The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1975: Reversing time

The first rune of Heaven is eternity, and the next rune is either reincarnation or related to the starry sky.

Eternity means immortality.

Seeing * Yu Duxiu in front of her, the corners of her mouth slightly tilted: "It's time to use your strength."

He was held by Yu Duxiu, and then Yu Duxiu climbed to the highest peak of Yujing Mountain, with a pair of eyes looking down at the world, endless sentient beings, and sighed leisurely: "The billowing Yangtze River passes by, and the waves wash away the heroes. The sunset is red."

"Ghost Lord, I have made a move, but I don't know if you can catch it." Yu Duxiu stepped into the void, out of Yujing Mountain, and disappeared into the Great Thousand World.

In a certain void secret realm, Yu Duxiu waved her palm and looked at the corpse of the **** of death in front of him, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "I have resurrected the **** of death. I wonder if the ghost master can handle it."

Heaven flew out, Yu Duxiu's mantra flowed, and the law between heaven and earth seemed to continue to run slowly and stagnant at this time, and after a few breaths, time was actually still and not flowing.

A little streamer flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and after a while he said, "Reverse the long river of time."

An invisible power envelops Yu Duxiu. At this time, Yu Duxiu seems to be floating in the void, and his strength is constantly being suppressed.

Reversing time, its antagonism is no less than the ‘crossing’ in the so-called fantasy novel, as if it were the difference between downstream and upstream.

All living beings are creatures in the long river of time. The river is surging. With the flow of the long river, everyone gradually becomes aging with the flow of the long river, and continues to flow with the river.

Ordinary people are drifting along with the flow. Monks turn themselves into fishes, which can flow slowly, while Yu Duxiu now turns into a giant covering the sky and the sun, going upstream, looking for the coordinates of the **** of death.

The **** of death is dead, and the soul is completely dissipated in the world. There are only two ways to resurrect the **** of death.

The first is to disperse the body of the **** of death again, become the source, and then re-bred the **** of death.

The second one is to reverse the long river of time, pull the soul of the **** of death in the past time and space, use this soul as a guide, summon the remnant soul of the **** of death scattered in the world, and re-shatter the soul of the **** of death Reorganize and resurrect it.

In front of Yu Duxiu's body, the way of heaven is constantly rotating, time is twisting, and the world is astounding, soaring to the sky, changing and unpredictable, not knowing where to go, everyone is looking up at the earth-shattering Vision.

"What happened? Could someone else prove it?" The fox god's eyes were full of doubt, his eyes looked at the mighty vision all over the world, flashing the light of wisdom.

Xiangshen shook his head: "It's not like, there are traces of ordinary people who enlighten the Tao. At this time, I don't know the source of this vision, but seeing auspiciousness overwhelming the world is definitely not a bad thing."

Tiger God's brows kept beating: "There is always a sense of anxiety in my heart."

The ancestors of the human race raised their heads at this time, looking at the auspicious light of the earth and the earth, and the ancestors of the Tai Yi Jiao frowned: "It seems that the birth of the congenital gods, the vision of the heaven and the earth to congratulate, just the world for millions of years Suppressed by the supreme powers, there will be no birth of innate gods at all. This is a bit unreliable."

Everyone looked at Tai Yi to teach the ancestor, and Tai Dou taught the ancestor: "In the troubled autumn, I can't take care of so much. Now I have embarked on the road of no return. There is no reason to regret it. I will not take care of those. If you are If you want to intervene, just shoot it, don't worry about me."

"Forget it, the demons and the demon gods are the protagonists. What do we humans do with this kind of thing!" Taiping Jiaozu shook his head.

"The river of destiny is rolling. Someone is reversing the order of the world and changing the laws of the universe. I don't know who it is. They have such great courage." Tai Yi Jiaozu opened his eyes, and the river of destiny continued to fluctuate in chaos.

In the Yujing Mountain, the jade ancestor looked at the mighty shocking vision, and immediately shouted: "It's not good, it's not good, the world has changed drastically, I don't know what moths should come out this time."

While talking, the old jade ancestor ran into Yujing Mountain: "Hongjun! Hongjun! It's not good, it's not good, the big thing is not good, the big thing is bad,,,, eh, where is the person?"

The old jade ancestor looked at the hall in a dumbfounded manner, and then his expression changed: "I said this vision looks a bit familiar. It should be a sign of the birth of a congenital god, **** it, this kid Hongjun shouldn't be really here Resurrect the **** of death."

The ancestor of Jade was stunned. Thinking of the terrible consequences, he jumped again and jumped up into the sky, and ran towards the outside of Yujing Mountain: "Hongjun, Hongjun, come out for me, come out for me!"

In the Yinsi Difu, the ghost master carried his hands and looked at the earth-shaking vision, frowning: "I haven't seen such a earth-shaking vision for many years."

In the Sihai Dragon Palace, the four Dragon Kings looked at each other. Look at me and I see you. Nanhai Longjun said, "Big brother, do you know what happened?"

Donghai Longjun shook his head: "Some are like universal celebrations when the innate gods were born, but they are not the same. When the innate gods were born, the mighty aura was not so great, and this aura is too exaggerated. "

"Variable" Jinlin opened her eyes in her bedroom and smashed the case in front of her. His eyes rose to the sky with anger: "Damn bastard, can't you feel more at ease when you want to toss? ."

"It doesn't matter which **** you resurrect, it's just that you can't resurrect the **** of death, time, space, and the **** of cause and effect. These guys are the most difficult ones. Don't resurrect them." Old Yushi The ancestor constantly shuttled in the void, looking for the traces of Yu Duxiu, but at this time the world was already covered by the earth-shaking auspiciousness, how to find the traces of Yu Duxiu.

"It seems that I can only use the skill of housekeeping." The old jade ancestor paused his eyes and shrank his limbs, and instantly penetrated the void and pierced the sky. The sun and the moon were floating, and the old jade ancestor disappeared.

The world is vast, a vortex is distorted, thousands of images from the ancient times flash out, and a series of fierce auras are fleeting.

"It's not so easy to reverse time and space." Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, and the **** of death in front of him constantly exuded a mysterious aura, as if calling something.


The void broke open, and the old jade ancestor instantly hit Yu Duxiu's chest, almost knocking Yu Duxiu "

Buzzing, bounced Yu Duxiu away, looking at the old jade ancestor in front of him, Yu Duxiu frowned: "How did you find this old fellow?"

"Reverse the long river of time, did your kid really do it?" Looking at the constantly distorted time, countless pictures flashed by, the old jade ancestor was stunned, and then he threw behind his head the things to discourage Yu Duxiu, gritted his teeth. Said: "Mother, ancestor, I happened to break through the passage of time with you, return to the ancient times, and kill all those ungrateful guys."

"Old ancestors, don’t want to think about it. The torrents of the long river of time have the will of heaven and earth. In the past, time and space, everything is definite. If the ancestors dare to break the passage of the long river of time and return to the ancient times, they will go against the sky. It's not going to die, Zulong will fall under the majesty of the will of heaven and earth, let alone you?" Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor.

"Then why are you okay?" Yu Shi looked at Yu Duxiu with a beard.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "I am detached from the world, I am not affected by the red dust of cause and effect. I have infinite time and space. I am the manipulator of heaven and can change some subtleties."

While talking, Jade Duxiu and Jade Patriarch no longer know how many tens of thousands of years have passed through the chaotic ancient time and space. Watching the twisted years, countless pictures are fleeting, countless arrogances are fighting, and Jade Patriarch’s expressions are sighing. : "It's a pity! It's a pity! Patriarch I missed this chaotic ancient world!"


Feeling the trembling body of the **** of death in front of him, Yu Duxiu opened his eyes, and a round of jade-colored discs flickered in his eyes, surrounded by time channels, constantly twisting and changing, Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestors : "The ancestors shouldn't do anything indiscriminately, so as to avoid uncontrollable accidents!"

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