The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1607: Ming? M Deng Tian Kou Yao Chi

No matter how the ghost master comforted the Crown Prince Yin Si, he did miss the only opportunity to kill Zhang Jiao. □Tomato□○Fiction Net△□``---``---`

Zhang Jiao’s magical powers are too far-defying. This Fulu Dao is simply against the heavens. It can borrow the power of anyone from the heavens and all realms. If it weren’t for being misled by the ancestor Zhu Ba, I’m afraid that the prince of Yin Si would have been Zhang Jiao was defeated.

However, because of his timidity and cautiousness, the prince of Yin Si missed the only opportunity to kill Zhang Jiao. At this time, the horn had already emerged, and his magical powers were earth-shattering. Now he was backlashed by the power of the Ancestral Dragon and was hit hard, but he was killed. The best time to open the angle, especially the road to the sky, can suppress the power of the Taiping ancestor, so that even if the Taiping ancestor finds that the angle is hurt, it may not be able to make up for it instantly.

"It's a pity" Sha Wujing sighed softly after listening to the words of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

After hearing the words, Yu Duxiu turned her head expressionlessly and looked at Wukong: "What does Wukong think?"

Wukong was carrying a stick in front, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes: "Even if the power of the horn is strong, what can it be? After all, it is borrowing the power of others. Even if the demon **** or the ancestor comes, I am not afraid, let alone It is the power borrowed from that horn." ☆△◇☆Fanqi Novel Network``

"You are not afraid, because you have vast magical powers, but you have to know that not everyone in these heavens and worlds has the same ability as you." Yu Duxiu turned a pair of eyes and looked at the regretful ancestor Zhu Ba and Monk Sha, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: "It will be interesting in the future. I didn't expect that there are many interesting people in these heavens and worlds."

"Master, now this car Chiguo has passed, what shall we do next?" Monk Sha interjected.

Yu Duxiu sat up slowly and slowly, with a little divine light in her eyes: "Naturally, soldiers come to cover the water and soil. What can be embarrassing? I believe that after so many calamities, it is also called the great power of the heavens and the world. I know that the road to heaven is very deep, even if you want to intervene, you have to consider your own strength."

"What the master said is that according to my old grandson, no matter which way he is, as long as he dares to provoke us, he will be killed by a stick. It is so troublesome, as long as we occupy the truth. Amitabah is waiting for everything.” Wukong waved his palm, not caring. ▽ Fan △ Jiafiction Net ▽```----

East China Sea.

The Four Seas Dragon Lords gathered together, and Jinlin sat opposite East Sea Dragon Lord, with a chess piece twisted in his fingers: "Brother, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple."

"What do you want to say?" Donghai Longjun was taken aback when he heard the words, and raised his head to look at Jinlin on the opposite side.

"I don't know why, every time I look at the road to the sky, the younger brother feels restless in his heart. It seems that on the road to the sky, something terrifying is gradually brewing and awakening." Jinlin put down the chess piece in his hand , A'pop' landed on the chessboard, this chess piece seemed to have a kind of weird magic power, fell in the ears, and people couldn't help but feel turbulent.

Then Xihai Longjun laughed, "Is it because the virtuous brother is too nervous and tired? Although this road to the sky is weird, if it is said that it breeds something that makes you feel scared, I am afraid it is impossible. When I reach the realm of you and me, even if Amitabha is detached, Taiyi Jiaozu and Fox God have broken through another realm one after another, to me, it is just a little pressure, let alone palpitations, is it possible that Xian brother thinks Say, after walking the road to the sky, the Buddha will give birth to a terrifying existence? Do you think that Amitabha is the unlucky ghost? Now we have all proclaimed the Tao and stabilized the Taoist fruit, even if the unlucky ghost is resurrected, we are not necessarily afraid Up him". □Tomato◇ Novel Network ``---`-`--``

After hearing Xihai Longjun’s words, Jinlin frowned: "This is just my personal feeling, and this time Too Yi taught the ancestors to take the devil’s Cha Chiguo, although the horn was backlashed by the power of Zulong, Suffering severely, but with Taiping personally protecting it, it will not take long to recover, and even if it breaks through the Xianfan Pass, the certificate will be in no position. How troublesome it will be at that time, I don’t need to say more about that angle. The power of all the strong in the sky has no weaknesses."

Donghai Longjun stopped when he heard the words and looked at Jinlin with his eyes: "I don't know what Brother Xian thinks?"

"I have already had an irreconcilable contradiction with the West. Amitabha and the Buddha will not fall. Even if I have overcome the cold, I will never want to get ahead. We might as well take this opportunity and make a ruthless calculation of the Buddha. See through the back of the Buddhist school. "Jinlin's eyes narrowed. `````-

"What's your plan?" Nanhai Longjun's head came over.

Jinlin slowly twisted a chess piece: "Well, it's better to send the four generals under the Dragon King of Four Seas to the road to the sky in person, start a contest with the Buddhist school, and instantly capture the traitor of Longsan Prince."

"Four quasi-long-lords? I'm afraid it's too much, Amitabha will turn his face." Donghai Long-kun pinched the chess piece, looking at the chessboard in front of him, pondering.

"It's okay, this road to the sky is really weird. The little brother has to walk it personally. As long as the four generals show signs of decline, I will personally take the shots to welcome the generals back. If I can really catch Prince Long, Refining those Sanzang monks into the elixir of immortality, the Buddha's luck will make wedding clothes for my dragon clan." Jinlin's palm played with a few chess pieces, and the sound of crashing constantly, the sound is clear and loud, it seems to be leaking. With infinite magic, it is fascinating.

"Okay, let the virtuous brother personally walked through it. Now the Buddhists are already struggling. Except for the unclear attitude, the others have secretly turned their faces with the Buddhists. The ancestors of the human race and the Yinsi have joined forces to entrap. The Buddhist school, if it weren't for the masters of the Buddhist school, I'm afraid I would have been killed by these two families a long time ago. What I am curious about is where so many masters from the Buddhist school come from. It is really strange." Donghai Longjun Dao.

In the Thirty-Three Heavens, Miaoyu stroked a seal with the divine light flowing in her eyes, and countless peach blossoms dazzled in her eyes.

"I have seen the empress" Gong E walked in.

"What's the matter?" Miaoyu put the jade plaque into her sleeve without a trace, and looked at Gong E who had fallen to the ground.

"The Taiping Taoist disciples have been ordered by the Taipingjiao ancestor to come to see the empress" Na Gong E said.

"Oh" Miaoyu sat up slowly when she heard the words, and the phoenix around her body turned: "Go to my harem and take two 6,000-year-old flat peaches."

"The slave servant obeys" Gong E next to him turned and left, and Miao Yu looked at the kneeling Gong E and said: "Go and invite the Taipingdao disciple in."

"Mingyu, monk of the lower realm, I have seen the queen mother and empress" The monk of Taipingdao walked into the hall, respectfully, and bowed according to the rules.

If this wonderful jade is just the queen mother, it’s fine. It’s not seen in people’s eyes, but this wonderful jade itself is a quasi-superior powerhouse. There is also a peach magic medicine that prolongs life. Don't you miss the pan peach magic medicine? .

Who dared to pat and say: "I won't need the magic peach medicine in my life?".

The monks of the heavens and myriad worlds ~ ~ as long as they take refuge in this queen mother and are loyal, they can eat flat peaches on time according to the season. With this wonderful jade immortal, it is not a joke.

Therefore, relying on Pan Peach, Miaoyu immediately attracted countless powerhouses from the heavens and the world, and no one knew how much power he controlled secretly.

Anyway, without reaching the supreme realm, without devouring the elixir of immortality, he could not get rid of the power of this flat peach.

Unless it is one day, the old monarch's alchemy technique of the 33rd Heavenly Dousing Palace has passed the last step and developed the elixir of immortality.

"Get up, we are not outsiders. Back then, you and Senior Brother Miaoxiu had some friendships. Unexpectedly, the time has passed. Senior Brother Miaoxiu is no longer there, and your cultivation has reached the realm of good fortune. Over the past five thousand years, you too Without losing the magic power, giving up the practice." Miaoyu's body was enveloped by phoenix air. Under the oppression of the phoenix energy, Mingwei couldn't lift his head at all, but just stood there respectfully instinctively.

"My mother, what realm has Senior Sister Miaoyu's cultivation level reached? How can the pressure be so tyrannical? Even Senior Brother Miaoxiu didn't give me such compelling pressure." Mingxu stood there, in his heart Secretly stunned, evaluating Miaoyu's power. (To be continued.)

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