The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 839: Big explosion

"You stay here. Don't move." After seeing the current situation of the wizard tower, a joyful smile appeared on the face of Leah Venistan, and after the command of the witch beside him, the ice and snow at the foot instantly turned into a The huge ice eagle, dragging the wings of ice and snow, rushed towards the wizard tower with Leia Weinstein.

When the army under the hill saw the snow eagle and the people standing on the back of the eagle, they all cheered, and the clerics praised the snow goddess more loudly, and the nun dressed up was more It was once again holding up the cross banner in his hand, singing out the classics of the Church of the Snow Goddess at the other end in a loud chant like a war song.

  Although Leo doesn’t know much about the books of the Ice Goddess Church, from the vocabulary sung by that witch, it can be known that this should describe the battle between the Ice Goddess and a powerful existence.

  As the witch connected all the flags with special power, affecting all the clergy and the surrounding army, this majestic war song also sounded in this open area.

Leo can also clearly see that everyone’s spiritual power is brought together under the control of the witch, condensed in the air, and formed a huge snow woman sacred emblem, which is close to the wizard tower The connection of Leah Venistan makes the energy fluctuations in her body increase rapidly. In Leo’s eyes, it is almost the same as those of the eighth-level psionics in the universe who can begin to walk through the vacuum in the body, compared with the current Velon world. A higher presence is almost equivalent to a white deer in the Black Forest.

Seeing this situation, Leo also understood why Leah Vinisten spared no effort to reform the Church of the Snow Goddess, and even hesitated to change the image of the Snow Goddess to himself, so that everyone believes that he is Snow and Snow The incarnation of the goddess.

The spiritual strength of this army and the clerics gathered in front of her, easily raised her strength to a level. If the number of people here increased tenfold to hundredfold, let Leah Venistan briefly possess the gods. The power is not impossible.

At this time, Leah Weinstein, who was flying at speed in the air, had crystallized the Wizard Tower, and the Wizard Tower seemed to feel that the enemy was approaching. The upper body of the flesh tower twisted at the same time, and the outer wall grew out of a large piece. Mouth, spraying the haze on the outside, trying to cover yourself with the haze, it seems that you want to create an environment that is beneficial to you first.

Leah Venistan seemed to have expected that this would happen. As she raised her hands, the ice and snow around the tower was immediately controlled by her to rise from the ground like a fountain, impacting the blood mist, and infiltrating into the wizard tower .

At this time, the snow and eagle at the foot of Leah Venistan also hit the tower of the wizard tower, directly hit the wizard tower out of a hole, and the body was also cracked, consolidating the hole and let the surrounding There is no way for flesh and blood to gather together, and the snow and ice that has risen also used this hole to pour into the wizard tower.

Seeing that Leah Venistan opened a hole in the wizard Tata so easily, Leo was also very surprised, because in his view, the ice eagle, although it looked extremely powerful, but in fact it The power contained is much weaker than the lightning gun and crystal soul gun he used before.

At that time, he was in the tower body, attacking the wizard tower with the maximum limit of power he can use now, which is enough to threaten the demigod, but did not cause any damage to the wizard tower. Afterwards, it was also the maximum limit crystal soul gun attacking the wizard. The tower also only damaged the skin of the wizard tower a little. It was later that the characteristics of the crystal soul gun made it absorb a large amount of soul energy, and its power continued to increase, so that it could penetrate the ceiling of the wizard tower.

Therefore, in his view, his lightning gun and crystal soul gun were so difficult to destroy the wizard tower. The snow eagle created by Leah Venistan could not cause any damage to the wizard tower that was already a demigod. Correct.

At this time, the witch named Jesse, wearing a wooden mask, seemed to see through Leo’s thoughts, and suddenly walked to his side, saying, "Your Majesty, you can easily deal with this monster, thanks to your help. It’s not your two attacks, I am afraid that the Wizard Tower is still hiding in that small world, slowly transforming, and will not have to venture into our world to accelerate the transformation because of being hit hard."

Hearing the witch’s words, Leo immediately understood that his previous two attacks on the wizard tower were not useless. Instead, he had severely damaged the wizard tower. Even the lightning gun produced a greater damage effect than the crystal soul gun, so after the mine Ou's thunderbolt, which has been weakened by more than a factor of two, can still destroy the body of the Wizard's Tower.

   It's just that Leo doesn't care whether his attack is useful at the moment, but cares that the witch in front of her seems to know her actions very well, and even knows what she did, which obviously cannot be explained by divination.

However, it is also not waiting for Leo to start asking, and the witch explained again: "When you do those things, I am beside you, but we are not in a world. I saw you through my ability, but You cannot see me."

If the average person hears the witch, they may think that the other party is completely fooling themselves, but Leo is different. The scientific experiments and theories related to time and space in the universe are very mature. Some advanced civilizations have even created time observation devices. , Used to observe some major events in the time stream that may affect the development of their own civilization, thereby avoiding such crises.

   The ability of this witch is obviously very similar to that time observation device, which allows her to know some fragments of the future.

However, the energy required by those time observing devices is very huge, using stars as the energy source, and the witch is obviously not so powerful in front of her. The future information she obtained will certainly not be much, and it should pay a great price .

   Leo did not intend to continue to ask about how the witch saw the future. The witch also guessed Leo's idea and walked away from Leo.

At this time, a snow tornado suddenly blew around the tower of the wizard in the distance. This tornado did not twist like other tornadoes, but went straight up and rushed to the sky, wrapping the entire wizard tower in it, and from time to time. Seeing some light shining constantly in the middle of the tornado, it can be seen that the fighting there is very fierce.

On the other side, the nuns who condensed the spiritual power of the army changed the singing voice again, and changed it to a tune like the requiem that can calm the spirit, and directly transmitted the changed spiritual power of the tune to Leah through the connection of the banner. Venistan.

Leo did not pay attention to the battle there, but looked at the two twin old witches who were also nervous about the war situation of the Wizard Tower. He found that the two old witches seemed to be much older, and the energy fluctuations in his body also weakened again. In many cases, they can't be robbed compared to ordinary family members. Obviously, their attack just now did not come without a price.

   saw him walk directly to the old witch, Shen Sheng asked: "How did you do it?"

   "How to do it?" the old witches pretended to be confused.

   "I mean how do you communicate that thing in the sky, and order it to launch an attack." Leo did not turn around, but pointed out the point straightly.

   This time it was the turn of the two old witches who were surprised. They stared at Leo froze for a long time before saying, "How do you know?"

  Leo did not answer, but proposed: "You tell me how you do it, I will tell you how I know."

   The two old witches looked at each other as if they were exchanging opinions, and then shook their heads at the same time, saying, "It's not necessary, we don't need to know or want to say anything."

  Finally, as if to avoid Leo, he walked to the middle of other witches.

   Leo did not step forward, but looked up at the position of the particle cannon that he shot before.

   Suddenly, Leo felt that the energy fluctuation in the direction of the wizard tower was rapidly increasing, and his vision also saw a huge and frantic chaotic energy being produced at a rapid rate, and Leo instinctively felt extremely dangerous.

With a strong sense of danger, Leo didn't have much explanation. He shouted directly at the witches who were watching the battle and hid, then dragged Sylvia and Tessa Moka to the hill, and his body was at full speed. Calling the blood power, he smashed the ground like crazy, and in a blink of an eye, a large pit was smashed. Then he saw him jump into the pit with Sylvia and Tessa Moka. , And while standing firm, took out more than a dozen rune magic arrays and threw them around the pit, leaving it in a state to be excited.

All this was done between a dozen breaths. The witch who heard Leo's shout were all stunned. They didn't understand why Leo had this performance, and the two of them who had the most contact with Leo The old witch seemed to realize something, and he ran down the hill without hesitation. Behind her was the divination witch who taught Jesse.

   After running down the hill, the two immediately jumped into a deep pit that Leo smashed.

Not far away, Miyazaki Kiri Faw did not know what happened, but he was very clear about the ability of the divination witch. When he saw the divination witch jump into the pit, he also ran with a few entourage and jumped to In the pit.

As for the other witches, they also don’t understand what is going on, but the divination witch’s actions make them realize that there may be dangers. They don’t think much, and they all ran down the hill and jumped into the deep. In the pit, the deep pit can be said to be overcrowded for a while.

Only the nun witch did not leave, but issued instructions to all the troops and clergy not far away. With her instructions, all the troops and clergy quickly gathered while singing the hymn Around the hill, the priests stood on the **** of the hill, and the army was surrounded by guards.

   It's just that there are too many troops in the army and there are still a lot of troops that have not been able to gather.

At this moment, there was a huge roar in the direction of the wizard tower, followed by a strong white light centered on the wizard tower, and then the earth shattered countless gravel dust mixed with ice and snow. The force swept into the air, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the air. The thick cloud around the mushroom cloud was squeezed away by a force, forming an extremely huge hole.

At this time, the dust that swept into the sky, under a package of power, seemed to rush towards the hills as if the waves. Whereas most people have seen the scene of the car, many people are panicked, but only the hills The clergy of Shangdu and even the army around the staff remained calm, and under the spiritual command of the nun witch, chanted the hymn with a firmer voice.

When the huge waves of dust advanced to the nearby, the nun witch pushed her cross banner down to the ground, and a spherical colorful barrier appeared around the hill, wrapping all the clergy and part of the army gathered in time. .

   At this moment, Leo in the deep pit immediately inspired the rune magic circle he had arranged before, forming a protective barrier over the deep pit.

Almost as soon as two groups of people have made defensive measures, the huge waves of dust have advanced to the hills. The first contact with them is not the huge waves of dust, but an invisible shock, all outside the colorful barrier All of his troops were crushed to pieces in a flash, and the colorful barrier was happily supported in this shock wave.

  The deep pit behind the hill was not affected by the hill and the colorful barrier.

And the huge wave of dust that subsequently advanced immediately covered the hills before and after The gravel and dust in the huge wave now became a weapon stronger than the arrow, hitting the colorful barrier And defensive shields.

  The colorful barrier directly facing the impact of this huge wave of dust continued to shrink inward, and the surface light shook violently, as if it would break at any time.

Those troops standing on the periphery were obviously out of luck. When the colorful barrier shrank, they were exposed to sand and dust and instantly shattered. The people inside the barrier could not rescue them at all. They could only watch their companions die and follow. As the colorful barrier shrank, they felt that they were not far from death.

It’s just anomalous that the army that was supposed to be very panic at this moment has become very calm, more like a fanatic, constantly singing the hymn of the ice goddess, and the mind has fallen into a state of being towards me, and the mind is somewhat exposed The soldiers outside did not stop chanting hymns before their deaths. This performance allowed the precarious colorful barrier to be maintained, and the shrinking situation was also slowing down.

   As for the Leo and others behind the hill, it was obviously a lot easier. The rune magic array that was previously arranged was broken by more than half under the first wave of dust and waves, and then continued to break.

However, at this time, the witches in the deep pit have reacted, and have used their own means to consolidate the defense of the deep pit and protect the deep pit. Even if all the rune magic arrays are broken, there is no danger. .


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