The night was almost over. Although the eastern sky was still gloomy, according to Jenkins' estimation, the first ray of rising sun would reach Nolan within half an hour to an hour.

After confirming that the benefactors of the Ocean Temple had recovered the body of the fisherman, Jenkins left the dock area and easily solved the gang members who were trading contraband - those cigarettes - in the dark alleys. At this time, he had already reached his home. Nearby.

The cat had been in a cycle of sleeping and waking up all night, and when it realized it was coming home, it jumped off Jenkins' shoulder, and then like a rabbit, ran towards the fork on the left that leads to St. George Street. It squatted at the intersection and looked back at Jenkins pitifully, as if asking why Jenkins didn't go home. Jenkins could only pick up the cat that was lying on the ground and refused to leave, and assured it that they would go home as soon as possible.

It was not long before dawn, and Jenkins planned to solve one more thing, no matter what it was, and then fly directly to the Evergreen Forest to meet the dragon.

He aimlessly walked along the straight road from west to east, scanning the storefronts on the street, and caught Hathaway's inspiration within a few steps. The location of the spiritual light was not far away underground. Jenkins calculated the location and it should be the underground training ground of Mr. Ink Club.

Mr. Ink Club is a gun training club introduced to Jenkins by his father. It is somewhere between formal and informal. It was established by believers of the false god of firearms.

"It's strange that Hathaway is actually practicing her gun so early. Don't ladies like to get enough sleep to ensure their skin is white and tender?"

He walked into the alley where the club entrance was with doubts, and after showing his membership certificate, he also entered the underground training ground. It was still late at night, and there were not many people in the training ground. With the help of his own eyes, Jenkins quickly found Hathaway's approximate location.

She was not there by herself, but Miss Windsor was with her.


This combination was something Jenkins didn't expect, so he walked to a corner and stood silently without saying hello, wanting to see what the two ladies were doing here so late at night.

Although they were at a firearms training ground, neither Hathaway nor Miss Windsor held a gun. They both wore simple protective gear in addition to clothing that facilitated exercise, and then held swords respectively. There's no problem with the lighting here. The gas lamp is a good indication that the two swords are edged.

Jenkins knew that Miss Windsor liked sword weapons, and there was a sword in her carriage; although Hathaway was proficient in music-related abilities, she also had a sword as a weapon, which Jenkins, as Mr. Candle, Sold to her in exchange for the chain ability of [My God is Here].

Jenkins didn't hear the previous conversation, but when he came here, the two must have been talking for a long time.

"...I can't allow it, it's absolutely not allowed."

This was Hathaway's voice. She simply tied her long red hair behind her head and wore a white sleeveless white shirt, making her look extremely capable.

"I'm not asking for your opinion, just telling you the truth. It's certainly unethical for me to do this, but you know I have to."

Miss Windsor replied that she did not wear her hair in a bun, but pinned it up with many hairpins. She wore a dark shirt under the protective gear and brown strappy boots.

Jenkins has told Hathaway about the alliance between Miss Windsor and Jenkins. He has also told Hathaway that he has decided to fight for the throne and is planning to find time in the near future to bring Hathaway, Britney, Dolores and Meet Alexia. But it stands to reason that Miss Windsor and Hathaway have no intersection. Their relationship is limited to the banquet that Jenkins took them to attend together.

"You liar and thief."

Hathaway reprimanded loudly. She probably thought that there was no one at the underground firearms training ground at this time, so she spoke rudely.

"Do you know how long and hard it took me to make him what he is now?"

As he spoke, he stepped towards Miss Windsor with his sword, and then slashed down hard. Her movements were not fast, and Miss Windsor easily used the weapon in her hand to hold her sword. But Hathaway's strength is very strong, at least as a benefactor, it is much stronger than ordinary women. Miss Windsor's face suddenly turned red, and it was obvious that she was unable to bear it.

"Do you know what he was like when I first met him?"

Hathaway took a step back, held a sword in her hand, thrust the sword forward, easily broke through Miss Windsor's defense, and made a small hole in the clothes under her arm. Miss Windsor quickly retreated and knocked Hathaway's sword aside, but Hathaway pressed forward step by step, and their swords clashed several times between them. Whether it was an illusion or not, Jenkins thought he saw sparks.

"I repeat, I know what I did was unethical."

Miss Windsor said while barely parrying, maybe she is a master of swordsmanship, but Hathaway's strength, speed and reaction are far beyond her. The few swordsmanship skills she has learned are not enough to offset the disadvantage caused by this huge difference in attributes. .

"That's why I'm telling you how I do it instead of just doing it."

Her voice was open and clear, without any pretense, and she held the sword with both hands and swung it from upwards to downwards. However, Hathaway only raised one hand upwards and blocked Miss Windsor's counterattack with great difficulty.

"I can allow him to find other women because he took the initiative to tell me, and there is nothing I can do about it. But that doesn't mean that I really hope that idiot who likes cats has more girls he's close to!"

The red-haired girl, who had her hair tied back, thrust her sword forward again, which again only made a small opening in the clothes around Miss Windsor's waist. Hathaway sheathed her sword gracefully, turned her body, and then quickly struck out three swords in front of her like a sword dance. Miss Windsor barely blocked the first sword and deflected the second sword with the iron bracer on her wrist, but the third sword The sword couldn't stop her, and Hathaway pointed the tip of the sword directly at her throat.

Hathaway "hum~" with her nose, then sheathed her sword and took a step back, making another attack preparation movement:

"I worked so hard to turn Jenkins into what he is now, how could I let you pick him up for nothing?"

The red-haired lady also held the sword with both hands this time. Upon seeing this, Miss Windsor held her breath and stared at her wrists.

"You know, this is for our alliance."

"Hmph, I know about your cooperation, but did you cooperate in bed?"

Chapter 1644 Chapter 1618 Hathaway’s Confession

"Jenkins has his own power. If I want to join him, I must win his trust. I never believe in verbal alliances."

Miss Windsor said defensively.

Alexia said this, and Jenkins said he didn't believe it at the time. Miss Windsor used this reason to deal with Hathaway, but Hathaway didn't believe it either:

"Is it just for cooperation? Is it just to win his trust? You said this, but you directly described yourself as a villain. But I feel that these are all excuses. What you really want is ——”

While Hathaway was condemning, she once again stabbed forward with her sword with both hands accurately and harshly. She looked quite angry.

Miss Windsor was well prepared and took a step back. Taking advantage of the opportunity before Hathaway's old strength was used up and the new strength was not used up, she used her sword blade to push the opponent's sword aside, and then slid forward, holding the sword. His wrist pressed against Hathaway's chest.

"What you want is him! We are both about the same age, do you think I can't see the look in your eyes? Jessica Windsor, nothing in this world is that cheap! You know Jenkins has become like this, How much effort did I put into it?”

"I repeat, I made that offer only because of our cooperation."

Lie, this is the judgment of Jenkins standing aside.

Miss Windsor put her wrist on Hathaway's chest, trying to make Hathaway lose his balance and fall backwards. But Hathaway had already turned to the side before contact, so although he was hit, he was not actually affected.

"I don't think it's just cooperation, you're lying."

The red-haired girl said unceremoniously, and bumped sideways towards Miss Windsor, who immediately fell backwards. Hathaway took another step forward, put his free left hand around her waist, then turned around and hugged Miss Windsor before the back of her head hit the ground.

Miss Windsor, who was lying in Hathaway's arms, looked up with a blushing face at the red-haired girl with sweat on her face under the gas light. This blush was both due to the shame of being exposed, and also because of the strenuous exercise just now.

She suddenly struggled away from Hathaway, picked up the sword she had thrown away before falling to the ground, kept her distance from Hathaway, and then made another move to prepare to attack.

"Even if I have selfish motives, so what? In love and war, there is no need to be reasonable. You are not married yet, so I told you in advance what I was going to do. I think I have done my best."

Miss Windsor said sonorously, covering up her embarrassing emotions with words.

"Love? Do you also know what love is?"

Hathaway said sarcastically, making the same gesture as Miss Windsor holding a sword with both hands, pointing the sword tip towards the sky.

"I think I understand, at least I think I understand. Although I haven't met him many times, I also know what kind of person he is. I don't think I will meet a better man than him, and I am determined to , but that time he saved me in the alley.”

"So you understand love as gratitude?"

Hathaway said this deliberately, her breath was steady, and the few attacks just now did not consume much physical energy at all. This was in sharp contrast to Miss Windsor, who was panting violently.

"That may be your understanding. I know what I did is immoral, but at least I didn't do it in private, but took the initiative to tell you what I was going to do. I like him, so I want to pursue him, and it's Pursuing him with fair means may be unethical, but at least it’s not wrong!”

Miss Windsor responded unceremoniously. The two of them moved forward at the same time and suddenly swung their swords. This time, Jenkins was sure that sparks really appeared.

He stood in that corner with some embarrassment, not knowing whether he should show up or not. However, Chocolate, who was still a little groggy at first, is now completely awake. He is lying on Jenkins' shoulder with great interest and watching the two human women fighting. He likes to watch this.

"I'm just informing you that this does not mean that I am asking for your opinion. Hathaway Hesha, you are not Hathaway Willamt yet, and you have no reason to accuse me at all."

They were almost face to face, and the two swords were really wrestling together. There is reason to believe that Hathaway did not use her full strength. Jenkins does not believe that Hathaway's strength cannot match that of Miss Windsor.

"Jessica Windsor, you can say that now, but you'll soon find out how many people are going to accuse you."

Hathaway said coldly. She knew quite well that she was not the only one who would oppose this matter. This was not her fault alone:

"And you thought Jenkins would get into your bed so easily? Do you know how hard I went to...?"

As if thinking of something extremely irritating, Hathaway used a strong force to knock Miss Windsor away with her sword. She held the sword in both hands and charged back, then thrust forward three times in a row. Miss Windsor was completely unprepared, and there were three more tears in the collar, cuffs and right arm of her clothes.

"For him, I can throw away everything except Britney! If he forces me to choose someone between Britney and him, I will bless them both and then commit suicide. Although the relationship between us is twisted, I’m willing to give it my all. Jenkins is my soul.”

The red-haired girl sheathed her sword and said, pronouncing the words clearly and with a serious face. These words that hit the soul made the despicable Jenkins who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping feel ashamed.

"I don't have as passionate a soul as you, Hesha, but I would give my life for Jenkins."

Miss Windsor also sheathed her sword. Although she spoke slowly, she made up her mind:

"This is the first man I have fallen in love with. I have been falling in love with him since his duel at the ball last year. I am not a girl who is carried away by love, but I know what I am doing, so when I know he wants to be king, so I will fully support him. He deserves this, and I also have my own right to pursue love."

"It's so boring. You're not worthy of being my opponent."

Hathaway directly dropped the sword in her hand, and without looking at the more than ten gaps in her clothes, Miss Windsor, who looked a little embarrassed, walked out of the venue.

She left here without looking back, not noticing Jenkins in the corner who almost blended into the shadow. Hathaway's hearing is quite sensitive, and if she hadn't been so focused on this matter, she would have definitely heard Jenkins' deliberately suppressed breathing.

Soon, Miss Windsor also left here in a state of despair. Only then did Jenkins come out and look at the two training swords that had been thrown down. For a moment, he had mixed feelings and felt that he was getting more and more wrong.

"But I really didn't do anything this time..."

He thought distressedly, but agreed with Hathaway that he should not allow the future "Mrs. Willamt" group to increase in number, otherwise his mother, Mary Willamt, would definitely give him even more headaches.

PS: Regarding the character of Miss Windsor, my original intention was to use these two chapters to reveal that she has a crush on Jenkins, so that the subsequent development of the story would not appear abrupt. I did not expect that readers would respond so greatly. Actually, from the first volume or the second volume of this story, I can’t remember clearly, I arranged for such a character to appear, and then she will definitely appear once in every volume, or at least be mentioned, and of course she will not be the final tool. consumed by people. The story of this character has been planned from the beginning of this book, and there will be no starting point for the story to unfold.

Chapter 1645 Chapter 1619 Dragon Breath

After leaving the Mr. Ink Club, Jenkins didn't bother to look for other unusual events. He directly summoned the unicorn and flew him to the Evergreen Forest. Perhaps it was the cold wind at high altitude that cleared his mind. He realized that now was not the time to worry about this kind of thing. Although emotional problems were the most unclear and complicated problems he had to deal with, this problem was not fatal now. You shouldn't think about these things while you're doing serious business.

The unicorn carried him outside the valley where the Evergreen Forest was located. With the help of the night and the forest, Jenkins easily bypassed the checkpoint set up by the Orthodox Church at the entrance of the valley and entered the forest.

After struggling to climb up the rope ladder to the platform in front of the dragon's lair, a stranger was already waiting for Jenkins, leaning against the stone wall with his arms folded.

"So, you won't wait here all night, right?"

Jenkins asked the benefactor who belonged to the tree house while holding his legs and panting. The other person nodded and stood with his back away from the rock wall:

"I didn't enter the city at all. As long as I eliminated the other participants, even if I got zero points, wouldn't I still be in first place?"

the man said.

"This logic is really very reasonable."

Jenkins sincerely praised him for thinking of this method, so the night was unhurried. He is not worried that the person in the tree house will be faster than him, because he knows that the other person will definitely "take an unusual path."

He is in a irritable mood now, so he doesn't mind talking nonsense with the other party for a while. The other party will not survive until the sun comes out.

"Speaking of which, is there no one in your organization? For such an important matter, you only sent a level 7 gifter. Where are your demigods? They were all solved by believers of lies?"

Jenkins said sarcastically. The other party was not easily angered by such words. Instead, he said calmly:

"They have more important things to do."

"So you are confident that you can beat me?"

Jenkins asked again, and the other party nodded silently and then showed the five rings on his right hand. The rings are of different styles, but they are all numbered items. This is a very spectacular scene. If the benefactors show off their wealth, it is probably nothing more than this:

"We have been preparing for the end of the era for an entire era. You can't imagine how huge our organization is. This is a plan that has been planned for nearly a thousand years, and we are fully prepared."

The man said, walking to the dragon's lair and watching Jenkins preparing to take action. Jenkins nodded, knowing that the opponent's demigods were really few, so he could only rely on numbered items to accumulate strength.

While thinking, he took a step to the left in silence, and then the dragon's breath that spewed out from the cave directly submerged the man.

In the story of "Dragon Slayer Legend" in Black Town, Jenkins had the honor of seeing hundreds of dragons dancing in the sky. He had seen all kinds of dragons spewing dragon breath, and even stepped on the back of a beautiful and elegant silver dragon to fight with her.

It is obvious that the dragon's breath of the red dragon that strayed into the material world at the end of the 18th era is weaker than the dragon's breath of any dragon Jenkins has seen.

But because the gifter from the tree house was standing in front of the dragon's breath, he fully bore all the damage of the energy spewing, so when the red flame disappeared, there were only five fallen rings jumping on the ground, but they all lay down soon.

Jenkins bent down to pick up the five rings that were still warm, slapped off the cat's claws on his shoulder, and then entered the dragon's lair.

"I can't understand why he dared to do it here."

Jenkins asked doubtfully, his voice echoing in the cave.

"I lied to him and told him that the Orthodox Church would not care about the battle at the door of my residence, and I also told him that the two people participating in this game were a descendant of the Dragon Knight family and an ordinary gifter with a weak dragon vein because of the ceremony. It seems that he really doesn't know you. I thought he would be scared when he saw your face just now."

The dragon, who seemed to have just woken up, replied lazily, and then saw the five rings held by Jenkins:

"It's a bit inappropriate to say this, but this is my trophy."

It said carefully, even though it knew that it shouldn't take anything from the man in front of it, but the desire for treasures of dragons is engraved in its blood, is indeed his trophy.

"Then you take it."

Jenkins thought the other party was right, so he took two steps forward and put the five rings on the ground in front of the red dragon's head. The latter hesitated for a moment and secretly glanced at the unfriendly cat.

Swallowing his saliva very loudly, the dragon stretched out his huge claws and carefully pushed two of the rings to Jenkins. Of course, in Jenkins's view, this was like a steamroller pushing the rings:

"Everyone who sees it gets a share. I'm not a stingy dragon."

The dragon defended his behavior. Seeing that it didn't seem to be joking, Jenkins picked up the two similar-shaped rings, one red and one blue, and put them in his pocket.

There were three participants in the night game. In addition to Jenkins and the man who was burned to ashes just now, there was also Jenkins' friend Miss Knight.

Jenkins placed the "token" he took away after solving the incident last night in front of the red dragon, and then thought that after Miss Knight came, he would explain in detail what the garbage in front of him, such as bark, paper scraps, and burnt wool balls, was about, but he didn't expect the dragon to directly announce the end of the game:

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