The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 128 She said she was a tigress

The next morning, when Mr. Xia and Jin Lili arrived at the Haifa International Trade Branch, Lin Yiyan was already waiting for them at the gate. Lin Yiyan told them that our CEO was in the office and asked me to wait for you here.

Lin Yiyan led them up to the second floor and arrived at the president's office. President Shi was a lady in her thirties. When she saw them coming in, she quickly came out from behind her desk and came over to shake hands. She smiled and shook hands with Xia always say:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, we were supposed to come to visit, why did we let you come here?"

Mr. Xia also smiled: "I have heard about Executive Shi for a long time and have wanted to visit him for a long time."

"No matter how famous they are, they all call me names, saying I'm a tigress." said President Shi.

"But everything I heard said she was a strong woman?" Mr. Xia said.

Both of them laughed, and President Shi laughed at himself and said, "That's not the point. Just say that I don't look like a woman."

"If a beauty like President Shi doesn't look like a woman, then there's no way we can survive." Jin Lili said on the side, and everyone laughed.

President Shi sat down on the sofa with them. Lin Yiyan quickly poured water for Mr. Xia and Jin Lili. Then she went to President Shi’s desk and took the CEO’s glass. In the glass, Pang Hai was soaking , President Shi told them that there was nothing they could do, they talked too much every day and their voices were almost hoarse.

"President, should I go back to the office first?" Lin Yiyan said to President Shi. President Shi nodded. Lin Yiyan, Mr. Xia and Jin Lili smiled and nodded, then walked out, closing the door behind them. .

Mr. Xia got straight to the point and said to President Shi: "President, we are here today to talk about the Bayview Hotel."

"Isn't that Chen Ming's? Do you know Chen Ming? Where is he now? Why can't I contact him?" said President Shi.

"Oh, he is in Sanya. This hotel now belongs to our company. We transferred the ownership from Chen Ming." Mr. Xia said.

"It's impossible. The hotel has been seized by our bank. How can we transfer the ownership?" President Shi asked strangely.

"The company has changed. Chen Ming's company in Sanya has been transferred to my name."

President Shi nodded and understood, but there was one thing she didn't understand: "Do you know that he has a loan in our bank and it is overdue for a long time?"

"Yes, I know." Mr. Xia nodded.

"You still accept this hot potato?" Executive Director Shi asked curiously.

Mr. Xia smiled and said: "Yes, it is indeed hot, so today we came to the president to ask him for help to make this potato less hot."

"What do you mean?" asked President Shi.

Mr. Xia thought for a moment and decided to reveal his trump card first to save everyone the trouble of going around.

"I would like to ask your bank to extend this loan." Mr. Xia said.

"Impossible." President Shi waved his hand and said simply: "It has been overdue for so long. Our bank has already sued and sealed it. How can we extend it? This guy Chen Ming, I had a hunch that this loan would be extended a month in advance. When something goes wrong, remind him and ask him to come over early and we can discuss a solution together, but he just won’t show up. Later, he even stopped answering the phone. Our loan officer cried to me so many times.

"If we had talked about the extension at that time, there would still be room. Now, there is no way. Sorry, Mr. Xia, I am not talking about you, but about this matter. Now, even if I want to help, I can't help."

"I think Mr. Chen probably didn't even have the money to pay interest at that time, so he didn't dare to come to see the president." Jin Lili had seen their account books, and she knew what was going on.

"Why does he dare not come to see you? No matter what happens to such a big thing, you must show up here. Even if I am a tigress, I will not eat him." President Shi said, Mr. Xia and Jin Lili Everyone laughed, including Mr. Shi himself.

Mr. Xia and President Shi said: "Yes, this guy did a terrible job in this matter. However, these are all in the past tense, and there is no point in talking about them. President, we are here today just to have a good discussion between our bank and your bank." All are favorable plans. This project is a hot potato in our hands, and I think it will be equally hot potato in the hands of your bank."

"What am I afraid of? The entire project is sealed there." President Shi took a sip of water, frowned slightly, then looked at Mr. Xia, and said meaningfully: "Mr. Xia, doesn't he regret taking over now?"

"What do I regret?" Mr. Xia smiled calmly, "The procedures haven't been completed yet. If your bank can't accommodate me, I'll just give them a call and ask them to stop the changes. I'll tell them what I've done, or let him do it himself." Come and eat.”

President Shi smiled slightly: "Mr. Xia is taking charge of my army?"

"How dare I?" Mr. Xia laughed loudly, and he went straight to the point: "But I know that this loan is not fully mortgaged, but half credit and half mortgage. Why hasn't your bank processed it yet? I want to , or because we simply can’t get rid of them now. There are a lot of unfinished hotels in Sanya, and if they were to be auctioned in a judicial auction, they wouldn’t even be able to reach their original value.”

President Shi was silent. It should be said that they are really having a headache now. It is not just the Chen Ming project, but many of the projects in their hands are unfinished. Each project is similar and troublesome, just like a piece of cake. Blocks of mud stuck to their hands and couldn't be shaken off, making them miserable.

At that time, both banks and appraisal companies were very irregular. The appraisers in the appraiser companies got the benefits of loan units and the appraised prices were all inflated. The bank's loan officers turned a blind eye in order to do business. What's more, they in turn help customers control risks.

Almost every loan was not fully mortgaged, and this was even more true for Chen Ming's loan. The appraised land value at that time was only over 6 million, and it was only through mortgage and credit guarantee that it reached 8 million.

Who would have known that less than three years after the founding of the province, the economy was already in such a slump, and the entire land in Hainan had depreciated in value. If it were auctioned now, half the price would be considered good.

In fact, this is why their bank has not asked the court to enforce it. If it has not been enforced, it still looks passable on the books. As time goes by, it will be written off together with a lot of other bad debts. Anyway, it is not their bank that is facing this problem. This is not the first time that the state has helped banks deal with bad and dead debts on a large scale and divest themselves of non-performing assets.

If you rush to execute and auction now, you will immediately suffer a loss of several million on this loan alone. Although you will not be laid off because of this, your face will not look good.

Mr. Xia's words can be said to have touched President Shi's sore spot.

"There is a situation that President Shi may not be aware of yet," said Mr. Xia.

"what's the situation?"

"The main project of the Bayview Hotel has been completed, but Chen Ming owes the construction company more than 7 million for the project. The construction company is eager to sue him. I talked to them yesterday before stopping them, but I think, I They don’t have such a big reputation. It won’t take long to stop them. Once they sue, they have the priority to receive compensation. When the time comes..."

Mr. Xia said half of what he said and didn't say any more, but President Shi understood that if he was deducted by the construction company first, half of his eight million loan might be gone.

Manager Shi became anxious, but she remained calm. She looked at Mr. Xia and smiled. She thought, if the situation is so bad, why would you take over? Do you consider yourself a fool? Since you took over, you will definitely have your own plan.

"Then what is Mr. Xia's plan? Let me tell you, the extension is definitely not possible. I don't have the authority. Even the head office, no one dares to nod. Chen Ming's company has already had problems with its credit report. Who can still do it? Dare you continue to lend money to him?"

President Shi said unhurriedly that she had blocked the extension path first, and Jin Lili became anxious. If the loan could not be extended, it meant that they had to repay the eight million principal and Arrears, late fees and compound interest, otherwise, even if the project is restarted, it will always face the risk of being enforced by the court.

The most frightening thing is that if Manager Cai knew that they had not solved the bank matter, he would not have continued to advance funds to build the project.

Jin Lili felt that Mr. Xia was not too impulsive and risky. The 1.5 million, but real money, had already been spent. If the bank couldn't handle it, then the shit Chen Ming pulled was not from Chen Ming. Eat, but ask them to eat.

Jin Lili knew that what Mr. Xia said was a bluff about being able to stop changes with just one phone call. If you don't stop it, the 1.5 million won't come back.

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