The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1976: Set foot in chaos, taboo areas

Yu Duxiu reversed the course of time and saw many Tianjiao buried in the years, unable to achieve immortality, and could only helplessly die of old age.

The old jade ancestor stared at Tian Dao* in front of Yu Duxiu and rubbed his hands, and leaned toward him: "Hongjun, you have a good wheel. You can actually control the will of heaven and hold the power of heaven. Can you let me see. "

Yu Duxiu held down the jade ancestor: "You old fellow, don't disturb your mind. This is the chaotic time and space. Only the place covered by this seat is safe. If you go out of the covered place, you will inevitably encounter Ominous, either completely killed by God’s will, or you die in the backlash of the long river of time. You are the person of the future, unique in this world. If you appear in the world, you in the past time and space will be with the future. There is a big fight in time and space. No matter who wins or loses, you will end up with the same end. If you win, the past body is beheaded, and your past is dead, the future body will naturally disappear. If it is the past The body killed you,,,,,,."

Seeing Yu Duxiu's expression, the ancestor of Jade had a bad cold: "The ancestor, I will die immediately. To be beheaded in the future will be a dead end."

"It's fine if you know," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Hongjun, can't there be a way for the past and future bodies to coexist?" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu.

"All sentient beings in this world are unique in the same time and space. You said that if you are in the present time and space, there is suddenly one more you, and he said that he is from the future, do you believe it or not?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"Of course I don't believe it. How can the long river of time be reversed? This is a lie to the children," said the ancestor of Jade, and stopped abruptly. A pair of eyes shuddered as he looked at Yu Duxiu: " This is also terrible."

"Yes, if you are coming to the ancient time and space, he must think you are a great enemy from somewhere, and want to replace it, it must be an endless fight, whether it is you win or he wins, You must be dead." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch with a smile.

"You kid don't lie to me, don't scare me" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor: "If you don't believe it, you will know if you try."

"You said, what if we wipe out all the nine supreme teaching ancestors, all the demon gods, and demon gods in the chaos time and space?" Jade ancestor rubbed his hands, eyes full of excitement.

"These supreme powerhouses are dead, and you will also be destroyed by the will of heaven. In a certain sense, whether you teach ancestors or demons, they all correspond to a certain law between heaven and earth, and the law of teaching ancestors is great. It means that there is another great law between heaven and earth, which is beneficial and harmless to the operation of heaven and earth. If you are not afraid of death, just try it. Besides, the ancestors have gathered innate spiritual treasures at this time and want to kill them in the past. It is not very realistic and not easy. It has already been favored by the world, how can the world easily ask you to change the fixed number" Yu Duxiu interrupted the words of the ancestor of Jade.

"But at least there is a slight chance to kill these strong men," said the ancestor of Jade.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, dyeing Yu Duxiu's clothes red.

"what happened to you?."

When the ancestor of Jade saw Yu Duxiu vomiting blood, he suddenly felt aroused: "Your kid brought me into the chaotic time and space. Don't have the slightest accident, or you will pit the ancestor."

Seeing the jade ancestor cursing, Yu Duxiu said, "I can still hold on to three breaths."

To travel through time and space, there is a price to pay. If you dig a river without restraint, you will be exhausted and disabled. It is not a joke to fall into the river and drown.

"There are still thirty breaths, you have to go back." Yu Duxiu didn't care about talking to the old jade ancestor, so she hurriedly took action and continued to form the Dao Dharma seal on the corpse of the demon god: "God bless the soul, and the soul will return home. , The death god, the soul has not returned quickly."

Yu Duxiu speaks truthful words, shaking time and space, and a gust of gloomy wind blows up in the valley of the gods buried in the ancient time.

"God of death, I have seen Taoist master."

The remnant soul of the **** of death knelt on the ground and respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu.

"A million years later, this seat will help you resurrect. Let me go with this soul." Yu Duxiu stretched out a hand, and the soul of the **** of death melted into the remnant body, and was blessed by Yu Duxiu with countless mysterious seals.

"Go, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore" Yu Duxiu's mouth again spurted out golden blood and fell on it, and saw the heaven shaking the heavens and earth, and time went back in an instant. The old jade ancestors and Yu Duxiu returned to the present time and space. The mysterious visions of the heavens and worlds are also gradually fading, disappearing without a trace in the breath, it seems that it has never happened.

"Weird, really weird, what happened on earth would cause such a big vision."

No gods were born in the great world, countless powerful people looked at each other, don't know what they were thinking, you look at me and I look at you, scanning every corner of the great world, hoping to find the root cause of the changes in the world.

"Hongjun? Hongjun is missing" Taishijiaozu's subconscious pair of eyes looked towards Yujing Mountain.

"Maybe Hongjun really did it. This guy has always been restless. It's very likely that this guy is calculating. I don't know why he caused such a big vision. Hongjun is missing. I don't know what he is planning in secret." Everyone. Look at me and I see you, with doubts in my eyes.

Since the birth of Yu Duxiu, all the movements of the heavens and the world have been related to Yu Duxiu, and they have never been separated from the relationship. When everyone sees a big movement, they will subconsciously think of Yu Duxiu.

"Looking for Hongjun" Xiang Shen said.

"Where is Hongjun? What is this guy doing?" Everyone looks suspicious when you look at me and I look at you.

"Hongjun, you really want to resurrect the **** of death." Looking at Yu Duxiu, the jade ancestor's complexion was tangled: "Should I stop you or help him be abused."

"Didn't you see it too? I am in charge of Heaven* as the lord of all gods in the world, and this **** of death will also be under my control. I will honor my orders. What's the fear?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade ancestor.

"This wheel of you is really a good thing. Back then, when we slaughtered Qingtian, the biggest benefit was cheaper for you. What a pity!" The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu sadly: "Back then, my ancestor killed the **** of death. , Can you suppress this hatred?."

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Don't We are allies of one front and one camp."

"After killing the enemy and killing allies, killing allies and comrades-in-arms" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly, but the words were horrified by the jade ancestor.

Looking at the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Don't even think about making trouble. I will not hide it from you. The sky has been gestated. If you dare to hinder my plan, you have to see if you can avoid the sky. The chase."

"Really, your kid turned his face and didn't recognize people. If you don't stop it, you can't stop it. What's the big deal" The ancestor Jade pursed his lips, muttered, and stepped back.

Yu Duxiu's mouth was smiling: "Ancestor rest assured, I won't treat you badly, but you have a criminal record and have to use this method."

"You guys have to think about it, don't regret it. The **** of death is the enemy of the world. Even if the ancestors, demon gods, and demon gods face the **** of death, they are all punishable by everyone, the power of the **** of death. The original power that can kill the ancestors, if the supreme power falls in the hands of the **** of death, he will be killed by the town of the **** of death, just like me, completely fallen between the heaven and the earth, waiting for some time to resurrect" Jade The ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu: "You have to think about it!"

"I'd rather take the world, not the world." Yu Duxiu looked at the old jade ancestor: "The **** of death respects my Taoist master and is under my hand. You know this secret, God knows and earth knows the rest. I don’t know. Instead of worrying about the **** of death, it’s better to worry about the ghost lord. If the ghost lord has practiced into chaos reincarnation, it will be a real disaster. In the future, facing the ghost lord, we may not be able to overcome it. , The ghost master practiced chaos reincarnation, you can still get good."

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu and hesitated for a while and said, "Let me see the six reincarnation patterns."

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