The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 837: Divine creature transformation

    Leo put the Throne of Stones aside for a while, and then began to sort out in the consciousness some knowledge gained when assimilating the original will of the originator.

This knowledge is fragmented. It is not that Leo does not want to completely absorb the original will of the originator at one time, but that he cannot do it. He can only absorb it through various imprints in his body. And get some fragmentation information from it.

   Leo is very good at sorting data. Soon the pieces of information are sorted out according to types, and then he quickly reads the data and obtains the secrets of the originator.

After reviewing all the materials, he found that Tessa Moka seemed right. The Orthodox Church was indeed studying the secrets of the gods and trying to create gods. At the same time, he also knew that the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman was What made it, know more about how this wizard tower was formed and what happened to Leah Venistan in the wizard tower.

   It's a pity that these materials are all fragments, and Leo can only make inferences from the information in these fragments, combined with some legends outside, and ultimately can't be sure whether these are the facts.

First of all, Leo can determine from these data that the originator is indeed dead, but just like the eagle **** is dead, but the body remains still contain power, the remains of the originator still contain powerful power, And his wreckage was taken into a mysterious place by the Orthodox Church. It seems that the place is dedicated to storing the wreckage of the gods, but it is a pity that this information is too fragmented to put together a specific location.

And the Orthodox Court was not studying the secrets of the gods from the beginning, but only when they knew that the gods were about to hide, and it’s weird that they studied the secrets of the gods with the permission of the Orthodox court gods. Object Not only the dead evil gods and demigods, but also the fragments of the god's body given by the true god.

  As for why the gods want their followers to study these things, there is no record in the information fragments, but it can be imagined that since the gods want to study these things, these things must be closely related to them.

   And the Orthodox Church seems to have developed some results, and these results are the madman's knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods, these are books made from the remains of dead gods.

In these messages, it is mentioned that the secret of becoming a deity is hidden in the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman, and this secret is that any normal human being cannot be matured, even the transcendental can not be matured. What is more interesting is the madman ten The knowledge of the three ancient gods was actually deliberately released by the Orthodox Church.

It is a pity that the information extracted from the original will does not have more knowledge about the thirteen ancient gods of the madman. The only thing is that a madman created this wizard tower through the false truth of this ancient **** knowledge. The direct result of this is that the madman died on the spot, the body and soul are integrated into the entire wizard tower, and the false truth is also incorporated into this tower, or more correctly, the entire wizard tower is this ancient God knowledge.

Leah Venistan seems to know this. She came to the wizard tower and wanted to extract the ancient knowledge of false truth from the wizard tower. The result failed, causing the upper half of the tower to enter another one. This state, while the lower half of the tower remains the same.

Afterwards, why did Leah Venistan open the wizard tower into a park and let people enter and visit it? There is no mention in these messages, but it is certain that her move caused the wizard tower to change. The change is the one after another sacrifice of the Evil God. The previous sacrifice made the wizard tower devour the entire city. The second sacrifice created a blood mist, allowing the original will of the originator to leave the wizard tower through the blood mist.

One thing that Leo was interested in was that the insects with the number srkd7418 that they had seen in the forest before were actually created by blood fog through some human imagination, just like those from human fairy tales under the tower Like monsters, that is to say, someone who once visited this wizard tower has seen the srkd7418 bug, and left a strong impression in his heart, which will make the wizard tower spontaneously create This bug.

  Unfortunately, in this information, there is no information about the insect memory.

  After examining these materials carefully, Leo also found a way to solve this wizard tower, but the problem is that even if there is a method, he can’t do it at all, because only destroying the wizard tower completely is the only way.

   From the fragmentation information, Leo already knows that the wizard tower has begun to transform into a divine creature. This is entirely due to the crystal soul gun that Leo just penetrated the wizard tower.

Although the crystal soul gun caused damage to the wizard tower, it also removed the human soul wreckage that was integrated into the wizard tower, which is equivalent to helping the wizard tower complete a soul purification, leaving the wizard tower with only the purest originator. Original will.

Now that the wizard tower has lost the shackles of human souls, the next step is to refine the blood of the body. When its refining is completed, it will become a magical creature of the wizard tower that has never been seen, just like the Black Forest. Like the White Deer, it has the power of a demigod itself, and becoming a **** is also a matter of time.

This may be the secret of becoming a **** in the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods of the madman mentioned in the fragment information, because the knowledge of the thirteen ancient gods contains the power to transform all objects into divine creatures, as long as they become divine creatures, eventually Sooner or later is also a matter of time.

Although Leo has great self-confidence in his own power, he still does not think that he can deal with a divine creature that is being formed by his own power. All he needs to do now is to leave here before the divine creature is completely formed. Find a way to find Leah Venisten, and only the demigod can deal with the demigod.

  Thinking about this, Leo escaped from the space of consciousness, and Sylvia and Tessa Moka looked at him nervously.

   "How long has it passed?" When Leo woke up, the first sentence was to ask time.

   "Very short," Sylvia replied a time that was not very accurate.

   Leo converted it, and found that the time was less than five minutes later. Obviously, in the consciousness space, the flow of time seemed to be slowing down, or his deep consciousness responded much faster than normal perception.

  Leo did not waste time. He didn't wait for Sylvia's inquiry, and he quickly selected some of the information he had obtained from the original will of the originator.

   Hearing that the wizard tower was beginning to transform into a divine creature, both of them were stunned, and then looked at the flesh and blood tower above the head, with a worried and nervous expression in their eyes.

   "Look at the edge of the flesh tower?" At this moment, Sylvia suddenly pointed to the wall next to him and said.

Leo Wenyan looked at the place of Sylvia’s finger. He soon discovered that the tower body was originally a stone wall. At this moment, it has begun to transform towards the flesh tower body, which means that the deity of the wizard tower is undergoing rapid transformation. Before long, this layer of wizard tower will be completely fleshed.

   "What now?" Tessa Moka asked.

   "What else can I do? Leave here to talk about it first." Leo stood up, motioned for the two to follow, and then walked down.

As    went down, Tessa Moka couldn't help but ask, "How can we stop him from transforming?"

   "Stop the transformation of divine life?" Leo turned his head and looked at Tessa Mocha and said bluntly: "I have no way to stop, if you have a way, you can try it."

   "Did you just penetrate the tower above?" Tessa Moka asked again.

"Yes, I did penetrate the tower body, but the problem is that I penetrated the tower body, but did not cause any substantial harm to him, just drilled a painless hole," Leo calm Explained: "If you want to prevent the transformation of divine life, you can only destroy him completely. Anything else as long as there is a piece of flesh still stored, then he can be resurrected again and complete the transformation again."

   "Did he just let him finish the transformation?" Tessa Moka said with some dissatisfaction: "But he devoured the whole city."

Leo stopped and turned to look at Tessa Moka and said, "I don't know why you are obsessed with preventing his transformation. I just want to tell you that I have no ability to stop, if you want to stop yourself from going And, what is the reason that caused him to devour the entire city? Don’t you know? You go directly to the person who caused it!”

   Having finished speaking, he ignored Tessa Moka and continued to go down. When Sylvia followed, he pulled Tessa Mocha, who was a little ugly, and they caught up with Leo.

Soon the three of them went down a dozen floors, Leo stopped, and did not continue to go down, motioned for the two to wait for a while, and then walked to the nearby wall of the tower, looking for weak places, to see if they could make a gap .

At this time, Sylvia suddenly questioned: "Even if it is transformed into a divine creature, it is only a demigod. I remember that you once killed the spiritual body of the True Eye, which is much stronger than the demigod? "

   Leo was stunned and turned his head to look at Sylvia, his face showing a little doubt.

   He was not wondering why Sylvia said this question, but rather his own mentality.

  When he knew that the wizard tower was transformed into a divine creature, he instinctively thought of ways to destroy the wizard tower in his mind, but he did not have the most effective sacrifice knife in all the ways he thought.

  It is not difficult to know that the sacrificial knives are truly sacrificed to the demigods, and the sorcerer tower, as a degenerate creature that is transforming, sacrifices him.

  However, Leo didn’t even think of the most favorable fog to deal with the situation in front of him. Instead, he subconsciously thought that he should leave immediately, and let the transformation of the wizard tower be completed. It is obviously very abnormal to think now.

   As for the reason, it is not difficult to guess, it should be that he was affected when he absorbed the original will of the originator, and after Sylvia's body shape, he has been awakened.

   But, even so, he still shook his head and said: "That kind of method is very dangerous and will cause unpredictable results, so I will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

For Leo, even if he transformed the wizard tower into a divine creature, he has other means to fight against it, and there is also a higher living body that has stepped into the demigod level, Leah Weinstein Therefore, no matter how bad it is, there is the Lord of Life and Death and the King of the Hill. If they know that the originator is resurrected, they will not let go of the divine life of the originator, which means that he is actually not very dangerous.

But if he sacrificed this sorcerer tower that was transforming into divine life, he would definitely be sent to the world of the turbid and light spirit Lord, and the chaotic behavior of this foreign **** would eventually give him something, totally impossible It is expected that it may be a good thing, but it may also be a nightmare and death. He is very resistant to such unpredictable things.

   Hearing Leo say this, Sylvia didn't ask again.

   Soon Leo found a relatively weak wall part, followed Leo to signal that the two stood a little further away, and then exhibited the skills of the Thunder Gun again.

This time, he no longer left the lightning gun in the scattered state as he did last time, but concentrated into a beam. All the power was concentrated on the top of the lightning gun. After gathering to the limit, he discovered the weakness. Projected out.

Perhaps it is because the wizard tower is concentrating on its transformation. After Leo’s thunder gun hit the wall, it did not encounter a strong power block. It easily penetrated the tower body wall, and the cold wind outside was mixed. Snowflake rushed in walked to the breach and looked out, shouting in surprise: "What happened! Something happened outside."

Hearing Sylvia’s shouting, Leo and Tessa Moka walked over quickly. Their position at the moment was just above the blood mist, and the blood mist below them had already expanded several times at the moment. At times, the garrison towns that had stayed in the distance had been covered by blood mist now, and they could also see that there were some giant creatures moving slowly in the blood mist.

   "What now?" Sylvia asked, turning to Leo.

"Leave here and talk again!" Leo quickly gave an idea, and then put Sylvia and Tessa Mocha in his arms directly, and jumped out of the wizard tower from the hole, and the psionic wings behind him. At the same time, open, gliding in the air and flying towards the edge of the blood mist in the distance, driven by the strong cold wind.

After flying halfway, the north wind suddenly weakened a lot. The three of them began to fall slowly towards the blood mist, and when they were about to fall into the blood mist, a huge tentacle suddenly rushed from the blood mist. Go out and draw towards them.

It's just that the owner of this tentacle obviously miscalculated the height of the blood mist. Before reaching Leo, the tentacle had already stretched out the blood mist, and the extended part instantly turned into a pool of mud, while the lower part There was also a cry of screams in the blood mist.


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