"It's scary, very scary, I haven't seen anything so scary in a long time."

Mr. White Cat also added:

"We can't explain how it was formed, but the true form of the monster is indeed made up of the human body and the textile machine. No, it's not as simple as the textile machine as the upper body and the human body as the lower body. It's more like... ....Mr. Candle, have you ever played a puzzle? It's like cutting up the loom and the human body as a jigsaw puzzle. Then, you first piece together the general shape of the loom, and then stuff the human body pieces into the gaps randomly. ”

Mr. White Cat said this and shuddered.

"I guess this may be the product of the accidental combination of the soul of a dead female textile factory worker with the factory machinery. This is not uncommon. Those souls that do not want to leave always like to integrate with the objects around them, plus the factory itself It’s not a place filled with positive emotions…”

Mr. Hood shrugged at Jenkins:

"That's why this semi-physical monster was born. Mr. Candle, you're so lucky that you didn't see the whole thing. I'm afraid I won't dare to approach the textile machine alone for a long time."

"Speaking of which, could this be related to the strike last year? We all know that although the strike made the factory owners compromise on the surface, it also indirectly contributed to the final review and passage of the Air Quality Monitoring and Protection Act in Parliament, but in fact everything It’s all the same as before. Maybe the workers’ accumulated resentment and anger will lead to the birth of such strange things. We all know that this world is quite idealistic.”

Jenkins said that he believed that his companions should understand the word "idealism". As for the strike last year, it probably happened in the autumn. At that time, the strike centered on Nolan spread to the whole country and achieved a series of superficial results. Of course, there were traces of cult involvement behind that thing, such as the Witch House, the Life Sharing Alliance, and the Gear Craftsmen Guild, but the workers who participated in the strike were really pushed to their limits.

"What you said makes sense, and in recent months, Nolan's fog has become more and more abnormal. These things may be connected."

Mr. Hood nodded in agreement with Jenkins, then added:

"The last time I saw you was in Belduran. When did you come back? Have you heard that in recent weeks, citizens have spread rumors that monsters wandering around Nolan in the middle of the night will appear in the fog. The church therefore After a long investigation, no clues were found.”

"I came back last week and heard about this."

I heard the crying woman talk about it an hour ago.

"Do you know what that is?"

He asked the two of them, but neither Mr. Hood nor Mr. White Cat knew.

Mr. Hood also asked what Jenkins was doing here so late. Jenkins lied that he had a deal with Miss Magic some time ago and obtained clues to a treasure from her, and was now looking for it. So the two of them, who had nothing else to do, excitedly wanted to help Jenkins search for him, but Jenkins politely declined.

He was not looking for that gift tonight. The matter of the Dragon Soul was the most important thing for the time being.

After bidding farewell to two familiar friends and promising to have a drink with them some time, Jenkins continued on his way. Soon he finally walked out of the dense fog area. Although the streets were still filled with choking smoke, at least he was no longer in that terrible state of being unable to see his fingers.

"Where to go next?"

He looked around, trying to capture the unusual aura. Not long after, I saw a street away, a carriage carrying Alexia and Dolores driving into the distance. I didn't know what they were doing so late.

"Strange, so late..."

He didn't have the habit of following others, but Dolores and Alexia were not others, they were his own, so Jenkins followed him on his beloved unicorn with peace of mind.

Chapter 1640 Chapter 1615 Pisco Reappears

The direction the ladies were heading was downtown, and Jenkins thought they were going to a party, but it was already midnight and there would be no party at this time.

He followed the sky in confusion, wondering if he should say hello when the carriage stopped later. The carriage finally stopped at a closed club three streets away from the Sage Church. Julia stepped forward and knocked on the door. The door was immediately opened a crack, and then the three of them filed in.

Jenkins' curiosity reached its peak. He landed on the roof of the club and slid from the roof along the drainage pipe to the second floor window, which was the room where the ladies entered. Soon I heard the conversation inside, and it turned out that it was Dolores meeting with her local spies.

Although this is a foreign country, because of Nolan's importance, there are quite a lot of people deployed there. Coupled with the recent meeting of the three kings in Nolan, Dolores is actively mobilizing manpower from the entire central and west coast of the continent to move closer to Nolan, striving to have enough manpower to be controlled when needed.

While she was talking to local representatives, she complained to her teachers that Jenkins hadn't been actively asking them to hang out recently. This moment made Jenkins suspect that they knew that they were hanging out of the window and eavesdropping. In shame, they climbed up to the roof and prepared to leave. They promised in their hearts that after finishing their busy work for a while, they would actively accompany the ladies from the North to have a good time in Nova Scotia. Lan turned around.

But then someone came into the room and whispered that the guests had arrived. Jenkins stayed outside the window and waited for a while, and then saw Marquis Michael and Count Hesha walking in.

"I have bothered Dolores and Alexia to think about me so late. It seems that I will really make it up to them in the future."

Three streets away is the Church of the Sage. The closer you get to that direction, the more susceptible you are to the power of the Church of the Sage, so the probability of an abnormal situation being very low.

Jenkins left the window of the club and headed in the opposite direction, wondering if he would be able to meet Miss Knight or the people in the tree house tonight. But unfortunately, none of the three of them had this luck. The next thing Jenkins encountered happened at the "Byron Art Gallery", where he encountered the "Peeping into the Future" event earlier this year.

Of course the art museum does not open in the middle of the night. Although there is a gatekeeper guarding the front door, one can climb over the wall of the backyard where debris is accumulated. Carrying chocolates and walking along the dark corridor of the art museum, the moonlight projected in from the wall windows made every painting and statue seem to be covered with a bright veil.

The intensity of the aura was not high, so Jenkins guessed that what happened here was something as small as a statue speaking at a specific moment, or the characters in the portrait moving. This kind of story often appears in urban legends and some tabloids. The causes are all kinds of strange, but generally speaking, there will be no direct harm to the brave people.

But Jenkins' guess was wrong again. The source of the faint aura was actually a piece of paper thrown into the trash can. He carefully observed whether there was any suspicious liquid or other things that might stain his hands in the trash can, and then unfolded the paper ball. When he saw the familiar font, he almost threw the paper ball out. What was written inside was:

[Long time no see, Jenkins, I’m Mason Pisco, sorry to bother you again. I was a good friend of the curator of this art museum, and he promised me that I would throw this ball of paper into the designated trash can on a specific date. I'm sorry to bother you again, but there is only one chance. The location of this art museum is a rare place where the power of time is rich in the entire material world. Only here can I leave important information about the future, which is more important than last time. These words will directly affect the future. Although you will solve your own destiny even without me, I think you still need to be cautious, so I am forced to disturb you. 】

"Mr. Pisco again?"

He was surprised to think that Mr. Pisco was the person who gave him guidance in the recurring 31-day incident. This gentleman owned a piece of paper called [Epic of Time]. But Mr. Pisco is indeed dead, and died in front of Jenkins. This was probably something that Mr. Pisco arranged before his death, just like the machine he was sent to seal underground...after that He became Jenkins Mouse. This was a rare embarrassing moment since Jenkins came to this world.

Turn the crumpled paper over to its back, and above it is a description of the incident:

[Now turn back to the tavern immediately, and you will see a familiar thing being traded. 】

This is the only message left, which is extremely sloppy compared to the detailed sealing process last time. But what happened last time made Jenkins know that the arrangements made by this gentleman were extremely reasonable, so he did not hesitate to bring the sniffing cat to B-11-04-2529 [Tavern that does not sell poison] 】Run away.

"Mr. Pisco clearly said last time that he would not bother me again... I don't know if he is really dead."

Jenkins thought to himself and soon came to the tavern again. Although the nature of the tavern meant that people could not find it again after leaving it, this nature did not work for Jenkins at all.

He pushed the door open and walked in. At a glance, he saw his senior sister, Miss Stillwell, still sitting in front of the bar, shaking a glass of wine, as if she was thinking about something. She was a little drunk, but she still felt someone coming in. When she turned around and saw that it was Jenkins, she smiled and waved to him to sit over:

"I won't ask you how you came in for the second time. I can't figure out the secret of the Holy Son. How is it? Is the matter finished?"

Before Jenkins left just now, he said that he had something important to do tonight.

"No, I came here to wait for someone."

After he sat down, the bartender brought twice as much lemonade. Jenkins thanked him and looked up and asked him:

"Would you mind if I wanted to kill someone here?"

"As long as you don't block our business here and don't destroy the equipment here, you can do what you like."

the bartender replied.

Jenkins nodded with relief, moved the cat in his arms to the bar, let it play by itself, and then took out the lady's pocket watch and checked the time.

"Why a lady's pocket watch?"

asked the woman on the side.

"A gift from a friend."

He explained vaguely, and then heard the door of the bar being pushed open, and a man wearing a black windbreaker and covering his face with a hat walked in.

Miss Stillwell narrowed her eyes. She stayed here to prevent ordinary people from entering by mistake, but this person did not seem to be an ordinary person.

The man who entered looked around, then went straight to the bar, with a cat far away from the two people sitting together, and then called the bartender over:

"I have something to sell."

As he spoke, he took out something tightly wrapped in a newspaper from his arms. He avoided the eyes of Jenkins and Miss Stillwell and took it apart layer by layer to show it to the bartender. The bartender showed a surprised expression:

"A bowl that can turn any liquid into poison? This is really strange... Although we don't sell poison, since this is a bowl..."

Chapter 1641: Reward (starting tomorrow)

The upper limit is still 20,000 words, but the author wants to try to see if the average subscription can be increased before the book is finished, so that the data looks better. So this time there will be no ten chapters. If the reward is enough, two chapters will be issued, each chapter has 10,000 words. Of course, there will still be two chapters, so it will be the same as before.

The reward period starts at 6 am on July 11, 2020 (tomorrow morning!), and ends at 6 am on July 18, 2020! A total of seven days!

The reward period starts at 6 am on July 11, 2020 (tomorrow morning!), and ends at 6 am on July 18, 2020! A total of seven days!

The reward period starts at 6 am on July 11, 2020 (tomorrow morning!), and ends at 6 am on July 18, 2020! A total of seven days!

I will check the data within seven days through the background on the 18th to know the results.

For every 3,000 recommendation votes, 300 monthly votes, and 10,000 rewards (equivalent to 100 blades), one chapter will be added, with a maximum of 2 chapters (20,000 words). If it is not enough, 20,000 will be given. Thank you for your support over the past two years. This book was the first chapter released in August 2018, which can be regarded as the two-year anniversary.

It will be released all at once on July 18, 2020. This is a big plot, but it is estimated that there is still a long way to go to the end, and it will not end after the reward is given.

Chapter 1642 Chapter 1,616 Mechanical Repair Wrench

While talking to the man in the black hat, the bartender picked up the bowl as if he wanted to show it to Jenkins on purpose.

Jenkins glanced in that direction, and then he was startled because he saw the golden bowl, or more accurately, the golden wooden bowl.

This bowl was an item that appeared in the first strange realm he and Mr. Barnard experienced. As a reward for passing the strange realm, it was taken away by Mr. Barnard, and Jenkins got the candle on the table.

Mr. Barnard did not hand it over to the church, but sold it on the black market. After his death, Jenkins heard that the bowl was later passed to the group of people in the Witch House, and was used to mix a unique poison.

Later, the Witch House failed to call the reflection of the mother goddess of the shadow world in the battle of Evergreen Forest, and completely withdrew from Nolan, and the bowl disappeared. I didn't expect to see it here.

"The tavern can accept this bowl, and it's also good as a decoration. Do you want to barter?"

The transaction was still going on, and the bartender asked the man who covered his face with a hat in a magnetic voice.

"Yes, barter, I need extraordinary tools that can repair complex machinery."

"What a coincidence, we do have one, how did you know?"

The bartender muttered, and called the waiter who was standing by the wall like a puppet, who nodded and went to the warehouse to get a box.

The box is made of metal, slender and flat. The lines on it are just thin lines of varying lengths distributed horizontally and vertically. If you decipher it according to cryptography, you may be able to decipher some content.

The bartender placed it on the bar, still opening it in front of Jenkins and Miss Stiver. The man in the black hat was of course dissatisfied, but he did not dare to object.

The box was opened by the bartender, and a plain-looking silver metal wrench lay on the red lining of the box. If Jenkins had not known that electroplating technology had not yet appeared in this world, he would have thought that the beautiful silver on its surface was an electroplating layer.

"It's a very interesting little tool that can be used to repair most machines with nuts. We sometimes use it to repair the boiler behind the tavern, and now it's yours."

Hearing this, Jenkins looked at his senior sister, who nodded. The moment the black-hatted man held the wrench, that is, the moment the transaction was completed, an amazing silver light flew out of Miss Stiver's hand and cut off the black-hatted man's arm directly.

But the arm was broken, but no blood spurted out. The two saw a complex machine composed of red flesh and brass-colored machinery in the broken section.

"It's you!"

Confirming his guess, Jenkins jumped up and pounced on the man. The man did not run away, but squatted down and tried to pick up the wrench again with his only remaining left hand. This was equivalent to him not defending at all, so he was hit hard in the chest by Jenkins. Jenkins only felt that he hit a layer of steel plate, but with the blessing of [Titan Power] and the fire of grace attached to his fist and melted, this punch directly penetrated the steel plate in his chest and penetrated the heart.

"The heart is normal?"

He pulled his hand out, and the man's body slowly fell to the ground.

"The heart and brain cannot be easily transformed, otherwise the body and soul will not match."

The knowledgeable Miss Stiver said.

Jenkins nodded and picked up the wrench. Its aura is strong and belongs to the numbered items, but it looks ordinary. If it weren't for the aura that could be seen with the eyes, even if Jenkins touched it directly, he would not dare to conclude that it was an extraordinary item.

"It's yours. You can deal with the body yourself, or we can do it for you."

The bartender said at the right time.

Jenkins nodded and handed the wrench to Miss Stiver:

"I have something very important to do. Please send this and the body to the church later. Oh, I don't know if you have heard about the situation near Nolan. This body and this tool are very important."

"No problem, don't worry. It just so happens that I was planning to report back to the church in a while to see if Nolan has any plans for me. Miss Befanna knows my undercover identity."

Miss Stiver said boredly, and carefully put away the wrench:

"I won't mention you to the church. I did all these things alone. Are you doing something dangerous? Be careful, you are the only apprentice around Dad now."

Hearing this, Jenkins smiled, shook his head, waved to his senior sister and left.

Riding a unicorn in the alley in the thick fog, he planned to overlook the city from above. The view in the air will become quite large. Although the cover of the thick fog will become more obvious, after wearing a monocle, the obstruction of the fog is not very serious.

The glasses can enhance the effect of Jenkins' "Eye of Truth". After leaving Nolan for nearly three months, he found that the dark aura in the thick fog became more obvious. Although it is still very weak, every corner of the entire foggy area is filled with such fog. This shows that during the time when Jenkins was not in Nolan, the pollution in the city became more serious. Such fog was enough to give birth to some weird things.

After solving a few trivial things in the fog area, when he returned to the upper city of the city, he happened to meet the soul of a wild cat at the entrance of the alley. After Jenkins purified its resentment, it was already three o'clock in the morning. In summer, the sun rises very early, and Jenkins plans to set off to return to Evergreen Forest at five o'clock.

Next, go to the dock area in the west of the city and head east from the dock. There are also some problems with the dock. Jenkins accidentally encountered a terrible fishman corpse frozen in ice in the fishery product warehouse near the sea.

This fishman has the head of a fish and the limbs of a human, and his body is covered with smelly scales. The face is so scary that it makes you feel uncomfortable at a glance. This is definitely not something that should be on the shore.

Although the fishman is dead and will not cause any harm, Jenkins still captured the owner of the warehouse by asking the gatekeeper, and learned from him that the body was fished out of the sea by his fishing boat when he was fishing near the coast after the Nolan tsunami last month.

This creature was summoned from a terrifying alien space by the Pirate King Destroyer Fermishu after he actively merged the Fallen Heart of the Ocean with the group of tentacles. The warehouse owner didn't know the truth and just thought it was a rare thing and wanted to collect it and sell it for a good price.

But Jenkins found that the gatekeeper and the middle-aged businessman who had stared at the fishman's corpse with obsessive eyes many times had been affected by the corpse. He guessed that this terrible alien was related to an unknown evil god or weird thing, and was worried that the gatekeeper and the warehouse owner would subconsciously believe in the monster that did not exist in the material world because of the subtle influence.

So he had to spend some time to lure the priests from the nearby Ocean Temple over, so as to push this troublesome matter to them.

PS: Remember the wrench, it is a very important prop.

Chapter 1643 Chapter 1617 Sword Fight

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