can you go find Sun Xiangyang's father and ask him to stop beating him?" Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Chen was in a dilemma, how could he take care of this matter? Sun Xiangyang's father and he couldn't get along, and he was not a teacher. How could he talk to others about such a matter?

But Zhang Chen looked at the pleading look on Zhang Xiangbei's face, and Xiangnan kept nodding at the side. Zhang Chen asked: "Then Sun Xiangyang's father, why did you beat him?"

"Sometimes it's because he goes to an Internet cafe to play games, sometimes it's because he doesn't do well in exams, sometimes it's because he's late coming home. Many times, Sun Xiangyang thinks there's a reason to be beaten. Many times, he has to be beaten even if there is no reason. Anyway, , anyway, after Sun Xiangyang’s mother left, his father became like this.”

Zhang Chen was startled and asked, "Sun Xiangyang's mother also passed away?"

"Yes, when he was in second grade, he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. After his mother died, his father became like this." Zhang Xiangbei said.

Zhang Chen probably knew the reason. He said, "Then do you know which unit Sun Xiangyang's father is in and what his name is?"

Zhang Xiangbei had already prepared it and took out a piece of paper to Zhang Chen with Sun Xiangyang's father's name and his unit written on it.

Zhang Chen put the note into his bag and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Okay, I promise you, dad will go talk to Sun Xiangyang's dad tomorrow. However, dad can't guarantee whether it will be useful."

Zhang Xiangbei said: "Thank you, Dad!"

Sun Xiangyang returned home and saw that his father had gone home early today and was sitting on the sofa. Sun Xiangyang lamented in his heart, it was over, he was going to be beaten.

"Come here!" Sure enough, Father Sun yelled.

Sun Xiangyang walked over to his father, took off his schoolbag, and then began to take off his school uniform. He waited for his father to get up and get the bamboo hanging behind the door.

Unexpectedly, dad sighed, patted his butt gently, and said to him, get dressed, dad will take you to eat KFC.

Sun Xiangyang was shocked, what happened today, but as long as he didn't get beaten, it was always a good thing.

The two of them arrived at KFC, ordered their meals, and sat facing each other. Sun's father looked at Sun Xiangyang, who still looked confused, and smiled: "That's right, kid, you know you can find someone else to file a complaint against your father."

Sun Xiangyang became even more confused, and Sun's father continued: "Okay, you promise dad that you will be obedient in the future, and dad also promises you that he will never hit you again in the future, okay?"

Sun Xiangyang nodded quickly, and his father continued: "Let me tell you another piece of good news. Dad is going to change companies soon, and his salary will be doubled. Today, we are here to celebrate."

Sun's father was the general affairs section chief of a factory. In the afternoon, Zhang Chen came to see him. He was shocked when he received Zhang Chen's business card. What could such a big boss do if he came to see him?

Their factory had no business dealings with Zhang Chen's company. It wasn't until Zhang Chen said that he was Zhang Xiangbei's father that Sun's father understood. When Zhang Chen talked about Sun Xiangyang, Sun's father was confused. He was angry, but because of Zhang Chen's face, it was difficult to get angry.

Zhang Chen talked with him for more than two hours. The two men who lost their wives had a lot in common. Zhang Chen also knew the reason for the change in Sun's father's temperament.

Zhang Chen and Sun's father said, Master Sun, I know you must like your wife very much. If not, you wouldn't be like this, but have you ever thought about it, if your dead wife knew that you treated your son like this? Would she be sad if she found out?

Father Sun was stunned, and Zhang Chen continued, treating your son well is a greater comfort to her than burning any amount of paper for your dead wife.

The new unit that Sun's father is going to is Lin Shuwan's school as the director of the General Affairs Office. It was the original position that Lao Yang held concurrently. This was Zhang Chen's arrangement with Lin Shuwan and Lao Yang before he came. He introduced Sun's father's situation to them. I told them that I had called them and found out that my work ability was still good. Everyone reported that my temper was a bit weird sometimes.

After introducing Sun's father to Lin Shuwan School, Zhang Chen knew that it would be financially stressful for Sun's father to take Sun Xiangyang alone. For a man who has lost his wife and is in financial embarrassment, if you want to make him feel good, that is impossible.

Secondly, Zhang Chen also wanted Lao Yang to teach Sun's father how to treat his children well.

Thank you Eternal Evergreen Emperor Yan, Hu Hu, and the third one from top to bottom for the reward! Thank you to users 229790848, honestqiang, and me, 19790607, Wind Fantasy, for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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