The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 372 Living together?

"What's the rush? There are so many people outside, we can't get out for a while.

And my parents don’t know how long they will have to socialize. There is absolutely no need to rush. "

Belle was lying in Hermione's arms, refusing to get up.

By the way, because Mr. Granger liked the lively atmosphere, he took his wife and ran outside to the bleachers to watch the game.

Lim was with him the whole time, and Hermione wasn't worried about what kind of trouble her parents would get into.

In the end, at Bell's insistence, several people finished their dinner in the box before leaving the arena.

Unlike the Quidditch field where there were only a few people left, as soon as they left the field, a scene as lively as the Chinese New Year appeared before their eyes.

Fans of the Irish Quidditch team gathered together, singing and celebrating the Irish team's victory.

Some fans of other teams were also infected by this cheerful atmosphere and couldn't help but join in the celebration.

Anyway, the team they support has long since cooled down. After a period of emotional adjustment, they have also broken away from the sadness and loss.

We will go back to our respective homes early tomorrow morning, and we must have enough fun on this last night.

Of course, there are people who have such free and easy thoughts, definitely not including fans of the Bulgarian team.

10 points! The difference is only 10 points and one ball!

How can the people of Bulgaria be reconciled to this, who just missed the world championship!

However, no matter how unwilling you are, the game is over and the ending cannot be changed. So they could only bite the bullet and swallow this breath.

This is how it should be...

Seeing the arrogant and domineering faces of those British guys, the Bulgarian people were so angry!

If they can tolerate this, then they don't need to be wizards, they can just change careers and become Ninja Turtles!

However, being tough head-on is not something a wise person would do. The bunch of naughty Aurors from the British Ministry of Magic have been keeping an eye on them.

Therefore, a group of Bulgarian wizards gave full play to their ingenuity, shooting and changing places, and left as soon as they touched without entanglement.

It was a pity that this group of Bulgarian wizards didn't know that there was a 'master tactician' in the woods not far from them. Otherwise, Bell believed that Shanna would be willing to advise them.

By the way, at the end, let’s try to trick the bad guy named Ke Shemu again.

In this way, with the efforts of the Bulgarian wizards, they succeeded in making the already warm and cheerful atmosphere even more enthusiastic and joyful...

You know, there is no shortage of lawless masters among wizards. See Gryffindor House at Hogwarts for details.

Therefore, many wizards who had nothing to do with themselves and were even a little annoyed by the noise of the Irish fans could not help but wave their magic wands and join in this grand 'closing ceremony'.

This was a huge embarrassment to the Aurors present.

The Aurors, who had not been able to rest all day, had to act as firefighters again, arresting those wizards with excessive energy.

Unlike the Aurors who were so miserable that they wanted to kill people, as the Auror's boss, Fudge was almost laughing from ear to ear.

After all, he gets a share of every additional fine. The most important thing is that he can enjoy the results without doing anything.

Is there anything more wonderful than this?

Seeing the wizards paying their fines dejectedly, Fudge would have wanted to kiss them hard if it wasn't for his image.

I can't help it, the way these people hand over money is so handsome!

In this lively and cheerful atmosphere, Bell and his party returned to the cabin safely.

"Phyllis, Reina, do you want me to take you back later?"

Looking at his sister's two best friends, Bell asked aloud.

The two little girls kept following Shanna and had no intention of looking for their parents.

By the way, after leaving the field, Penello said goodbye to Bell and others immediately and apparated away.

I don’t know what will happen next for the other party and Percy?

"No need. We have agreed with our parents that we are going to stay at Shanna's house for a few days. Brother Bell, you won't welcome us, right?"

As always, Phyllis answered the question first.

Although Phyllis and Rena's family can be considered a pure-blood family, they are not even comparable to the former Menethil family, let alone the current Menethil family.

Therefore, Phyllis and Reina's parents were happy to see their daughter befriend the little princess of the Menethil family.

Of course, they had no reason to disagree with their daughter's request to stay at Menethil's house for a few days.

"How could I not be welcome? You can stay as long as you want."

Bell waved his hand and said.

Although if these two little girls came to live, Shanna would have to spend a lot of time with her friends, and would have to spend less time with Bell.

But even if she feels a little lonely, Bell still hopes that her sister can play happily with her friends more.

This will help Shanna grow up healthily... maybe?

After opening the door and letting the three little ones enter the cabin first, Bell turned to look at Hermione, who had been standing behind him.

"So Hermione, why are you pinching me again?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bell always feels that his girlfriend is a little weird today?

Could it be that those days that happen every month are here again?

"Hmph! I'm going to live at your house too!"

I heard that Phyllis and Reina were going to live at Bell's house, and it seemed that the time would not be short yet?

The female sixth sense once again sounded the alarm to Hermione.

Although through previous exchanges, Hermione had confirmed that Phyllis and Rena had no inappropriate thoughts about their boyfriends.

but! As the saying goes, love grows over time.

In the Bell family's castle, a man and a woman are alone...well, although they are not a man and a woman alone, if they come into contact with each other a lot, there will always be some sparks of friction!

So she had to monitor... no, she had to protect her boyfriend!

"I have no objection, but will my uncle and aunt agree?"

It was too late for Bell to be happy that Hermione wanted to live in his home, so how could he object?

Ahem...what about that? Bell dares to swear to God that he has absolutely no unhealthy thoughts, so don't think wrongly.



Will your parents agree?

Hermione didn't feel confident at all.

As for your mother, it shouldn’t be a problem if you talk about it carefully? But Hermione herself didn't believe she could convince her father.

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