The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1316 Encounter at the Airport

In a blink of an eye, July is here, and it’s the day when Xiaofang is going to register at Yale University in the United States. Today, Zhang Chen will drive, take Xiaoshu and Xiaozhao’s parents to Shanghai Pudong Airport to see Xiaofang off. Everything is ready and ready to go. , Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said, I will go and talk to my sister.

Zhang Chen agreed, and he gave Xiaoshu the car keys and told him to take his sister's luggage first.

Xiao Shu carried a large suitcase in one hand and went downstairs first.

Xiaofang walked into Zhang Chen's bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. She put her hand on the urn and shouted: "Sister, I'm leaving. You should be well at home. I will miss you!"

As Xiaofang spoke, she burst into tears. Xiaozhao's mother walked in with red eyes and said to Xiaofang, "Yomei, you are leaving. Your sister knows it."

Zhang Chen also said: "Yes, Xiaofang, your sister knows that you are going to the United States today to study at Yale. Your sister would laugh in her dreams."

When Zhang Chen was talking, he remembered the scene when Xiao Fang and Xiao Shu squeezed her one by one every time Xiao Zhao went back. He recalled what Xiao Zhao told her about the scene where three people shared a peach blossom tree. Zhang Chen's His eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Xiaofang stood up and bowed to Xiaozhao's urn. Xiaofang said, "Sister, when the holidays come, I will come back to see you. I want to tell you many, many things."

The five people went out and went downstairs. There were many people today and there were two large suitcases. Zhang Chen drove the bullet car specially. After getting in the car, Zhang Chen remembered that he had not seen the little tree for several days. Just ask, Xiaoshu, what are you doing now?

Xiaoshu said: "I am completing my homework and trying to be selected into the National Oil Painting Exhibition."

Zhang Chen nodded: "Didn't you paint in the oil painting studio?"

"No, in a quiet place." Xiaoshu said.

"Can you take me to see it?"

"Well, when I finish." Xiaoshu said.

Zhang Chen said yes, then he remembered another thing and said to Xiaoshu: "Go and sign up for a driving training class when you have time. Take out your certificate and you can drive your sister's car. This way, you can still drive if you have time on Sunday." Take your parents around."

Xiaoshu said okay, I understand, brother-in-law.

They arrived at Pudong Airport and watched Xiaofang check in her luggage and get her boarding pass. They felt that something big had happened and everyone relaxed.

Because they were afraid of something unexpected happening on the road and missing the plane, they left Hangzhou very early. After completing the check-in formalities, there were still more than four hours before the plane took off. The five of them stood there, deciding where to have lunch.

Zhang Chen saw a person standing outside the isolation tape in front of the row of check-in desks opposite, with his back to them. His tall figure was very familiar. The man was heading towards the queue in front of the check-in desk for Paris. Looking inside, Zhang Chen was startled. He told Xiaofang and the others, "Wait a moment."

Zhang Chen walked over and looked at the side of the man. He was overjoyed to see that it was Liu Chengcheng. Zhang Chen shouted: "Leader!"

Liu Chengcheng turned around and saw Zhang Chen. He was also stunned and quickly shook hands with him. Zhang Chen smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet the leader here!"

"Haha, yes, yes." Liu Chengcheng's voice was still loud. He pointed at the mother and daughter in the queue and said: "My wife and I are here to send our daughter to study in Europe. Mr. Zhang, How will you be here?"

Zhang Chen pointed to the back and said, "I'm also here to see off my relatives."

Liu Chengcheng looked behind him and saw Xiaofang. He mistakenly thought it was Xiao Zhao and said, "Oh, it turns out Mr. Zhang's wife is here too."

After saying that, he waved to Xiaofang and the others. Xiaofang didn't know Liu Chengcheng, but when he saw him waving, he still waved politely. Zhang Chen quickly explained: "This is my sister-in-law."

"Ouch, I wonder why Mr. Zhang's wife has become younger again." Liu Chengcheng laughed and said, "They sisters, they really look alike. Why, your wife didn't come?"

Zhang Chen said vaguely no.

Zhang Chen looked at the flight to Frankfurt. It was still more than four hours before departure, and said to Liu Chengcheng: "Boss, long time no see. Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Liu Chengcheng smiled and said: "You can drink coffee. Oh, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch the plane. I came too early. By the way, this epidemic, you have suffered a lot of losses. Many of our companies have suffered a lot of losses."

"The loss was not small, but we finally got over it," Zhang Chen said.

"Just push it over, and you won't be afraid if you push it over."

Liu Chengcheng called out to the queue, and the mother and daughter turned around. Liu Chengcheng said to them: "Mr. Zhang and I are going to have a cup of coffee. When you're done, go get something to eat by yourself."

Mother and daughter nodded and said yes.

Zhang Chen also walked over and said to Xiaofang, you take your parents to eat. It's been a long time since I last saw the old boss. I'll talk to him and call you later.

Xiaofang said yes.

Zhang Chen and Liu Chengcheng found an open coffee shop in the lobby. There happened to be a seat in the corner, so they walked over and sat down.

Liu Chengcheng asked Zhang Chen about the company's losses this time and the current situation of production recovery. Zhang Chen told him one by one. The only thing he didn't tell him was the death of Xiao Zhao. Liu Chengcheng kept saying Nodding, he comforted Zhang Chen and said, don't be afraid, Qingshan is still there, and you can still make back your losses.

After the conversation started, Zhang Chen asked: "Boss, why doesn't your daughter go to school in China?"

Although he knew that this topic was relatively sensitive, since the other party was Liu Chengcheng, Zhang Chen thought it was okay to ask.

"Just for some peace and quiet." Liu Chengcheng sighed and said, "Studying in China has too many distractions."

"Too much interference?" Zhang Chen was puzzled.

"Yes, to tell you the truth, the mentality of some people now scares me. In order to get close to leading cadres like us, they will use any means. Let me tell you one thing. My work transfer , after leaving Hangzhou, didn’t my daughter stay with her grandparents in Hangzhou and continue to attend middle school?

"There was someone at my workplace who tried every possible means to get close to me, but failed. I don't know how he learned about my daughter's situation. Guess what he did?

"He actually took great pains to transfer his daughter from the middle school in the provincial capital where I work to Hangzhou, where she entered my daughter's middle school and became a classmate. Moreover, he made his daughter work hard to get along with my daughter. Recently, the two became best friends.

"The trap has been set, and we don't know it yet. Until the end of last year, my wife and I went back to Hangzhou to visit relatives during the vacation. My daughter said that the parents of her best classmate hoped that the parents of the two families could meet. Let’s have some noodles and a light meal. My daughter also begged us to meet her uncles and aunts, saying they were very good to her.

"My wife and I discussed that in this case, we should satisfy the children's wishes and thank them for taking care of my daughter. We can meet each other when we meet. Fortunately, we no longer work in Hangzhou. At worst, we can Pay the bill.

"We went there, and then we saw that man, and everything became clear. Can we still eat this meal? Of course we turned around and left. Alas, I don't know how much psychological damage this incident has done to the children. How can this society be like this? It’s so dirty, why do we adults have such a dark psychology, even children are not spared, the scolding is really right, some people are just shameless to the extreme.

"After this incident, I discussed with my lover that if something like this happens once, I'm afraid it will happen a second time. If the children go to college, there will be more people like this. We can withstand the test ourselves, but in the huge world In the face of the temptation, it would be too cruel to ask a little girl of eighteen or nineteen to undergo such a big test like us. We don’t know whether she can withstand it or not.

"After much deliberation, we decided to send our daughter to study somewhere no one knows about. The cost of education in places like the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom is too expensive for us. Public schools in Europe are too expensive. College costs about 100,000 yuan a year. With our two incomes plus our original savings, we can still afford it, so if we can’t afford it, we’ll send her out.”

Zhang Chen felt a little shocked when he heard what Liu Chengcheng said. He didn't expect someone to do business. It turned out to be this way. This was really more than Meng Ping. He didn't know that this parent sent his child to go to college. Such difficulties.

At the same time, he also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. For someone like Liu Chengcheng, with his ability and character, even if he didn't work on his own or came to find a position with him or with the pole, he wouldn't be able to earn a hundred thousand a year. Expenses, and savings will have to be used.

It seems that there is no absolute fairness, including Li Yong.

Liu Chengcheng sighed and said: "I don't know if a child will be able to understand her parents in the future. In today's society, there are too many temptations. My daughter usually complains to her mother, saying that people are in the same place. The living conditions at home of the mayor, director, bank president, or small boss are better than ours. I don’t know how my father became the mayor or director S.

"Haha, I can only listen to it as a complaint, and I can't tell her. If your father was an official like some people, you would be in the fifth category now. You can't say it. You can't say this to a child. You say Isn't it, Mr. Zhang, I just saw you, an old acquaintance, and had a few complaints.

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, don't tell others about meeting me at the airport. Our operation was completely secret this time. We didn't even dare to call the driver. We and I drove here by ourselves. I'm afraid. , I’m afraid that if those people find out about it and go after them to do things abroad, we will be beyond our reach.”

Zhang Chen said yes, yes, boss, you can rest assured.

Liu Chengcheng asked: "By the way, where are you sending your relatives?"


"Going to study too?"

Zhang Chen was embarrassed to admit that he sent Xiaofang to study in the United States. He could only say that he wanted to travel.

Liu Chengcheng nodded.

Zhang Chen still felt uncomfortable in his heart, the kind of uncomfortable feeling that he couldn't help. He tentatively asked, "Boss, can I give your daughter a gift? Don't get me wrong, it's a gift from a friend."

Liu Chengcheng understood, and he quickly said, thank you, Mr. Zhang. I accept your kindness, but I cannot accept the gift. I know that Mr. Zhang is a person who has a bottom line in doing things. Otherwise, your factory, specialty store, and hotel will open. , I won’t go and cut the ribbon for you calmly, because I know what you are like.

To be honest, I despise those people who are low-minded and will do anything for a little profit and use their own daughters as tools. I despise and do not hope that our private entrepreneurs are all such people. If your boss has evil intentions, how can the company's atmosphere be upright? Do you think that's right?

Zhang Chen kept saying that he was right and never dared to mention giving gifts again.

Thank you for the reward of two fishes at around 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Hu Hu, Guandian Electromechanical, Book Friends 110115233651898, Book Friends 20170622081511459, Lu, honestqiang for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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