The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 176 Angry at Dumbledore

Finally, before Belle fell asleep, Hermione finished telling the whole story.

"I see, I understand. Thank you for your explanation, Miss Granger."

Dumbledore nodded and turned his attention to Bell again.

"Well, Bell, I have one last question. Do you know what this is?"

Dumbledore took out the diary that Bell had given to Professor McGonagall last night. It can be seen that there is a transparent round hole in the middle of the diary, and there are some burn marks on the edge of the hole.

"Voldemort's Horcrux."

Bell answered casually.

Different from Bell's casualness, after hearing his answer, a suppressed exclamation came from the side. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and Professor McGonagall both stared at Bell in shock.

Even Snape, who had been standing silently, could clearly see that his expression had changed.

"It's beyond my imagination. This is not something a little wizard should know."

Dumbledore also marveled.

"Can you tell me where you learned this?"

"Sorry, Professor, trade secrets."

Is it possible that Bell can still tell Lao Deng that he learned about it from his previous life?

"Tom told me before that he and you talked for a long time last night. Can you tell me what you talked about?"

"Life? Ideal? Who knows."

Bell was a little impatient. He didn't think he had done anything that should be questioned!

……I think should not be?

Seeing that the atmosphere had become heavy again, even more sinister than before, Hermione stood up anxiously again.

"Professor, Bell..."

Bell held out his hand to stop Hermione from speaking, his patience running out.

"Are you questioning me? Dumbledore...Professor."

"I just want to know what exactly happened last night. Of course, if you interpret it as a question, there is no problem."

"Find out your identity, Professor!"

Bell looked at Dumbledore with a sharp look he had never seen before.

"You are the Headmaster of Hogwarts, not an Auror of the Ministry of Magic! Instead of having the time to care about these things, please do your job first!

Look at this castle! What a mess these past few months have been! The professors are not interested in teaching, and the students are not interested in listening. There's still a bit of a school look to it!

I hope Professor McGonagall has conveyed to you what I said last night. I don't care what plan you have, just do it quickly!

I don’t want to see my girlfriend frightened all day long because of your plans! She came to Hogwarts to learn magical knowledge, not to wipe your little savior's ass!

Hermione, let's go! "

After saying that, Bell didn't care what Dumbledore's reaction was, he took Hermione's hand and walked towards the principal's room.


Hermione was frightened, even more frightened than when she first learned there was a basilisk roaming Hogwarts Castle.

She was afraid that the next moment, the professors would take out their wands and start a fight with Bell in the principal's office.

When he opened the door to the principal's office and was about to walk out, Dumbledore suddenly called out to Bell.

"You're right, Bell. I may have ignored the feelings of many students, but I had no choice but to do so.

If you say it, I should know the prophecy made more than 10 years ago.

It turns out that Voldemort is indeed alive, and in order to defeat him completely, we sometimes have to make some sacrifices. "

There was a rare hint of fatigue in Dumbledore's voice, but the determination in it remained unshakable.

"Come and help me, Bell. If you are by Harry's side to help him, he will be able to grow up as quickly as possible and eventually defeat Voldemort."

"I never believe in so-called prophecies! My future will only be in my own hands!"

Without any hesitation, Bell declined Dumbledore's invitation.

In his opinion, it was not so much that Professor Trelawney predicted Voldemort's failure, but that it was her prophecy that induced Voldemort's failure.

Even if one day, Voldemort is really resurrected and appears in front of him, then he will only use his own hands to defeat the opponent in person!

He never longs for the redemption of a hero, and there is no savior in this world!


Bell suddenly remembered something very important.

"Next year, my sister will enter school, and I don't want to see any mess wandering around in this castle again!

Please remember what I say today, Menethil is not a Malfoy and cannot be fooled! "

Dumbledore fell silent for a moment as he watched the two people slamming the door out.

"Presumptuous! It's too presumptuous!"

Professor McGonagall said with her face flushed with anger.

"How dare he, how dare he, how could he..."

"Okay, Minerva. Bell is right, maybe I should care more about the students' feelings."

The office fell silent again.

At this time, Snape was thinking 'MMP' crazily in his heart.

He has been stuck here like a pillar for so long, and finally he is here! ?

By the way, why is he here?

Oh, right! He wanted to negotiate with Bell to see if he could get some materials from the basilisk.

That's a thousand-year-old basilisk! Using its essence, you will definitely be able to make a very wonderful potion.

Early this morning, after learning that the Basilisk had been killed and the body taken away by the Menethil family imps, he immediately contacted William.

After all, the two of them were from the same college, and they were both well-known people, so they still had some contact from time to time.

As a result, guess what William said. He actually said that if he wanted to touch the basilisk's body, he must have the consent of his son Bell?

Why are you acting like me? Can you be more domineering? ?

After all his efforts, Snape finally failed to persuade William.

In desperation, when he met McGonagall in the corridor and learned that Dumbledore wanted to ask Bell to go to the principal's office for questioning, he immediately ran to the principal's office to wait.

As a result, no matter how much he let his thoughts fly, he never thought that there would be a young wizard who dared to fall out with Dumbledore! ?

By the way, if he caught up with him now and discussed the basilisk with him, would Bell regard him as a stooge sent by Dumbledore and take out his wand and give him a shot?

This is really a disaster!

Walking in the corridor of the castle, seeing that she was far away from the principal's office, Hermione mustered up the courage and tugged on Bell's hand.

"Bell, would it be inappropriate for you to talk to Professor Dumbledore like that?"

"What's wrong? If I didn't respect the old and love the young, I would have taken out my wand and hit him! Of course, the most important thing is that he still can't beat him."

Bell said casually.

By this time, he had calmed down the anger in his heart. After all, he had not practiced the Immortal Flame for so long in vain.

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