The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 121 Who said you can't cast spells without a wand?

Bell didn't know what happened between Hermione and Penello to make Penello avoid Hermione. But he didn't intend to get to the bottom of it.

Everyone has their own social circle. It is true that they are both their friends, but this does not mean that they must be friends.

"Bell? What are you thinking about?"

Hermione looked at Bell who was suddenly stunned and asked in a routine manner.

Why routinely?

That's of course because Bell often gets distracted.

And basically, if you ask ten times, you will get an answer once, and the remaining nine times it will be "nothing."

If it weren't for the fact that there was a guarantee, Hermione would have avoided even the routine inquiries.


(Hermione: 'Look!')

Hermione habitually ignored Bell's answer and continued: "Let's remove the snow after breakfast. If we work together, we should be able to finish it before dark."

"Go right after you finish eating!? You don't have to go so early. Can't you just go in the afternoon?"

Bell's face was full of reluctance.

Today is the weekend! Every Sunday morning is the rest time Bell sets for himself. This morning, he planned to sit in the warm lounge and pet the cat.

And it’s just snow removal, what a big deal. If it weren't for the sake of saving face for Professor McGonagall, Bell could have finished it within 5 minutes even without a wand.

"It's getting late! The Quidditch field is huge! If we don't finish it as soon as possible at dawn, it will be difficult to clean it after dark! And the days are very short now!"

Hermione said with some hatred.

Why can't Bale have a little sense of urgency? ? It made her look like the eunuch in The Emperor Is Not Urgent, The Eunuch is Urgent.

By the way, Hermione learned this sentence from Bell, and she didn't really know what a 'eunuch' was.

You know, cleaning the snow on the Quidditch field is Professor McGonagall's punishment for Bell! How could it be accomplished without some hardship? Even with her help now, it's not certain whether it can be completed before dark!

"Okay, okay, you have the final say."

Bell shrugged helplessly.

"Come on, Fina, let's eat slowly and try to eat it for 4 hours, and then we can continue to have lunch."


Hermione walked in front with her head held high like a victorious little hen. Bell followed the little witch dejectedly, muttering to himself as he walked.

'Damn Fina, she actually abandoned her master and ran back to the warm and comfortable lounge to sleep alone! See if I don’t complain to Shanna tonight! ’

Hogwarts is very beautiful after the heavy snow. Under the sunlight, everything shines white, giving people a pure and sacred feeling.

At this time, most of the little wizards were still sleeping or eating, so it was as if there were only Bell and Hermione in the whole world, and there was a hint of warmth in the deserted place.

Soon, the two walked to the Quidditch pitch. Looking at the thick snow piled up inside the stadium and in the auditorium, Hermione felt a little headache. Why didn't you think this place was so spacious before?


The little witch sighed inwardly and walked towards the tool room, trying to take out the cleaning tools.

There was a tug, and Hermione felt her robes being grabbed.

"Bell! Stop making trouble! I'm going to get the tools now!"

"What are you doing with the tools?"

Bell asked knowingly.

"Snow removal, of course!"

Hermione said a little frantically.

She began to wonder if she had made the right decision in dragging Belle over. Maybe it would be faster if she cleaned alone?

"Hermione, we are wizards. Whose wizard needs tools to clear snow?"

"But Professor McGonagall said you can't use the wand. Bell, you can't cheat!"

"No no no."

Bell shook his index finger. The look on his face made Hermione want to kick him.

Bell raised his index finger, and the snow beneath their feet floated. The snowflakes connected into a line, spinning continuously around the two people, and finally formed a snowball, hitting Hermione on the head.

"Who said a wizard can't cast spells without a wand. Let me teach you another lesson. The first step to becoming an elite wizard: cast spells without a wand."


Hermione was going crazy. She grabbed the snow on the ground and threw it towards Bell.

"Do you know how long it took me to make my hair smooth and smooth!? With just a snowball from you, all my efforts for an hour in the morning were in vain!!!"

It took half an hour for Bell to apologize and give assurances. Finally, after signing multiple unequal treaties, he finally appeased the angry little witch.

Bell finally knew why Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor. Just now, she was just like a furious little lioness, the kind who would scratch anyone she caught.

"But Bell, is it really okay for you to do that?"

After calming down, Hermione began to worry about her good friend again.

"What's the problem? The rule is that you can't use a wand, and there's no requirement that you can't use magic. I really didn't use a wand."

Bell waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, as long as you slow down a little, no one will know if you don't tell me or if I don't tell you."


"Are you really planning on sweeping away the snow with a broom and dustpan? Forget it, Hermione. Remember what I told you? We are wizards. When we encounter difficulties, we seek magical help. , is what we should do.”

Looking at the little witch who was still hesitant, Bell made a decision directly for her.

"Now, stand here and don't move."

After that, Bell walked into the Quidditch field alone.

Standing in the center of the court, Bell closed his eyes and slowly raised his hands. Azure light shone, and Bell's robe began to move automatically without wind.

To Hermione, it was as if Bell had suddenly disappeared. Although her eyes could still see Bell standing there, for some reason, Hermione had the feeling that Bell was no longer there.

Or it can also be said that Bell is everywhere?

A breeze suddenly formed. Bell put his hands together in front of his chest and shook them hard.

‘Choose the target – set the peeling method – create the center point – inject magic’

The light of magic overflowed from between Bell's fingers. As Bell separated his hands, a blue light spot appeared on his chest.

Bell gently lifted his right hand up, and the light spot floated to a position more than 2 meters above the ground.

The breeze blew up the snowflakes, which gathered from all over the stadium toward the light spot, and soon formed a small snowball. The small snowballs are getting bigger and bigger, while the snow accumulation in the field is getting less and less.

Hermione watched Bell's every move in surprise.

The scene of snowflakes flying around the light spots is like a dream. Bell stood directly under the light spot, like a snow elf surrounded by numerous snowflakes, which made Hermione fascinated.

The little witch could swear that the scene in front of her was the most beautiful scene she had ever seen in her life.

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