The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 177 Harry takes the blame

"But, but Professor Dumbledore is the principal! What if the professor fires you out of anger?"

Hermione said worriedly.

She simply couldn't imagine what she would do if Bell was fired? Do you want to leave with Bell?

"Don't worry, he can't fire me. I can almost fire him."

Bell waved his hand indifferently and said.

If other people heard this, they would definitely think that Bell was bragging.

"As long as our Principal Dumbledore, who is known as the 'greatest white wizard in modern times', does not plan to change his profession to become 'the most terrifying dark wizard in modern times', then he does not have the final say in Hogwarts alone.

And I'm pretty sure he won't change jobs.

Whether it was for his persistence over the years or for his lover who had been imprisoned in Nurmengard for nearly 50 years, he would never choose to become a dark wizard. "

Of course, this is only on the surface. The fundamental reason that prompted Bell to do what he did today, which was similar to breaking up with Dumbledore, was because he was no longer afraid of Dumbledore's power.

Although Bell's current strength is still far away from Dumbledore. However, he is now confident that he can escape from Lao Deng's hands. And as long as he is allowed to escape, it will be like 'an arrow piercing the clouds and thousands of troops coming to meet him'.

What should I do if I can't beat him in a duel?

A gang fight!

"Professor Dumbledore's lover!?"

Hermione was curious! Very curious! This was the first time she heard that Professor Dumbledore actually had a lover! ?

Seeing the thirst for knowledge shining in his girlfriend's eyes, Bell regretted his talk.

Although as far as he is concerned, who a person likes, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex, is that person's freedom. As an outsider, he is not qualified to comment on it.

but! He doesn't want his girlfriend to develop any strange hobbies and fantasize about unhealthy things in his mind all day long.

And if he would become the protagonist of those fantasy stories, it would make him shudder even more.

"No, it's nothing. This is the professor's personal privacy. We shouldn't talk about it behind his back."

Bell decisively cut off the topic, leaving Hermione no room for bargaining.

"That's right, Hermione."

Bell suddenly remembered something important.

"Now that the basilisk has been dealt with, please return all the snakes to me."


Hearing her boyfriend's sudden request, Hermione's left hand firmly grabbed the wrist of her right hand. She clasped her hands in front of her chest, took two steps back, and distanced herself from Bell.

Bell was very lucky that the young wizards were gathering in the auditorium to celebrate the solution of the basilisk problem, so he and Hermione were the only two people in the corridor.

Otherwise, if other people saw Hermione's current appearance, they would 100% think that he was a pervert and was planning to molest a little girl. Then he really wanted to cry without tears.

"Uh, why? Didn't we agree at the beginning? After the basilisk issue is resolved, all the snakes will be returned to me."

"It was then! Now it is now! We were just friends at the beginning, but now we are lovers! How can you ask your girlfriend for the gift you once gave her! It's so bad!!! "

Hermione glared at Bell with an expression of inhuman disappointment.


"Bell~ Just give Wan Snake to me, okay~ I know Wan Snake is very valuable~ But I really like it~ At worst, I will make it up to you later~"

Seeing Bell fall into silence, Hermione felt that the 'disappointment' route was not going to work, so she decisively jumped to the 'coquettish' route.

She had read it from the storybooks written by her roommates. Generally, as long as the woman in a couple acts coquettishly, the man will satisfy the woman's excessive demands.

In fact, Hermione also knew that her request was a bit excessive and a bit willful. She could tell that Bell really valued Wan She.

However, she was really reluctant to return Ten Thousand Snakes to Bell.

It's not because Ten Thousand Snakes are valuable or anything. With Hermione's current level of knowledge, she couldn't tell the difference between the value of the snakes and those few magical accessories.

Whether it was the magical jewelry or the snakes, what really made Hermione reluctant to return it to Bell was the fact that it contained Bell's desire to protect her.

Whenever she sees the snake-shaped bracelet on her wrist, she will feel full of happiness, which instantly fills her heart.

Looking at his girlfriend possessed by the drama queen, Bell felt... so cute!

Ahem, he didn't think about anything just now, so delete this paragraph.

Seeing his girlfriend acting coquettishly, Bell felt a headache and at the same time... secretly happy! Ahem, cough...but we still cannot give in on issues of principle.

Bell put an arm around Hermione's shoulders.

"Hermione, as I said before, Ten Thousand Snakes is only a semi-finished product. I need to study and improve it. This matter is really important to me! So please give it back to me first, okay? ?After the research is completed, can I give you a completed version of Wan She?"


"Of course! When did I lie to you? Don't worry, after the research is completed, I will definitely deliver the brand new Wan She to you as soon as possible."

"All right……"

Hermione pouted and reluctantly agreed to return the snakes to Bell.

Although compared to the more powerful and precious Ten Thousand Snakes that may come in the future, she still wants this one more. But she is not someone who messes around.

Since Bell said it was 'very important', no matter how reluctant she was, she would not continue to be willful.

Bell lowered his head and kissed Hermione on the little cheek, comforting his girlfriend.

As Hermione loosened her grip on her left hand, the snakes on her wrist immediately came to life and crawled back into Bell's hand.

In the days that followed, the long-lost calm returned again. At least it was peaceful for Bell.

As for those little wizards who had no intention of studying because of what happened before, and who were even worried that Hogwarts would close its doors at some unknown time, they desperately found that in less than half a month, they were about to have their first day of school. It’s final exam! ?

You know, many people think that in that situation, the final exam will definitely be cancelled.

But now that the basilisk is dead, of course, the exam will be held as scheduled?

Of course it’s hairy! By the way, who was so weak that he killed the basilisk?

What? It is said that Harry did something good again?

Can't he kill the basilisk later? ?

The angry little wizards' eyes would quickly become bloodshot every time they saw Harry's figure. This also caused Harry to feel an inexplicable chill on his back in the past few days.

Poor little Harry didn't even know that he had unknowingly shouldered a huge burden for Belle.

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