The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 179 Hiring Penello

"Give you a job? What do you mean?"

Penello looked at Bell in surprise. Apparently Bell's speech exceeded her expectations.

"Literally," Bell explained. "Actually, I recently discovered that as more and more information is submitted, I often don't have time to read it. So I want to recruit a secretary to sort out the information for me and filter out the important content."

"But isn't there someone more suitable here?"

Penello looked at Hermione.

Hermione quickly retracted her increasingly dangerous eyes, lowered her head and pretended to be reserved without saying a word.

"Not Hermione."

Bell said.

‘Why can’t I do it! ’

Hermione was angry.

If Bell can't come up with a reasonable explanation today, don't expect to talk to him again this week!

Hermione glanced furtively at the personal terminal.

‘Well, it’s Sunday, that’s good. ’

"Many of those materials contain advanced magical knowledge. It is impossible for Hermione to understand it at her current level. To be honest, I am not sure whether you are qualified for this job, senior."

"Leave it to me!" Penello patted his chest, "I will definitely be qualified for this job!"

She decided to throw away all the messy reference books recommended by her seniors such as "Five Years of N.E.W.Ts, Three Years of Simulation" and "Easy Passing of N.E.W.Ts in 30 Days" when she returned home.

To hell with exams!

"Has it really been decided? If so, I will have someone arrange the contract."


Penello nodded firmly.

Putting aside the indescribable emotions in her heart, based on her relationship with Bell, she believed that Bell would not arrange a bad job for her.

If the seniors in Grade 7 knew that while they were struggling with exams and job hunting, I, as a Grade 6 student, could solve work problems in the time it took me to have breakfast. How many people are envious and jealous to the point of separation.

"Okay, since you have just joined the job, senior, your salary may be lower. How about 50 gold galleons a month?"

"Not much!?"

"50 gold galleons a month. If it's too low, we can still negotiate."

"No! It's not low anymore! Rather, is it too high?"

Penello wondered if Bell had any unspeakable intentions for her?

That’s a monthly salary of 50 gold galleons!

She had heard from Percy that his father had worked in the Ministry of Magic for so many years, and his current monthly salary was only 50 gold galleons.

This is an income that can support a family of 9 people! It is estimated that many people will work until they die and their wages will not be raised to this level.

"It's not high anymore."

Bell, who didn't notice that the two women were looking at him more and more strangely, said casually.

"You know, the 21st century... ahem, sorry, I'm interrupting. What was the most expensive thing in the 20th century?


Talents like you, senior, are completely worth a monthly salary of 50 gold galleons.

And this is just the initial salary. Once you become proficient at the job, your salary will increase. "


Hermione whispered her boyfriend's name.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

He didn't know why, but looking at the smile on Hermione's face, Bell felt an inexplicable chill down his spine.

The weather forecast doesn't say it will cool down today?

"Can I also work for you? How much salary do you plan to pay me?"

Hermione asked.

"Of course you can't."

The smile on Hermione's face became more and more creepy.

"You're the boss's wife! You're still enough to pay me a salary."

In an instant, the dissatisfaction, jealousy, worry, and other negative emotions in Hermione's heart disappeared. All that is left is full of sweetness and happiness.

Seeing the smile blooming on his girlfriend's face, as beautiful as the first flower blooming in spring, Bell silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Hey! You two! Can you consider other people's feelings a little bit? I can't even eat breakfast because you stuffed my mouth full of dog food!"

Penello complained dissatisfiedly.

"Huh? You're not single, and you're eating stupid dog food? Why, did Percy make you angry again?"

Bell said disdainfully: 'You are a perpetrator, how can you pretend to be a victim? ’

"What do you mean 'again'? Percy is nice to me and has never made me angry, okay?"

"That's not what your look says."

Although it wasn't obvious, Bell found that Penelo frowned in a subtle way when he mentioned Percy.

"He's just... just annoying from time to time."

Penello defended quietly.

She couldn't understand it. You know, she was also a prefect! Although she is a prefect of Ravenclaw, there should be no difference in rights among the prefects of the four houses of Hogwarts, right?

So, why didn't she realize how amazing her status as a prefect was?

Aren't prefects responsible for communicating between professors and students, and occasionally doing small favors for professors?

So why is that guy Percy able to achieve the honor of being a prefect in three sentences?

One time, she was in a hurry and forgot to wear her prefect badge. As a result, after being discovered by Percy, she was talked about by him for a whole week!

As a prefect, you must always remember your identity; as the badge is a symbol of glory, the head can be cut off, but the badge cannot be crooked; and as for the 10 tips for waxing badges.

Penello wants to kill someone!

"Speaking of which, Bell and Hermione, what do you two think of Percy?"

For some unknown reason, Penelo suddenly asked Bell.

"Senior Percy is a very good man!"

Hermione answered without thinking.

"He abides by school rules, loves learning, and is serious about his work. When I first entered school, I received a lot of care from my seniors!"

After Hermione finished speaking her opinion, she looked left and right at Bell and Penello, who were sitting on both sides of her. However, the expected approval and agreement did not appear.

"What's wrong? Am I right?"

Hermione asked confused.

"Um, this, Hermione, I know it may be difficult for you to understand, but for most girls, the three items you just listed cannot actually add points, and may even reduce them. point?"


Hermione looked at Senior Penello who was nodding slowly, and she really couldn't understand.

"Bell, what about you? What do you think?"

Penello turned his gaze to Bell and asked.

"It doesn't look like much, it's pretty good."

Bell said perfunctorily.

"Are you being too perfunctory? No!"

Penello couldn't help but complain.

"That's right! Bell, just tell me, what do you think of Senior Percy?"

Hermione also rebelled against the camp and cheered for Penello.

"Why are you asking me this kind of question? It seems like I am ruining the relationship between you two. I won't do such stupid things."

Bell is not stupid. There's no answer to this question, okay? No matter what he says, in the end it's easy to end up not being human inside and out.

And he really didn't have a problem with Percy. After all, they didn't come to provoke him, so he didn't bother to care what happened to them.

"What you're saying means that you don't like Percy as a person."

"Yes, Bell, why don't you like Senior Percy? Has Senior done anything to offend you? You can't be a petty person!"

Hermione persuaded her boyfriend earnestly.


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