The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1125 Advertising Suspense Drama

Liu Ligan and the others arrived at Zhang Chen's office and told him about the advertisement. Zhang Chen first raised a question. He said that when a new thing appears, the shelf life will soon pass, especially for advertisements. Don’t you think that after seeing the whole page for a week, people who read the advertisement will be bored after seeing it?

When Zhang Chen said this, Tan Shuzhen and the others also felt that this was true. After seeing it, people might glance at it and turn over the page with the advertisement.

"What should we do? Shorten the time and only visit for three days?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Liu Ligan and Ying Ying immediately objected. Ying Ying said: "For such a large project, a three-day warm-up period may not be enough."

Liu Ligan also agreed with Ying Ying's statement.

Zhang Chen thought for a while, and then he told Ying Ying, go to the financial center next door and bring me a copy of "Qianjiang Evening News" and a copy of "Hangcheng Daily".

Ying Ying hurriedly walked out, and after a while, she came back with two newspapers. The formats of the two newspapers were different. "Qianjiang Evening News" had four pages with sixteen pages, and "Hangcheng Daily" had two pages. Opening the eighth page, Zhang Chen cut out several pieces of white paper of the same size based on the layouts of the two newspapers.

The four people looked at him. Lao Tan and Ying Ying didn't know what he was going to do, but Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed. They didn't speak, but they knew in their hearts that Zhang Chen had something in mind.

Sure enough, after the paper was cut, Zhang Chen went to the cabinet next to him and found a set of pens and a plate. He took out a bottle of carbon ink and poured the ink into the plate.

Zhang Chen held the pen and thought for a while, then raised his head, looked at them and asked: "How about we do a series and stage a suspense drama?"

Liu Ligan said yes, how to act?

Zhang Chen picked up the pen and wrote three bold bold words "Wait for me" in the middle of the white paper. He looked at it for himself and added an ellipsis after the three words, turning it into "Wait for me..."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that this is the advertisement. The three full pages in the first three days are just this. There is no need to write anything else.

Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Ying Ying looked at each other, and they all became a little excited. Waiting for me for three days, this is indeed suspenseful enough.

"Isn't it a pity to spend so much money and only publish these three words?" Lao Tan asked.

Liu Ligan and the others all laughed, and Zhang Chen said: "Brother, the purpose of this advertisement is to attract people's attention. As long as it can attract people's attention, the three words in these three days are to attract people's attention." The force is attracted to me. Just think about it, brother, when you get the newspaper and see this, will you be surprised, what is going on? Will you want to find out? "

"Okay, it's kind of cool." Liu Ligan said.

"But even though everyone is paying attention, they don't know it's us. Do you want to write down your phone number here?" Lao Tan asked.

"That way it won't be suspenseful." Tan Shuzhen said with a smile, "It's suspenseful if everyone doesn't know what's going on."

"Since it's a TV series, if you want to know, just listen to the breakdown next time." Ying Ying said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, the decomposition is here. The first three days are the one waiting for me, and the fourth day is this."

Zhang Chen said, and still wrote a row of thick bold characters on another piece of paper: "Take me to the center of Hangzhou to see the West Lake."

"Well, okay, the protagonist has appeared. At this time, everyone knows that the protagonist is Hangcheng Center, but they don't know what happened to Hangcheng Center." Ying Ying said, "This is okay."

"Yes." Zhang Chen smiled, "The next three days will be the opening of Hangcheng Center."

"Awesome!" Liu Ligan shouted, "On this plan, Lao Tan, what do you think?"

At this time, Lao Tan also understood. He said okay, be creative, and that was it.

Tan Shuzhen and Ying Ying also think this plan is good.

After the overall plan is decided, the next step is to design a decent advertisement for the three days. This is relatively simple, as long as the layout and layout of the picture are beautiful. This is Zhang Chen's specialty, and it can be seen immediately. Zhang Chen will draw it quickly. out.

Liu Ligan took the manuscript and couldn't wait for the ink on it to dry, so he left in a hurry. Seven full pages, how many advertisements had to be squeezed out, he had to go to the public relations in person.

On the day the advertisement came out, Liu Ligan got up early and went to a newsstand to watch everyone's reaction. Sure enough, both newspaper buyers and newspaper sellers were attracted by their advertisement.

When those who bought a newspaper saw this advertisement, they first put the newspaper in front of their eyes and looked at it to see if there was any secret in these three words. After confirming whether there was any secret, they then lifted the newspaper up to the sun and saw that there was no secret. What, the newspaper buyer muttered, wait for me, wait for you, Saxi?

He walked away with doubts in his eyes. Liu Ligan looked on from the side and almost laughed out loud.

A familiar person came to buy a newspaper. The owner of the newsstand shouted before he could get close to him, "Bake it up, burn it up, pay for it earlier, I don't know what the fuss is about."

Then he opened the page of the advertisement to show it to the newspaper buyer. The newspaper buyer also said "Eh", picked it up and looked at it. There was nothing. He said doubtfully, was it printed wrong?

No, no, the newspaper seller quickly said, the same is true for Hangzhou newspapers.

The owner of the newsstand then took out the "Hangcheng Daily" and showed it to the newspaper buyers. When the newspaper buyers saw it, they felt even more strange. He quickly bought both newspapers to show off to others. People watch.

Liu Ligan smiled, quickly bought five newspapers each, and left the newsstand. It seemed that the suspense effect was achieved. Will it drive people crazy if he posts like this for three days in a row?

Liu Ligan arrived at Zhang Chen's office and found that Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao were both here, holding today's "Hangcheng Daily" and "Qianjiang Evening News" in their hands. The same was on Zhang Chen's desk. Liu Ligan asked, "What are you doing?" Been to the newsstand?

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Why, only you can go?"

He saw a stack of newspapers in Liu Ligan's hand and knew that he had just returned from the newsstand. The scene he saw at the newsstand should be similar to his.

Tan Shuzhen's cell phone rang, and Ying Ying called on the phone: "Mr. Tan, look, look, our ads have been posted on the Tianya Forum, and everyone is discussing this matter."

"So fast?" Tan Shuzhen was surprised.

Zhang Chen immediately turned on his computer and opened the Tianya Forum. Sure enough, he saw that someone had posted a photo of the "Qianjiang Evening News" with this advertisement on it. Everyone guessed that it was an advertisement for the message below, but the details were There are different opinions on what kind of advertisement it is.

"Have you ever said hello to Qian Bao and Hang Bao? The following content cannot be disclosed in advance. Many people will definitely ask. If it is revealed, it will not be fun." Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan looked at him: "You don't have to worry about me. Do you think I'm a retarded person who doesn't even know what suspense is?"

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "Okay, but there is still a mystery. Please answer it."

"What?" Liu Ligan asked.

"When can construction start next door?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Didn't Zhang Musheng tell you?" Liu Ligan asked, "Then he will call you later. The procedures are complete and he will arrange to enter the venue tomorrow."

Just as he was talking, Zhang Chen's cell phone rang, it was Zhang Musheng.

Two newspapers and seven days of advertisements have whetted the appetite of Hangzhou citizens. Everyone is talking about Hangzhou Center. Everyone knows that Hangzhou Center, the tallest building in Hangzhou, will open for sale on January 15th.

"What to do?"

"Go and play."

"Where are you going to play?"

“Go to the center of Hangzhou to see the West Lake.”

The above conversation has become a classic conversation that people in Hangzhou often hear in the past two days. If a man and a woman talk about it, it will be a bit of a joke or even ambiguous.

Anyway, the center of Hangzhou has been stealing the show these days.

Even Liu Chengcheng called and asked Liu Ligan about the opening of Hangcheng Center. Only then did Liu Ligan realize that he had overlooked one thing. There should be a ceremony for the opening of his Hangcheng Center.

When the foundation stone of Hangcheng Center was laid, Liu Chengcheng came to cut the ribbon. He wanted to open the market, but he even forgot to say hello to him first.

Liu Ligan hurriedly told Liu Chengcheng, "Boss, I was just about to call you to tell you about this. I didn't expect the boss to be so concerned. He called first to ask. We are considering how to hold an opening ceremony. Can we ask the boss to ask?" Are you busy and want to come to the site for guidance?

Liu Chengcheng laughed loudly and said without thinking, I will not attend this kind of business event. I just know that your project is progressing smoothly. Congratulations, Mr. Liu!

Liu Ligan quickly said thank you, thank you for your leadership's concern!

After hanging up the phone, Liu Ligan thought to himself, Liu Chengcheng refused to attend the event at the first glance. Did he mean to blame himself for not saying hello in advance?

Liu Ligan told Zhang Chen his idea, and Zhang Chen said no. Liu Chengcheng was right. The opening of Hangzhou Center is indeed a commercial activity. As an executive deputy mayor, he must It's not convenient to attend. If he comes, it will be like endorsing you. If there is any conflict between you and the client, what will he do?

"But when I laid the foundation stone, he came."

Liu Ligan said that after he finished speaking, he immediately understood that there was a big difference between the two. The reason why the project was laid was because Hangzhou Center is a key project in Hangzhou. Liu Chengcheng, as the executive deputy mayor, Of course he needs to be present.

Just like when his Hangcheng Center was suspended, Liu Chengcheng would call him. He emphasized that this was a key project and reminded himself to pay attention to social perceptions. He said that what he cared about was always the progress of the project itself. .

But now, the opening of your property is your company's business behavior. Whether it sells well or not is your company's business and has nothing to do with the project itself. For Liu Chengcheng, as long as you can ensure the completion of Hangcheng Center , just don’t turn it into an unfinished building.

It seems that Liu Chengcheng has drawn this line very clearly.

"Then do we need to hold a ceremony?" Liu Ligan asked Tan Shuzhen.

Tan Shuzhen said no, just make the scene more festive. Ying Ying and the others have already gone to do it. The opening of the Hangzhou Center is now a household name. It doesn't matter whether there is a ceremony or not.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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