The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 127 Why am I crying?

The three of them returned to the hotel. Mr. Xia and Lao Bao said, you stay here to go through the formalities. At the same time, they urged Cai and the others to enter as soon as possible. Xiao Jin and I had to rush back to Haicheng to deal with the overseas issue immediately.

Lao Bao said yes.

"By the way, there are twelve acres of land opposite the construction site. It is the supporting land allocated to the hotel by the government to encourage investment. You can see what connections are needed to turn this land into commercial housing land. I will go back to Hainan. Cheng, also ask Director Luo to say hello."

Mr. Xia explained to Lao Bao. Lao Bao said, OK, I'll figure it out. I'll give you a call and ask Director Luo to say hello specifically who you're looking for.

Mr. Xia nodded.

The three of them had lunch in the hotel restaurant. After the meal, Mr. Xia and Jin Lili checked out and returned to Haicheng.

Both sides of the road from Sanya to Haicheng are lined with tall rubber forests, covering the narrow road in the shade of the trees. In many places, the road is covered with a thick layer of loess. When cars drive by, The dust is so high that you have to slow down and wait for the road to clear from the dust before continuing.

In the chaos, if there is a car coming from the opposite direction, you can't see it clearly.

Chen Ming's matter has been dealt with, and everything is clear. The next step is how to use the existing funds reasonably and economically, so that the investors' follow-up funds can keep up. Mr. Xia should be happy, but Jin Lili feels that, He didn't seem happy.

More than being unhappy, Jin Lili secretly glanced at Mr. Xia who was driving. She didn't know if it was because the shadow of the rubber tree was swaying on his face. His face looked a little gloomy, and he stared straight into the distance without saying a word. Speak up and concentrate on driving.

Mr. Xia didn't speak, and Jin Lili had nothing to say. She nestled in the passenger seat, feeling a little sleepy and unable to sleep. She could only look outside with dull eyes, only to see the blue sea in front of her. She only became interested when the right side of the scene appeared. The sea water in Sanya was blue, while the sea water in Haicheng was as muddy yellow as she saw for the first time.

It seems that only after crossing the mouth of Wanquan River in Qionghai, the sea water begins to turn blue.

They walked on the road for more than an hour. Mr. Xia looked at Jin Lili and said the first sentence: "Xiao Jin, do you know that I arranged for Manager Cai today?"

"I know, as long as you are not a fool, you can figure it out." Jin Lili said, "Xiao Zhao knows, and Chen Ming must also know, how could such a coincidence happen."

Mr. Xia smiled dryly: "I think so."

"At the bank, Xiao Zhao said something to me." Jin Lili said.

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Xia asked.

"She said, what you want to do is finally done!"

Mr. Xia nodded: "Yes, it's finally done."

Mr. Xia suddenly turned the steering wheel and parked the car on the side of the road. He laid his head on the steering wheel and cried loudly.

Jin Lili was shocked by Mr. Xia's sudden move and didn't know what to do. She had never seen a middle-aged man in his forties cry so sadly like a child.

After calming down a little, Jin Lili stretched out her hand, put it on Mr. Xia's back, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Mr. Xia, what's wrong with you?"

Mr. Xia lay there shaking his head and cried: "I feel bad, Xiao Jin, you don't know, I can't fucking stand it anymore, all I can think about is when the person named Cai came in, and when Chen Ming looked at me, that I can’t forget Xiao Zhao’s desperate and helpless eyes, those cold and resentful eyes, they have been wandering in my mind.”

"I know, Mr. Xia, I know you don't want to do this either." Jin Lili patted his back gently.

Mr. Xia still shook his head and said, "Back then, when I walked into their room, I must have had the same look in Chen Ming's eyes as he did today. That's why he saw that I had no money."

Jin Lili sighed, her heart was complicated. It should be said that this incident did make her feel a little sick, but on the other hand, she also felt vaguely exciting and enjoyable. This was the first time she knew, What people say about shopping malls is like a battlefield is not an illusion. I saw it with my own eyes today.

In the shopping mall, if you want to succeed, you must meet gods and kill ghosts like this. Only with such a murderous intention can you be invincible. Zhang Chen can't do this, Liu Ligan can't do this, Chen Ming can't do this. He couldn't do it, so he could only be the one who was killed.

Jin Lili felt that the chaotic world suddenly became clear. She felt that compared with Mr. Xia, both Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were still very naive. They had left Yongcheng, but their hearts still belonged to Yongcheng. So meek, so timid, Mr. Xia knew the choice at the critical moment and was able to make the move, so he was able to succeed.

Jin Lili felt that a new world had appeared in front of her. In this world, killing and conquest were commonplace. Every node was thrilling and thrilling. It was like taking drugs. Once you get involved, you will become addicted. Jin Lili felt faintly I feel that when I leave the comfortable Gaohang in Yongcheng, isn't this the world I want to enter?

Jin Lili stroked Mr. Xia's back and comforted: "Emotionally, it is indeed a bit excessive for you to do this, but intellectually, I understand that you have to do this. If you proceed according to Chen Ming's idea, , Lao Bao is right, in the end we still have to come out to clean up the mess, have you thought about one thing, Mr. Xia? "

Mr. Xia wiped his tears with a tissue, sat up straight, leaned on the back of the chair, closed his eyes, shook his head, and said, "You tell me."

"If we are the one to clean up the mess in the end, you and Chen Ming will eventually fall out. In this way, there will only be one result, and that is that he will not be able to get out of the situation, and we will be trapped and unable to extricate ourselves." Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It seems to make sense."

"It's not like, it's definitely that we will be exhausted. Now, at least you have helped Chen Ming out of trouble, and we can concentrate on what we should do." Jin Lili said seriously, " You gave Chen Ming five hundred thousand, you didn't treat him badly, really."

What Jin Lili said is right. In the situation that morning, even if it was a zero-yuan change, Chen Ming had no choice but to agree in the end. Otherwise, where would he find money to give to the person named Cai? Although the person named Cai is He had already set up a trick with Mr. Xia and the others the night before, but his main goal was to get money. Now that he had found Chen Ming, how could he give up without money?

It can be said that the five hundred thousand is indeed the price of friendship from Mr. Xia.

Mr. Xia's mood gradually stabilized. He shook his head and said to Jin Lili: "Xiao Jin, there are some things that outsiders will not understand. What I feel now is that I am walking on the swamp, but the springboard under my feet is whipped. After leaving, it turns out that Chen Ming is this springboard.

"No matter how difficult it is for me, I still feel that I have not reached a desperate situation. You still have someone to rely on, and a friend who will help you unconditionally. This friend is your bottom line. I think, for Chen Minglai, I am the same."

Mr. Xia sighed: "But now, everything has changed."

"Actually, I understand that everyone has a friend like this. Even when the whole world betrays you, he is the only one who still stands by your country." Jin Lili said, she thought that Liu Ligan, to Zhang Chen and herself, He is such a friend, and Tan Shuzhen seems to be the same, but Tan Shuzhen seems to be because Liu Ligan is.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Mr. Xia patted the steering wheel, "You and Lao Bao are right. I am really old and can't compare with you young people."

Jin Lili smiled and said, "I think you are quite brave."

"Next, we have to focus on dealing with Haifa. Tell us, what do you think?" Mr. Xia said.

"Of course, we need to test the bank's ideas first. It would be best if the loan can be extended, so that we have time." Jin Lili said.

"Yes, I think so too." Mr. Xia said.


"Remember, what happened?" Mr. Xia asked.

"Chen Ming's loan belongs to this bank, and we are also their customers. So, is there a basis for negotiation?" Jin Lili asked.

"Such a coincidence? That's great!" Mr. Xia shouted, "Then let's set off and return to the company. You can ask your friend if their president will be here tomorrow, and we will pay him a visit."

"Okay." Jin Lili said.

Mr. Xia started the car, and they got on the road again. When they got on the road again, the two of them talked more. They both felt that after what they had just experienced, they seemed to be much closer to each other, especially Jin Lili. She felt that in her heart, she had feelings for Mr. Xia. The awe is gone.

If a person has cried like a child in front of you, can you still feel that he is alive?

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