The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 639 Bei Linger


After seeing Brother Kun slightly closing his head, the little girl agreed to Bell's invitation.

"But I'm very dangerous and may hurt you."

The little girl said quietly.

She still wanted to emphasize such an important matter to the other party in advance.

"Haha, you will find out soon that you are not dangerous at all in this world."

After touching the little guy's head, Bell said with a smile.

But it's just Silence. As long as it's an adult wizard holding a wand, even if it can't be beaten, it can still run away.

"Let's get my hair cut later."

Looking at the little guy's long hair, Bell said.

Fortunately, none of the people here are ordinary people. Otherwise, with the little guy's current appearance, he might be mistaken for a young version of Sadako crawling out of the TV.

"don't want!"

Unexpectedly, when Bell said she wanted to cut her hair, the little girl reacted very violently.

The little guy held his hair tightly and stared at Bell warily, as if he was looking at a big bad guy.

"With hair here, it will be much warmer in winter! Otherwise it will be too cold to sleep at night!"

The little girl said with a serious face.

This is a big issue involving life and death, and there is no room for ambiguity!

"...Okay, then I won't cut it off. It's fine to keep it."

After a moment of silence, Bell rubbed the little guy's head vigorously again.

Then, he sat back in the chair with the little guy in his arms and put him on his lap.

After moving his fingers, Bell saw his hands crossing the afterimages. In a short time, he had braided the little guy's ankle-length gray hair into a beautiful braid.

This unique skill was something he learned when he was braiding Shanna's hair when he was a child. Speaking of which, I haven't used it for several years, but I didn't expect it to come in handy today.

Seeing the little guy holding his 'unrecognizable' hair in surprise and unable to close his mouth, Bell felt a sense of amusement.

After thinking for a while, he took out a blue hair tie from his pocket and tied it at the end of the braid.

‘Ding bell~! ’

The bell on the hairband made a crisp sound, and at the same time, weak magic power rippled, and a warm breath instantly spread throughout the little girl's body.

"Speaking of which, you don't have a name yet. How about just calling her Ling'er? Bei Ling'er."

Listening to the clear ringing of the bell, Bell suddenly had an inspiration.


The little girl was holding her long braid, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong? Don't you like this name?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

He also thought the name sounded pretty nice.


The little girl actually doesn't have to choose a name. For her, as long as she has a name, even the most common ones like "Goudan" and "Silly Ni" are great.

So she didn't have any dissatisfaction with the name "Bellinger".

The issue is……

"Can you change my hair back to its original look? Then I can't wrap it around my body."

Bei Ling'er said tangledly.

To be honest, she still likes her new hairstyle. Compared with the messy and scattered look before, now it is really beautiful when braided together like this.

But, it’s not warm like this!

Between demeanor and temperature, she still thinks temperature is more important.


After being stunned for a moment, Bell couldn't help laughing.

He reached out and pressed the little guy's head and asked:

"Then do you still feel cold now?"

"...It's not cold anymore! Why!?"

Bei Ling'er hadn't realized it at first, but now that she was reminded like this, she suddenly realized that her body was now warm, as if heat was radiating from her bones.

She glanced at her braids in surprise. It turned out that she had been doing it wrong for so many years! ?

It turns out that hair doesn’t need to be wrapped around the body to feel warm, but it needs to be tied into a twist to feel warm! ?

At this moment, Bei Ling'er felt a sudden realization.

"Because of this headband."

Bell, who didn't know what kind of outrageous knowledge the little guy had due to some strange combination of circumstances, explained with a smile.

"This hairband is enchanted. As long as you tie it, you don't have to worry about getting cold. So you don't need to let your hair down like before."


Hearing Bell's explanation, the little guy was shocked again.

It turns out that magic really exists in this world! ? She always thought that it was a magical ability only found in fairy tales.

What? What do you mean by the strange abilities of those ‘well-intentioned’ uncles?

Speaking of this, Bei Ling'er was filled with emotion.

She has long heard people say that the big cities outside are extraordinary. Compared with their village, the city is like a fairyland.

But even though she had exhausted her imagination, she still could not imagine that technology in big cities had developed to this extent!

It was just a small thing that looked like a wooden stick. With a flick of the finger, the heavy iron cage flew up on its own! ?

Presumably that seemingly ordinary wooden stick must be an amazing high-tech product.

"Okay, Brother Bell, let's leave the small talk later. Now let's take a look at the other one first."

Just when Bell wanted to continue teasing the cute little Ling'er, Brother Kun beside him suddenly said.

Brother Kun was very happy to see that Bell was very satisfied with the first 'goods'. He couldn't wait to introduce the second 'goods' to the other party.

If Bell could buy these two items at the same time today, it would be a great thing for him.

You know, smuggling living people and smuggling materials are two completely different things.

If you are caught smuggling materials, the most you can do is that the materials will be confiscated, you will have to pay a fine, find a younger brother to cover the tank, and you will be released after a while.

But if one is caught smuggling a living person, even if these two living people are in a special situation, their heads will be lost!

It's a pity that interests confuse people's minds. Even though he knows that the risks are huge, he is really reluctant to let these two ducks go.

Therefore, if Bell can buy all these two 'commodities' today, he will not only avoid the risk, but also save the cost of smuggling. It will be a bloody profit!

After hearing Brother Kun's words, Bell temporarily turned his attention away from Xiao Ling'er. He is really curious now, what kind of strange existence is contained in the other cage that he moved with Xiao Ling'er?

After waving his hand and noticing Bell looking over, Brother Kun motioned to his men to lift the canvas covering the other cage.

"Ouch~! Ouch~!"

As soon as the canvas was lifted, a slightly familiar howling sound reached Bell's ears, which scared him and quickly turned to look at his sister.

After discovering that Shanna was sitting on the chair honestly and not doing anything out of boredom, Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

He just thought it was Shanna who released Fina.

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