The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1122: There is no shame in collecting money

They walked out of the office together. Liu Ligan looked at the small door, and his heart skipped a beat. He thought that after the garden on the roof was demolished, the railing where he often liked to go in the middle of the night would also be demolished. , unable to get up again in the middle of the night, he would be like a lonely soul with nowhere to go.

However, think about the fact that the center of Hangzhou is growing day by day. Even if you don’t go there, you can still see the center of Hangzhou by looking up from here.

The time has come for Hangcheng Center to apply for a pre-sale license, but within their company, there is no conclusion yet on whether and when it will open. Tan Shuzhen believes that now is a good time to open, and it should be opened. Hangcheng Center After the market opens, they can devote their energy and financial resources to the "City in the Sky" project.

The returned funds can also be used to acquire more land. The price of land cannot be reduced. It is always better to buy early than to buy late. This is their consensus.

But Liu Ligan always felt that for a project like Hangzhou Center, its opening should be at a point of special significance. But when the time is appropriate, Liu Ligan himself could not say. clear.

In the afternoon, he and Meng Ping sat in Zhang Chen's office and talked about this matter. Meng Ping stood on Tan Shuzhen's side, and he also agreed to open the market as soon as possible.

He scolded Liu Ligan. He said, "You are unwilling to open the market now. It may seem rational, but you are not rational at all. You are barbaric and domineering."

Liu Ligan wondered, why am I so brutal and domineering?

Meng Ping said, your current attitude towards Hangcheng Center is like an overbearing and barbaric father. Looking at his daughter, he always feels that his daughter is the most perfect in the world. This person who came to propose is not worthy of his daughter. , that one is not worthy. If you act like this, you will eventually turn your own daughter into an old girl that no one wants.

When Meng Ping said this, Xiaofang on the other side of the conference table burst into laughter. Meng Ping laughed and said, Xiaofang, is it like this? When your sister brought your brother-in-law home, your brother-in-law didn’t know anything at that time. No. If your parents had objected to your sister and your brother-in-law being together at that time, would they regret it now?

No, Xiaofang said, the first time my brother-in-law came to our house, our whole family felt that my brother-in-law was very good and no one objected.

Meng Ping laughed and said, okay, pole, you are in the center of Hangzhou, now Zhang Chen, you need to get rid of it immediately when everyone is optimistic about it. For us, a project is new from the day it starts. The starting point, not our end point, is where we want to focus on the next project.

Like me, when I was building my building, I was as excited as you. The tallest building in Nanjing was so awesome. But if I kept holding on to this awesomeness, I would be eliminated. So now, building sixty The six-story building is not me, but someone else. With the new project of sixty-six floors, after the halo of the original building, the tallest building in Nanjing, recedes, what will be left?

There is nothing, pole. You just have to take advantage of the fact that the center of Hangzhou still has its aura and it is the most valuable time to sell it. After selling it, if you feel that it is not satisfying, you can build the Hangzhou Throne, or The Lord of Hangzhou also comes to the 66th floor, and the new awesomeness is still yours.

Meng Ping's words moved Liu Ligan, and Liu Ligan also felt that it was time to let the glory of Hangcheng Center become history. He made up his mind that Hangcheng Center should be opened for business.

Several people went downstairs, and Liu Ligan drove away. He wanted to pick up Tan Shuzhen from the company first, and then pick up Lao Qiao from the hotel.

Zhang Chen, Meng Ping, He Hongmei, and Xiaofang were all in Xiao Zhao's car. Zhang Chen was not in a hurry to get on the car, but walked to the edge of the parking lot with Meng Ping, and took a look at him, preparing to open a passage to get in. The place.

Meng Ping said yes, that’s it, just make a more eye-catching front door.

Zhang Chen even thought that although this passage was a bit long, it could be made into a two-and-a-half-meter-wide time tunnel. Then maybe many people would choose to walk through this passage.

Zhang Chen told Meng Ping his thoughts, and Meng Ping said yes, so that he wouldn't get bored.

Although they stayed in the parking lot for a while, Zhang Chen and the others arrived at Zhangshengji before Liu Ligan and the others. Lao Qiao liked the old duck stew with dried bamboo shoots here, so they ordered it first, and ordered two portions, because He Hongmei and Xiao Fang also likes to eat. He Hongmei said that this dish is not as delicious as the old duck with dried bamboo shoots.

Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, and Lao Qiao arrived. Zhang Chen, Xiao Zhao, and Lao Qiao all knew each other. No introduction was needed, and Xiaofang did not need to be introduced. As soon as Lao Qiao saw her, he asked Xiao Zhao, is your sister?

Xiao Zhao nodded with a smile and said yes. Tan Shuzhen introduced He Hongmei to Lao Qiao. Lao Qiao quickly said that for them, they had known each other for a long time. Although they had never met, their names were heard from other people. Heard that.

After sitting down, Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen's question to Lao Qiao and asked him to tell him what the company's listing would do besides making money.

Lao Qiao smiled, thought for a while, and said to Zhang Chen:

"Mr. Zhang, we are all our own people. I won't tell you those vain things. What can improve the company's financial discipline and governance structure? There are many listed companies with a mess of financial discipline and governance structure. , and I won’t tell you anything that can improve the company’s visibility. Of course, it can indeed be improved.

"But the popularity of a company is actually a double-edged sword. When you are good, you are a listed company and can spread your reputation thousands of miles. But when you are not good, this listed company is a burden to you. Because it will also make your reputation spread thousands of miles. At that time, you might as well be an unknown company in the corner.

"As for other things, it can attract talents, motivate employees, and attract the attention of local governments. All of these, I can use ten or twenty reasons to deceive other companies to go public, but here, there is no need to mention them.

"For a company like Mr. Zhang, let me tell you the truth. If it goes public, there are several reasons. The first one is yes, of course it is to make money. The purpose of our business should not be so lofty. , in fact, it is just to make money, with different methods and methods. Useful products, like Mr. Zhang and you, can make money from the market and consumers.

"Instead of making a product, he treats the company directly as a product. When it goes on the market, it is equivalent to getting rid of the product. He takes the money to make a second product, which is a second company. There are more and more people like this now and there will be more in the future. Don’t listen to what they say.

"We set up a company just to make money. The starting point is money, and the purpose is money. If it is not for money, we don't have to spend so much energy and rack our brains. Mr. Zhang, am I right to say this? "

Zhang Chen nodded, he was right, Mr. Qiao, you are right, that's what it is. What I hate most are those who run businesses. They talk about social responsibility every day. It's so hypocritical. You have to talk about social responsibility like that. Your business simply won’t be able to operate. For those who run businesses, I think you should not overestimate yourself. In fact, if you can do your part well, that is to fulfill your social responsibility.

"Oh, how do you say this?" Mr. Qiao became interested.

Zhang Chen said: "The simplest thing is to be nice to your employees and don't delay their wages, let alone withhold wages. Behind every employee is a family. If you treat them well, you are fulfilling your social responsibility."

"Be nice to your suppliers and don't default on their payments. The entire society is made up of many small groups. If you treat each of them nice, you are contributing to social stability.

"What I hate the most is the kind of entrepreneur who is very mean to employees and suppliers, but talks about social responsibility all day long. I feel like you haven't even done your part. What qualifications do you have to talk about social responsibility? Everything you say is false and you are whitewashing yourself."

Mr. Qiao nodded and said: "That's right. Generally, if I meet such an entrepreneur, I will be more careful. If you treat me too high, I'm sorry. I will also be vain to you. Otherwise, I will be ignorant." I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, you are very honest."

Mr. Qiao said and everyone laughed.

Mr. Qiao continued: "It is not shameful for companies to make money. As long as it is done in a proper way, there is no shame in going public just to make money. This is also the fundamental reason and motivation for companies to go public. No company is short of money."

"He said he has no shortage." Liu Lipole pointed at Zhang Chen and said.

Mr. Qiao smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, let me be honest. If you say you are not short of money, it is not really that you are not short of money, but that your company is not big enough. You just don't have the money at this stage." Que, taking clothing production as an example, is your scale now as big as that of Shanshan and Youngor?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"Then why do they still want to go public?" Mr. Qiao said, "Business people always hope that their companies will develop year by year and become bigger and bigger. When you reach a certain level, such as Mr. Zhang, , now when you want to become the largest women's clothing company in the country, can you still say that you are not short of money?

"Money is never enough for a company. How much capital can you do? For example, I know Mr. Zhang that your products are also sold in Shanghai 100. You need to have connections to get in." ?You still need to maintain a good relationship with their clothing department manager, right?

"But don't forget, Shanghai 100 is also the 'Zhongbaiyi Store' listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If Mr. Zhang has enough money, you can also acquire it and become its boss. You said so?" Isn’t that a great thing?

"If you have this ability, you can buy Hangcheng Tower in Hangzhou, go to Shanghai to buy Zhongbaiyi Store, and go to Beijing to buy Wangfujing Department Store or Lufthansa. Is your company bigger than you are now?

"But I think you wouldn't even think about it now. It's not that you don't want to, and it's not that you don't lack money. It's just that you lack too much money. Your money is a thousand miles away from acquiring them. You don’t even dare to think about it, and even thinking about it is just a fantasy.

“But have you ever thought that even Wal-Mart, which is only a few decades old, has the ability to do this? Its asset scale is hundreds of times larger than all these companies. Acquiring them is a big deal for it. , is a piece of cake.

"How can Wal-Mart be so big? It is not built just by selling clothes one by one and flush toilets one by one. What helps it is the capital market. Wal-Mart's stock has been in New York since 1972. After it went public, by the end of 1999, in 25 years, do you know how many times its stock has doubled?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, and Lao Qiao asked Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, "Guess how much?"

Two people, one said a hundred times, and the other said two hundred times, Lao Qiao kept shaking his head, Tan Shuzhen asked: "Three hundred times?"

"Forty-nine hundred times." Old Qiao said.

Everyone exclaimed "Ah", and Lao Qiao said that in other words, its company value has increased 4,900 times in twenty-five years. If it does not rely on the capital market and sells its products on its own, it will be selling drugs. , you can’t make so much, right?

"Think about Mr. Zhang's company. It's definitely no problem to have a net worth of 300 million now." Lao Qiao said, "If in 25 years, you can increase it 4,900 times, then it will be a family of 15,000." A billion-sized giant company, by then, will what you want to do still be the same as it is now?”

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you elberking, zpengyong1, and Huaxin Yongshao for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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