The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1126. How much money can you make at most?

Still for safety reasons, Liu Ligan and his colleagues did not build the sales office in the Hangcheng Center construction site. Instead, they built it on Stadium Road, close to the wall of the Hangcheng Center construction site. Zhang Chen and his colleagues in the dynamic zone in the parking lot.

On January 15th, the parking lot in front of the M-Zone gate was full of people. The merchants who came to work in the morning were startled, thinking that something had happened to the M-Zone. When they took a closer look, they realized that these people were all Coming to the sales office in the center of Hangzhou.

The two-story sales office has long been crowded with people, and people have come outside. The flow of people here is divided into three groups. One group is for people who come to take a look at the property and are also planning to buy a house, and the other group is the media. Reporters, there has been no news about Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen for a long time. How could they not come if they get this opportunity?

The last group were people who were purely attracted by the advertisements in the past few days and rushed over to watch the excitement. Many of these people were local real estate developers in Hangzhou. They came to see if Liu Ligan and his Zhejiang Jinxiu had anything. Big move.

After a round of hustle and bustle, the real estate market in Hangzhou now feels a little quiet. If the house buyers calm down and stop being impulsive, the real estate prices will also cool down. Now, someone really needs to stir up this pool. Water, and Liu Ligan is the one most likely to make waves.

From the fact that this advertisement, which lasted for seven days, attracted the attention of the whole city to the center of Hangzhou, it can be seen that this guy will still make moves, and when he makes moves, he is always unusual.

Hagen asked the merchants in their market, as well as the customers who came to the dynamic zone to purchase goods, to park their cars in the parking lot on Huancheng North Road, leaving the Stadium Road side completely to those who came to the sales office in Hangzhou Center. Vehicles and a team of security guards were dispatched to help maintain order at the scene.

Despite this, the parking lot is still very crowded, and the sidewalks on both sides of Stadium Road are crowded with bicycles. Fortunately, this scene often happens around here. Every time the Zhejiang Wanma basketball team led by Zheng Wu plays in the next province Such a scene would occur during a game in the stadium. The nearby residents and businesses would not be surprised by this and would not complain much.

The traffic police came over to see the activities of their M-Zone and Zhejiang Jinxiu. They said hello to Hagen and told him to keep an eye on the middle of the road, meaning not to block the road.

Hagen said that there were many, and the traffic police left.

When Zhang Chen came to work at 8:30, the dynamic zone below was already open. He walked through the entire dynamic zone, from the back door of Huancheng North Road to the front door of Stadium Road. He saw that the place was already crowded with people. He knew that Liu Ligan He and Tan Shuzhen are both in the sales department, but it is no longer possible for him to enter the sales department.

When he walked back, he saw Hagen staring at the front door for fear of something happening. Hagen also saw him and shouted, Boss Liu is going crazy here today.

Zhang Chen felt that Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, Ying Ying, and everyone in their company had gone crazy the day before yesterday. They were discussing the opening price of Hangcheng Center the day before yesterday, and they actually negotiated a price of 9,800 square meters.

Seeing this opening price, the happiest people are of course the real estate developers who are crowding in the crowd to watch the excitement. If this price can move, it can bring up the entire real estate price in Hangzhou. If it crashes, the same will happen. Liu Lipole.

You must know that after an abnormal burst of demand in the second half of 1998 and the first half of 1999, and a surge in housing prices, in the second half of 1999, housing prices in Hangzhou were already falling. The price of houses in urban areas has remained at five to six thousand per square meter, and they have basically stopped moving.

Theoretically, the Hangcheng Center can be a little higher than other houses, but if it is suddenly four or five thousand higher, it is still an office building. Isn't this going to cause trouble?

But this time, what surprised Zhang Chen was that the person who supported the price of 9,800 the most was actually Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen said that although houses in Hangzhou are now stagflation, the price of land has been rising. This is a Abnormal phenomena and rising land costs will eventually be fed back into housing prices, and housing prices in Hangzhou will undoubtedly rise.

Lao Meng is right. The local government's ability to control land prices is too strong. It is impossible for them to let land prices fall. As long as land prices do not fall and demand is still there, there is no possibility of housing prices falling. Now it is the supply and demand sides who are playing a game. Let's see. Who can't hold it first?

Liu Ligan and Ying Ying both agreed with Tan Shuzhen's judgment. Liu Ligan said, it's not that housing prices will not rise, but there is a lack of people to push the flames. We will play this role and push the housing prices in Hangzhou to a new level. .

Zhang Chen scolded: "It's you again. Those who buy houses in Hangzhou will hate you to death. You are harmful to others."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "When I sold it for one thousand one square meter, no one thanked me."

"It doesn't matter. Those who own houses will thank us for pushing up the housing prices. When the housing prices are high, their worth will also rise." Ying Ying said, "Mr. Zhang, if the housing prices in Hangzhou increase by 3,000, you won't thank us." ?"

"Thank you for what?" Zhang Chen scolded, "On my three apartments and one villa, you just increased it by ten thousand per square meter. Do I care? Besides, my houses are all used for living in, and I don't want to sell them. Is it none of my business whether it’s one thousand or one hundred thousand per square meter?”

"Residential prices have increased, and it's not just residential buildings that have increased. It will also increase the industrial land used for your factories. The commercial land used for half an acre of land in your dynamic zone and Yan'an Road will also increase, including rents. You are also a big landowner. Say you have not benefited." Ying Ying said, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and realized that what Ying Ying said might actually make sense. Although the rent on the first and second floors of their dynamic zone had not increased much according to the contract, he knew that the transfer fee for the stall had increased a lot, which meant that The rent is being raised in disguise.

Including this time, the extension on the third floor should be cheaper than the second floor, but Hagen set the same price as the first floor, which is six yuan per square meter per day, but he still snatched it up. Empty indicates that rents in this market are indeed rising.

Although Zhang Chen thought so, he still felt that their prices were a bit crazy. But when he saw so many people coming today, Zhang Chen couldn't help but sigh. Maybe it wasn't the people they were selling that were crazy, but the fact that there were so many people. You will really buy like crazy. No matter what kind of crazy buyer there is, you, the seller, can’t do it unless you are crazy.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Chen was about to go to the sales office to take a look when Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen walked in from outside the door.

As soon as the two people came in, they slumped down on the sofa, staring blankly. Tan Shuzhen's voice sounded a little hoarse. This was really rare. She sang on the stage for an hour without any fatigue in her voice. people.

Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Zhang Chen, please, can you get us something to eat? We don't even have lunch."

"No cannibalism? There are so many people there." Zhang Chen joked.

Tan Shuzhen shook her head: "I can't chew it. I don't even have the strength to speak. I can't chew it so well."

Zhang Chen picked up the phone and called the canteen below. Putting down the phone, he asked, "How are you doing today?"

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen looked at him, but neither of them spoke. After a while, Liu Ligan asked:

"Zhang Chen, when you made the most money in your life, how much did you make in a day?"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, and then said: "On the day Jessica and the others placed the clothing order, they placed an order of more than 28 million yuan. Including my own sales, it was more than 30 million yuan that day."

After saying that, Zhang Chen immediately changed his mind: "No, no, I just signed the contract that day and no money came in. Later, the money also came in in batches. To say that the one who received the most money was the delivery of the dynamic zone and signing with the merchants. During the three days of the contract, at that time, more than 10 million yuan came in every day."

"Then do you know what it's like to earn 360 million a day?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head: "How could I know."

"We are like this now, as tired as a dog." Liu Ligan said, "Now if you pile that money in front of me and ask me to take it, I can't even lift it."

Zhang Chen was startled and shouted: "Oh shit! Have you done so much today?"

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and nodded.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Then why do you two still look like your dead mother?"

"What do you want, are you excited?" Liu Ligan smiled, "I'm very excited, but I just can't make that excited expression. Don't you know that expressions also take effort?"

"Fuck you, don't bother pretending to be dead?" Zhang Chen cursed.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen started laughing. Tan Shuzhen waved her hand towards Zhang Chen and said:

"Really, Zhang Chen, I have no strength at all. I didn't feel anything when I was busy at the sales office. It's only now that I sit down that I feel sore all over my body. I have never been so tired."

"The bed is twenty meters away from here, go and sleep." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen looked at him pitifully and said, "I'm hungry."

Zhang Chen burst into laughter and cursed: "Okay, now, a bowl of noodles costs 50 million, do you want to do it?"

"Fuck it, it's not my money anyway." Tan Shuzhen shouted.

"I'll do it too, but where's the noodles?" Liu Ligan also shouted.

Just as he was shouting, the staff from the canteen below came in with noodles. When Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen saw it, their eyes lit up.

The staff brought the noodles to the conference table, put down the tray, and took out the bowls of noodles from the tray. Liu Ligan had already grabbed a poached egg on the plate and started eating it. Tan Shuzhen also immediately took the chopsticks and started eating. Noodles, no one has sat down yet.

The staff member was startled by the way these two people were eating. She was stunned for a moment, then laughed and went out with the tray.

"Mr. Zhang, I'll collect it later." She told Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen agreed.

Zhang Chen shook his head, took out a bottle of chili sauce from the cabinet, and walked over.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen ate hungrily. After a while, they each ate two poached eggs. The bottom of a large bowl of noodles was almost gone. Zhang Chen asked, do you want more? There is a big sale now, five million a bowl?

"No, save some space for dinner later." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "Why, you don't sleep even after eating?"

"I would like to, but I can't sleep." Liu Ligan said, "Lao Meng is on the way and will be there soon."

"Why is he here, to see you guys having fun?"

"No, no." Liu Ligan shook his chopsticks, "Below him, the Hong Kong boss of World Famous Brand Street came with him to discuss the leasing of the five-story podium building below our Hangzhou Center."

Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan, with a grimace on her face, and said coquettishly: "Boss, can you let me go today?"

"What's the matter? You're not here at this time and you want me to perform a one-man show?" Liu Ligan said, "Lao Meng is nearby and it's not convenient to talk."

Tan Shuzhen pointed at Zhang Chen and said, "He can help you."

Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and said disdainfully: "Him? Thank God if he doesn't help in this situation. Don't forget about his Songjiang land. It was better for us to negotiate for him, so we could get ten more acres."

Tan Shuzhen laughed, Zhang Chen glared at Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan said: "Don't look at me, Zhang Chen, tell me the truth, if you were to set the rent on the third floor of this dynamic zone, how much would you set?" square?"

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "The second floor is four yuan per square meter per day. For the third floor, I will probably order three and a half yuan per square meter per day."

Liu Ligan looked at Tan Shuzhen and said, "Did you see that? We were right not to let Hagen report to him first. Now, this upright and upright old comrade almost gave up 7.3 million. "

Tan Shuzhen shook her head, and then Zhang Chen realized that the price of six yuan per square meter per day on the third floor was set by Hagen and the two of them, and they didn't let themselves know until they signed the contract.

"Don't blame us for stretching too far, Zhang Chen." Tan Shuzhen glanced at Zhang Chen and said to him.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Yuanxi for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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