The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 126 That’s fine

They finished dinner at the Chunyuan Seafood Stall and sent Chen Ming and Xiao Zhao back to where they were staying. They made an appointment to meet at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Mr. Xia and Jin Lili returned to the Jiya Hotel.

The three of them walked into the hotel lobby and saw a dark-skinned man standing on the sofa. He stood up and walked over and asked Lao Bao, are you Master Bao?

Lao Bao asked: "Who are you?"

"My surname is Cai."

"Oh" Lao Bao suddenly realized. He looked at Mr. Xia. Mr. Xia and Jin Lili said, "Xiao Jin, please go upstairs first and have a rest early. Let's talk about something with Mr. Cai."

Jin Lili was full of suspicion and didn't know who this person was. It seemed that Lao Bao and Mr. Xia didn't know him either.

Jin Lili was waiting for the elevator and saw the three of them walking to the lobby. Jin Lili was too lazy to think about it. She had just eaten at the seafood stall and was sweating again. She was eager to go back to the room and take another shower.

The next morning, the three people arrived at Chen Ming's place on time. Jin Lili returned the account books and other things to Xiao Zhao. Mr. Xia told Chen Ming their conclusions yesterday and told him that even if you have nine million, you can't solve it. question.

Chen Ming was anxious and shouted: "Don't worry about this. Just give me nine million. I will take care of other things myself. I promise not to delay your business."

Lao Bao sneered: "What's the use of this guarantee? When there is a problem, it won't be up to us to solve it."

Chen Ming glared at him, and Lao Bao turned his head away.

There was a burst of noise on the iron stairs outside. Xiao Zhao hurriedly walked to the corridor to take a look. Her face turned pale. She turned back and looked at Chen Ming and Mr. Xia. Her mouth was open and she couldn't even say anything. Out, Chen Ming's heart sank.

From the corridor, more than a dozen men and women crowded in. The leader was the man named Cai whom Jin Lili had met at the Jiya Hotel last night. He looked at Chen Ming and sneered: "Mr. Chen, I'm looking for you. It’s so hard!”

Chen Ming stood up. He looked at Mr. Xia, his face flushed, and he said incoherently: "Cai, Cai, Manager Cai, why are you here..."

Manager Cai glared at him: "What, you're not welcome? We're here even if you're not welcome. If you can't pay, you two just come with me."

"Where to go?" Chen Ming asked.

Manager Cai snorted: "Where to go? A good place, Wuzhishan to feed black pigs."

"This woman can be a chicken." A person who came with him shouted, and the others laughed.

"You guys, take this woman next door and tie her up first." Manager Cai and the two women who came with him said. The two women pushed Xiao Zhao away. Chen Ming became anxious and shouted: "You guys , don’t mess around..."

Mr. Xia also stood up and shouted: "You guys, if you have something to say, just say it and don't do anything."

"Sit down!" Manager Cai pointed at Mr. Xia and scolded him, "Are you fucking standing up for him? Okay, if you like to meddle so much, help him pay back the money."

The two women pushed Xiao Zhao to the next door. Jin Lili looked at Mr. Xia and Chen Ming, stood up, and shouted, "I'll accompany Xiao Zhao."

Jin Lili saw a look of gratitude in Chen Ming's eyes. Jin Lili felt bitter for a while. She walked to the next door and saw Xiao Zhao sitting on the bed. One of the two women was sitting next to her. There was one sitting on the chair opposite. They just sat there and did not do anything to Xiao Zhao.

The man sitting on the chair stood up when he saw Jin Lili coming in, and politely let her sit down. With this move, Jin Lili understood that after all, he was still a real person, not a gangster.

Jin Lili felt relieved.

Jin Lili sat down on the chair opposite Xiao Zhao. The person who was sitting on the chair also went to sit on the bed. The three of them sat in a row. Jin Lili reached out and took Xiao Zhao's hand. Xiao Zhao's hands are cold.

"Are you okay?" Jin Lili asked.

Xiao Zhao did not speak, but suddenly started crying. As soon as Xiao Zhao cried, the two women sitting next to her started to panic. They looked at Jin Lili and said quickly, you have seen it, but we have not. How about her.

Jin Lili said it's okay, we are here, no matter what it is, there will always be a way to solve it.

Xiao Zhao took his hand away from Jin Lili and wiped his tears. Jin Lili looked at her with mixed emotions and was speechless. She saw a pack of tissues on the table, so she walked over to get it and handed it to Xiao Zhao. , Xiao Zhao took it.

Jin Lili sat for a while, watching Xiao Zhao gradually calm down. Jin Lili stood up and said to Xiao Zhao, I will go next door to take a look.

Xiao Zhao didn't express anything, just wiped his tears silently.

Jin Lili returned to the next door and saw her coming in. Mr. Xia and Manager Cai said, "Manager Cai, can you step aside so that I can have a few words with my brother."

Manager Cai stood up and cursed impatiently: "Hurry up, hurry up, or I will kidnap someone, what's the point in blabbering!"

Manager Cai led the people to the corridor outside.

Mr. Xia and Chen Ming said: "Old Chen, think about it again. The method I mentioned will definitely be beneficial to you. If you agree, we can talk to Manager Cai. Do the math. In this way, you will be completely relieved. As for me, look at the total of these two accounts, it’s 11 million, and I have an extra 2.5 million. Alas, who makes us brothers?”

Chen Ming lowered his head and smoked one cigarette after another.

Manager Cai stood at the door and cursed: "Your mother forced you to do it, okay? Don't take my politeness as a blessing. Forget it, when your mother forces you to do it, everyone starts to kidnap people. First, kidnap that woman and kidnap her to Wuzhishan." Say it again!”

Two men ran to the next door. Xiao Zhao's cry came from the next door. Jin Lili stood up and wanted to rush over, but Mr. Xia pulled her back.

Chen Ming threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground and said to Mr. Xia, okay, I'll do as you say.

Mr. Xia and Lao Bao said, "Go quickly and get rid of Manager Cai. Xiao Jin and I will work here. Xiao Jin, do you have any paper and pen?"

Jin Lili quickly said yes, and took out the pen and paper from her bag.

Mr. Xia and Jin Lili said: "You draft an agreement between me and Mr. Chen."

Jin Lili said yes.

Mr. Xia told Jin Lili the general content of the agreement. It meant that Mr. Xia would pay Chen Ming 500,000 yuan, and Chen Ming would transfer 100% of the entire company's equity to Mr. Xia in status quo. The so-called status quo transfer. , that is, after Chen Ming received 500,000 yuan, the company's debts, the two sums of overseas development and construction companies, would be handled by Mr. Xia.

Jin Lili wrote the agreement and showed it to two people. They had no objections. Jin Lili copied it in duplicate on carbon paper. Mr. Xia and Chen Ming signed it and took their fingerprints. Chen Ming put all the companies in the drawer. The certificate and seal were given to Jin Lili, and Jin Lili wrote a letter of authorization entrusting Lao Bao to handle all the change procedures.

"Here, Lao Chen, are you waiting until you get the money before signing?" Mr. Xia said from the side.

Chen Ming glanced at Mr. Xia. He signed his name quickly, turned around, walked out of the door, and went to the next door.

Mr. Xia shouted, "Old Bao, how are you doing there?"

When Lao Bao and Manager Cai heard the shout, they ran in quickly and sat down on the wooden sofa.

Mr. Xia asked Jin Lili to draft another agreement between himself and Manager Cai, which means that today they will pay Manager Cai one million for the project. Manager Cai promised that the construction site will resume construction within a week, and they will pay again one month later. The project payment is 1.2 million, and the rest of the project payment will be paid in a lump sum within one month after the project is completed and accepted.

While Jin Lili was writing, Mr. Xia, Lao Bao and Manager Cai were sitting there chatting. Jin Lili thought to herself, you must have discussed these in the lobby bar of Jia Hotel last night.

After both of them signed, Mr. Xia and Manager Cai said, "Come with us to transfer the money. Let the others go."

Manager Cai walked to the corridor, said hello, and the dozen or so people left.

Lao Bao walked next door and asked, Mr. Chen, who among you two will go to the bank with us to transfer money?

Xiao Zhao stood up.

The five of them found an Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Mr. Xia and Lao Bao did not get out of the car. Jin Lili took Manager Cai and Xiao Zhao in. Jin Lili transferred Manager Cai’s money first. Manager Cai left with a smile. When he arrived at the door, he He ran to their car and shook hands with Mr. Xia and Lao Bao.

Jin Lili transferred 500,000 yuan to Chen Ming's account and asked Xiao Zhao, had the account been received?

Xiao Zhao stood there and said angrily: "What you want to do is finally done!"

After saying that, Xiao Zhao walked out of the bank. When Mr. Xia saw her coming out, he rolled down the window and wanted to say something. Xiao Zhao looked away and left alone.

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