The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 123 Bell ‘Am I that miserable! ? ’

Looking at Bell, who was leaning on the recliner like a salty fish, Hermione sighed helplessly. She walked over to another lounge chair and sat on it.

"Oh~! Bell, you are so powerful! If only I could be as powerful as you."

Hermione said a little disappointed.

"You will definitely become stronger in the future."

Bell yawned and said casually.

Oops, what should I do if I suddenly feel like sleeping as soon as I lie down?

"Hmph! You don't need to comfort me like this!"

Hermione glared at Belle dissatisfied.

Even if you are just trying to trick people, at least you can have some fun! You are yawning and saying irresponsible words casually. You are too perfunctory!

Bell gave Hermione a strange look. He didn't know how they could have a good chat, but Hermione's anger bar started to rise again?

"I'm not comforting you. Everything has its price. I paid the price, so I became stronger. And the price you paid now is not enough, so you are not strong enough. But based on my understanding of you, Maybe in a few years, you will be completely transformed."

Bell forced himself to explain.

"Hmph! That's nice! Tell me, what price did you pay?"

Hermione regretted it as soon as she said this.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Although she has always spoken in a very unflattering way, she has never said anything so out of her mind! Bell won't be angry, right?

Hermione looked at Bell with some anxiety.

In fact, from the first day she entered the magical world, the seeds of inferiority were planted in Hermione's heart. However, because the little wizards in Hogwarts were so exhausted, the seed in her heart failed to take root and sprout.

But when facing Bell, Hermione always felt like she couldn't hold her head up.

The other party was really too good, so good that she couldn't even think about catching up.

If it had continued like this, maybe nothing would have happened. After all, people may be jealous of visible goals and want to chase them. But for invisible goals, people often only worship them.

However, the scene that happened last night activated the seed in Hermione's heart.

Invisible discrimination and prejudice provide it with nutrients for growth, giving it signs of taking root and sprouting.

If it is not eliminated in time, the little seed will crazily absorb Hermione's mind as nourishment and grow into a towering tree in a short period of time.

"The price? Let me put it simply. My magic power has been different from ordinary people since I was a child. The magic power in my body went crazy on the day I was born. So for the safety of people around me, and even more for my own safety, I was born After that, I was sealed in my bedroom. It wasn’t until I was 5 years old that I finally controlled the magic in my body and would no longer cause damage if I was not careful. Then I Walked out of his room for once.”

Thinking back now, maybe the magic power he had when he was a child was not just because the total amount of magic power in his body was too huge?

Based on Bell's current understanding of magic, as well as the occasional sense of dissonance caused by his memories of previous lives, Bell felt that the fundamental reason why his magic was running amok was probably because of something wrong with his soul.

With Bell's current level, he simply couldn't understand why he had traveled to this world.

But if you think about it, you will know that traveling through time will definitely not be an easy task. So, maybe there was something missing in his soul during the time travel?

The reason why he will no longer go berserk with magic power is not only because he has been working hard to control his magic power for so many years, but also because his soul has recovered under the nourishment of his body?

Of course, all this is just speculation generated by Bell's random thoughts in his spare time. As for what the facts are, Bell doesn't know and has no interest in studying it.

Not all questions have answers. At least everything is developing in a good direction now. That's enough, isn't it?

This was the first time Hermione heard Bell talk about himself, and to be honest, she was very surprised.

Although it's a bit bad to say this, Hermione has always believed that the reason why Bell is as good as he is now is because he comes from a pure-blood family. And from Bell's description, we can know that his family situation seems to be better than he imagined.

Hermione couldn't believe her ears.

Bell was sealed for 5 years right after he was born! ?

She couldn't imagine how a baby lived in a small room for five years, and now she had no time left to think about questions that were destined to remain unanswered.

Self-blame, regret, regret, and other negative emotions filled Hermione's heart, causing her tears to roll down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Bell. I don't know... I don't know you..."

Looking at Hermione who was crying, Bell jumped up from the recliner in surprise.

He looked at Hermione helplessly, completely confused as to what was going on.

Although his childhood experience was indeed a bit unique? A little rarer? But it's not that miserable, right?

It was clear that he didn't have any feelings himself, so why was Hermione's reaction so big? ?

The little witch cried louder and louder, and gradually she felt heartbroken. No matter how much Bell tried to persuade him, it had no effect.

Bell suspected that because she was so focused on crying, Hermione didn't even hear what he said.

"Hermione! Look at me!"

Bell, who felt that Hermione could not be allowed to continue crying like this, shouted sharply.

Hermione was startled by Bell's shout and looked at Bell involuntarily.

A blue light flashed from Bell's eyes. Inexplicably, Hermione felt that all the unhappiness was leaving her.

Whether she was sad or crying just now, it all seemed like what happened in a dream, and Hermione's mood calmed down in an incredible way.

What Bell just used was a variant of the 'Forgetting Curse'. He did not erase any of Hermione's memories, but chose to temporarily strip away those negative thoughts.

Just like watching a movie, in Hermione's current feelings, those negative thoughts before seemed to be owned by another self.

Although she could empathize with it, that person was not her after all.

In this way, with Bell's mental intervention, Hermione calmed down easily.

The reason why Hermione is asked to look over is because without using a wand, through eye contact, Bell can more easily and accurately peel off the part he wants to peel off, avoiding accidental deletion. .

"Hermione, what's wrong with you?"

Belle asked worriedly.

Just now, he accidentally discovered (really accidentally) that the amount of negative emotions accumulated in Hermione's heart was far beyond his expectation.

This is definitely not something that can happen in just a few sentences.

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