"Congratulations, son of the sage, you have won."

It celebrates by blowing a small spark at the top of its lair.

"Don't we have to wait for Miss Knight?"

"She's actually already here."

The dragon lay down as he spoke, seeming to find this position more comfortable:

"She came here probably after you left last night. I gave the ancient dragon medal that the man just gave me to the girl named Knight, and then she happily announced her withdrawal from the game while holding the medal. left."

It was described in such detail that Jenkins had a sense of the picture.

The dragon's approach was unreasonable and inappropriate, but considering that this matter was beneficial to Jenkins, Jenkins naturally would not protest or insist on calling Miss Knight for another contest.

"but why?"

He couldn't help but ask.

"That ancient medal has very powerful power and is a good thing, especially for the girl named Knight. But the Dragon Soul can only make the owner stronger at best, and the success rate is high when performing the Dragon Blood Ceremony. Some, others have almost no effect... Of course, there is no need to tell her some of the effects of Dragon Soul, this is not something that can be said casually. "

PS: Someone came to me to recommend the book "After Being Turned into a Zombie by a Junior Sister", written by: Human World Punisher.

Introduction: My name is Qin Fei. I didn’t expect that I would travel to the world of Xianxia, ​​let alone that my body would be dead when I traveled through.

What's more, I didn't expect that I also had an infatuated junior sister who used the magic corpse refining method to turn me into a zombie, which can be continuously strengthened.

I actually don’t want to sleep with my junior sister in the coffin every day.

I actually don’t want to defeat a few well-known and decent players every day.

I actually don’t want to know any former Taoist companions, female sword emperors, magic sect saints, or heirs of ten thousand years of family...

I just want to lie down on the ground, blow out the vaginal air, and be a quiet beautiful zombie.

Those decent people are unyielding to me:

"Suffer death, the zombie king who uses dual cultivation of evil methods to enhance his strength!"

"How come dual cultivation is evil? This is obviously something you and I both love to do!"

Shaking with anger and crying, when will we zombies stand up...

Chapter 1646 Chapter 1620 Dragon Soul

Jenkins in the Dragon's Lair was a little embarrassed:

"No, I'm sorry, I'm not asking Miss Knight why she doesn't want the Dragon Soul. It has nothing to do with me... I just wanted to ask, why do you favor me in this so-called game?"

Jenkins explained, and the dragon nodded to understand:

"Because I think even if it is given to the human woman named Knight, it will still fall on you in the end. Don't argue, I don't mean that you will force her to hand it over. I believe that the saint's son of the sage has outstanding moral standards. Human. What I mean is that she is really not suitable to have the soul of the Four Kings. She is different from you. She is just an ordinary human being, and she has no idea about the secrets of the end of the era. Son of a sage, do you think so? clear?"

"I probably understand."

Jenkins didn't know what he understood, but he took advantage of it. If he understood it, he would understand it.

"The origin of the Four Kings Soul is very ancient. It is an ability created by humans in order to forge the myth of their own race. Human beings hope that they can learn complex magic from elves, so they created the legend of the Tree Soul; they hope that they can possess giant With a body like a dragon, he created the legend of the Dragon Soul; he hoped that he could overcome the cold and fearless dangers, so he created the legend of the Ice Soul..."

It pauses here on purpose, apparently to get Jenkins to ask about Dark Souls.

"What about Dark Souls?"

"Oh, that's a good question!"

Red Dragon said with satisfaction, and then explained:

"Desire for power is also a sin. These unimportant sins constitute the legend of Dark Soul. Therefore, the other three souls can be constructed directly, but the Dark Soul needs to be conceived. This is a very painful process, but it is the only way to Breeding Dark Souls."

"Does this have to be done?"

"Of course, it has to be done."

The dragon was definitely there, but he said that he didn't know anything more. After all, it was just a dragon.

The so-called "dragon soul" is not a soul, or even a substance. Ordinary means cannot make it appear outside the human soul, but obviously the high-dimensional being who gave the red dragon the mission has different means.

The dragon soul was sealed in a bronze bottle the size of a vase. The dragon opened its scales, sucked in the cold air and carefully extracted it from its flesh and blood, and then breathed out a mouthful of flames, melting the ooze at the mouth of the bottle. Such a plug.

A red mist spread out from it, flying towards Jenkins with a clear target. They merged from Jenkins' forehead into his body without any hindrance. At that moment, his ears seemed to hear the roar of a dragon. It was the roar of a real pure-blooded dragon that had only been heard in the story of Blacktown.

But after the roar, Jenkins only felt warm in his body, but other than that, there was nothing abnormal.

"That's it. My mission is completed. I can go home after this era is over. To be honest, this place is not bad, but it is not as good as the lair I built myself."

Red Dragon breathed a long sigh of relief and looked much more relaxed:

"With the fusion of the dragon soul, the success rate of any dragon-related ritual you perform will be greatly increased, and the effects of dragon-related abilities will also be enhanced. This is not bad for humans, but high-level gifts The effect may not be very effective...Oh, holy son of the sage, please take away the garbage you brought when you leave."

It didn't forget to tell you.

Jenkins nodded, and took out a newly drawn small mirror from his pocket, then put on his monocle and looked at himself in the mirror. Sure enough, there was a very inconspicuous red flame swaying slightly on the chest. It was very similar to the ice blue flame on Dolores' chest, and it was bigger than the small spark on Miss Windsor's chest.

"Is this the Dragon Soul?"

He thought to himself and put his hand on his heart, which Chocolate thought was very indecent.

"In this way, only the soul of the tree is left..."

The sky was getting slightly brighter when we left the Evergreen Forest. It was still early and the city was still sleeping. Jenkins, who was in a good mood, went home first to get some things, and then, dissatisfied with the chocolate, he flew on the unicorn to the [Church of All Things and Nature] station near the Evergreen Forest.

There were many ascetics in this delegation from the Church of Nature, so Jenkins had to avoid their keen senses in order to sneak into Miss Capet's room.

As a result, as soon as he got in through the window, Miss Capet almost hit him with a pillow. Miss Capet probably thought of him as a pervert or something like that, and she was very ruthless when she attacked him.

"Jenkins, what are you doing so early?"

A somewhat embarrassed Jenkins sat on the chair beside the bed, his right hand covering his left arm glowing green as he healed himself.

"The dragon's game is over. I want to tell you what happened last night."

He explained that the cat lying unceremoniously on someone else's bed thought he deserved it.

"It's over? Are you victorious?"

"Of course, Miss Knight took the initiative to admit defeat. The man in the tree house was burned to ashes by a breath of dragon's breath, and then I won."

"Are you OK?"

Miss Cape didn't seem to care much about last night's Dragons game, but she was concerned about the injury to Jenkins' left arm. Of course, ordinary pillows cannot produce this effect, but Miss Capet's pillow was full of stones.

This is a unique way of accumulating spirits. According to Miss Capet, it is "close to the earth".

"It's okay, just a minor injury."

Jenkins said, letting go of his right hand, and then handed the white flower pinned to the button on her chest to Miss Capet. When he was climbing with his hands on the outside of the wall just now, it was difficult to store this flower for the cat to hold in its mouth, and he was worried that the cat would be greedy, so he had no choice but to leave it here. As for why I don't hold it myself, it's because this flower is given to others.

"Why are you giving me flowers so early in the morning?"

Miss Capet, who was wearing pajamas, walked from the bed to her dressing table and sat down as she spoke. Her room was different from the rooms of ordinary church nuns. After all, because of her status as a descendant of the royal family, she was in the church. His status has also changed.

"I made you give up the Dragon Soul yesterday without saying anything. Of course I have to compensate you. I don't like to take advantage of others."

He conveniently placed the flowers in the vase on the dressing table, and then touched them with his hands, and the wilted flowers in the vase bloomed again.

"We are relatives, not just friends. We don't need to be so polite. If you want, you can call me Sigrid from now on."

She glanced at the blooming flowers in the vase and sighed in her heart that Jenkins' healing ability was extraordinary. Then she picked up the comb and combed her hair in the makeup mirror, looking at Jenkins through the mirror.

Chapter 1647 Chapter 1621 Gift of Flowers

"This is no ordinary flower. Do you know that weird flower girl? I got it from her. After eating it, you can increase your own spirit without any side effects."

In Sigrid Cape's room, Jenkins was still chattering next to the dressing table. He was in a particularly good mood now, and he did not notice the blond girl next to him in her pajamas raising her hands to comb her hair, which highlighted her figure.

"Don't refuse. I still have a lot of flowers like this, and these spirits are very few to me. It doesn't matter if there are more or less. Oh, I almost forgot, there is this..."

As he spoke, he took out a small glass bottle from his pocket, in which floated a white flower with five petals and a pale yellow stamen:

"I also have this for you. This is a great thing. After using it, the grantor can directly gain the ability of [Extreme Growth]."

Jenkins fully understood the preciousness of the Dragon Soul, which most likely directly corresponded to the savior's emblem, so he thought he should give enough to compensate the blonde in front of him. Moreover, Alexia has just advanced to Demigod and has a lot of math-related abilities to learn. Hathaway also has plans for building her own abilities, and neither of them want life-type abilities. He also considered giving it to Feini, but Feini was still a level 0 benefactor with limited ability positions, so it was impossible to learn this ability.

"Extreme growth?"

Sigrid put down the comb in her hand after hearing this. Although her pajamas were loose, she didn't care that Jenkins was in front of her. Moreover, Jenkins was still immersed in the joy of easily obtaining the Dragon Soul, and he didn't notice that his eyes were missing. What.

"Do you really want to give it to me?"

she asked somewhat seriously.

"Of course, I didn't come to joke when I ran into your room early in the morning."

"Correct, you broke in."

Sigrid said, her expression softened a lot, took the bottle, and looked at it seriously with a smile on her lips:

"No more jokes, are you really sure you want to give this to me? Don't tell me you don't understand the ability of [Extreme Growth] at all, you are also the owner of the green soul ability."

"Of course I understand, but now it's yours."

Jenkins repeated again, feeling that this was the only way to repay the favor. He was quite satisfied with his actions and thought he was a grateful person.

Chocolate, lying on the bed, turned his head and looked at his wagging tail boredly. It knew that Jenkins would give all these things to human women, which was not beyond the cat's expectations.

"Should I say thank you?"

Sigrid asked again.

"Of course not, you just said that we are not ordinary friends."

"Then hug."

As he said that, regardless of whether Jenkins agreed or not, he opened his arms and hugged him. Jenkins wanted to hug her as well, but suddenly felt something soft on his chest.


Now he finally realized how rude it was to break into an unmarried lady's bedroom at this time.

He left the window under Sigrid's teasing eyes, and finally returned home with chocolate. But he didn't rest for long. The arrival of dawn (Wednesday 12th) announced the beginning of the day. Perhaps because the red flame-like dragon soul brought him spirit, Jenkins changed his clothes without any sleepiness and went out with the cat again, and then met Alexia, Dolores and Julia in the agreed restaurant. They agreed to have breakfast together.

"So happy, did you gain anything last night? Or did you spend a good night with someone?"

The short lady who just sat down asked jokingly.

"Yes, yes, I spent a wonderful and fulfilling night with Chocolate."

Jenkins is now able to deal with Alexia's teasing skillfully, and the tool cat is quite dissatisfied with this.

It has been a week since the group returned to Nolan. Although Jenkins has been very busy recently, he still often meets with the girls. At the same time, he also planned to let the ladies of the Northland meet with the ladies of Nolan in the near future, so that they could be brought home for dinner together and solve all the problems at once.

He had already told Hathaway about this matter, and Hathaway did not object, but she said that she might do something in advance to make Britney fully prepared to accept all this, which was also her long-planned plan. Now he is talking about this with Alexia, and of course he is also telling Dolores, who will certainly not object, and the bright smile on Her Royal Highness's face can no longer be concealed.

After sitting down, he did not ask the waiter to bring breakfast immediately, but chatted for half an hour, and waited for Miss Windsor to arrive before everyone had breakfast together. Recently, the ladies of the Northland and Miss Windsor have been in frequent contact, of course, for Jenkins' throne, but Jenkins, as the person involved, does not appear every time.

Sometimes he feels that he is eating soft rice, but think about it carefully, although he is not present, he is not without contribution to this matter. The final conclusion is that since he is not good at political struggles and socializing, he should not give orders randomly, which is actually a help to the girls.

Because he accidentally saw Miss Windsor and Hathaway "fighting swords" last night, Jenkins felt a little uncomfortable facing Miss Windsor, so he kept his eyes on his cat when he spoke.

Alexia noticed this, and her beautiful mouth corners slightly raised, but she said nothing, and continued to talk about Miss Windsor's meeting with the commander of the Third Army of the Royal Army. The other party is a relatively easy target to win over, and the white-haired old gentleman is a well-known royal supporter.

After breakfast and saying goodbye to the ladies, Jenkins went to the Sage Church again. The joint negotiations of the Twelve Orthodox Churches have not yet set a specific date, but it can be imagined that it should be this month. Now all churches are sending a steady stream of delegations to the Nolan Diocese, and the number of Nolan's gifters has definitely reached the peak of this era.

As the only local son of God, Jenkins does not have to deal with public security issues, but he must attend some meetings that he has to attend. It was already noon when I finished my work. I ran into Finnie at the lunch table. Jenkins had seen her many times since he came back. Naturally, Finnie also had her share of the white flowers that increased his spirit.

Finnie was also very happy to see Jenkins. She first carefully greeted Chocolate, who was staring at Jenkins' food. She nodded to the cat in a particularly cute way. Then she sat down next to Jenkins with her small plate.

Section 1648 Chapter 1622 Red of Fighting and Blue of Spell

Finnie became a gifter before Jenkins left Nolan. Although it has been more than three months, she is still the original level 0 gifter. This is actually the normal situation. Jenkins is abnormal.

According to what Finnie reported to the church, the soul origin ability she obtained when she became a gifter was the yellow spell-type ability [Spirit Summoning], and the world gift ability was the white basic ability [Strengthening the Body].

The former lied, while the latter was telling the truth. The ability [Spirit Summoning] really exists. In ancient times, when elemental life forms were willing to respond to the call of the material world, it was a common summoning ability of sorcerers. In modern times, it is a small branch of the undead summoning ability, which is quite inconspicuous but still very practical.

Finny's true soul core ability is completely different from the effect of [Spirit Summoning]. It is the yellow spell ability [Dual Integral]. This ability is quite famous. This is a rare ability that can only be obtained by pure children who are born with angels when they awaken the gift of the gifter. It represents God's gift to this child.

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