The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 641 The sea...

During the winter vacation after the Spring Festival, Bell and others ultimately did not choose to return to China. After all, nearly half of the winter vacation has passed. If I go back at this time, I always feel as if I have lost something.

In addition, it would be a pity not to walk around after finally coming here.

Therefore, in the remaining half month or so, Bell rarely fulfilled his obligation to lead a group of professors and took the Hogwarts group on a general tour of famous attractions.

I have to say that wizard travel is all about convenience. We discussed where we were going, and we arrived at our destination the next second. When you are tired of playing, you will be home again in the blink of an eye. Going on a trip is more relaxed and casual than going out to buy groceries.

According to the principle of relativity, happy time is always short. It seems that with just a blink of an eye, the winter vacation is over.

After returning to the academy, Bell and others felt an even more lively atmosphere than during the previous Chinese New Year.

Unlike Bell and his friends who were obsessed with playing, during the previous winter vacation, other students in the academy had no intention of enjoying the rare vacation, but were looking forward to the start of school as soon as possible.

In the feeling of these people, it seems that the sea is drying up, but why hasn't the academy started school yet?

I have to say, the theory of relativity is really amazing...

So why are people so looking forward to the start of school?

Certainly not because learning makes them happy. Everyone is looking forward to the start of the competition between the four houses.

"Bell, you're here now, I'm just missing you."

As soon as they entered the hall, Wang Shouqiang's loud voice reached the ears of Bell and his party.

Not surprisingly, the four participating teams from Yandu Academy were Ma Jingjing’s team, Li Xin’s team, and Wang Shouqiang’s team.

Today, the Academy called all participating teams to this hall to explain the rules before the start of the competition.

Shortly after Bell and others arrived, a gentleman came over.

"Everyone, listen up. In one month's time, the competition between the four houses will officially begin. Here, I would like to emphasize to you the rules of the competition.

First of all, this year's competition is still divided into three games. Of course I can't tell you about the content of the competition, and you'd better give up the idea of ​​inquiring in private.

Secondly, no space props are allowed during the competition. Each person can bring up to three magical artifacts, which must be submitted to the academy for review before the competition. Remember, the submission deadline for review is one week before the start of the competition, so be sure to pay attention to the time.

Third, friendship comes first and competition comes second. During the game, it is strictly forbidden to make dead moves! If you see a player seriously injured, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible and notify the referee.


After explaining many complicated details, such as common sense issues such as not deliberately destroying the competition venue, not maliciously killing small animals, etc., the gentleman left the hall and left the time for communication to the contestants. .

Of course, it was said to be communication, but in fact there was nothing to say.

After all, although the three teams of Yandu Academy nominally belong to the same camp, this division of camps is generally only reflected in the calculation of the final total points.

During the competition, strictly speaking, the three teams were in a hostile relationship. When they met, they had to fight each other.

At most, he won't tear it up in front of teams from other colleges.

"Oh~! Why do you have to wait a month? Why don't you start quickly?"

Sighing, Zannah said dissatisfiedly.

It can be said that among the people in Hogwarts, the one who is looking forward to the Fourth House Competition the most is Zannah. The little girl is now eager to try every day, and she wants to grab and gesture with anyone she sees.

"If you are bored, go teach Little Bell magic knowledge."

Bell suggested, rubbing Zannah's head in amusement.

Bellinger and Xiaolang were both placed in the suitcase by Bell at this time.

Due to their special status, Bell could not blatantly bring them into the academy. And he didn't feel at ease leaving it to the rest of the family to take care of. Therefore, I can only temporarily aggrieve the two little guys.

Although neither of them felt aggrieved at all.

Bell, who was addicted to studying and couldn't extricate himself, found that the time had come to the end of March when he came back to his senses.

Tomorrow is April 1st, which is also the day when the competition between the four colleges officially begins.

Maybe to ease the chilling atmosphere during the game? Every competition is held in April, the month with the strongest spring atmosphere.

Early the next morning, everyone in the academy gathered in the square at the gate of the academy.

Even the student who likes to stay in bed got up early for the first time today without any need for urging from the gentlemen.

At 8 o'clock sharp, the neatly arranged students boarded the college bus in an orderly manner under the guidance of their husband, as if they were going for a spring outing.

Looking at the scenery flashing quickly outside the window, even Bell couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart under the influence of the rich atmosphere.

Speaking of which, he didn't know how long ago it was when he last went on a spring outing. Maybe you can suggest to Snape later that Hogwarts also organize a spring outing?

Although they are not going for spring outing now...

After about two hours, the bus finally lowered its height and landed on the ground.

Before I even got off the bus, the roaring noise, mixed with the salty smell of sea water, slipped in through the bus window.


When you think of the sea, what comes to mind first?


Of course that is impossible, they are here to compete, they are very serious.

So when it comes to the sea, the first thing that should come to mind at this time is naval battles!

In other words, the first game of this competition is likely to be held at sea.

When I got off the bus, the first thing I saw was the mountains and sea of ​​people.

According to other people's chats, Bell learned that Yandu Academy was the third one to arrive, and now only Kunlun Academy, which is the farthest away, was left. In other words, at this moment, there are more than 3,000 people gathered on this beach.

Finally arriving at their destination, a group of students rushed towards the sea not far away like a runaway couple.

Even strictly speaking, Yandu Academy is not far from the sea. But people who stay in the academy to study all year round rarely have the opportunity to see the sea.

The gentlemen of the academy did not stop the students from having fun. Anyway, this beach has been wrapped in the formation, and they are not worried that any students will get lost.

After playing in the water with his sister for half an hour, Bell saw another bus entering the beach. Not surprisingly, this should be the Kunlun Academy located in the northwest region.

Then... there were more people at the beach...

It was not until lunch time that the teachers from each college called back their students.

During lunch, Bell and others were called away again.

Different from ordinary students, in order to ensure the condition of the contestants, the academy specially prepared high-standard meals and accommodation for the contestants.

It was only then that Bell suddenly woke up.

'Yes! We are here to compete! ’

He really thought it was a spring outing before...

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