The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1128 Spring Auction Catalog

After Hangcheng Center was broken up and sold, Liu Ligan and his other houses also started to be broken up and sold. The selling stopped, the selling stopped, and every time they stopped, the price went up a little, which made Zhongyi them The people who own the house are panicking, knowing that if you like their house, you must act immediately, otherwise when you come to your senses, they will either stop selling it or increase the price.

As a result, each project reported that the house was much easier to sell than before. Every time the news of their sale spread, there would be a queue at the sales office the next day, and the number of units sold did not increase. , but sales rose rapidly.

You are increasing prices every day, can this sales volume not increase?

Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan said that they did not expect Lao Meng's trick to actually work. Alas, it seems that we are still too honest.

Honest Liu Ligan and Honest Tan Shuzhen are very satisfied with the overall situation of the company, but they still feel that their cash reserves are not enough, especially after the Spring Festival, when another round of land auctions will begin in various places, they need a lot of cash. , Only with a large amount of cash can they reserve a large amount of land. Land is their lifeblood.

On the one hand, he was releasing the house in his hands and withdrawing funds in a purposeful and rhythmic manner. On the other hand, Liu Ligan urged Mr. Qiao to see if he could promote the listing of the company as soon as possible. At the same time, he thought of using the company's equity as a pledge to go public. Issuing more corporate bonds. In his opinion, this equity is the least valuable thing. If you don't use it as a pledge, it will just be a number registered with the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

Liu Ligan called and told Lao Qiao his idea. Lao Qiao said yes. We will issue 3.5 billion bonds for your remaining equity. Is it enough for you?

"That's enough, that's enough." Liu Ligan said, "By the way, Mr. Qiao, I have pledged all my equity, will it affect the listing?"

"It doesn't matter, this is a contingent debt."

"What's the meaning?"

"What do you mean?" Lao Qiao laughed, "It means that it may be reflected in the company's statements, or it may not be reflected. We will deal with this when the time comes."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll leave it all to you. I know that no one can compare to you in terms of cunning."

Old Qiao laughed.

Everything was done by familiar means, and it was done very quickly. Before the Spring Festival, Lao Qiao had completed the matter. The people who came to buy the corporate bonds of Liu Ligan and his company were Miss Cai and others from Fubon Financial Holdings in Taiwan. Having tasted this sweetness, I also know that the real estate market in mainland China is now booming, and companies like Liu Ligan and others have broad prospects for development.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were relieved when the 3.5 billion in funds were received. At the same time, they also felt that they were very confident. After the New Year, they would roll up their sleeves and go big.

Yao Fen came to Zhang Chen and brought several catalogs for this year's and 2000's auctions. These are the spring auction catalogs sent to them by every auction company.

Zhang Chen and his Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery, in addition to buying works themselves, are also guests of various auction companies, and they will be given preferential commissions. Especially when the domestic oil painting market is not very prosperous, various auction companies, I am particularly optimistic about customers like Zhang Chen and they are very flattering.

The creation of artwork is a one-time thing. Even if a painter is copying his own work, it is very difficult to copy it as well as the original work, because the time and space environment of creation are different, and the state of mind is also different, especially the expression of the work. The fullness of emotions is different, and the action will be different. Even you, it is difficult to copy your own splendor.

Many painters have some good works, especially in the past few years. Painters are proud to participate in national art exhibitions. As long as their works can appear in national art exhibitions, they feel that their goals have been achieved. As for these exhibitions, If their works are needed by exhibition halls or schools, they will send them out for free, without caring at all where these works go.

There are also some paintings, such as Luo Zhongli's "Father", which participated in the exhibition and caused a nationwide sensation. After your works become famous, the painter's ability to deal with his own works becomes not stronger, but weaker. You have no right to influence these works at all, they are just collected by the museum.

What's more, the painters were in a difficult situation at that time, and their lives were quite embarrassing. Many of their works were neither able nor qualified to be cherished, so they were given to others half-sold and half-gifted.

Zhang Chen knew a guy in Yongcheng who liked painting very much, but he couldn't paint himself. In those years, he would often go to Zhejiang and the United States with paper and bags of cakes wrapped in straw paper to find painters to paint for him. , or go to ask for their paintings. Those painters can't even buy paper, and their faces are pale because of lack of nutrition. When they see someone giving them paper and cakes, they happily paint for them.

This guy has a lot of paintings in his home.

These works are now appearing one after another in the spring and autumn auctions of various auction companies, so they go to the Lakeside Art Museum to auction them every year. The significance of the original works is greater than even the paintings by the artist himself.

Yao Fen showed the catalog to Zhang Chen. In this year's catalog, there were many works that Zhang Chen was familiar with. These were exhibited at the two National Oil Painting Exhibitions in 1987 and 1994. Zhang Chen selected more than a dozen works. , told Yao Fen, just stare at these.

Yao Fen asked, at what price can I get it?

"Anything below 300,000 yuan is fine." Zhang Chen said.

Yao Fen smiled and said: "Okay, then just prepare the money and you can win all of these. Among these people in China, who else's oil paintings can sell for more than 300,000 yuan? You are too overestimating."

Zhang Chen said yes, then you can take them all.

Yao Fen then took out a photo album and showed it to Zhang Chen. It contained some paintings painted abroad by some painters who had gone abroad in recent years. Zhang Chen saw a few paintings in it and asked, is this Han Xin's?

Yao Fen took the photo out of the album, looked at the back, and said yes, boss, how do you know?

"His brushwork is different from others. The painters of that generation, unlike you, all came from wild backgrounds. They painted by themselves, so they have distinct personalities. Unlike now, they all look the same. Taught by the teacher, go and look at those paintings by Chen Yifei before he went abroad. They are so beautiful, but I can't even look at any of the ones that are sold at a high price now. They have a charming air and no anger at all."

Yao Fen looked at him and smiled, and Zhang Chen also laughed. He knew that Yao Fen was going to say he was being mean again, so he stopped talking.

He pointed to those photos and said to Yao Fen, buy them all back.

Yao Fen said yes.

After Yao Fen left, Zhang Chen looked at the computer. He saw MSN in the lower right corner. Someone was talking to him. He clicked on it and it was Jessica. Jessica left a long message. Zhang Chen and Yao Fen I was chatting and didn’t pay attention. When I look at it now, Jessica’s avatar is gray and she is no longer online.

Zhang Chen looked at it and saw that Xu Qiaoxin was online, so he posted this long paragraph.

The phone on the table rang, and Zhang Chen picked it up. It was Xu Qiaoxin. Xu Qiaoxin told Zhang Chen that Jerry had also told her that it was similar to Jessica. It was our sample this time. They had received it. I feel very satisfied and they will place an order for us after selecting.

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, that's good. What he was thinking was that this matter was finally completed in time for the Spring Festival.

"Mr. Zhang, Jessica also said that the styles they selected this time may be more than they originally expected. Also, for T-shirts, they may place an order separately, not together with cotton and linen clothing. , they think these T-shirts are also interesting.”

Zhang Chen said fine, anything is fine.

"Also, Jessica is also urging us to get wedding dress samples. She hopes we can send them to them as soon as possible." Xu Qiaoxin said.

"Have you spoken to Director Zhao?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He was right next to me, and he said he could send it out next week."

"Okay, that'll do."

Zhang Chen said, ready to hang up the phone, "More, more..." Xu Qiaoxin shouted.

"What else?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Also, Jessica asked, why haven't I seen your other design works?"

Xu Qiaoxin said, and Zhang Chen was startled. He thought that Jessica said this casually at the time and forgot about it after saying it. Unexpectedly, she still remembered it. It seems that this Western woman is really like us. The difference was that every word she said was very serious.

Zhang Chen heard that Xu Qiaoxin laughed on the phone. Zhang Chen asked: "Why are you laughing?"

"Mr. Zhang, have you forgotten about this?" Xu Qiaoxin asked.

Zhang Chen said embarrassedly: "I forgot, but I didn't forget. I just felt that if I said that casually at that time, the matter would probably be over."

"No, Mr. Zhang, foreigners are very serious. If you don't want to do it, just tell her not to do it. If you agree, they will remember it and wait." Xu Qiaoxin and Zhang Chen said.

"What should we do now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'll make up a reason for you first, but you can't escape it." Xu Qiaoxin said, "You still have to take the time to design something, even if Jessica doesn't adopt it."

Zhang Chen said okay, I understand.

After a while, Xu Qiaoxin sent an English paragraph to Zhang Chen on MSN. Zhang Chen picked up the phone, called and asked Xu Qiaoxin, what did you write?

"I told Jessica, of course, in your tone, saying that during this period of time, you will spend most of your energy on how to complete these sample dresses. After the wedding dress samples are also sent out, you will have time and energy. , to design other things, and thank her at the same time, Balabala, boss, is that okay?"

Zhang Chen blushed when Xu Qiaoxin said that he spent all his energy on the samples. He didn't spend half of his energy on these samples. He didn't know where he spent it, but he couldn't do this. Talk to Jessica.

Zhang Chen felt that he was really working less and less.

"Boss?" Xu Qiaoxin called on the phone.

Zhang Chen quickly said okay, that's it, thank you.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone, but his heart became heavy.

Thank you Yin, Muren, and Xu Yuenian for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a happy life!

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