As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos. In fact, as long as you pay a little attention, it is not difficult to tell that there is a big difference between the howling of the wolf in the cage and Fina's cry.

This cry is deeper, and at the same time more... authentic.

‘Boom~! ’

The sound of flesh hitting steel sounded.

Bell looked towards the iron cage and saw that this cage was much thinner than the cage next to where Little Ling'er was imprisoned, and there were no formation patterns engraved on the steel bars.

This proves that the existence contained in the cage is much safer than the little bell.

But although the degree of danger is low, the noise it makes is countless times louder than that of Little Ling'er.

I saw a young man who looked to be in his early ten years, glaring at everyone in the room with his teeth and claws, as if he wanted to pounce on them and bite them.

In fact, if the cage hadn't been knocked open, Bell suspected that this kid might have pounced on them and bit them.

The 'bite' here is not a figurative word like Hermione's usual desire to bite him, but a literal, real bite.

Because the boy in the cage has a completely different appearance from that of a human. If I have to say it, he looks more like an orc?

It's a pity that the other party is a man...

Cough cough cough!

Seriously, this boy has a pair of wolf ears, his pupils are slightly glowing green, and his cheeks are covered with thick gray hair. From the corners of his split mouth, you can still see sharp fangs.

Not only does his face have features that are different from humans, but the boy's exposed hands and feet are also completely different from humans. Rather, it looks more like four wolf claws than hands and feet.

The wolf's claws are also covered with thick gray hair, and the edges of the hair reveal sharp claws. It can be seen from the scratches in the cage that the claws are as strong as fine steel.

In addition, behind the boy, you can see a gray wolf tail hanging low, firmly protecting the weak point behind the boy.

"Little Wolf! Don't mess around!"


Unexpectedly, after seeing the young man showing his teeth and claws, it was Xiao Ling'er who scolded him immediately.

After being scolded by Xiao Ling'er, the young man immediately became honest and showed an aggrieved look, just like a dog being scolded by its owner.

"Little Ling'er, are you familiar with...him?"

Bell looked at the little guy on his lap in surprise.

"I can't say we are very familiar with each other. We just live very close to each other these past few days.

At first, it was Xiaolang who greeted me first. Later, when I was bored, I would chat with Xiaolang. If you go back and forth, you are considered acquaintance. "

Xiaolinger explained.

However, what the innocent little guy didn't know was that the boy wanted to eat her because he felt hungry at first, not to say hello to her.

After sensing the danger, the demon spirit in her body immediately released its own aura, ready to jump out at any time to eliminate the threat.

The instinct of wild animals made the young man realize that the weak-looking guy in front of him was not something he could hunt, and was even far more powerful than him.

And this also led to the fact that after a few days of getting along day and night, the young man mistakenly regarded Xiao Ling'er as his 'leader'.

Nodding, Bell turned his attention to the boy again. He just asked casually.

"So, this is a human-wolf hybrid?"

Bell asked Brother Kun in disbelief.

Bell said it was understandable for a Veela hybrid like Sister Gabrielle. There are countless wizards across Europe who want to find a Veela as a wife.

But he really couldn't imagine a human-wolf hybrid.

Even more unimaginable than a giant hybrid like Hagrid...

Although he has indeed heard of it before, some people have strong tastes and have some unique hobbies. But all along, he thought it was just random talk and couldn't be taken seriously.

But now it seems that it is possible that it is all true! ?

"How can it be."

Brother Kun glanced at Bell speechlessly.

What's going on in this kid's mind? Or are all European wizards so harsh?

You know, even though he has been on the devil's path for most of his life, he has never seen many guys with such strong tastes!

Not to mention being able to give birth to offspring.

"This is a wolf child, very rare."

"Wolf boy?"

Bell quickly recalled the classics he had read, but he did not find any relevant information. He has read a lot of books over the years. It seems that this kind of wolf boy is really rare.

"It's normal that you don't know. The existence of wolf children is only spread in folklore. Even many monks don't believe that such a special existence was really born."

Brother Kun explained.

To be honest, before discovering this wolf child, he didn't believe it either. After all, this is so outrageous!

"According to folklore records, wolf children are children with spiritual roots in their bodies. They were raised by wolf monsters as babies, grew up drinking wolf milk, and lived with wolf monsters for a long time. Eventually, their bodies mutated and they became A half-man, half-wolf being.”


Bell looked at the 'little wolf' in disbelief.

It's that simple! ?

Well, it's not simple at all.

But compared to those wizards who, in order to obtain the power of magical animals, have transformed themselves into grotesque shapes, and even created werewolves, a major harm to the magic world, the process of the wolf boy obtaining the power of wolf monsters is really amazing. It can be called simple.

And the most important thing is... why! ?

Why can this child naturally integrate the power of wolf monsters by simply drinking wolf milk and living with wolf monsters?

This unscientific!

Of course not magic either... maybe?

"Bought it!"

Bell said without hesitation.

The value of this 'little wolf' is really too great, many times more valuable than the Veela-mixed little Gabriel.

If he could analyze the principle of this mutation, it might even be possible for wizards to gain the power of magical animals without danger.

You know, this was the lifelong wish of the druids!

Only these guys who are obsessed with money would be stupid enough to sell such a precious individual.

"Okay! Brother Bell is really happy!"

Don't mention how happy Brother Kun is at this moment. Although the way Bell looked at him just now made him feel a little awkward, it was nothing to worry about.

Who told the other party to be generous?

"This devil-contractor...ahem..."

Seeing the innocent look in Xiao Ling'er's eyes, Brother Kun suddenly couldn't spit out the words in his throat. At this moment, Brother Kun made a decision that even he couldn't believe.

"Just take little Ling'er away, treat this child well, and let her spend the last period of her life happily and worry-free."

Brother Kun said something shocking that almost shocked everyone's jaws.

After all, Xiao Ling'er was the only one who thought they were good people, selling each other for money, etc. Brother Kun really couldn't do that kind of thing for a while.

‘Alas~! It seems that I am getting old too! My heart is getting softer and softer. ’

So the price of Wolf Boy will barely double...

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