The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1299: Sign a new agreement

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"Do you believe what Cassie Tully said?" After returning to the manor from the prison island, Sylvia processed the documents in her hand and suddenly asked Leo who was reading by the window.

"I don't believe it all," Leo answered in the affirmative, closing the book in his hand, and adding: "Not only Cassie Tully's words cannot be trusted, I don't even believe all the words of the lady."

"Why?" Sylvia was not surprised by Leo's answer, but still asked curiously.

Leo said in a relaxed tone: "He has already given the answer himself. After he came to this world, he is being changed and assimilated by the power of this world. After all, the lady in the lake that has been changed and assimilated is not the lady in the lake, he and Whether the lady in the lake in the world of Velen still has contact, these are all debatable, at least the things that lady in the lake asked us to do before here prove that the lady in the lake in this world is probably already..."

Leo didn't finish the sentence, but the meaning was very clear. Sylvia nodded in agreement after hearing it. In fact, she had doubts on the way back, but she hadn't figured out the problem. , Now Leo's words just confirmed her suspicion and there is no problem.

"So what are we going to do next?" Sylvia asked again.

"What should I do?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Sylvia frowned and said, "Just follow the lady in the lake and go to the place where he sleeps and help him solve the problem of assimilation?"

"Have we promised?" Leo smiled and asked back.

"We..." When Sylvia was about to say something, she suddenly stopped and looked at Leo with a strange expression.

"We have promised nothing," Leo smiled and said: "We only promised that the lady in the lake in the world of Vinylon would find the lady in the lake in this world and check the situation. Now we have fulfilled our promise and we have found the lake in this world. Madam Zhong, we know that He is being assimilated by this world, but we did not promise the Lady in the lake of this world to do anything."

Sylvia also smiled at this time and said: "You really look like a politician now."

"No, I should look like a person now." Leo retorted, and continued: "We don't have to deliberately look for it, but if we encounter it, we can also go and take a look. This seems to be the same lake. What Ms. Zhong means."

Sylvia was uncomfortable about this. Although she was considered the lady of the lake’s choice, she did not take this identity to heart, and only used it when needed. She never thought of a real one. What obligations should the lady of the lake choose to fulfill?

Afterwards, Leo and Sylvia had a very ordinary life for more than ten days. After dealing with the necessary official duties every day, they played around Beiruk City. Nothing unusual happened around them. It felt like two. A real reclusive rich man.

However, such a good day soon ended, because the special commissioner from the federal capital came to the manor to conduct the second round of negotiations. As for the content of the negotiations, as Sylvia had speculated, the federal capital He did not agree to allow Leo to obtain the mining rights and partial jurisdiction of Emerald Island, but similar powers could be granted to other places, and he also gave out the timber mining rights of Trüb Mountain in Josh County among several locations.

Although the current construction industry is mainly based on the latest reinforced concrete construction methods, wooden buildings are almost invisible in urban buildings, but the price of wood is still high because a large amount of high-grade wood is repackaged by merchants After a while, it became a high-end luxury item and entered the home of the powerful.

For those wealthy and powerful, if their leisure villas in the suburbs are not wooden buildings, they will appear to have no identity. If the furniture in their homes are metal furniture like ordinary people, they will lose face and so on. Therefore, wood, special The price of high-grade wood in the market is increasing almost every month. Ten years ago, you could buy a very good log for a thousand yuan, but now you can only buy a wooden pier that others don’t want.

Trub Mountain is one of the important producing areas of high-grade wood in the entire Haute Federation. Because the wood here has some golden color, and after special baking, it will emit a refreshing aroma for a long time, so it is called gold. Fragrant wood.

A set of furniture made of golden incense wood is more than 150,000 yuan, and a standard villa house made of golden incense wood is at least tens of millions. This is not counting the manual and labor costs, so the golden incense wood has always been The top premium wood in the wood market.

Although the amount of gold fragrant wood is mined in Trub Mountain every year, there has never been a shortage of wood here, because it is a very magical place for the Otter Alliance and even the rest of the world. The growth cycle of certain plants here is much shorter than elsewhere.

For example, it takes nearly thirty years for a golden scented wood to fully grow in other places, but it is shortened to three to six years in Trub Mountain.

Not only the Otter Federation is very miraculous about this phenomenon, but even the kingdoms here before are also interested in this phenomenon and have been sending people to study it.

It’s a pity that after so many years of research, I haven’t worked out a reason. A variety of magical hypotheses are flooded with related research projects. Among these messy hypotheses, there is one that has been greatly affected by Leo and Sylvie. Ya’s concern, the content of this hypothesis is very simple, that is, those specific plants and Trub Mountain are not native objects in this world, but come from another world, so they behave differently.

This kind of hypothesis is not taken seriously in this world, and even ridiculed. On the contrary, Leo and Sylvia couldn't help but smile when they saw this hypothesis, just like they saw the trubb mountain in Josh County. Like related legends, this situation is clearly a phenomenon of the Black Forest, and they even have reason to suspect that Mount Trub is part of the extension of the Black Forest.

If the Trub Mountain is brought into the Black Forest to see, then all the magical legends about the Trub Mountain will also have an explanation.

So long before the federal government commissioner contacted them, Leo and Sylvia had already thought about taking a trip to Trub Mountain, but now the federal government gave them a better choice.

The timber mining rights of Trub Mountain have always been in the hands of government-controlled logging companies. Because of the huge benefits and one of the important financial sources of the federal government, it has never been opened to the outside world.

However, the potential benefits of Leo’s special steel formula have far exceeded the benefits of Trub Mountain’s timber. Coupled with the influence of steel on the military reform of the entire Haute Confederation, the federal government is willing to provide I have mastered the big cake for many years to share with an outsider like Leo.

Another point is that Josh County is different from Beluk City. Beluk City is almost a municipality directly under the Central Government. In addition, there is also the Municipal National Defence Force belonging to Beluk City. The city agencies have considerable power, even You can disregard the order of the federal government when necessary.

Leo and Sylvia already have a certain degree of influence in the upper class of Beluk City, and this influence is still increasing. Anyone can see that their couple can influence Beluk sooner or later. The decision-making level of the city, this is something that the Otter Federal Government does not want to see. After all, letting a foreign couple affect their own domestic important financial, trade and transportation hubs is a serious issue in any country.

But Josh County is different. It is nicknamed Yoo County because it has the best natural scenery in the Haute Federation, and it also has the best agricultural land, and it is located next to the capital county, and there are three federal military bases nearby. , Can deal with any kind of accident at any time.

Placing Leo and Sylvia here is absolutely in the interests of the Otter Federation, and it is absolutely in line with the ideas of those in power in the federal government.

Therefore, in the documents brought by the federal government commissioner, among the conditions set out, the timber mining rights and territorial jurisdiction of Trub Mountain absolutely far exceed some other conditions, as if it is clearly telling Leo to choose this. It is correct and will not make us suspect that you have ulterior motives in coming to our country.

Be careful with this, Silvia and Sylvia can easily see through it. Although this is in line with their ideas, they did not intend to print it out like this, so Sylvia conducted a meeting with the Federal Government Commissioner. After bargaining, he kept testing the bottom line of the other party, and finally reached the bottom line and negotiated the deal.

Leo took out the formula for special steel and subsequent improvements, and the smelter cooperated with the federal government's expansion and production increase, in exchange for the mining rights and jurisdiction of a large area of ​​primitive mountain forest in Trub Mountain.

In addition, the cooperation agreement between Leo and the federal government on weapon development is also exchanged on other terms, such as the authority to access some of the blocked materials and so on.

Obviously this time the federal government gave this commissioner considerable authority. After the negotiated conditions were reached, he did not leave and reported the new conditions to the federal government. Instead, he modified it directly, affixed the seal of the federal government, and then found it. The mayor, justices and chief prosecutors of Beluk City served as notaries and signed them on the spot.

This also made Leo and Sylvia see Justice Rosie Hassan again, which is different from the situation when they saw Rosie Hassan before. Now both of them already know that the Chief Justice of Beluk City is a god. The person who will meet, and is also a person who completed an unknown sacrifice ritual and stole a part of the power of an unknown god.

So when the chief justice arrived, Leo and Sylvia carefully observed each other secretly, and they were able to clearly find that the chief justice would show a very unnatural expression after entering the villa. It seemed as if he had come to a place that disgusted him, but soon he concealed the past, and when Leo mentioned that his seal was placed in the basement under the villa, his expression changed again, showing a little panic.

However, although the chief justice showed some abnormalities, he did not have the divine aura that Leo and Sylvia hoped to see, and even Leo's use of spiritual vision ability did not find it in him. Any abnormality, but one interesting thing is that when Leo used the mental network, he found that the chief justice did not have any traces of mutation on the surface of the body, but there was an unknown force under the skin of the body, which was preventing the spirit. Net penetration.

At the same time, the chief justice also seemed to have the feeling, but he didn’t know that the spiritual web he had sensed came from Leo. Instead, he thought it came from the basement, so he said that he still had important things to deal with. Unbearably urge Leo and Sylvia to sign the agreement.

Although I don’t know what means the Chief Justice used to hide his body’s variation and strength, it is now discovered that Leo has determined the membership of the Chief Justice’s Spiritual Society. The next step is to consider how to proceed. He further unearthed the secrets of the spirit society, of course, the premise is that Leo and Sylvia are interested in the spirit society.

After signing the next cooperation agreement and research agreement, the mayor, justice, and chief prosecutor as notaries all left. Before leaving, the commissioner took out another document and gave it to Leo.

This document is the information on the development of weapons of mass destruction by the Otter Federal Government, but it is not complete, only less than one-third of the content. This is only used for Leo as an advance reference for the development of similar weapons. The follow-up information will not be handed over to Leo until Leo and Sylvia formally complete the expansion of the smelter and move to their forest area in the Trub Mountain.

After sending off the special commissioner, Sylvia went to the smelter to deal with the expansion and merger, etc., while Leo stayed in the manor to study the weapons research data of the Otter Federation.

Although this information has only one-third of the content, and a lot of key content in this one-third of the content has been deleted, the remaining content is enough for Leo to speculate on the Federal Government of Haute The follow-up study of this weapon is based on what weapon is used as the prototype.

At the beginning of this document, the name of the prototype weapon was mentioned, Shenang. UU reading is very vivid and straightforward, and in the follow-up it also mentioned that this weapon was used in other churches that had not participated in the religious war. What is the name of the blood of blasphemy in the record.

The meaning of a god's anger and the blood of blasphemy are very different, but in fact the content is always the same, because the core of this weapon is the blood of an unknown god.

From the perspective of the churches participating in the war, this weapon is a manifestation of the anger of the gods, because the churches that participated in the war were abusing the blood of the gods, while the churches that did not participate in the war believed that the use of the blood of the gods by the participating churches was undoubtedly an act of blasphemy.

The specific manufacturing method of this weapon is not mentioned in the document, and perhaps the federal government does not know it, but they have made various guesses, and based on these guesses, they have produced at least fifty kinds of prototype weapons. There are only three kinds of materials in, what is interesting is that the manufacturing principles of these three weapons all involve religious mysticism.

An extremely anti-religious country uses religious mysticism to make weapons. If this is spread, it will definitely make anyone who hears it feel extremely absurd.

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