The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 178 Penello’s Worries

Amid the cheers (or howls? The sound was too confusing for Bell to tell clearly) from the little wizards, the school year at Hogwarts finally came to a peaceful end.

There is still a week left until the exam results are announced. Everyone is enjoying the rare and perhaps the last relaxation and happiness.

Except for a few people.

The petrified little wizards were cured after the mandrake matured. And when these little wizards who didn't even know what happened to them recovered, they discovered with confused faces that the final exam was in less than a week! ?

WTF! ?

Fortunately, the professors are not all evil spirits. They very considerately canceled the final exams of these little wizards and let them have a good rest in the school hospital. By the way, they will observe whether there are any sequelae or the like. question.

However, before these little wizards had time to rejoice, after a few days of rest, that is, this morning, when everyone had finished their final exams and began to relax, they were once again told in confusion, In order to compensate them for missing a lot of classes due to the previous incident, the professors unanimously decided to give them intensive lectures in the last week, trying to instill in them all the knowledge they need to master.



Recalling the expressions of those guys before, Bell couldn't hold back any of them and squirted out the pumpkin juice in his mouth.

"Bell? What's wrong with you?"

Hermione picked up the handkerchief next to her hand and gently wiped the corners of Belle's mouth, quite like a good wife.

"No, it's nothing."

Bell didn't dare to let Hermione know that he was actually gloating just now, otherwise the 'good wife' would turn into a 'disgusting' one second.

"I said, don't you two care about the looks around you at all? You look like a happy newlywed couple. I don't dare to stand next to you two. Otherwise, torches will be thrown over and there will be no place to hide. "

Penello sat next to Hermione and teased the two of them.

"You didn't dare to stand, so you just sat?"

Bell couldn't help but complain.

"Isn't it so scary that my legs are weak?"

"Good morning, senior."

Hermione greeted politely.

"Good morning, little Hermione."

Penello held Hermione in his arms and rubbed his face in Hermione's hair.

"Little Hermione is still polite and knows how to say hello to me. Unlike some rude brat who doesn't even know how to respect my senior sister."

"Senior sister..."

Looking at the two women fighting, Bell couldn't help but sigh, the friendship between women is really difficult to understand.

Ever since Penelo was attacked by a basilisk before, I don’t know if he has broken some boundaries? In short, Penelo can chat and laugh with Bell as before.

And the most amazing thing is that the two women, who were still like a lost king before, became best friends who talked about everything in the short week when Bell was busy making Qian Bian.

When Bell learned about it for the first time, he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

"Senior, you haven't had any rest, okay?"

Seeing Penello's lazy look, Bell asked curiously.

"Alas~! It's not because of the exam."

Penello sighed.

"Exam? Isn't the exam over? And with your grades, senior, are you still worried about the exam?"

Bell was puzzled.

“I really envy you guys in the lower grades for being so carefree.

Senior sister, I am different. I am already an 'old woman' in the sixth grade. I will graduate next year and must consider finding a job.

If you want to find a decent job, you must obtain as many N.E.W.Ts certificates as possible. So you can rest after taking the exam, but for me, everything has just begun. "

"What job do you plan to do in the future, senior?"

"I don't know. And a witch like me who comes from a Muggle family doesn't have the right to choose.

Percy actually suggested that I join the Ministry of Magic, because he planned to join the Ministry of Magic. But to be honest, I didn't think I could get in at all. "

Penello sighed again.

It can be seen that the upcoming job search has indeed caused a lot of pressure on her.

"No way!"

Bell said with some surprise.

"Although I don't know much about job hunting, senior sister, you are one of the best students in your class! And there is only one magic school like Hogwarts in the British wizarding world. There shouldn’t be too much competition, right?”

“I only heard about it from my seniors.

Because most of the industries in the magic world are monopolized by pure-blood families. As for purebloods, most of them look down on half-bloods, let alone pure Muggles like me. So, in my situation, it is difficult to find a good job.

Oh, sorry, Bell, I forgot you were a pureblood too. "

Penello looked at Bell with some concern.

Although she was already dating Percy, she still regarded Bell as her good friend, so she didn't want Bell to have any misunderstandings because of what she just said.

Bell waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care. He touched his chin, lowered his head and pondered.


Looking at Bell who said nothing, Hermione called him worriedly.

Of course, she was not worried about her boyfriend, but herself.

After hearing what Senior Penello said, Hermione, who was also a Muggle, began to worry about the future. What kind of difficulties would she encounter when looking for a job?

At the same time, she became even more worried. Will Bell's family accept her?

She had had this worry during the previous Christmas break, when she was riding the Hogwarts Express back to London. But because she didn't meet Bell's parents at the time, she later forgot about the incident.

Now, Senior Penello's words stirred up her worries again.

"Senior, do you want to come work for me?"

Bell said to Penello.

Yes, he was thinking about this issue just now.

Now that the Bell family's actions are getting bigger and bigger, the need for talents has become more and more urgent.

Of course, with his father in charge, Bell didn't bother to waste time and care about those things. Working too hard too early can lead to baldness!

But today, after hearing Penelo's concerns, Bell discovered that this was a good entry point.

For wizards in the magical world, they do not have the concept of "school recruitment". All employers are passively waiting for Hogwarts graduates to apply for jobs.

If the Bell family company takes the lead at this time and comes to Hogwarts to sign employment agreements with outstanding young wizards who have not yet graduated, I believe they will be able to recruit many people.

You know, under Bell's influence, William, who gradually began to stop taking gold galleons as money, raised the treatment of his workers very high.

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