The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1297: God surrendered

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"This floor is ready to use!" Leo said to the guards waiting on the first floor when he left, and then, before the guards asked questions, he ordered the guards to lead them to see Cassie Tully.

Hearing Leo’s instructions, the prison guard did not think too much, and did not take Leo’s words seriously. They still closed the metal door on the floor according to the previous habit, and then led Leo out of this building towards another relatively independent building. Walked to the four-story building.

The reason why it is relatively independent is that all buildings in this prison are connected. Even if the main buildings are not connected together, the two buildings will be connected by overhead channels. In short, it seems that the prison consists of dozens of buildings. In fact, they really have to be counted. They only have four or five buildings, and the other buildings connected together can be counted as one.

However, the building that the prison guards led Leo and Sylvia to was a separate building. From the appearance of the building, it is not difficult to see that this building was originally built as a dormitory building, which should be used for the prison guards and other prison management clerks. Yes, after all, it takes too much time to get back to the city from the island, so generally, as long as it is not a day of rest or vacation, the prison staff will spend it in the prison.

However, now this dormitory building has been completely transformed into a prison, and it is still a fully enclosed prison. The windows of the prison are completely blocked by bricks, leaving only one door for entry and exit. The interior of the prison has not been installed with the latest updates. The lighting equipment is very primitive torches, which makes the entire prison extraordinarily gloomy and dark.

When heading to Cassie Tully’s cell, Leo looked at the surrounding prison gates with metal plates, and asked the guards around him, “What prisoners are in this prison?”

A prison guard turned his head, looked at Leo and Sylvia with a hint of awe, and replied, "They are some fools who can't understand the doctrine. They are locked here to get them out of the real world. To understand the doctrine of the goddess better."

Leo and Sylvia paused for a while, looked at each other, and then Leo asked, "Are you also a believer in the church founded by Cassie Tully?"

"Yes." The prison guard admitted honestly, and pointed to several other guards around him, saying, "Everyone is the same. In fact, except for a few vicious prisoners and rigid-minded clerks, the rest of the prison is almost the same. All followers of the goddess."

"Does the warden not care about this?" Sylvia frowned, and said, "It is a very serious problem to know whether civil servants in the Otter Federation believe in a certain church or are senior believers."

"That's another place outside. This is the prison island, the most dangerous place in the Haute Federation. The ordinary laws and regulations cannot be enforced here." Another prison guard took the call and said, "You know, appear in the Goddess Church. In the past, there were casualties of prisoners on the prison island every day. At least four guards were assassinated by prisoners every month. The prison guards on the prison island can be said to be the most dangerous profession in the entire Haute Federation. But now there is the baptism of the Goddess Church, The character of all the prisoners has become peaceful, the fighting has almost disappeared, and the prison guards have no more casualties. Since there are such benefits, why should we prohibit it?"

Sylvia raised her eyebrows, pointed in the direction of the playground disdainfully, and said, "Peace? Are you referring to these guys? I couldn't see how peaceful they were just now!"

The prison guard immediately thought of the prisoners they had seen before, who were still groaning on the ground. They swallowed dryly and said, "The church can only calm their emotions and cannot control their instincts."

"In this case, it's still my fault!" Sylvia said coldly.

Feeling the inexplicable pressure, the prison guard couldn't help but chill. He didn't dare to say anything more. The other guards also walked with their heads down. They didn't dare to look at Sylvia. I was afraid that they would see Sylvia's. When you are beautiful, the expression on your face that you shouldn't have becomes the target of the opponent's power.

A group of people came to the innermost room on the top floor. This room is a little different from other rooms, not only because there is an unsealed window on the corridor wall next to this room, nor because this room is not equipped with metal The door, but because the door of this room is not locked, and there is a key board on the wall next to the door. The keys of every room in the entire prison building are hung on the key board. It feels like it is dedicated to the owner of the room. Prepared so that when he wants to meet a prisoner in a cell, he can directly use the key to open the cell door and enter the cell.

"What's going on?" Although there was already a guess in her heart, Sylvia still pointed to the key pad and asked.

The prison guards seemed to be deaf and didn't mean to answer at all. Instead, they knocked on the door of Cassie Tully's unlocked cell and said, "Teacher, there are two people from the city who want to see you."

"Let them in! I know who they are." A slightly hoarse voice came from the room, said.

The guard pushed the door open and gestured to Leo and Sylvia.

Leo and Sylvia looked at each other and walked in separately.

Just like the situation outside the room, this room is also different from other cells. This room has a large floor-to-ceiling window. The window is inlaid with a whole piece of valuable glass. The room is not like other cells. Closed, narrow, but very spacious, it should be converted into one room after removing the walls from two rooms.

The interior of the room is very tidy, there is nothing superfluous, only a small bookshelf, and it is worth noting the exquisite patterns painted with special paint on the walls. Leo and Sylvia can easily see the lake in these patterns. Lady's church coat of arms.

"You two, please sit down. I've been waiting for this day for a long time." A Kathy Tully, who was wearing a cloak and a hood, sat on a chair in the middle of the room. He didn't look up, his eyes were always on. Looking at the book on my lap, I pointed my finger at the sofa opposite, but muttered, "The goddess has foretold the arrival of the two."

"Goddess? Which goddess?" Although she knew who the goddess was talking about, Sylvia asked knowingly.

At the same time, Leo's spiritual web was also unfolding in the room, scanning everything around and the energy fluctuations contained in it, and the information returned by the spiritual web made him feel a little surprised.

"The one you and I know." Cassie Tully pointed up the ring of the lady in the lake that Sylvia was wearing.

When Sylvia was about to ask the other person about the lady in this world lake, Leo grabbed her, and Leo asked inexplicably, "How did you become like this?"

Sylvia showed a puzzled look at first, but soon realized something, and looked at Cassie Tully in surprise.

Cassie Tully was silent for a moment, then slowly took off his hood, revealing his face under the hood, and said to Leo, "It seems that you are very familiar with the other one, otherwise it would be impossible to see me so easily. Current situation."

After seeing Cassie Tully’s face, Leo still hadn’t reacted, and Sylvia couldn’t help but exclaimed “God!”

I saw that Cassie Tully himself was very old, as if he was almost a hundred years old, and his face was covered with cracks, but these cracks did not shed any drop of blood, but emitted bursts of light. A vague woman's face appeared on his face, which looked like a mask of light and shadow on Cassie Tully's face.

Perhaps it was because of Sylvia's exclamation, or perhaps because Cassie Tully's characteristics were too obvious, and Leo immediately had relevant information in his mind.

In Velen, the **** descending technique is almost one of the highest divine arts in all churches. Its function is very simple. It is to allow a part of the consciousness of the gods to be possessed by humans, and to allow the possessed to exert some of the power that the gods can exert.

However, not everyone can bear part of the consciousness of the gods, only those who have passed special training and have the strongest beliefs can do it, and the maintenance time of the **** descending technique cannot be too long, otherwise, it will be possessed. The body and soul of the victim caused irreparable damage. For example, the cracks that appeared on Cassie Tali’s face are the stigmata caused by the divine descent technique for too long. It’s just like Cassie Tali’s. This kind of stigmata is dense enough to be comparable to the wrinkles on the face. It has never been seen in Leo's data, and I believe Sylvia has never seen it.

The person talking to Leo and Sylvia right now is not Cassie Tully, but a part of the true **** consciousness of the lady in this world lake, so some of the doubts about the prison island before are easily solved. .

For example, why the church established by Cassie Tully was able to gain a foothold on the prison island and spread smoothly, gaining the faith of so many people, and even the management of the prison island was affected and became believers.

Now it seems that these questions are not doubts. Ms. Huzhong personally went down to establish a church and spread the faith. There is no reason why she is not successful.

"How did you become like this?" Sylvia frowned and asked, looking at Cassie Tali's body that might collapse due to strong supernatural power at any time.

Cassie Tully or the lady in the lake smiled bitterly and said, "I also want to know, I only remember that I was sleeping, and then a force of force awakened me and pulled me into the body of a mortal, and then it became the present It looks like this."

"Did you wake up in the Monte Manor?" Leo asked.

Ms. Huzhong said helplessly, "I know what you want to know, yes, I woke up in Monte Manor, and there were other people around, some of them were fallen asleep in the same way as me. ."

Leo said with a solemn face, "You mean that in the Monte Manor is an altar for the ritual of God descending. Someone constantly awakens the sleeping gods in this world through this altar?"

Ms. Huzhong seemed to have some concerns, she didn't speak to affirm Leo's guess, she just nodded.

Leo still wanted to ask when, but the lady in the lake interrupted him, saying, "Don't ask for now, there is not much time left for me. I only awakened part of my sanity through another ring left for you. , It won’t take long for this point of sanity to disappear. You still have to listen to me first.” After that, pointing to the ring of the lady in the lake in Leo and Sylvia’s hands, he said, “Raise your hands. "

Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other and both raised their hands.

The lady in the lake also ignored the two men's careful thoughts, focusing on the rings in their hands, and saw that he reached out and touched the lady's coat of arms on the ring's ring with his index finger.

Both Leo and Sylvia felt that some power was injected into the ring, but they didn't feel any harm.

"I can't feel where my body is now, but I can feel that his condition is not good, and I hope you can find him." The lady in the lake slowly said, "I left on your ring. Something, when you approach my body, the ring can make you feel and know the exact location of the body."

Sylvia asked suspiciously, "How close does the ring need to be before the ring can react?"

Ms. Huzhong said disapprovingly, "Don’t worry about this, you will definitely get close to my body at some point in the future, because we are directly bound by fate, just like I was able to do it a few years ago. Anticipating your coming.” She said, she said seriously, “If you think about it, you already feel that this world is not right! I can’t tell you too much, because I don’t remember many things, I can only Tell you that there are gods in this world, and those gods still exist. They are just asleep in a certain state. It is best not to wake them up, because when they wake up, they will lead to the destruction of the world."

"What about you? Why are you sleeping too?" Leo asked.

Ms. Huzhong said blankly, "I don't know, but I can feel that the world is assimilating me."

When she said this, her phantom face became a little unstable, flickering and distracting, as if it would disappear at any time.

Seeing this, Leo immediately asked another question. UU reading said, "What did you see when you were awakened in Mont Manor? Who else is there by your side?"

However, at this moment, the lady in the lake seemed to have difficulty speaking normally. Her mouth opened and closed several times without making a sound. Finally, he reached out and nodded Leo’s forehead, and then the face disappeared. There was some scattered light left.

At this moment, an image emerged in Leo's mind. This image should be in the basement of the manor, and the surrounding altars were intact, rather than being cleaned up as Leo saw it.

In the basement, there are more than a dozen people. Eight of them are standing on the same altar position as the Cassie Tully represented in the image. However, there are very obvious mutations in the eight people, only Cassie · Tully is intact.

The people around seemed to think that Cassie Tully had failed, and the eight who had mutated were successful. They lowered their heads and communicated with each other. Although these people are wearing hoods, Leo can still see those clearly. The appearance of people, and one of them happened to know Leo, he was a high-status person in Beluk City.


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