The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1974: Heaven *** Eternal Rune

When the old ancestor of Jade came to Wang Daoling and Zhuba carrying the holy infant, the two guys were a little confused. I don’t know what kind of madness these two young masters started to go crazy again, but the next screams came, that jade The ancestor put down the holy infant and could not help but stepped forward to make a fat beating at Zhuba and Wang Daoling.

"It's really bold to ask you to steal things and dare to steal the tortoises of the holy infant."

The old jade ancestor rolled up his sleeves, his fists snapped down, and the fists hit the flesh. The two of them were groaning hard. Wang Daoling wailed: "Old ancestor, I don't have one."

"Dare to speak hard." The old jade ancestor started even more ruthlessly.

"Old ancestor, we really didn't do it." Old ancestor Zhu Ba protested.

"Unexpectedly, I refuse to admit it." The old ancestor of Jade had another round of punches, and the two of them hugged their heads and wailed constantly.



Seeing the two people who kept holding their heads and crying in pain, Sheng Ying couldn't bear it: "Ancestor, I don't think they stole it, don't beat it."

"You kid is too innocent. These two guys are old fried dough sticks. If you don't fight, how to confess, don't worry, just watch it." The old jade ancestor scolded Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba. The sacred infant is a violent spirit, and the tragic thing is really tears when the viewers hear it, and those who hear it are sad: "Old ancestors, even if I am unlucky, that tooth will be lost if you lose it. Don't beat your old man, stop it."

"Oh, your kid is still too innocent. Since you have to forget it, my ancestor will not intervene too much." The ancestor Jade clapped his hands, looking at Wang Daoling and Zhuba, who were swollen and swollen, lying on the ground and wailing. : "Old ancestors, I still have things to do, so I won't stay with you any longer, just play slowly."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor was gone. Looking at Wang Daoling and the pig eight ancestors in the field, the Holy Infant was a little dazed, just lost his teeth? .

On one side, Wang Daoling got up and grinned: "Little ancestor, that tooth must have been stolen by an old **** like Jade. If you go to him, our brother has been killed. It is truly a disaster."

"Forget it, forget it, I'll talk to Prime Minister Turtle about this matter" Sheng Ying said with his head down and dull.

"This old thing is really the best" Yu Duxiu looked at the movements of the old jade ancestor, and shook her head. A white tooth appeared in her hand, and she shouted outside the hall: "Lingyu."

"The disciple is here" Lingyu walked in.

"Go and send this tooth to the holy infant" Yu Duxiu handed the tooth to Lingyu.

"Disciple Zunzhi" Lingyu took his teeth and walked out of the hall.

But he said that the ancestor of Jade ran to a certain corner of Yujing Mountain, with a triumphant smile on his face: "A child is a child. Even if the time is fierce, he is still a child. These teeth are precious. Hand it over easily,,,,, Huh, Huh, Huh."

The triumphant smile on Old Jade Ancestor's face solidified, and he touched his arms around: "No?."

The ancestor of Jade opened his own small world in a panic, and kept looking around in that small world. Various treasures were piled up like a mountain, but they were thrown on the ground as if they were tattered.

"No? Actually not? How could it be? Where did it go?" The old jade ancestor plopped and sat on the ground: "I didn't expect that when I was caught by the wild goose, who stole the treasure in my hand, but was not alarmed. It's not good or bad, so my treasure is not safe anymore."

Where is the ancestor of jade suspicious, Yu Duxiu has begun to retreat, turning his own heritage into strength.

A crystal clear* floated in front of Yu Duxiu, which seemed like a rainbow, illusory, but real.

The most important thing is that the sound of heaven sings there, and everyone who hears it is intoxicated and can't extricate themselves from it.

"This is the essence of the law, the heaven and earth artifact, the chaotic treasure, which can control all the laws and control all the power." Looking at the * Yu Duxiu in front of him, she was fascinated: "It's a pity, it's not enough, this is not enough, this gem The power of is still too weak, not in line with the expectations in my heart. Although it is powerful, it can control the world, but it cannot take the world and become the hub of the world. I still need to sacrifice and usurp the power of the world and control the power of the world. Only then can it truly become an artifact of good fortune."

There are countless runes circulating in Yu Duxiu's hands: "I have understood the profound meaning of reincarnation. The world is endless, changing, life and death is the right way."

"Reincarnation is life and death, but unfortunately I have not yet fully understood it, but the true meaning of the heavens I have realized, the sky will last forever, and the eternal immortality, combining the wisdom of my past and present lives, and comprehending two runes, which all heaven and all beings pursue The word is nothing more than eternity. Although the heaven and the earth are repeated, the heaven and the earth are eternal, and the law does not change. "Yu Duxiu's voice is faint, but his body is trembling slightly, which seems to cater to Yu Duxiu's mantra.

"Eternal" Yu Duxiu's fingers are changing on the top: "The vicissitudes of life, the way of heaven is eternal, although the laws will change, but the way of heaven is eternal and will not change every week.

A peaceful and pleasing voice sounded. With Yu Duxiu’s ritual, there were two ancient runes that were made of vicissitudes of life, exuding immortality, and I don’t know what words they were. .

The world is shattered, chaos repeats, all things survive and die, and the laws change. Only one traverses eternity, traverses the beginning, traverses time after time, time after time, chaos repeats, opens the world, the world changes, only this leisurely.

Two runes, the runes are constantly changing, without fixed phases, changing all the time, only one original meaning remains unchanged, that is eternity.

"These are the two words that I have condensed through the cultivation base of my life. The runes of the Great Book of Heaven are recognized by the law, and my cultivation base is condensed into the real seal of the Great Dao." Yu Duxiu looked at that * with a strange light in her eyes. "The word eternity only occupies a small part of the space. Next, if I can digest the foundation of the law of reincarnation, I may be able to smelt the true seal of reincarnation, compete with the ghost master for the authority of reincarnation, and even deprive the ghost master. The power of reincarnation, completely return to the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, and take it out."

There is a cold light in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "Eternity means immortality and immortality. I want to damage it in the future, but it is extremely difficult, almost impossible, but there is a ray of vitality between the heavens and the earth, and my purple energy is not thorough. The rehearsal will bring forth a ray of life, if I can completely grasp that ray of then,,,,,,".

Yu Duxiu wanted to laugh, but resisted the laughter, looked at the crystal clear wheels on her chest and said, "Now that you are in my hands, you should naturally have a name."

Yu Duxiu looked at * and pondered for a long time, and then said: "You can mobilize all the power of the laws between the heavens and the earth. This is the power of the heavens and the earth. This seat wants to use you to usurp the power of the heavens and the earth and completely control the heavens and the world. In the future, in my sacrifices, your power will inevitably increase step by step. How about just calling you heaven?"

Looking at the wheel, Yu Duxiu laughed and clapped her hands and praised: "The way of heaven is good, and the way of heaven is good. One day, you will take the way of heaven and you will become the way of heaven and earth."

Yu Duxiu's big ambition actually wants to become the heavenly way hanging on the heads of all beings. It is really a good ambition to hold the lives and vitality of all beings in the hands.

The corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth was slightly tilted, watching that day, Dao* instantly melted it into the center of her eyebrows and closed her eyes.

The reincarnation of the heavens is the essence of the law. In a sense, the so-called will of heaven and earth is the power of the laws of heaven and earth fused together. Jade Duxiu is capable of fusing the laws of heaven and earth together to form the law of heaven. The power of will, if Yu Duxiu's cultivation becomes great in the future, it may not be unable to hold the power of heaven and earth and become another heaven besides heaven.

The way of heaven is the way of heaven. It does not change every week and will last forever, and the way of heaven of Jade Duxiu is to build up this power, or to use this power to control this power.

It's like a river, which is always flowing and has its own channel, but if one day someone changes the channel with a shovel, it will be different.

Yu Duxiu's purpose is to be the man with the shovel.

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