The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 374 Calling for off-site assistance

"But brother, how can I become the master of magic?"

Shanna looked at her brother in confusion.

Although she understood every word her brother said, when these words were put together, she miraculously couldn't understand them at all.

Seeing his sister's cute appearance, Bell couldn't help but rub Shanna's little head again.

"My brother can't give you this answer. Everyone has different experiences and different ways of thinking, so the answers are different for different people. You have to find the answer to the question yourself."

Seeing that mosquito coils appeared in her sister's eyes, Bell added with a smile:

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you don't understand it now. You just need to remember this and slowly look for answers in your future life. One day, you will get your own answer."

Shanna nodded, stopped her racing little mind, and recalled what her brother had just said from beginning to end, making sure that nothing was missed.

"In addition, there is an even more important point."

Facing Shanna's curious gaze, Bell moved his finger and pointed at the wizards running away like headless flies below.

"Carve this picture into your memory and never forget it! And always remind yourself not to become one of them!"

Bell said with a serious expression.


Little Zannah said she was very familiar with the wizards running around in front of her.

She still remembers that a few years ago, when she first went into the forest behind the castle to play alone, the postures of the small animals in the forest were very similar to the wizards today.

And if these wizards scurrying around with their heads in their arms were those small animals, then wouldn't those black-robed wizards who caused chaos be equivalent to her back then?

Recalling her own feelings at that time, Shanna seemed to vaguely understand what her brother meant.

"Bell! Stop just chatting, think of a solution quickly!"

Hermione's anxious voice sounded, interrupting Bell's lecture.

Really, when has this been, and you still only know how to chat? If this continues, poor Mr. Roberts and his family may be killed!

"Uh, well...even if you say so, there's nothing I can do about it."

Bell spread his hands, what could he do?

Even with just a brief glance, it can be seen that there must be more than a hundred people in the black-robed wizard's team.

Not to mention the arsonists who act alone.

"I don't care! Think of a way quickly to save Mr. Roberts and his family!"

Hermione glared at her boyfriend and said forcefully.

Based on Hermione's understanding of Bell, it's not so much that Bell can't do anything, but rather that he's too lazy to think of a solution. Hermione was somewhat aware of Bell's slightly cold personality.

So when necessary, you have to push harder before Bell will take action.

As for Bell, is it possible that there is really nothing he can do?

The worst thing is to apologize to Bell later.

"Oh~! Okay, just wait."

With that said, Bell took out his personal terminal and dialed a number.

Soon, the communication was connected, and a middle-aged wizard with white hair and white beard appeared on the screen.

"Do you have any orders, Master?"

After Sebas bowed respectfully to Bell, he asked.

"That's it, Sebas. I'm in a little trouble right now and need some help. Are there any members of the action team here at the World Cup?"

Bell said that difficult achievements such as 1 vs 100 should still be left to master-level wizards like Lao Deng. As for a weak, pitiful and helpless newbie like him, he had better be decisive and call for foreign aid directly.

"Some people should still be there. I need to check the specific number."

As the conscience representatives of the wizarding world, the Menethil family is very considerate of their subordinates.

The Quidditch World Cup is held every four years, and the British Quidditch team has rarely entered the finals. Therefore, as long as they can't let go of the things at hand, the employees of the Menethil family will... You can come and watch this final. The cost was borne by the Menethil family.

Naturally, many members of the Special Operations Team are no exception.

Therefore, it stands to reason that there should not be too few members of the action team still in the camp.

"Okay, just ask, no...well, I'm still very anxious."

Feeling the anger about to burst out of his girlfriend's eyes, Bell decisively changed his lines.

"please wait."

Facts have proved that Sebastian's efficiency is still very high. Not long after hanging up the communication, wizards appeared outside the wooden house one after another.

Although Bell refused his parents' request to send guards, William and Elena, who knew the strength of the Bell brothers and sisters, did not force it.

However, every member of the action team will also be informed of the location of the cabin before coming to the camp.

Therefore, after receiving the notice from Sebastian, these team members did not waste a second and immediately appeared outside the wooden house.

"B-Bell, they are..."

Although on the Mars base, Hermione also met many wizards working for the Bell family. But the feeling given to her by the wizards gathered in front of her now was completely different from those before.

Even if these wizards were just standing there without saying a word, they would have a fierce aura coming towards them, making people shudder.

Bell raised his hand to stop Hermione's words and signaled her to calm down.

Soon, no more wizards appeared.

After Brandon glanced at the people on the field, he walked up to Bell and bowed respectfully.

He is the captain of the second team of the Special Operations Team. Among the members present, he has the highest position, so of course, he is responsible for commanding and communicating with Bell.

"Master, all the people in the camp have been assembled. There are 18 people in total. Please give your instructions."

"Put on the mask of confusion and be careful not to reveal your identity. After I take action, you will immediately help contain me.

Remember, our main purpose is to contain them. Once the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic are free, we will evacuate immediately and try to avoid conflicts with the Aurors. "

Bell ordered.

"Master, it's too dangerous here. Otherwise, you and the young lady should find a safe place to hide. Just leave it to us."

Brandon looked at Bell awkwardly.

If Bell or Zanna got even the slightest scratch, the captain would have to skin him after he returned!

"You have to ask Shanna if she agrees with this."

Bell patted the little sister next to him on the little head and said that among the three people here, his status could only be at the bottom, and Shanna was the first one.

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