The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1127 Unsaturated Supply

With a day's sales of 360 million, plus the sales of the two previous office buildings, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen calculated that the cost of the entire Hangzhou center should have been recovered. The next day, they took out another The floor was 2,500 square meters, but the price had exceeded the 10,000 yuan mark, rising to 10,800 yuan. As a result, it was bought by a Wenzhou customer in one go.

After the two thousand and five hundred square meters were sold, Liu Ligan and the others would not sell the remaining floors. This time, the sale was equivalent to two days of sales, and then ended hastily. No matter how many people were at the scene, Liu Ligan and others insisted that the houses that could be sold had been sold out and could not be sold. The houses were not completed anyway, and no one knew why they could not be sold.

In the following days, Liu Ligan and his sales office in the center of Hangzhou, except for one or two left-behind staff, were responsible for receiving people who came to view the property every day, introducing them to the situation of the property, and giving them the property brochure. However, when the other party offered to buy the property, When someone expressed his interest, he immediately told the other party in a friendly manner that there was no house for sale yet, and he didn’t know when it would be open for sale again.

Politely ask the other party to leave his phone number and promise to notify him in advance when the market opens, and that's it.

Ying Ying saw that she had even less things to do in Hangzhou than in Suzhou, so she went back to Suzhou early. When she returned to Suzhou, she found that the sensational effect in the center of Hangzhou had spread from Hangzhou to Suzhou, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. The two cities are destined to be one, and it is impossible not to have an impact on them.

At that time, Hangzhou's housing prices were already attracting national attention because they were running so fast that they were going crazy and were already leading other cities across the country.

By 2000, the average price of commercial housing in Hangzhou was 5861.6 yuan/square meter, far exceeding Beijing’s 4066.7 yuan/square meter and Shanghai’s 4553.8 yuan/square meter. Therefore, every move in Hangzhou’s housing prices affects the entire Yangtze River Delta region. Sensitive nerves.

When Ying Ying returned to Suzhou, there were already Suzhou local media waiting for her.

The main reason why Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen put the brakes on the sales of Hangcheng Center is of course that the cost has come back. This is the same as Lao Wan's "Splendid Garden" in Pudong, Shanghai. The rest It’s all about profits, so I don’t feel panic anymore.

Also, someone from the relevant department called Liu Ligan and told him that after the Spring Festival, Hangzhou is preparing to hold the first "Housing Fair", which is the commercial housing trade fair. Mr. Liu, we hope that you will , you can get a good deal at the real estate fair by then, but don’t be left with no house to sell.

Liu Ligan understood that he was letting himself take his time and take it easy.

Well, I'm not in a hurry now anyway, that's what I have in mind.

Liu Li followed the pole and slid down.

There was another reason why Liu Ligan hit the brakes, and that was, Meng Ping was here.

Meng Ping brought his Hong Kong boss to Hangzhou. With Meng Ping's building in front of him as a reference, the two parties negotiated smoothly about the lease of the podium building in the center of Hangzhou. The general intention was finalized within one meal.

Here Liu Ligan, he and Tan Shuzhen can make the decision, and there is no need to consult the board of directors. With the Hong Kong boss, he can make most of the decisions, but it still needs to be approved by the board of directors, but it is not a big problem.

In this way, both parties wait to choose the right time to formally sign the agreement.

The lease of the podium building has also been negotiated. For Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen, it means that every inch of the house in the center of Hangzhou has been secured, and they can feel at ease.

According to Liu Ligan's original plan, the top ten floors of Hangzhou City Center were to introduce a five-star hotel. At this time, the sales situation was so good that there was no need for it. Moreover, they inspected domestic Building, I feel that hotels in office buildings do not have much successful experience.

Liu Ligan and others decided to change the plan and turn the top ten floors into office buildings for external sales.

After dinner, he sent the Hong Kong boss to the hotel. When Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, and Tan Shuzhen returned to Zhang Chen's office, they sat down and talked about today's sales situation in Hangzhou Center. Meng Ping immediately said, stop it quickly. , pole, don’t sell it anymore.

"What for?" Zhang Chen asked. He felt strange in his heart. If the house sold well, shouldn't he strike while the iron is hot and get the funds back quickly?

"Me, me, look look me!"

Meng Ping patted his chest and said, I am speaking from my own experience. My building was sold too quickly and in a hurry. As a result, now I see money depreciating and the house increasing in value every day. It is too late to regret it. If the building is sold slowly, it will be more cost-effective than if I develop a new project.

"If we don't sell it, where will the funds for land acquisition and other development projects come from?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"You are short of money now? There is no money in your account anymore?" Meng Ping asked.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head: "That's not the case. I just feel a little panicked because I don't have any cash reserves."

"Similarly, what's the difference between saving a house now and saving cash? It's not too easy to cash out a house now. If you wait until you need money urgently, you can sell the house or pledge the house. It will take a few days to exchange money. Is it a matter? I was in a hurry to sell, and this is what I ended up with, watching the money depreciate and the house increase in value every day."

Meng Ping sighed as he spoke: "I can see now that this local government, your Hangcheng Liu Chengcheng, is an outstanding individual. From the first time he implemented the land collection and storage system, he has followed the example of other cities across the country step by step. At the forefront, he is Mr. Han’s best student, not you, pole, you have to learn from him.”

"What to study?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Think about what Hangcheng does, what Liu Chengcheng does, let's just say that last year, Hangzhou issued the "Trial Measures for the Management of Listing and Transactions of Housing Reform Housing in Urban Areas of Hangzhou City", which was at the forefront of the country. .

"Encouraging housing reform houses to be put on the market has given many people who want to improve their housing an economic foundation. Because after selling the housing reform houses, they will have enough money to pay the down payment. Together with the mortgage, they will have enough funds to buy commercial housing. , does this greatly expand the population base of people who want to buy commercial housing?”

Liu Ligan nodded, feeling that Meng Ping was right.

Meng Ping continued: "At the same time, he began to vigorously demolish illegal buildings in the city with unprecedented intensity. I saw a piece of information that said that in Hangzhou last year, the area of ​​illegal demolition exceeded one million square meters. I think Think about what this means.

"It means that firstly, it reduces the difficulty and cost of land acquisition and storage, and secondly, those illegal buildings are not just bricks and cement, but buildings inhabited by people. Who would live in illegal buildings? Most of them are in There are no houses in Hangzhou, and people who come to the city to do business, right? The result of illegal demolition is to drive these people out onto the streets, causing the rent in Hangzhou to rise.

"After rents increased, many people felt that renting was not cost-effective. Has this created a lot of demand for home purchases?"

When the other three people heard what Meng Ping said, they all became interested. Liu Ligan shouted: "Don't say it, Lao Meng, it's really like this. You are so damn observant."

Meng Ping smiled and said: "Don't praise me, I just like to think about it, pole, you can see how powerful Liu Chengcheng is? He is a combination boxer. He not only has the first two moves, but also the most powerful one." one move."

"What move?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Look at Hangzhou, so many demands are forcing it out. But aren't you familiar with the director of the collection and storage center? Just ask him. How much land does their collection and storage center have? Every time the land is auctioned, , and how much of the available land was taken out for shooting, I tell you, you don’t need to ask me to know that the proportion is very low.

"Why is the market demand so great and so much land not being used to increase supply? Haha, this is the reason why land in Hangzhou is auctioned at higher prices every time. I gave him a word called 'unsaturated supply'. Without saturated supply, the market’s hunger will never be satisfied. What will happen if the demand is not satisfied? Here comes the basic law of economics——

"This market is always a seller's market. The seller has the initiative in the entire market, including pricing power. This is what Liu Chengcheng is playing. Do you understand? Pole, tell me, who is Mr. Han between you and Liu Chengcheng? A good student? Since you want to sell Hangzhou Center in such a hurry, it shows that you are not. This is what you, including me, we need to learn from.

"What to study? That is, we also need to create unsaturated supply. For a project, we have to break it up and sell it. I sell it bit by bit, so that those who want to buy a house will always feel that our house is very popular, and they will buy it if they don't hurry up. It’s less than that, so that our prices can keep rising.”

After Meng Ping finished speaking, both Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen understood. Zhang Chen cursed, Lao Meng, you are really a profiteer.

"Learn it, learn it, follow it." Meng Ping chuckled.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen also felt that what Meng Ping said made sense, and with the greeting phone calls from relevant departments, they decided to stop the sales in Hangzhou Center.

But if they stopped selling after one day, the repercussions would be too great. They decided to sell another floor the next day, which would be an explanation. Unexpectedly, as soon as they opened the door, a Wenzhou boss came and bought the entire floor.

Liu Ligan originally wanted to disagree with the deal, but Tan Shuzhen told him, first, it makes no sense for you to refuse to sell when someone wants to buy it, and you have not stipulated in advance how many square meters one person can only buy.

Secondly, there are so many reporters there. Think about it, this person bought one floor of such an expensive house at once, does it have another sensational effect? Is it good or bad for us?

Liu Ligan felt that what Tan Shuzhen said made sense. After such an incident was exaggerated by the media, the effect of their unsaturated supply in the center of Hangzhou would become more obvious. When the real estate fair is held, if a few more floors are sold, the price will definitely be Will go up again.

And, buyers are flocking to it.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you Zhongkai727, Zefei Cangsheng Edison, Anhui Xiaohei, Laoze, and Qianbo for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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