The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 375 The war breaks out


Without any hesitation, Shanna rejected Brandon's request.

Just kidding, she doesn't want to hide!

You know, she hasn't had enough fun since she went to clean up Percy in the afternoon.

In the evening, the chaos that occurred during the Quidditch World Cup final made her even more itchy.

Now, something so fun happened in front of her eyes again... ahem, so... so...

In short, if she is not allowed to have a good time, she will go crazy!

Bell shrugged at Brandon, indicating that there was nothing he could do.

Raising his hand to stop Brandon from continuing to persuade, Bell took out his wand and said:

"Okay, get ready, the show is about to begin!"

After saying that, a slightly mad expression appeared on Bell's face.

The number of black-robed wizards on the opposite side was several times theirs. This was really... heart-pounding!

I saw Bell holding the wand upside down, pouring a large amount of magic power into the wand, and dazzling blue light overflowed from the wand.

Bell suddenly squatted down and thrust the wand into the ground.

Small cracks started from Bell's wand and spread rapidly towards the direction of the black-robed wizards.

In less than a second, before some black-robed wizards with sensitive senses could notice the strangeness could respond, cracks spread across the entire procession's feet.

Then, the earth shook!

Earth walls were erected one after another, thorns protruded one after another, and the earth sank in pieces.

In just an instant, the terrain where the black-robed wizards were located changed drastically. The originally dense team was also beaten to pieces.

However, thanks to the popularity of the Bell family's defensive accessories, few people were injured.

Bell didn't care about this either.

This was to be expected.

Moreover, his large-scale transformation spell was not intended to injure the enemy.

As long as the enemy is dispersed so that they cannot form a joint force, then the pressure their side will have to endure in the subsequent battle will be much less.

Faced with the sudden attack, some clever black-robed wizards immediately chose to disapparate and run away.

However, there are still only a few wizards who are so clever, or so cowardly.

Most of those who dare to join this team and participate in causing riots are quite courageous.

Some people roared and destroyed the earthen walls around them. Others, who were more clear-headed, after doing their own protection, stared at the surroundings vigilantly, ready to respond to possible attacks at any time.

A black shadow suddenly flashed from the sky, and some powerful wizards saw clearly that it was the figure of a giant snake.

This made these people break into a cold sweat.

That giant snake is too long and too big!

With a flick of his hand, Mr. Roberts and his family were thrown aside, and a stun spell was added at the same time, so that the Muggles who were about to go crazy with fear were finally freed.

The giant snake just now was Bell's Ten Thousand Snakes - Black Scale.

While the black-robed wizards were completely distracted by the drastic changes in the ground beneath their feet and had no time to take care of Mr. Roberts and his family above their heads, Bell activated the snake on his wrist and controlled it to rapidly grow in size and length, killing Mr. Roberts and his family. Swallowed it into the mouth and saved it.

"Okay, come on."


After receiving the instruction from her brother that it was time to fuck, Shanna shouted excitedly.

The little girl stepped on the ground hard, and then rushed out like an arrow from a string.

With a 'boom', Shanna without any hesitation hit her head against the nearest earth wall. While knocking out a large human-shaped hole in the earth wall, it also knocked the wizard behind the earth wall away.

Poor guy, hope he survives.

After Shanna rushed out, the members of the special operations team, who had been shocked by Bell's impressive transformation technique, finally came to their senses.

Regardless of blaming themselves, these people quickly followed Shanna and rushed over.

If their young lady was harmed due to their mistake, then they would really have no shame in going out to meet people.

"Hermione, you go too."

Bell looked at Hermione, the only one who was still there.


Seeing the magical light flashing in the distance from time to time, and listening to the continuous roaring in her ears, although she didn't want to admit it, Hermione was really scared.

Although she is now accustomed to fighting scenes, after all, she watches Shanna's actual combat training every day, and the momentum is not much smaller than it is now.

However, looking back, now that she is required to personally participate in a battle of this level, the fear of life and death that needs to be faced makes Hermione feel as if her leg bones have been taken away. Even if she simply stands, You need to do your best.

Bell stretched out his left hand and hugged Hermione around the waist. At the same time, he raised the wand in his right hand and shot out a cyan spell. A wizard who flew into the air and wanted to sneak up on Zanna from above was immediately hit by the spell and fell down.

With the help of the surrounding firelight, it could be vaguely seen that the wizard's wand was cut off from the middle, and a huge wound deep into the bone appeared on his upper body. A large amount of blood poured out from the wound, leaving little blood beads in the air.

"Don't be afraid, I will be right behind you to protect you and nothing will happen to you."

Feeling his girlfriend's delicate body trembling slightly in his arms, Bell comforted her softly.

Unfortunately, Bell's comfort did not have much effect.

Even though Hermione trusted Bell immensely in her heart, when she saw the fierce battlefield in the distance, the innate human instinct kept shouting that she should never get close to it.

"Okay, then you should go back to the cabin and take a rest."

Seeing that Hermione was still shaking uncontrollably, Bell didn't intend to force it.

In fact, to be honest, he also felt that it was indeed a bit too much to force Hermione to face a big scene of tonight's level from the very beginning.

But reality is different from the magic stone statue in the training ground, and it is not something Bell can control. All he can do is to do his best to protect the safety of his sister and girlfriend, so that they can grow as much as possible without being harmed.

"no, do not want!"

Hermione said nervously, grabbing Bell's windbreaker with both hands.

Although Bell sincerely believed that it was normal for Hermione to be unable to participate in a battle of this scale. But Hermione didn't think so.

People who are passionately in love are always prone to worry about gains and losses. Bell was like this, and Hermione was no exception.

From the previous sentence, Hermione mistakenly thought that Bell was disappointed with her.

And this is something Hermione, who has always been determined to catch up with Bell, absolutely cannot accept.

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