The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 836: Mutual control

     "What is the originator?" Leo asked the Tessa Mocha again after explaining the Star Swallower.

   This time, Tessa Moka did not answer, but instead Sylvia said: "It was an evil spirit, and it was popular on Minsk for some time in the early days."

   "Why have I never heard of this evil god?" Leo asked again.

"Because all the materials related to the originator are destroyed, only our witch group still retains a little information." Sylvia explained, before Leo continued to ask, she again knew what she knew about the originator. All information is spoken.

It turned out that more than two thousand years ago, Minsk and Velun continents had not established formal ties. When only two peoples in the northern part of the continent were connected through the ice bridge, Minsk continent except the king of the hills, the master of life and death, etc. In addition to the main churches, many small churches of gods are also popular, and the originator church is one of them.

   This church is not large, but it is of a certain scale, and like other primitive religions, it also has rituals like the sacrifice of living people.

Later, the two continents established contact, the Orthodox Court gradually established, and the Church of the True God began to appear. The churches of the King of the Hill and the Lord of All Things were successively included in the sequence of the Church of the True God in the Orthodox Court. The originator’s church was originally an Orthodox church. The object absorbed by the court, but its doctrine made the orthodox court classify it as a cult.

  The original doctrine of the Church of the Originers believes that this world was created by the originator, and that everything is created by the originator, even the gods are also derived from the originator, the originator is the only god, and the other so-called gods are all servants of gods.

Such a doctrine will naturally not be accepted by any other church. In the past, because there was no convener, although the hill king and the main church of the birth and death of all things were also disgusted by the church of the originator, it was not yet necessary to wage religious wars, but now Led by the Orthodox Court, all those who hated the Church of the Originer and the Church of the True God were called together. The power is unprecedentedly strong, and naturally there is no need to let the Church of the Originator exist.

More interestingly, not only the True God Church of the Orthodox Church, but also some other underground churches, Evil God Church, are extremely averse to the Originator Church. After the Orthodox Court eliminated the power of the Originator Church on the bright side, these underground churches The church and Evil God Church solved the hidden power of the originator's church and completely erased the originator's church from the world.

  After listening to Sylvia’s narrative about the originator and its church, Leo was very surprised because he had never seen a church that could offend the Velon World Church of God and the Church of Evil God at the same time.

   "The false truth comes from the originator?" Leo turned to Tessa Mocha and asked.

"Yes." Tessa Moka nodded and said, "I just found the originator's original will from that piece of minced meat through the power of root-seeking." Then, she turned to look at Sylvie Ya, said: "And there are some secrets about the Orthodox Court."

   "No need to look at me! I have left the orthodox court." Sylvia said coldly.

"Have you left?" Tessa Moka was stunned, and then no worries, continued: "I found in the original will of the originator that the Orthodox Church had been looking for the secrets of the gods. They arrested and killed those. Underground churches and evil spirit churches, the purpose of eliminating evil spirits is to be able to discover the mystery of the gods from these evil spirits."

Sylvia shook his head and said: "Impossible! The people in the Orthodox Court are the most devout believers from various churches. Their actions are under the watch of the gods they believe in. If they have such blasphemous behavior, they will have long since It has been destroyed by the wrath of the gods."

   Tessa Moka smiled and said, "Don't forget, the gods haven't appeared for a long time, and you shouldn't forget that the founder of the Orthodox Court is a high tower wizard."

   Hearing Tessa Moka’s words, Leo couldn’t help but stunned, confirming: “You just said that the founder of the Orthodox Court was a towering wizard?”

   "Of course." Tessa Moka nodded affirmatively.

  Sylvia retorted: "It was just a rumor, there was no confirmed rumor."

   Afterwards, Sylvia explained to Leo why there is a legend that the founder of the Orthodox Church was a towering wizard.

It turned out that more than forty years ago, an earthquake occurred in the sacred cemetery of the Orthodox Court, and many of the sage tombs of the Orthodox Court were destroyed. Tomb.

   So after the earthquake, the Orthodox Church carried out a series of restoration work, the most important of which was the restoration of the tomb of the founding three saints.

   However, when repairing the tomb, they were surprised to find that there were a large number of items used by wizards in the tomb, and the three saints were not wearing the robe of any church, but the robe of the wizard of the high tower.

  So, the Orthodox Court is actually a rumor that the tower wizard was founded, and it also spread in the underground world.

   The Orthodox Church will naturally not admit this rumor, and explain that this is actually what the towering wizard did after the death of the Three Saints, in order to humiliate the Orthodox Church.

"Do you believe this explanation?" Tessa Moka sat up from the ground, leaned against the wall, and said to Sylvia: "Remember the ban ring? It was initially rumored that the ban ring was to deal with cultists Is specifically for the evil god, but in fact even the clergy of the True God Church will still be affected by the ban, and this apparently declared that the **** made the ban, but it was transformed by the tower tower wizard to all extraordinary Both are useful, and have returned to the Orthodox Church as a singular object for the Orthodox Church. Don’t you think it’s too weird?”

  Sylvia didn't answer, her face was contemplative and her surroundings were quiet.

"Whether or not the Orthodox Court was founded by the Wizard of the High Tower, it has nothing to do with us now. What we are going to solve is the Wizard's Tower." Leo broke this quiet state and asked towards Tessa Moka: " In addition to knowing that the false truth comes from the originator, what else do you know? Is there a way to deal with him?"

"No." Tessa Moka shook his head without thinking, "If you let the original will of the originator stay in my consciousness for a little longer, maybe I can know more about the originator. , Find an easy solution to this wizard tower."

"It's not necessary." Leo shook his head and said, "This time it's just good luck to save you. The next time I may not be able to clean up the original will of the originator in your consciousness, as long as he remains a little original in your consciousness. Will, then you will surely be infested and eventually assimilated by Him, don’t really think that the gods are not terrible because of this easy ride through the danger.” Then, he hesitated a moment and turned to Tessa Moka, asking Tao: "Can I eat the fruit of the root-seeking flower?"

   "You are crazy!" Sylvia shouted at Leo, frowning: "You were just telling Tessa not to underestimate the gods, you are now..."

"I am different from her." Leo looked at Sylvia with great confidence, and said: "The original will of the originator invaded her consciousness. It was a test of life and death for her, but it was only one for me. It’s just a dream, and in my dream, even God can’t fight me.” Then he asked Tessa Moka, “Tell me, can I eat the fruit of the root-seeking flower?”

The reason why Leo will behave so confidently is entirely because he successfully used the method of creating the nightmare power in Tessa Moka’s consciousness just now, turning himself into a finished body of the star swallowing worm, and also as he did. As expected, he possessed the powerful ability that only the Star Swallower had. Even if that ability was only illusory, it would disappear once he left the consciousness and dream, but at the moment in the consciousness, he was the real Star Swallower.

Although he doesn’t know how powerful the originator is, how powerful the originator is. Compared with the omega-class higher living bodies that have existed in the universe for countless years, it is obviously like a child, and even if he does not change into those universe supreme. The existence of is just to become very familiar with foreign gods such as the Throne of Stones, Chaos Fools and Lords of Turbidity and Lightness, which is enough to deal with the original will of the originator.

Although Leo's performance is extremely confident, and her past experience has made Sylvia very confident in Leo's ability, she will inevitably feel a bit worried when she thinks that Leo may face the original will of a powerful evil god. .

   However, Sylvia did not persuade Leo again, because she knew that Leo would never come up with such a dangerous method unless she was absolutely sure. She only needed to report her trust.

Faced with Leo’s inquiry, Tessa Moka hesitated a little and looked at Sylvia. When she saw that she had no objection, she nodded and said, “It is usable, but the user must be very determined. of……"

Having said that, she suddenly felt that there was no need to say it again, because Leo could enter her consciousness and help her solve the original will of the originator, which proved Leo’s control of the consciousness space was not under her, so the fruit of the root-seeking flower The side effects will certainly not cause any adverse effects on Leo.

   Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "Yes, you can use it."

   "Then get ready! Make a few more." Leo walked to the wall, dug a large piece of flesh from the wall, and then divided it into nine pieces and handed it to Tessa Moka.

Seeing that Leo actually wanted to make the fruits of nine root-seeking flowers, Tessa Moka couldn't help but show a little worry, but she still didn't say anything, she took nine pieces of flesh and then took out the seeds of nine root-seeking flowers, Through the power of the witch, they are spawned and let them devour the nine flesh and turn into nine fruits.

After receiving the fruit from Tessa Moka, Leo lay on the ground and directly served the nine fruits. Soon the main consciousness entered the consciousness space under the power of the root-seeking flower, and this time his consciousness space Zhong is also shrouded in countless blood mists, and these blood mists rushed towards him at the moment Leo’s main consciousness appeared, clinging tightly to him, and continuously accumulating, gradually gradually Leo’s main consciousness It turned into a blood man covered with flesh and blood.

At this time, the blood man's face began to fluctuate, and eventually became a man with obvious characteristics of the early Maris. He first looked at the surroundings blankly, and then he seemed to think of something, and the blood mist on his body began. It turned into countless tiny tentacles, extending around, trying to occupy Leo's consciousness space.

However, before waiting for the blood man's tentacles to touch the boundary of Leo's consciousness space, dozens of chains covered with mysterious runes and Turing roots appeared around the blood man, binding him tightly Bound, the runes and Turing roots on these chains became thin threads, entangled with all the tentacles, absorbed and merged, and the blood man also showed a painful expression at the moment.

The blood man seemed to know that the situation was not good and tried to break away from Leo's main consciousness and escape from the chains, but all this was useless, because the moment he just got out of thought, a band appeared on the top of his head With an ancient stone throne, a dark shadow sits on the throne.

At the moment when the Throne of Stones appeared, the blood people lost their resistance power instantly, and could only allow the chain to absorb and assimilate them, and swallowed a little, and as the blood people were swallowed, Leo's main consciousness gradually gradually changed Appeared in the package.

  However, Leo’s situation seems to be a little bit wrong at the moment, because his entire portrait has fallen into a state of preoccupation, his eyes are blank, and he seems to be receiving something passively.

After all the blood mist has been absorbed by the chain, Leo still has not recovered from that state, and seems to be under some kind of traction, slowly drifting towards the stone throne above his head, and coming to the stone throne , Seems to be ready to sit on the throne of stone, and the black shadow above it is one.

But when Leo's attention was about to touch the throne of He suddenly heard it, his original godless eyes also returned to normal, and watched with his nightmare vigilance The Throne of Stones.

As a matter of fact, this stone throne was created by him with the power of nightmare to suppress the resistance of the original will of the originator, but what he did not expect was that the created stone throne broke away from his control and suppressed the original originator. In addition to will, he also tried to assimilate him.

He didn’t know what would happen when he finally sat on the Stone Throne and merged with the shadow. His subjective consciousness still exists, but he can be sure that the Stone Throne made by him should be with him. The Throne of Stones I saw had a connection.

   seems to have discovered that Leo has been awake, and the Throne of Stone has gradually dispersed, disappearing from Leo's consciousness space.

When the Throne of Stones disappeared, Leo always paid attention to all changes in the consciousness space, but he knew nothing about the power that had just influenced him, and he could not find a good solution for this for the time being. Put it aside first and see if you can find the source of this power later.

   Anyway, this force appeared because the nightmare force created the stone throne. If necessary, he could repeatedly create the stone throne in the consciousness space, and elicit this power many times until the problem was clarified.


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