The troubled Hermione had even begun to think about whether she should use magic spells to provide herself with some insignificant help?

After all, as a wizard, if you encounter a problem, you should immediately think of seeking magic help.

This is what Bell taught her, so if anything goes wrong, it will be Bell's fault, not her fault as a gentle and kind little witch!

Fortunately, Mr. Granger didn't know what his daughter was thinking at this time, otherwise he would have fainted in the toilet crying.

Then he cheered up the next day and worked hard with his wife to have another baby.

After all, this boss can no longer be counted on.

Suddenly, a strong force came from her shoulder, interrupting Hermione's thoughts and pulling her out of her almost bewildered state.

"Okay, don't force it. Even if you can't live here, you can always come to my house to play. I will pick you up."

In fact, Bell also knew that given their current ages, it would be almost impossible for Hermione to live in his house.

So although he was a little disappointed, he had no intention of forcing it.

"Then I want you to pick me up every day!"

"Okay~Okay~, I will pick you up every day."

Bell rubbed Hermione's long brown hair lovingly.

"Okay, come in quickly. My uncle and aunt are still waiting inside."

late at night.

Thanks to the efforts of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, the wizards who had celebrated wildly all night finally calmed down their passion and returned to their tents tiredly to fall asleep.

At night, I finally regained my own tranquility.

Under the bright moonlight, an occasional breeze blew by, blowing the leaves and making a rustling sound. While adding vitality to the woods, it also enhances the tranquility of the woods.

Suddenly, a cloud passed by, covering the bright moon in the sky, plunging the ground into deeper darkness.

A few bonfires became the only source of light. While illuminating the surroundings, they also gave people an inexplicable sense of fear, as if they were foreshadowing something.


A burst of flames rose up, instantly illuminating the originally dark woodland as bright as day.

With the help of the fleeting light of the fire, it can be seen that just below the flames, dozens of wizards wearing black robes, covering their entire appearance and figure, are gathering together in silence.

Above these wizards, the Roberts family, the administrators of this woodland, were controlled by a spell to float in mid-air.

Mr. Roberts's angry roars, Mrs. Roberts's frightened screams, and the frightened cries of the two young children could not cause these wizards to have even the slightest emotional fluctuation.

No, not everyone was unresponsive. There were several wizards who were laughing wildly, with an unspeakable madness in their eyes.

"let's start."

I don't know who it was that suddenly issued the order.

Hearing this, these wizards immediately took action.

While they tortured the Roberts family above them, making the four Muggles moan louder, they waved their wands and released streams of flames.

Some of the flames shot into the air, some ignited trees and bushes, and some ignited tents in the forest.

Soon, chaos filled the camp.

Some timid wizards tried to stay away from the group of men in black in fear. They screamed for help from the Aurors while running around in confusion.

There are also some guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, so they either join the parade of men in black, or choose to go it alone.

No matter which method they used, they all had the same effect. They successfully plunged this originally peaceful camp into incomparable chaos.

Since it was such a tiring day today, the Aurors' response was a little slow. Even though many wizards who could not see the behavior of the men in black robes spontaneously provided help, by the time the Aurors arrived, the situation was already chaotic and uncontrollable.

"Brother, what happened?"

Shanna rubbed her sleepy eyes and walked out of her bedroom.

She was awakened by the noise outside.

"Put on your combat uniform and wake up Hermione. Let's go outside and take a look."

Bell, who was standing at the window in the corridor, looking out silently, said without looking back after hearing his sister's question.

After simply washing their faces and cheering up, the three Bells soon arrived outside the wooden house.

By the way, William and Elena had both received invitations before, and I don’t know where they went. Hermione's parents and Zannah's two friends were all asked by Bell to stay in the cabin and not go out.

A defensive barrier was placed around the wooden house, and they should not be harmed if they stayed within it.

"In the end what happened?"

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of her, Hermione looked in disbelief.

She now seriously doubted that she was actually dreaming?

"So Hermione, why are you pinching me again?"

Bell was really speechless.

He found that Hermione seemed to be addicted to pinching him?

"Are you in pain?"

"What do you think?"


Hermione nodded.

It was certain that she was not dreaming.

After giving his girlfriend a blank look, Bell ignored the nervous Hermione. He injected magic power into his flying shoes and floated into the air.

Following closely behind, Zannah and Hermione also flew up.

"Look over there."

Bell stretched out his hand and pointed not far away.

I saw that at the location he pointed to, the team of men in black, which had grown several times, was holding a grand 'fireworks party'.

"Oh my god! How could they, how could they do that!?"

Hermione opened her mouth in shock when she saw the culprit of this chaos, especially after seeing the Roberts family floating in mid-air, being twisted and played with like puppets.

With her current experience, she really couldn't understand why someone could do such evil things?

Ignoring his girlfriend's exclamation, Bell instead turned to look at his sister on the other side.

"Sanna, what did you see?"

Bell asked, pointing to the group of black-robed wizards.

"Hmm...a group of dark wizards?"

Shanna tilted her little head, and after thinking for a while, she said uncertainly.

"No, it's a slave!"


Shanna looked at her brother in confusion. Didn't she see any slaves anywhere?

"Yes, slaves, a group of slaves of power!"

As he spoke, Bell raised his right hand, and blue magical light shone in his palm.

"Remember, Zannah. We are wizards, and we have a powerful force called magic. So use your powerful power carefully and become the master of magic."

Making a fist with his right hand, Bell extinguished the magic light in his hand.

Then, he pointed to the black-robed wizards not far away again, nodded vigorously, and said:

"Don't be like those people and become a slave dominated by power!"

Power breeds desire, and once the accumulation of desire gets out of control, it will inevitably lead to destruction.

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