The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1298: Spiritual Society

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"You..." When the light and shadow of the lady in the lake disappeared from Cassie Tully's face, and the light floating on its surface dimmed, Cassie Tully seemed to have just woke up from a deep sleep, her eyes looked like I was a little confused, especially when I saw Leo and Sylvia sitting across from him, he was even more surprised, but he quickly returned to normal, and said to himself thoughtfully: "It seems that I just I'm in a divine state again." As he spoke to Leo and Sylvia, he asked: "The two should be Mr. Leo and Ms. Sylvia mentioned by the warden sent by the warden?"

Seeing the appearance of Cassie Tully, Leo and Sylvia exchanged glances. Obviously they could see that Cassie Tully did not remember what happened when she was controlled by the lady in the lake, nor He knew the content of the conversation, and he seemed to be accustomed to it.

Although they had obtained some useful information from Ms. Huzhong, both Leo and Sylvia believed that Cassie Tully, who was regaining consciousness, could still provide them with more useful information.

So Leo talked with him: "Yes, I am Leo Dodd, this is my wife Sylvia Belmonte. We are here to see your Excellency this time because we want to have a chat with your Excellency. Matter of Monte Manor."

When Cassie Tully heard the words, a smile appeared on his face, and said: "Actually, after reading the news of the two people buying the Monte Manor in the newspaper, I have guessed that they will come here to see me sooner or later."

"Then do you know what we want to ask?" Sylvia interrupted.

"For the secrets in the manor." Cassie Tully replied calmly.

Leo said bluntly: "We want to know all about the Monte Manor, can you tell us?"

"Of course it can." Cassie Tali didn't have the idea of ​​rejecting it, and quickly replied: "The two lords can be recognized by the goddess, and naturally I won't hide them from them."

Afterwards, Cassie Tully recounted the matters related to the Monte Manor as if it were a story. He didn't care about the special meaning behind these things, and didn't care that what he said would be given to Otter. What kind of influence the Federation brought, as if in his mind these things were just ordinary things like drinking water and eating everyday.

As the listeners, Leo and Sylvia showed some surprises on their faces when they listened to the content of Cassie Tully's narration, and they also thought about the content of these narrations if they spread and were discovered by others. If you have conclusive evidence, let alone the entire Otter Federation, even the political situation of the entire New World and the churches of various gods will be shaken by it.

The first thing that Leo and Sylvia paid attention to was a secret organization of the gods mentioned by Cassie Tully.

Although the name of the Spiritual Society sounds like some kind of secret association that worships the gods, in fact the purpose and subsequent behavior of the Spiritual Society represent that they are anti-spirit, anti-church, and even in the eyes of most people. Thoughts can be called blasphemy.

There is only one core idea of ​​the Gods and Spirits Association, that is, Gods are not omnipotent, and Gods can be replaced, and we all have the opportunity to become Gods.

It is this core idea that makes the Spirit Society stand on the opposite side of the mainstream society in the world from the very beginning. It has always been hidden in the bottom of the world in the most secretive form of secret associations, even now, in the Otter Federation. In such a country that is extremely anti-church, they dare not disclose their identity, because although the Haute Federation is anti-church, it is not anti-god.

According to Cassie Tully’s description, the creation of the Spirit Society is very long. As for the exact time, he doesn’t know the exact time, and even the high level of the Spirit Society is not clear. The only thing that can be known is that the spirits will appear in some ancient kingdoms compared to the Old World. The time is even earlier.

The Spiritual Society has always been a secret society, and has never tried to make itself stand out in the world situation. Therefore, there are few relevant records of the Spiritual Society in the history of this world. Even if there is, it appears under another name, but the church records it. Many, almost most churches’ heresy names will appear in the names of the Spiritual Society, but the same, these names are also some alternative names.

However, this does not mean that the gods will not be strong. In fact, in history, the gods will often act as an undercurrent, using another identity to promote the slow flow of the overall situation of the world. For example, the beginning of the great migration is that the gods will dominate. Yes, Obote Joniluk, who is regarded as the first pioneer to set foot on the New World, is a member of the Spirit Society.

Cassie Tali’s spirit society inherited the qualifications of his parents. This family inheritance system is one of the main systems for the spirit society to absorb new members. Another system is to absorb like-minded and capable people, Rudolf. Hans used this system to be invited by a spirit society to join.

Monte Manor is a secret plan of the Spirit Society, and Cassie Tully is not very clear about the specific content. He just knows that the Spirit Society has found something in Lake Beluk, and then he has this plan.

In fact, the missing Monte family are also members of the Spiritual Society, and they also voluntarily joined the plan to transform their manor into a large altar for some kind of ritual.

Although Cassie Tully was the second designer in name, he was actually just an assistant. The main building of the manor altar was designed by Rudolf Hans. He didn’t know much about the function of the altar, just Knowing that this altar can awaken a part of the consciousness of the sleeping **** through a certain method, and then steal the power contained in this part of consciousness.

After the manor was built, the spirit society began to try to awaken the spirits and steal power. Before the group of Kassi Tali joined the ceremony, four groups of spirit society volunteers had performed the ritual, but all of them It ended in failure.

But even if it failed, it gave enough data to help the latecomers to further improve the ritual process and control methods, and finally the success of Cassie Tali's group.

Cassie Tali directly obtained the goddess of the lady in the lake, and became the lady in the lake walking in the world, and some other participants also awakened the consciousness of the gods of this world, and gained part of the power of the gods of this world, and then There has been a mutation.

It’s just that Cassie Tully didn’t know what happened afterwards, because after they completed the ceremony, they were taken away by the gods and brought to a secret base for various tests and inspections. In the end, he was considered to be The failed product, and let it go, as for the others, they are still doing various tests in the secret base.

After he left, the Monte family has disappeared, and the Monte Manor has also been abandoned. However, in Cassie Tully’s view, the Monte family’s disappearance does not necessarily mean that they are all dead. It may also be a change of name and surname. Received another place to live.

At that time, Cassie Tully also returned to the Monte Manor to check the situation. He found that the main body of the manor's altar had been disassembled, and the remaining unsuitable for disassembly were also covered by other methods.

"Can you tell me the specific content of the ceremony?" Leo asked immediately after Cassie Tully had finished telling the story.

"Sorry, I don't know this either." Cassie Tully shook his head and said, "The secret ritual required for the entire ceremony is mastered by seven people. Everyone is different. I am not even one of the seven. , So I don’t know the specific method, but I know one thing is that the key to the whole ceremony is that there are two points. One is that the flesh and blood or remains of the gods are needed. The second point is that the gods will be fished out of Lake Beluk. Something coming."

"What did you fish out?" Sylvia asked immediately.

"I don't know." Cassie Tully still shook his head and said, "That thing is kept strictly, even if it is a participant of the ceremony, I have to be blindfolded beforehand. I don't know what it is."

Hearing what Cassie Tully said, Leo and Sylvia did not ask any more. They could hear that Cassie Tully’s status in the Spiritual Society was not very high. The reason why he was able to participate in such an important The ceremony, in addition to being a descendant of the inner family of the Gods, is more because he is one of the few truly talented and capable architects. From a certain point of view, the Gods’ attitude towards Rudolf Hans is not the same. Not complete trust.

Although he did not continue to inquire about the Gods’ Association and Monte Manor, Sylvia was still curious about one other thing and asked, “Why did you kill those three at the banquet? It’s really just Because of honor and fame?"

"Of course not." Cassie Tully was so used to shaking his head. After shaking his head, he sighed heavily before slowly saying: "I hadn't fully adapted to the coming of the goddess, all kinds of physical and mental problems. I didn’t get used to seeing all kinds of illusions. In the end, I couldn’t control the bad effects caused by the illusions, so I suddenly attacked those people.” He said, he laughed at himself again, and said: “Perhaps I used to be too obsessed with glory, but after feeling the presence of the goddess, the so-called glory is not worth mentioning in my heart."

Leo suddenly asked: "What is the position of Tarosi Hassan, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Beluk City, among the gods?"

Cassie Tully was stunned, and looked at Leo with some surprise, as if he was surprised that Leo knew about the relationship between Tarossi Hassan and the Spirit Society, but soon his expression returned to normal and said: " I don’t know the specific status. I just know that he should be one of the highest-ranking members of the Otter Federation. I was able to survive the most serious crimes back then and depend on him. Secretly helped. In addition, he was also the main leader and participant in the ceremony at Mont Manor."

"In other words, Tarossi Hassan possesses some of the power of the gods?" Sylvia also followed up and asked for a while, and then showed a faint look, and said: "No wonder I saw him in the meeting room. , I always feel something is wrong with him."

Cassie Tully nodded and said: "Yes, he has a part of the power of the gods, but I don't know which **** the power he stolen comes from."

Afterwards, Leo asked about the Spirit Society, but Cassie Tully's answer did not reveal more useful content.

Seeing this, Leo and Sylvia did not continue to inquire. After thanking Cassie Tully for his truthful answer, they stood up and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, Cassie Tully stopped them and said, "If you have time, you can go to the Pioneer Cemetery in the Federal Capital."

"Why?" Leo asked.

Cassie Tully was a little confused and confused, and said: "I don't know, I just feel that there is something important there, but I can't remember what it is."

"Is it a personal item?" Leo asked again.

"No, it should be an item related to the Spirit Society." Cassie Tully explained.

After hearing this, Leo nodded, and did not make it clear whether he would go there and take a look. Then he walked out of the room with Sylvia and left the prison area under the leadership of the prison guards. Sylvia was leaving. At that time, the power suppression on those prisoners was also lifted.

When he arrived at the prison office building, it was no longer the warden who was in charge of receiving the two, but the prison guard captain. It seemed that the mysterious force Sylvia exerted on the prisoners had already frightened him.

Leo and Sylvia didn't say anything to the prison guard captain either, and directly asked him to prepare the ship, and then boarded and left.

After the two left, the warden, who was hiding in a guard tower on the outer wall of the prison, walked out, went to the dock and watched the ship Leo and Sylvia were on disappearing into the distant water, and then went there. Inside the prison, he came outside the cell where Cassie Tully was, knocked carefully on the door, and after hearing the response from the door, he opened the door and walked in.

After entering the door, the warden of UU Reading bowed to Cassie Tully with a very pious attitude, and fell on his knees and kissed the back of Cassie Tully's feet. Then he stood up and said: "Teacher, what should I do with those two people coming to see you on the prison island?"

Cassie Tully said calmly: "It's very simple. Just follow the formal procedures. You don't need to add or modify anything. You only need to tell the other side exactly what they do when they come here."

"But will this cause us trouble?" The warden hesitated.

Cassie Tully looked at the warden, put his hood back on, and said, "Do you think you know nothing about the changes inside the prison island? You underestimate the people in the federal government." , You must know that those people are specially used to deal with the church."

The warden was puzzled: "But why do we..."

"Because we are too small, they look down on it." Cassie Tully smiled at himself, and then said thoughtfully: "But now that there is that couple to help us attract the attention of those people, We should also take advantage of this opportunity to develop."

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