The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 122 Abuse of food is so boring

Standing in the center of the whirlwind, Bell breathed a long sigh of relief as he looked at the slowly rotating and enlarging snowball above his head.

This was the first time he had cast such a large-scale magic without using a wand.

Bell snapped his fingers, and a dozen broomsticks flew out from the locker room in the distance.

Looking at the broomsticks defrosting each other, Bell nodded with satisfaction. As a mature broomstick, how can you not learn to defrost it yourself?


Bell waved his hand in front of the little witch's eyes. When he was walking this way just now, he noticed that Hermione's eyes were a little strange. Now he was standing in front of Hermione, but Hermione still stared at him without blinking.

It's just a magic without a wand. Do you need to be so surprised?


Hermione finally came to her senses, her face quickly turning red.

‘What were you thinking about just now? ’

"No, it's nothing! Bell, how did you do it!? This is really amazing!"

Hermione tried hard to change the subject.

"You can cast spells without a wand, haven't you heard of it?"

"Of course I have heard of wandless spellcasting, but according to what is written in the book, wandless spellcasting can only cast some simple spells, and the power will be significantly reduced."

Hermione said that she had read a lot of books and there was no way she would lie to her.

"Books are also written by wizards, Hermione. Therefore, the content in the book can only represent the author's own views and perceptions, and does not represent the truth."

Bell once again tried to correct Hermione's bad habit of blindly trusting books.

"I can be 100% sure that the author of that book must not be as powerful as Professor Dumbledore. And the skills of wandless spellcasting mastered by Professor Dumbledore must be beyond the imagination of that author."

Hermione nodded in understanding.

Although she was unwilling to admit it, the content in the book that she had always believed in might actually be wrong. But everything Bell has done before has indeed gone beyond the realm described in the book.

Facts speak louder than words, and the little witch had no choice but to admit that there was still some truth in what Bell said.

For example, the section about Professor Dumbledore.

"What do we need to do next? Bell."

As she asked this question, Hermione couldn't help but move her eyes back to the shocking beauty in front of her. The scene of the flying snowflakes is so beautiful!

Bell looked at the little witch whose eyes were starting to look straight again, and smiled slightly. He took out his personal terminal, controlled it to float in mid-air, and recorded the scenery in front of him.

"Let's do this next."

Bell waved, and a snowball quickly formed and hit Hermione on the head again.


"My hair is already messed up anyway, right? So you don't need to worry so much."

Several more snowballs passed by and hit various parts of Hermione's body.

Hermione was angry. She no longer cared about admiring the beautiful scenery. If Belle continues to act so unscrupulously, she might turn into a snowman.

Hermione knelt down, grabbed a handful of snow, and rolled it into a big snowball. She wants to avenge her shame!

Hermione grabbed the snowball, ran forward two steps to use the force, and then smashed the snowball at Bell with all her strength.


"What love, um..."

Looking at the snowball floating in front of her, Hermione went a little crazy.

‘This traitor! It was obviously me who rubbed you out, but you flew forward! ’

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, before Hermione could finish expressing her dissatisfaction, the snowball that was still floating in the air crashed into her mouth.

"Bah! Bah! Bell! You are cheating!"

Hermione spat out the snow in her mouth and said dissatisfiedly.

"Where did I cheat?"


‘Yes, where did Bell lie? ’

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten, Hermione. Take the fight!"

Snowballs hit Hermione one after another. The little witch dodged awkwardly, but Bell's snowballs seemed to have eyes, and none of them missed.

In desperation, Hermione took out her wand and wanted to cast a spell to fight back.

"There are many obstacles..."

Another snowball hit Hermione's mouth, interrupting the spell she was about to cast.

"This is not okay, Hermione. Professor McGonagall has stipulated that I cannot use the wand. If you use the wand to cast a spell now, the monitoring will determine that I have violated the rules. I don't want to accept the punishment of confinement again, too much Trouble."

"Bah! Bah! Can't you change the place to smash it!"

Hermione spat out the snow in her mouth again and said somewhat frantically.

"Who makes it the simplest and most effective there?"

Bell shrugged.

Facing the snowballs that kept coming, Hermione tried various methods such as dodging, blocking, acting cute, begging for mercy, etc., but all of them were in vain.

Seeing Bell laughing so loudly that he almost rolled on the ground, Hermione finally couldn't bear it anymore. She seemed to hear the sound of the string called 'reason' in her mind breaking.

Hermione held her head in her hands, ignored the snowballs, and rushed towards Bell regardless.

The little witch's 'savage collision' move was beyond Bell's expectations. Looking at Hermione running wildly, Bell stood helplessly and was thrown to the ground.

There is no way, behind Bell is the auditorium stand. If he had ducked, Hermione would have slammed her head against the wall.

Not to mention that Bell was not good at healing spells. Even if he knew the 'resurrection spell', he would not be able to watch Hermione hit the wall.

"Damn Bell! Let you hit me! Let you hit me!"

Hermione pinned Bell down, grabbed Bell's cheeks with both hands, and pulled them hard to both sides.

"I'm sorry...oh, that's wrong...(I'm sorry...I was wrong...)"

Hermione decisively ignored Bell's begging for mercy. She finally understood that Bell was the typical guy who had a good attitude about admitting his mistakes and promised to make them again next time.

After an unknown amount of time, Hermione finally got angry enough (or maybe her hands were tired from pinching her?) and let Bell go.

"Seriously, Bell. Is there anything else we need to do next?"

Hermione sat on the ground panting, not caring about whether it was dirty or not.

In contrast, Bell didn't blush and was out of breath. He turned over and sat up. He snapped his fingers again, and the broomsticks that had mastered the automatic defrosting skill lined up and flew back to the lounge.

"You don't need to do anything. You just need to wait now. In about 3 hours, all the snow will gather together, and then the task will be completed. In fact, if it weren't for taking care of Professor McGonagall's face, it wouldn't be If I finish it too quickly, I can finish it in 5 minutes.”

Bell stretched and tapped the ground with his finger. A constant-temperature barrier was formed, enveloping the two of them, and then the soil quickly rose up, transforming into two comfortable lounge chairs under and beside Bell.

There's nothing I can do about it, Hermione is just too good at it. Having a snowball fight with her is just a form of abuse and has no meaning at all.

So, it’s better to have your own sister!

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