The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 838: Northern Witches

     Leo adjusted the psionic wing, instead of continuing to land slowly in the air, but descending at a rapid speed. When he was about to hit the ground, the wings spread buffer and landed firmly on the ground.

After the three of them landed, they did not stay. The violent shaking on the ground had indicated that there were monsters approaching at a rapid speed. The three quickly ran to the edge of the blood mist, while Leo took some rune traps and dropped them on the ground while running. .

  Not long after he ran out, Leo felt the energy erupted after the rune trap was touched, and immediately heard a scream of the monster.

   At this moment, several black shadows suddenly flew out of the blood mist and rushed towards Leo. They were only a distance away from them, and these black shadows were suddenly interrupted into two sections.

At this time, Leo turned to look at Sylvia next to him, because he saw that Sylvia stretched out several tentacle-like energy beams, and split the shadow over a dozen meters away. Into two paragraphs.

After   , monsters in the blood mist continued to catch up with them, but without exception, they could not resist Sylvia's energy tentacles.

Seeing this scene, Leo didn't say anything, but instead was happy for Sylvia, because although she felt that her witch's power was rapidly improving, she was very shallow in application and still stayed in the previous application. In terms of methods, there is no lethal attack method. Although the power of this energy beam is not strong enough in Leo's opinion, it is temporarily enough for Sylvia.

Tessa Moka also discovered Sylvia’s attack method. She did not have Leo’s psionic ability and could not perceive energy fluctuations, so she was shocked by this silent method of killing her opponent and also by Hill. Via's strength was surprised.

   In this way, the three of them quickly moved out of the blood mist under the chase of the monster. After about ten minutes of running, Leo’s spiritual net had felt that the edge of the blood mist was approaching.

At this time, a huge figure like a small hill rushed out of the blood mist and slammed them towards Leo. This figure contained powerful power. Sylvia’s energy beam hit it and could not be broken. Its defense is just like tickling it.

   "You go first." After knowing the situation through the spiritual network, Leo gave a command to Sylvia and Tessa Moka, then stopped and turned and rushed towards the head.

Upon hearing Leo’s command, Tessa Moka could not help but froze for a moment, and felt that it would be inappropriate for Leo to deal with the enemy alone, but Sylvia did not hesitate and rushed forward, she was very clear that she stayed It will only be a burden to come down, and getting out of danger is the biggest help for Leo.

On this side, Leo quickly overwhelmed the front of the monster. I saw that the huge monster was entangled by hundreds of corpses of monsters, and it looked like a person with a dozen hands and feet and a dozen mouths. Meatballs.

In the face of this monster, Leo immediately displayed the psionic chain skills combined with the magician magic, Turing roots, and psionic skills. As the skills were displayed, a large psionic chain appeared in front of him immediately. network.

When the monster came over, there was no accidental impact on the psionic chain big net, and its impact force was obviously unable to break the block of the psionic chain. Under Leo's control, the psionic chain immediately wrapped the monster. The surface of the psionic chain also became jagged, and moved quickly to cut the monster's body.

  Although the monster has great power, it still has no resistance to the cutting of the psionic chain saw, and the kung fu in the blink of an eye is cut into pieces.

  After solving this monster, Leo did not relax, but turned to look at the blood mist on the other side.

  I saw that at this time a vague human figure came out of the blood mist, did not attack Leo, but stood not far from Leo.

  Because of the blood mist, Leo can only see vaguely like an anatomical model. The body has muscles and internal organs, but no skin.

   Just like Leo was observing the other party at the moment, the other party was also watching Leo, neither of them had the intention to attack.

Leo is not clear why the other party did not attack himself, but he can be sure that the energy fluctuation of the other party is strong. I am afraid that he has reached the level of the seventh-level psionicist, similar to Leah Weinstein. To solve the other party, some special measures are needed, and the prerequisite is that the other party will not run away.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and the humanoid monster suddenly turned to look in the direction of Sylvia's departure. Although the other party's face could not show any expression, Leo could feel that the other party seemed to be nervous. fear.

Then, the humanoid monster quickly retreated into the blood mist, and under the surveillance of the spiritual network, moved quickly in the direction of Cullenville. At the same time, other monsters hidden in the surrounding blood mist were also in the direction of Cullenville. mobile.

Seeing this situation, Leo also had some speculations in his heart. Without any further stop, he immediately moved towards where Sylvia left, chased up, and chased away the blood mist soon after.

What he saw in the eyes of the blood mist was a group of Dialyt soldiers riding a local snow beast standing outside the blood mist, holding a piece of handgun-like mist in his hand and pointing it at the blood mist, and At every distance, there is a cleric of the Church of the Snow Goddess, holding a cross with a sacred emblem of the Snow Goddess in his hand, followed by some church chanting servants and chanters.

Leo found through the sight that the cross in the hands of these clerics was clearly not a miracle, but when the clerics were reading the scriptures, they radiated a wave of energy and connected each other to form a huge energy. Field, suppressing the power of blood mist.

"Mr. Leo, Your Majesty, please come over!" At this time, Dairyat Palace Prime Minister Keli Fao led a team of horses and ran from a distance to Leo in front of the pack animal, and said to Leo With a bang, the people next to him gave up the pack animals.

  After Leo got on the pack animal, the team went through the middle of the army and walked towards a hill behind.

   On the road, Leo drove the pack animal and Kerry Fao side by side, and then asked, "Since we left Dalisa, have you followed us?"

   "Yes." Kerry Fao did not deny it, nodded and admitted Leo's speculation.

   "You have long known that something will happen?" Leo asked again.

   "I don't know about this, I just obey His Majesty's command line." Kerry Fao replied.

   Leo didn't ask any more.

   Soon the team came under the hill. Kerry Fao signaled the team to stop, and then Leo dismounted to go up on his own.

   Leo didn't think much, so he dismounted and walked up the hill.

I saw that there were eight or nine people standing on the top of the hill at the moment, Sylvia and Tessa Moka were among them, and the two twin old ladies Leo met before were also among them, as were several others. Women, it is conceivable that these people should be the witch group headed by Leah Weinstein.

   When Leo reached the hill, all the witches' eyes fell on him, and some of them had a little more scrutiny, seeming to see if he was qualified to become a witch's companion.

   Leo ignored the surrounding eyes and walked directly to Leah Venistan, Shen Sheng asked: "Your Majesty, do you know that we will change the wizard tower after we arrive in Cullenville?"

"Yes." Leah Venistan readily admitted Leo's speculation, and then looked at a witch wearing a wooden mask and wrapped in a body, and said, "Jessie, explain to him. !"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The witch responded, then looked at Leo and said, "Before you came to Deliyat, I foretold the mark of the sigh of the night **** in your knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman. , And the sorcerer’s tower is a false and real product. Although the sources of the two forces are completely different, you are all made by the same method at the same time, and there will definitely be no connection. So I have a divination and you come What will happen after this, the result is what we see now."

  Although Leo was a little surprised that the witch was able to divine what happened in the future, he was more concerned about another question, so he asked, "Did you deliberately transform him?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I build the Wizard's Tower into a park, and why would I allow those idiots to perform cult rituals in Cullenville? I waited for so many years to wait for him to start coming out of the hiding place." Leah Venistan Looking at the blood mist in front of me, I turned my head to Leo and said, "Speaking of it, I still want to thank you, otherwise, I don’t know when we’ll have to wait until our transaction is completed. You just need to look around.” Then she said to the two old witches again: “There are no living people there, you can start.”

   Hearing Leah Venistan’s order, the two old witches did not hesitate to remove the forbidden ring made by Leo for them, then walked hand in hand to the front.

Leo also turned on Lingshi at this time, and looked at the two old witches, but it made him feel strange that even if the two old witches merged the energy of each other, they were still not very powerful, and it was impossible to look at them. Destroy a city as written on the intelligence materials.

   It was just that as the powers of the two old witches merged completely, Leo found that the energy waves of the two were changing from wave to beam, and rushed into the sky, burrowing into the clouds, completely disappearing from Leo's spiritual vision.

   After a while, the two old witches said a word of caution, and then they saw a ray of light from the sky, which fell directly into the city of Cullenville.

A huge explosion sounded, the surrounding air instantly dropped down to Cullenville and collapsed, the surrounding north wind was also pulled over, but soon a shock rushed from the direction of Cullenville, and the huge wave-like airflow followed closely Afterwards, the snow on the ground was rolled up to form a snow wall, spreading out around, and it was about to impact the Dailyat army under the hill.

A witch dressed up as a nun in the Church of the Goddess of Ice walked out with a cross banner, and then chanted the prayer of the Church of the Goddess of Snow in her mouth, and although her voice was not loud, it spread to the army below through some methods. In everyone's ears, these people involuntarily sang loudly with her.

Suddenly, a wave of energy flowed from all of them to the nearby cross banner. After the energy of the cross banner, which was originally an ordinary object, was shining, it drew a dazzling light, and these lights gathered together to form a giant wall. , Blocked in front of everyone, and the snow wall opposite also hit the light wall. During the impact, the light wall shone a burst of light waves, which seemed to break up like glass at any time. But the result was not like that. It still resisted the waves of shock stubbornly. Knowing that the snow wall weakened and subsided, all the singing of the people ended, and all looked forward. .

Perhaps it was not the first time that such scenes had been seen. The Northern Witches of Delyat did not show too obvious amazement, but Sylvia and Tessa Moka showed shocked expressions. , Hasn't recovered in a long time.

As for Leo, he was also very shocked. The reason he was shocked was not because of the damage caused by the two old witches' joint ability, nor was it shocked that the nun dressed up could even harmonize everyone's spiritual power in the same wave band. To create a spiritual power that is almost demigod.

He would be surprised completely because of the light he shot just He is very familiar with the light, and he recognized at a glance that it was the light of the ground particle cannon on the star destroyer. The appearance not only represents that a star destroyer with the main gun energy is suspended in the sky above them, but also represents that the two old witch can control the star destroyer with their own witch power. On the main gun.

   The two old witches were very tired at the moment. After putting on the forbidden ring again, they retreated to the back of the crowd.

   Leo wanted to step forward and ask the two old witches if they didn't know where the power they controlled came from. Attention was immediately drawn to the exclamation sounds around him.

I saw that at this time, the snowflakes flying in front of the sky suddenly stopped flying, quickly fell to the ground, and even the wind in the air stopped instantly, and before everyone's eyes, the previous blood mist had disappeared and disappeared together. There is also a city that is not very large and not very small. The original location of the city only left a flat ground. The ground is extremely smooth, and some places even shine with the luster of glass. It feels like it has been polished. general.

Because of the loss of blood mist, the wizard tower was fully exposed to everyone. I don’t know why the speed of the wizard tower’s transformation into the lower tower seems to have accelerated a lot. Originally Leo was still on the waist of the tower when they left. The zone has now been transformed by two-thirds.


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