The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1123 The trouser legs haven’t been lowered yet

Lao Qiao felt that he was going too far, so he brought the topic back. He said to Zhang Chen:

"I said before that companies all have to make money, but the ways and means of making money are different. I also said that if a company is not short of money now, it does not mean that it will not be short of money in the future. As long as the company's ambition is big enough and the pace of development can Any faster and he'll be short of money in no time.

"What should companies do if they are short of money? That is to say, they need to raise money. If a company wants to raise money, there are several ways. One is to borrow money from banks, the other is to borrow money from relatives and friends, and the other is to go public. This comes back to The purpose of listing, it can be said that raising money through listing is the lowest cost and most cost-effective.

"Whether you get a bank loan or borrow money from relatives and friends, you have to pay interest. Even if you don't pay interest, at least the money has to be repaid, right? But the money from the listing circle, the money given to you by investors , there is no need to pay it back. Not only does it not need to be paid back, but if your business is run well, you can also continue to raise more money from the market through continuous additional issuances.

"This is the first and most primitive impulse for companies to go public. How cool is it to take other people's money and build your own company? This can be said to be one of the reasons why companies want to go public, right?"

Lao Qiao asked, Zhang Chen nodded, he felt that if there is such a good thing, it is certainly worth doing.

"Second, I usually don't tell others about this." Lao Qiao looked at Zhang Chen and said with a hint of confidence: "Mr. Zhang, including Mr. Liu and Mr. Meng, as your company grows bigger and bigger, it will definitely cause trouble. Some people are jealous and want to put their hands in. They don't have it now, but there will definitely come a day. They will use any means to turn yours into theirs and tear it apart.

"You have money and he has power. He has bad intentions and wants to turn power into money. How to change it? It will be done on your head. If you don't go to them, they will come to you. At that day, you want to hide. Can't hide either.

"At this time, you will feel the benefits of this listed company, because this listed company is a public company, and its operations must be supervised by the public, that is, shareholders, and all information is open and transparent. That At that time, it would be easy for them to put their hands into your current company, Mr. Zhang. If you refuse, it will make you miserable.

"But if he wants to reach out to a listed company, he has to weigh it carefully. If he does not have enough energy, he can easily shoot himself in the foot. At this time, the listed company is your talisman. This reason is not realistic. Reality?"

"Old Qiao, you are so right, it is really possible." Meng Ping said.

"It's not possible, it's very realistic. I've seen too many bastards who rob and plunder, and companies and entrepreneurs who are forced into desperation. As long as you don't have enough armor to protect yourself as a company, Hou, these bastards will take advantage of the situation. Look, behind every corrupt official who falls, there will be a string of unlucky companies.

"Do you think those companies are so stupid that they are willing to give up their money? Many times, they have no choice but to live under the roof of others and have to bow their heads. They are the prostitutes who are forced into prostitution.

"So if you are an enterprise, when the enterprise is small, the focus is on the development of the enterprise. But when the enterprise reaches a certain scale, what you pay more attention to is the safety of the enterprise. The factors that cause insecurity include objective and man-made factors. You We have to find ways to eliminate them one by one."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both nodded, feeling that what Lao Qiao said made sense.

"Old Qiao, you have already mentioned two points, are there any more?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, and another point is that you must consider the safety of the company, but you must also consider your own personal financial security. Another advantage of going public is that it allows you founders to achieve financial security and be safe. "

As Old Qiao spoke, he glanced at them, but everyone present was confused by his words and had no idea what he was talking about.

"This, Lao Qiao, please explain clearly, how can we achieve our personal financial security?" Meng Ping asked.

Old Qiao laughed and said, "This is very realistic and a bit evil. I wouldn't tell ordinary people."

"Okay, we are not ordinary people, please tell us quickly." Liu Ligan urged.

Lao Qiao said: "This involves the price-earnings ratio of listed companies. Many bullshit economists make the price-earnings ratio very complicated. In fact, the price-earnings ratio can be explained clearly in one sentence. It is the expectation for your company. , that is, the degree of optimism, expectations and optimism, in listed companies, can be quantified and turned into real money, this is the price-earnings ratio."

Seeing that they still seemed to understand, Lao Qiao further explained:

"When a stock is issued, it is priced according to the net worth of the enterprise. This is the original stock. What you, the shareholders, hold in your hands are the original shares. Some people can also obtain the original shares through some means. Why are the original shares A stock is so valuable that it is like a piece of dough as thick as a chopstick. As long as it is put into the oil pan called the stock market, it can quickly expand into a fried dough stick."

When Lao Qiao said this, everyone laughed and felt that his statement was very vivid and everyone understood it as soon as they heard it.

Lao Qiao continued: "Many stocks were issued at a premium of several times on the first day of issuance. In the open market, you can't buy the original shares. What you buy are fried dough sticks. Therefore, for many stocks, the issue price It's one piece, but what you can buy is tens, dozens, or even hundreds of pieces. These tens, dozens, and hundreds are the price-earnings ratios of more than ten, dozens, or hundreds of times.

"The better, the more promising the company that everyone thinks, the higher its price-to-earnings ratio. This is what I mean by the price-to-earnings ratio, which is expectations and optimism, because everyone thinks it is worth the money and you won't lose money if you buy it. It's the kind of broken stock. A stock, that is, a stock whose market price falls below the issue price, must be a bad company. It goes without saying that everyone is not optimistic about it and feels that it should die long ago.

"So you should have seen on TV that when people are trying to rectify a company, why do they go to the stock market to rectify it? Buying high and selling low in large quantities is to destroy everyone's optimism about you and make your stocks worthless.

"After understanding what the price-earnings ratio is, it will be very simple to tell you how to achieve your personal financial security and be safe.

"Our current domestic stock market and general companies have a price-to-earnings ratio of more than ten or twenty times. Your fried dough stick has expanded more than ten or twenty times more than dough. Let's take Mr. Zhang as an example. Your original net profit ratio is more than ten or twenty times. The assets are 300 million. If you multiply it by more than 10 times, it will be 300 to 400 million. In this listed company, your family holds 100% of the shares.

"Even if it is not 100%, in order to go public, you sold 20% of the shares, and your family still has 80%. After the listing, the market value of your company will be worth 4 billion. At this time, it will soon Simple, as long as you sell 20% of the stocks during the lifting period, will you receive 800 million in cash?

"In this way, not only will all your assets be converted into cash and returned to your pocket, you will also make hundreds of millions. The most important thing is, please note that even if your family sells 2% Ten shares, you still hold 60%, you are still the major shareholder, this company is still yours.

"You take that 800 million, or deposit it in the bank, invest in a second company, and do what you did before, which is commonly known as money making money. Will your assets and business scale expand rapidly? Okay, is this faster than developing franchise stores one by one?

"Just by turning the sesame biscuits this way, you will eventually find out why you have a table full of sesame biscuits without even realizing it."

After Lao Qiao finished speaking, everyone fell silent. They felt that the scene Lao Qiao described was beyond their imagination. It was amazing. It turns out that you can still do this in business and make money in this way.

"Don't think it's incredible." Lao Qiao said, "Look at Li Ka-shing, Robert Kuok, these big bosses. While they are doing great business, none of them are masters of capital operations. , If he only focuses on his own business and does not understand capital operations, then, to put it bluntly, his pants have not been lowered yet.”

"What do you mean, Lao Qiao?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It means that he is still a farmer, and he only knows how to work when the sun rises and earn a living when the sun comes in. He only knows how to rely on the sky for food. He is not a good entrepreneur yet. The word entrepreneur is a bad word. It is similar to a blacksmith and a carpenter. For enterprises, the best word is capitalist. Only those who understand capital operations can be called capitalists, not just those who can run enterprises."

Zhang Chen smiled sheepishly: "We haven't lowered our pants yet."

Lao Qiao also laughed and said: "If you do this kind of thing once, you will understand the tricks and secrets, and you will taste the sweetness. I guarantee you will be addicted immediately. Li Ka-shing is selling plastic flowers." When he was in business, he didn’t even lower his pants, and he didn’t know anything about capital operations. Once he understood it and realized it, it would be amazing.”

"Oh, Old Qiao, listening to you is really better than studying for ten years." Meng Ping said with emotion. Seeing that Xiaofang had been listening attentively, he asked: "Xiaofang, you from Zhejiang University, listen Isn’t it more enjoyable for Uncle Qiao to talk than to listen to your professor’s lecture?”

Xiaofang nodded, and everyone laughed.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said seriously to Lao Qiao: "Mr. Qiao, I really listened to what you said. Just like what Lao Meng said, I also felt suddenly cheerful. In this way, Mr. Qiao, if you have time When he was there, he also came to our company to give us advice and help us see what we should do.”

Lao Qiao said yes, I will bring a team here next time to get a feel for your company, and then see which piece we can put into operation.

Zhang Chen quickly said yes, thank you, thank you!

Thank you Lao Chentang, Maizi 3510, and 13906281900 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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