The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1606: Zulong backlash, missed opportunity

Such a disgusting divine channel fruit, if one day the horn card is issued, it will be quasi-superior. △△○Tomato△Novel▽Net--```--``--`

"I don't know if Zhang Jiao can borrow the power of my calamity and the power of the ancestor dragon" Yu Duxiu whispered to herself, but seeing the black lotus flickering in the eyes of the old ancestor Zhu Ba, she muttered, "Zhang Jiao's The supernatural powers are so powerful, I don't know if I can borrow the supernatural powers of Zulong."

Although the voice was low, it spread throughout the audience, and all the worlds of the heavens were silent for a moment.

If this kind of thing comes true, that horn would be really invincible, let alone a quasi-immortal, even Amitabha and Taiyijiao ancestors are not enough to harm the horn.

"I take back what I said before. The Taiping ancestor did not lose sight this time. You are indeed one of the top arrogances of the heavens and the world." Prince Yinsi wiped his lips slowly and sat up slowly: "But I am not convinced, let's continue. After being here, I have found your weakness. Although you can borrow the power of countless time and space ghosts and gods from the heavens, those powers do not belong to you. You can only use them in accordance with the rules. It is extremely rigid and it is not difficult to defeat you." Tomato Novel ◇△Net---```-``

Zhang Jiao ignored what Huiyin Siguizi said. Instead, he looked at Old Ancestor Zhuba with a pair of eyes, and his eyes showed thoughtfulness.

"No, Zu Long's power is too great, it is not something you can blaspheme" Taiping Jiaozu in the Taiping Road was suddenly startled.

It's a pity that the words were too late, but I saw the chaotic air in the hand of Zhang Jiao momentarily, and saw an ancient vicissitudes of life gradually awakened, and the Yinsi prince on the opposite side changed color suddenly, and didn't want to instantly penetrate the Yin and Yang channel. Fleeing back to Yin Division.

After the black and white impermanence and the judge felt the great power of Zulong, they also shuddered, and instantly dived into the endless void, dived into the Yin Division, and watched the fire from the shore.


Fu Zhuan exploded, and Zhang Jiao's blood splashed.

"It's a pity that the prince of Yin Si was too courageous and was scared away by Zhang Jiao, but he gave up the luck of the Yang world and made Zhang Jiao cheaper. Although for the prince of Yin Si, Dao Guo Yan Luo has already taken shape. Qi Luck is useless, but it has helped Zhang Jiao to grow up. The luck of a country in the Yang world is enough to push Zhang Jiao to the realm of quasi-xian. At that time, can this horn mobilize the strength of Ancestral Dragon? "It is indeed two sayings." Yu Duxiu frowned, her eyes full of doubt. Tomato △ ☆ Small △ Shuowang-`--`--````


The road to the sky broke open, but saw the Taiping ancestor's palm stretched out, instantly swept away the severely injured horns, disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"Taiping this old thing is taking luck, and he was picked up by him again" Tai Yi Jiaozu said bitterly.

"Huh, what's so envious, this Fulu Avenue is against the sky, and it will be restrained after all." Taiyuan Jiaozu said that grapes were sour when he couldn't eat grapes.

In the wild, all the demon gods were silent. After a while, they heard the centipede ancestor mutter: "This kid is too terrifying, can't stay, if you ask this fellow to prove the truth, how can the world be With my reckless shelter, who is his opponent in the heavens and the world."

"Zhang Jiao has gained the aura of Che Chiguo, and with the support of the Taiping ancestors, I am afraid that the general situation is complete. I want to do nothing, but I can't do it." The tiger god's eyes were full of helplessness.

"Then what should I do, is it possible to watch Zhang Jiao grow up and pose a threat to my recklessness?" The wolf god's eyes were faint. □Tomato◇ Novel Network ``---`-`--``

The Fox God was slightly pensive, and after a while, he said, "I'm afraid it's hard to tell, think of a way to push the burden on the ghost master."

"No need to shirk, the ghost master has never severed the ambition of Yang Shi. Naturally, he is not willing to stay in the Yin Division forever and will not be freed. I am afraid that the ghost master will act on Zhang Jiao first." The God of Rabbit bit the carrot and said.

Everyone in Yinsi left Che Chiguo, and the whole farce of Che Chiguo, for Yu Duxiu and several apprentices, although there were some twists and turns, it was not considered dangerous. Instead, they watched a good show.

"Asshole" the prince of Yinsi returned to Yinsi and saw that the horn was backlashed by the power of the ancestor dragon and missed the best opportunity to kill the other party. He was immediately annoyed. He looked like he was holding his head and squirming, afraid that he would be seen by others. If you don't be a son of man, you won't be able to come to the stage in the world in the future, so how can you meet people?

"Father God" Prince Yinsi took a deep breath.

"Needless to say, you are the heir of my Yin Division. The rise and fall of my Yin Division depends on you. In that case, you are right when you run back. If you make a wrong bet, Zhang Jiao will really borrow it. With the strength of the Ancestral Dragon, then you will die." The ghost master waved his hand and interrupted the words of the ghost. Tomato △ ☆ Small △ Shuowang-`--`--````

"Father, the child is not reconciled." The Crown Prince hammered his chest.

"This matter needs to be discussed in a long way. The human race and the wild war are not far away. As a member of the human race, that horn will naturally not escape the battlefield. My yin is in charge of the reincarnation of all living beings. It is not too difficult to calculate the horn. The most important thing for Weijin is to find the other half of life and death.

The prince of Yinsi looked ugly upon hearing this: "The other half of life and death in the world of Yang is like a stone sinking in the sea, but I heard that the life and death was taken out by Amitab from the pure land of Lingshan as a gift, and the rest is not known. There is no clue to who it was given."

The ghost master heard the words and touched his chin: "The heavens and all realms can be put into the eyes of Amitabha, who is entrusted to life and death by Amitabha, I really can't think of who it is."

"If you can't find it, you will find it. The other half must be found." Prince Yin Si lowered his head and looked at the other half in his hand.

"What happened to that blood demon recently?" Prince Yinsi looked at the ghost master.

"Hmph, there are countless ghosts in my Yin Division. The Gorefiend seems to have sensed my Yin Division's intentions, resisting desperately, gradually converging the line of defense, and secretly screening high-quality ghosts. Those inferior souls are not allowed to even approach the sea of ​​blood. He was swallowed by monsters.” The ghost master squinted his eyes: “The blood demon is a lone tree after all. The key is that with the little monk in the ground, this matter is difficult to handle. These two guys are embarrassed and have found a lot for my Yin Division. The trouble made the Yin Division unable to conquer the blood sea too late, so I still need to find a way to send the little monk out of the Yin Division."

The yin prince rubbed his eyebrows: "The little monk was on the bar with my yin. Hell is not empty and swears that he will not become a Buddha. He is innately immortal with my yin. The little monk is a part of the golden body of Amitabha. Between the quasi-superior strong and the supreme strong, wandering in the long river of time, unless the Father God personally takes action, otherwise no one in my Yin Division can help him."

The ghost master squinted his eyes when he heard the words: "This matter is not anxious, and we still need to consider a long-term plan. Find a way to provoke the life and death struggle between Lingshan and the rest of the forces. At that time, my Yinsi Difu will naturally have the opportunity to get rid of this little monk. ".

"Father, the Lingtai Fangcunshan, Chaotian, Fuyao and the group of people have an ambiguous relationship with Lingshan. They can turn around at a critical moment, but they have to guard against it," Yin Si said.

The ghost master nodded when he heard the words: "This matter is known to my You think carefully about how to set a catastrophe for the Buddhist monk. As the saying goes, there are no more than three things. This is the last time. If you dare to take action, I'm afraid Amitab will go crazy. Although the father is not afraid of him, at this time, this kind of troublesome season will be less troublesome, or less troublesome."

"My child obeyed, this third time, we must ask the monk who takes the scriptures to be planted in the hands of my Yinsi." The Yinsi Prince slowly withdrew.

"Hey, the end of the song is over, the excitement is over, let's continue on the road" Wukong stood up slowly and looked at the chaotic state of Che Chi, knowing that this country has become history, and it will either be included by the Buddhist school in the future, or Become a ration for demons.

"Brother Monkey, you said Zhang Jiao’s magical powers are so disgusting. Such disgusting magical powers are rare in the world. If anyone meets them, they will really be a bad luck for eight lifetimes.” The eighth old ancestor Zhu spit, hating it. Teeth itching.

"You idiot, that horn has no grudge against you, why are you acting like this" Yu Duxiu laughed and scolded Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"Master, your old man thinks, that horn belongs to the nine supreme sects, and we belong to the Lingshan Pure Land, we may not be able to match it anytime, when we encounter that horn, it is really troublesome. It’s simply unlucky for whoever meets them." Zhu Ba Pao Pao wailed. (To be continued.)

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